Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1519: It's all sao operations

The audience who came out of the cinema were brainwashed by the two songs.

One is an episode in the story, only pure music "Strange Grace". One is the re-arranged ending song "Melody of Light".

The latter is the original OP of another world line. But on Morinka’s side, he asked Kajiura Yuki to re-arrange the composition according to the work itself, and let the N group to sing. This one of the K group’s divine tunes on another world line, on this world line, It becomes the content of the N group...Of course, the composer is still the same person, but the singer is not.

This is also no way, because the original group is now underage Otome. If this is the case, it is time to find a more suitable person. Fortunately, the N group trio on Morinka’s side passed Kajiura After the new arrangement of the great **** of mind, this new song is very suitable for them, and better than the original-that is of course, because the requirements of this song in this world line are higher than the other world line.

The effect of the screening was so good that it exploded. Although it was a small group screening, the media gave Senxia a wave of news almost overnight. Although it was for money to do things, the efficiency was even for Senxia herself. Never thought of it.

Because these people have discovered that this work is really good.

Not only that, there are even some media who want to be able to watch a second time, and even said that they don’t need media tickets, just ordinary seats.

Now that everyone has spoken well, we can't treat them badly, right?

"...This is an animated film that you don't know how to describe. Its expression is almost completely different from the past animation. The story tells the story of several girls who like music during the war. Although it is war, it is In the story, the entire war is hidden on the side of the story. Before you really notice it, you can feel the sense of unspeakable oppression, but you are attracted by their destiny and cannot look away..."

"...This animated film has the industry's top production team joined, and it has the highest level of graphics and soundtrack. However, in the film, these so-called'highest' are just a foil to the whole story. After integrating into the story, you What you see in front of you is only the girl in the war. When you see the girl curled up in the trench, but still longing for her violin in your heart, you will even find that everything else, It doesn't seem to matter anymore. All you want to see is the girls in front of you. I hope they can break through all the shackles and shackles, and hope to see the light of dawn that cuts through tomorrow..."

"..."Sound of the Sky" is a very special animated film. It is worth mentioning that the background of this work implies World War II content, but it deliberately blurs the background setting and even adds some science fiction elements , Moving away from the rest of the real World War II, its story narrative is retro, but it seems to be beside us. The girl who gave up the flute in order to study hard is like the girl around us... Story The five protagonists come from five countries, and they are opposed to each other, but they love each other. We can say that the film shows anti-war thinking, but the story is clear but only tells the feelings of the girl. Later. I realized something--it turned out that she was talking about the beauty of our daily lives. The daily neglected by us is what we should cherish the most..."

"Spoiler warning, this movie viewing report involves spoilers, if you don’t want to know the plot in advance, please leave, but I can tell everyone that this is a good work and it is worth watching. "Sound of the Sky" tells It is the story of a few girls who like music. The movie tells the story of the transformation of girls’ lives from daily to extraordinary. Through this transformation, the movie sublimates the mood of the work, and finally, through a song The final catharsis of Strange Grace. It’s worth mentioning that this song also appeared in the beginning of the story. As a hint of World War II, the woman in military uniform who played "Strange Grace" on a trumpet also explained that Before the story begins, there is another war..."

"At first, I was asked to watch "Sound of the Sky". I refused. You can't tell me to watch it. I have to watch it. Who knows if you will be a bad film? But then I felt that I I have an obligation to let everyone know what the film is like. If you lose me and benefit thousands of families, it will be a bad film, but as long as everyone knows it, then I won’t lose out in this wave. Then I went. ...Well, I watched it three times, because it's so good..."

The first long comment was the blogs of major journalists, then the electronic magazines, and then the newspapers and magazines the next day began to promote it.

Numerous comments came over, and this work began to be viewed by ordinary people.

Oh, by the way, the last film review was a soft article that Moriha gave herself water when she was playing soy sauce.

I blow myself!

If the news is only limited to this, it's nothing. Everyone just treats it as an upcoming animated film. There is nothing strange.

Then, everything may go on like this.

But there was another wave of show operations on Senxia's side.

Specifically, this incident actually happened at the right time, because Morinia did not expect that the incident would unfold like this.

Moriha's purpose in coming to a certain oriental country is not just for the movie, his main purpose is to be a new host.

Using new chips and brand-new technology, Morinia's new generation of home machines is very powerful.

Well, the Order of the Phoenix directly bought the technology and copyright from Hitachi and made it on its own, but Senxia, ​​the twenty-five son, quickly hooked up with a certain oriental power.

Of course, on the surface, Morinha is still playing the side ball, at least on the surface, there is no problem. Tianhai family is really skilled in being a second or fifth boy. With the help of Yi Ji, Morinha It is very convenient to start cooperation with a certain eastern power-of course, because of the relationship between the lighthouse countries, this cooperation is relatively shallow, but after something in the second half of the year, the lighthouse countries will shift their focus from the Asia-Pacific to the Middle East. At that time, there will be much room for Morinia to play.

Of course, even now, everyone can still have a lot of cooperation. For example, for wireless technology, Morinia has hooked up with a certain H company here, and both parties are developing wireless technology together. The other side is engaged in communication, and he is quite familiar with the signal aspect, which can solve Senxia's urgent needs.

So... Senxia took the time to go to the imperial capital when she ordered the screening, and then she was received.

Afterwards, Morinya took the opportunity to recommend a wave of his new works.

Senxia's work was used to improve relations with a certain eastern country. Even the upper echelons have not heard of it at all.

Otherwise, this work will not be green light all the way, the review will be the same as nothing, and it will pass the customs all the way.

Then, I saw Morinya's "Sound of the Sky" here.

And said that this is a good animation, which makes good sense.

what? What? !

The big man above actually watched the cartoon and said it was a good thing? !

The curiosity of the masses was immediately suspended.

In a large eastern country, some effects are still very powerful.

For example, when "Titanic" entered a certain oriental country, it was only because after watching it, it was not cut at all, so it was able to be played so boldly.

"Titanic" won a movie box office of 360 million in a large eastern country, and in the following year, the highest box office in the movie market was 40 million.

The gap is already huge.

Moreover, even if you don't talk about the following year, if you switch to this year, "Pearl Harbor" will win the annual box office championship on the original world line, but this is only worth 100 million.

This gap is really not just one or two points.

Senxia's operation of this wave of Sao directly made the audience cheer up.

Many people who are not even interested in animation are also curious about this work:

What kind of animation is it so that the leaders are attracted to watch it, and it is good?

The broadcast hasn't started yet, but many people have already started buying tickets at this time.

Well, there are no pre-sales for movie tickets this year, but many movie theaters have so-called annual tickets.

Annual tickets are a feature of certain cinemas in this era. This kind of annual ticket can specify a movie to watch during the year. The movie ticket is not calculated according to the movie, but calculated according to the time. A movie within two hours is used for one ticket, and more than two hours is two tickets.

However, such tickets are generally not allowed to participate in events such as the premiere and can only be used as ordinary movie tickets.

In some places, coupons will be issued directly. An annual ticket has ten or thirty times and can be used as the so-called "monthly card" or "annual card" in the future.

It's not just in a certain oriental country, Moriha's movie has also begun to be released simultaneously in mud bombing and other places.

With the opening of the film's "Global Simultaneous Premiere", people went to the cinema to watch the movie.

Of course, the largest number is still minors.

Because in July, it happens to be the summer vacation, from junior high school students to high school students to college students, everyone is attracted by the works without exception. Some are because of the exquisite pictures, and some are because of the few girls in the story.

Hmm... Although it is shameful, the girls in the work are very beautiful, especially... stockings.

The sister paper in Germany is a black sling, France is a white sling, Mui Bang is a black pantyhose, Lucia is a black stocking, and a certain oriental country is white silk.

A gentleman's aesthetics should start from the beginning.

——By gentleman leader, Tianhai·Unscrupulous·Senxia

In fact, the whole work is also very accepted because it is a relatively popular theme. Although there is war in the work, it is not overly described. Even in a certain oriental country, the war film itself is not What kind of disgust will arouse, and the style of the work itself is fresh and bright, and the whole work belongs to cartoons suitable for all ages.

In fact, there is another Sao operation on Morinia's side.

......Oh, this can't be regarded as Senxia's show operation, but a purely schedule issue.

Because "Sound of the Sky" is the only movie released in July in a major eastern country.

Well, you read that right, "Sound of the Sky" is not the only animated film released in July, but the only film released in July!

The only one!

In the golden summer of July in a big eastern country, the entire movie market is actually blank. The annual box office champion "Pearl Harbor" won't be released in China until August.

In the entire movie market, some are completely old works from June and

In other words, although Morinya did not expect the movie box office at the beginning, in fact, the entire market...

One! One! can! hit! of! All! No! Have!

It's not that "all of you here are rubbish", but that there is no "all of you here" at all. This is the real "Heaven and Earth, I am the only one".

In July, the only new film that could be seen in the entire market was "Sound of the Sky".

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

In other words, at this time, if someone wants to go to the cinema to watch a movie, the only new movie they can see is this one.

And because of the previous cooperation with "Blue Cat", the theaters are generally full of confidence in Shanghai Film and Television, so they spare no effort in publicity.

... Besides, if you don't promote the movie, they have nothing to do! Because there are no other movies to sell!

Oh, it can’t be said that there is not at all, because just next door, a "Shaolin Football" has also begun to be released.

However, the sad thing is that this work will not pass the review at all.

Ever since, it was a tragedy.

In July, when there is no work, if "Shaolin Football" can enter the market, it is really not a problem to lose "Pearl Harbor", even surpassing the Titanic cannot be said to be impossible.

It can be said that if "Shaolin Football" can enter a certain oriental mainland market, it will really have the right time and place.

However, it is a pity that the audit cannot be passed, the thing is that the person is sadly reminded.

Senxia is quite special here, so he has a green light all the way. Almost yesterday, the work was just finished, and the State Administration issued a seal the next day.

So the most difficult level is not a problem for Morinya.

"Sound of the Sky" has some hard qualities, and it has also been favored here. It is even more invincible on the market. To describe it as "unique", there is really no problem.

So, two weeks before the release of "Spirited Away", the box office of "Sound of the Sora" exploded directly in a certain oriental country...


Information that can be disclosed:

At that time, the movie market was like this. There really was no one, and there was no real one... But Mr. Morinya didn't notice this at all, so he fell on the way. But if Mrs. Morinia knew, he would probably poison himself (laughs).

Two-in-one meow~

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