Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1518: I want to see it again...

The film begins.

The beginning of the story begins in a school.

It's not a special scene, just a very ordinary school.

The protagonist is five sister papers from China, Japan, Germany and France.

At the beginning, it was the sister paper from the mud bomb.

The beginning of the story tells the story of the girl who came to the new school and then joined the new club.

If anyone has read it, they will probably know that this girl and Ping Yui are very similar. But here, Morinatsu still uses the name of the original heroine, "The other side of the sky", but the other supporting roles such as Miyari Wang are gone, and Kitamura Hideri is gone...

Cough... Although Morinya copied it shamelessly, she didn't copy it completely either.

The story was originally intended to adopt the World War II structure, but because the Chinese side felt it was not very good to adopt this model at this moment when creating it, so the story specifically blurred the age of the war. In a sense, the story says that development is possible in the age of overhead, although it is not known that a certain country can survive this kind of “overhead” time.

Although there are five characters in the story, they still follow Kongshen from the beginning.

This is a girl from an ordinary family of mud bombs, with absolute sound, single lines, curiosity, and loves music... Well, although the set is close to the original depth of the space, Morinka has a lot of Hirasawa Yui The content is inside.

In addition, there is a eldest lady from Germany in the school, who often quarreled with the sister paper from France, while the sister paper from a big eastern country did not enter the school, while the sister paper from the Soviet side was a child who defended the motherland. The sister paper Warrior did not appear in the beginning.

The story tells the story of her love for playing music through the perspective of Yui Hirasawa.

The heroine used a trumpet. At first, she was a "Little White" who didn't understand anything and wanted to join the music club.

Faced with such a sister paper, the club’s French sister paper and German sister paper are naturally not allowed. But after discovering that the heroine could play a tune blindly with a trumpet, they thought this girl was quite talented. At this time, a sister paper from a certain eastern country also appeared. This girl was good at playing the flute and had a very good talent, but she gave up because of family reasons. The sister paper from the Soviet Union appeared in the news in the beginning.

There are not many daily settings in the story. In order to obscure the background of the times, many stories deliberately fail to mention it, but adopt a relatively simple narrative method.

The opening of the story mainly tells the daily life of a few sisters.

Zhou Xingsheng looked at these scenes, but couldn't look away.

Obviously, it's just telling the little daily life of a few girls, but I don't know why, this scene... unexpectedly attracted him.

The relaxed and cheerful atmosphere makes people very comfortable.

However, in this comfort, there is also a disturbing feeling in the background of the story, and the shortage of materials and the tense situation have been mentioned more than once.

However, the place where the protagonists are located is the relationship between neutral countries, so it seems that there is no problem.

In fact, when arranging stories here, there was no plan to design several sisters together at the beginning, they met gradually.

But this kind of design will cause the length of the whole story to be lengthened, that is, the rhythm of the TV drama, it is not appropriate to put it in an animated film, so a few sister papers are put together in the story.

However, it is precisely because the relationship of time is blurred, so this kind of neutral country design that facilitates the development of the plot, there is no problem unexpectedly...

Twenty minutes before the story, a story like this was told.

At this point, the music club formed by a few girls also started to operate. They ate cakes, drank coffee, and then played music and talked about their ideals in life.

Everything in it gives people a comfortable feeling.

At this time, Zhou Xingsheng even had a feeling that the whole film went on like this, and there seemed to be no problem.

This kind of story, just tell it like this, telling the daily life between a girl and a girl without any haste... It seems, quite interesting?

Zhou Xingsheng, who had always been expecting war and conflicts, when he saw this place, he unexpectedly hoped that the war would not come.

However, the development of things will not be shifted by human will.

Then, the war began.

The beginning of the war caused the story to take a turn for the worse.

The country of French sister paper was occupied by the motherland of German sister paper, and the country where the heroine is also invaded the motherland of a certain eastern big country sister paper.

The fierce contradiction suddenly broke out.

The already tense relationship between German sister paper and French sister paper broke down, leading to the disintegration of the entire music club. The hostess was also at a loss because of her own country hurting others. She held her musical instrument and looked around blankly. Music club...has gone.

However, at this time, the hostess will still go to the club every day to maintain the instrument, waiting for the return of her companion.

What is even more frightening is that at this time, Germany invaded this neutral country.

However, at this moment, the German sister who had broken down with everyone, hid a few other girls in her home and helped them escape the search.

But things didn't go so smoothly, because the noodle country, an ally of Germany, came to this country.

And this neutral country is also beginning to be covered by artillery fire at this moment, and peace has become nothingness.

When the hostess was going to school and wanted to take care of everyone's musical instruments, she was spotted by a warrior from the Noodle Country, and then the warrior had evil thoughts.

Not only does he want to catch the heroine, but he also wants to get all these sister papers. After eating and wiping them, no one will discover his evil deeds.

At this time, Su's sister paper finally appeared, she killed the fighters of the noodle country, and began to flee with everyone.

It turns out that this Lucia's sister paper is a little warrior of the guerrillas.

The five sister papers finally gathered together at this moment. Everyone decided to escape the city together.

Lucia’s sister paper was the most unrestrained on the road, but at this time, they discovered that this unrestrained sister paper actually played a violin, and at this time, they noticed that this sister paper was from the previous newspaper. The genius girl with the violin appeared.

Contrast cuteness makes this sister paper especially interesting.

After the two sides came to the outskirts, the hostess mentioned that they played a piece of music and proposed that after the war is over, everyone should stay together.

But things are not that simple.

The five girls were separated again on the battlefield, leaving only the heroine.

The sister paper from Germany is with Lucia’s sister paper, and the sister paper from a certain eastern country is with the sister paper from France.

The female protagonist, who was at a loss, was considered to be a member of a certain military band, and was also "enlisted".

After tossing around, she finally saw the sister paper of a certain eastern country and the sister paper of France, and they all joined the same military band.

On the other side, Lucia’s sister paper was protected by German sister paper, and the two of them actually joined the military band in Germany.

The war is painful. The story does not directly show the suffering of the war, but through various descriptions, the cruel atmosphere has been exaggerated behind the scenes.

After that, the war began to escalate more and more, and it became more and more cruel.

And in a big battle, several girls unexpectedly met. They didn't see each other, but they felt the existence of each other.

This part is a transformation made by Morinka with reference to the original version of the sound of Sora on another world line. The film director made this part based on Morinka's script with his own understanding.

The war turned everything into rubble, and even all the members of the military band were forced to drop their instruments and then took their guns to the battlefield.

But at this time, what the heroine left in her heart is still the love for music.

Finally, her love exploded.

At dawn on the battlefield, the girl stood on a high place and blew the song "Strange Grace".

The original "Sound of the Sora" is actually a very good work. Although Morinka took the part of "The Girl of the Light Sounds", the follow-up part of the story and the original "Sound of the Sora" on another world line are actually More similar.

It's a pity that in the original version, the rhythm of the early stage of the story is too subtle. Although the whole story is also called a masterpiece, because of the narrative and rhythm and other reasons, it can only be regretted to become the so-called "light tone girl in the army".

Morinya borrowed the advantages of the other side, then sorted out and revised the story, borrowed the most essential part, and told the story.

After the music sounded, the other girls also realized the existence of each other, and they also took out their own instruments.

The beginning of the story is the solo of the heroine. She turned on the radio and then played the music.

But after one round, the second round became an ensemble.

Everyone on the battlefield heard such music.

Soldiers resting on tanks, wounded soldiers lying behind, veterans lying down in foxholes...

After the music is played, everything else seems to be unimportant.

Then, the story ends here.

The follow-up of the story is an open ending. The story tells what happened after the war, but a few girls did not appear, but they seemed to be full of presence. At this time, the part described in profile has changed from the original war to these girls, and the whole content of the story has been reversed in this way.

Then, the music played again.


Zhou Xingsheng realized that at this moment, the animated film was over.

"This is over...?"

The two-hour period seems to have not started yet, but it seems that it has already ended.

This kind of gap caused Zhou Xingsheng to fail to react for a while.

He looked down, his notebook, in addition to the opening content, the follow-up is... blank.

"Fuck, I forgot to write it!"

And at this moment, Zhou Xingsheng heard the wailing from nearby.

He looked over there and saw a crying face.

Oh, right.

Zhou Xingsheng remembered this person. He was Ouyang Wen. Because he was a reporter from Penguin's online media, Zhou Xingsheng was very impressed.

It was the first time he saw something like internet media, so he especially recorded it.

If it were changed to other times, Zhou Xingsheng would surely laugh to himself that he was not professional enough that he had made such a thing.

But... he himself didn't write anything at this moment.

This is embarrassing for him.

"..." He quickly left here with his luggage.

The film is over, but I still remember the contents in my mind.

He hurried back to the hotel, then took out his laptop and began to record all the information he thought of.

The viewing experience of the film greatly exceeded his expectations.

Zhou Xingsheng never expected that this work is more than just a beautiful picture. The emotion expressed in the whole work is what makes him feel most shocking.

The other side of the heroine Kong Shen was a girl who liked music from the She didn’t understand music, at the beginning she was just an ordinary person who loves music, but at this time, she came into contact with music clubs. , From ordinary people to flute players.

And this choice changed everything in her future.

The whole story

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To be honest, if our world-line "Sound of the Sky" is made into a tight-paced theatrical version, I really think it is better than the current TV version... The other side is in the plot, sometimes the reality is too Subtle.

Two-in-one meow meow.

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