Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1542: Lid children's shoes: Oh, it's the feeling of being NTR!

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!


When Morinia was developing the conference, Li's classmates were also watching the conference.

Originally, the lid classmate was paying attention to XP-related matters, but his friend Lao Bao came to him in the middle and asked him to watch the press conference.

The giants are planning to spend money on the game. Because of this, some of the terms of their contract with the Order of the Phoenix will automatically become invalid.

So KC (Kylin Computer) set foot in the lighthouse country market, which is to be expected.

However, they did not go directly, but developed a Vista system.

"Oh, this is the feeling of being in love!"

After seeing this system, Li's classmates found it very pleasing to the eye.

From the special effects of the entire glass, to the super task bar, to the color scheme with green as the main tone, all of them poke the hearts of Li students.

The interaction logic of others and the system computer at this moment are not of the same magnitude at all.

But after the initial heartbeat, the lid calmed down.

Because he knew that the other party's system kernel was very weak, which was their weakness.

Don't look at this system being forced by Senxia, ​​but it is almost impossible to do rendering, design, and compilation.

At most, it is just dealing with small tasks in documents and pictures.

If various professional-level software are forced to launch, the system itself will become a burden instead.

But it is undeniable that people will really do a good job facing users.

This is like JA language. This language is a user-oriented language. Although the operating efficiency is not as efficient as the C language of the same programming level, it is clear and intuitive, so it is popular.

Morinia is doing the same thing now.

After the user adapts to the Vista system, I am afraid they will never go back.

Of course, that is only for general users-for professional users, abandoning the giant hardware is the real pitfall, and the latter is one of the main customers of the giant hardware.

"I don't know why, I always feel empty in my heart."

The other party’s Vista system looks very cool, but people in the industry can see at a glance that the other party is the main interaction logic and interface design, and it does not threaten the status of a giant.

But fellow Li, when he saw the name "Vista", he felt a heartache in his heart.

Well, it's as if his wife ran after other men.

"The system is still very weak, but the feedback on the Internet is very good." Old Bao was a little worried beside the lid.

"It doesn't matter, they don't have enough third-party support, and the system itself is weak. This is not enough." Lid is quite calm about this, "Professional users won't look at them-they are just gamers."

Of course, the opponent's game is well done, and the lid has to admit this.

According to the investigation on the lid, the other party's series of games and the host of DC-P have indeed played a positive role in promoting the Internet in the Beacon Nation.

Even now, many people are beginning to use each other's QICQ software to communicate with each other.

"But their ideas are really novel, and we can absorb the advantages of them."

In terms of interaction, Senxia chose a mature solution in the future, so it is naturally very powerful.

But people in this era are certainly not fools. After seeing that Senxia's system is so powerful, in the next step, everyone will definitely "learn from".

What, patent?

It’s okay, it’s okay, we have a million ways to get around, or you hit me!

"We also do research and development on this kind of similar glass effects, but they directly dispatch the CPU to perform calculations. I'm afraid we can't do that."

Many things will not be known until later, so the two people just looked at the content of the press conference and commented on it.

"They seem to set the desktop's priority at a very high level..." The lid immediately responded.

But why are they doing this?

He didn't know the cover, but it was actually a sequelae of Senxia's touch screen era.

In the battle between Android and Fruits, the former was in the early stage and was often not the latter’s opponent. One of the main complaints was that the touch screen did not change hands. The reason for this was complicated, but it was basically because of the priority of touch. It is larger than the former, so the fruit device will be better than the former when dragging.

But later, Android adjusted its strategy, and the difference was not much.

Because of this sequelae, Morinia specifically emphasized the priority of the desktop when working on the kernel here.

You can't be wrong, but at least there is nothing wrong.

But just as the classmate Li said, the system itself is relatively poor.

First of all, it is relatively backward in terms of application, because no manufacturer will specialize software for a new system.

The software of different platforms and different systems is not universal, so the new system definitely needs new software adaptation.

Senxia can't get through the lighthouse country here, he can only take the path of a certain oriental country, so the software camp of this system basically comes from a certain oriental country and...

Well, yes, mud boom.

The mud bomb was originally not very hard, but now there are domestically-made substitutes, but there is interest there.

Sorry, we just want to use domestic .JPG.

"But their ambitions are not small..." Lid found that Senxia's side seemed to be ambitious.

Because when referring to the Vista system, Mori Xia mentioned the design specifications of the Vista system by the way.

The Android operating system did not have a proper design specification back then, which led to various problems in the Android system. For example, some software return keys are in the upper left corner, some are physical keys return, and some are in the upper right corner. , The interaction logic is very confusing, and there will be problems such as "three chins" and "four chins".

Regardless of how big the giant is, they actually didn't go well with this matter.

The simplest example is the color of a giant hard computer.

On fruit computers, the color of the system is uniform and standardized, which means that in all system software, the color of a picture is completely consistent.

But on a huge hard computer, because of different strategies, a picture may have two effects in two software-this is one reason why everyone who designs them likes to use fruit computers.

In addition, there is a pain in the color of the giant hard computer. After the giant hard computer is color correction, some software and games will not read the color correction file. In other words, after the color is calibrated, In the software, the color of the system is still the same as without calibration.

In addition, before entering the IN10 system, the system's scaling strategy was also very strange, which caused a lot of software to be uncomfortable under high resolution. This is also a sad story.

Therefore, when Senxia is working on the system, the corresponding specifications are stipulated.

"I went to their official website to check, Vista's system introduction has been updated." Old Bao also held a laptop in his hand, "They have a very high vision."

We are not standing on the shoulders of giants, we are standing on the heads of giants.

——By Tian Hai Sen Xia.

It's a pity that neither of them knew this, and could only shout "Sinxia is unbeatable".


Senxia has opened a website specifically for the Vista system.

The current system version is 1.1.

However, seeing the name of this Vista, the lid once again felt a sense of speechlessness.

This feeling is like knowing that my wife ran away with others, and then discovering that my wife has given birth to a monkey...

"I think their biggest highlight is the app store." Old Bao didn't notice the expression on the lid, he said to himself, "This kind of app store is simply a genius design that can integrate all the software markets..."

In the new system, JH has already attached great importance to network development-they even made a special demonstration of remote video chat at the press conference.

However, compared with Morinya's side, they seem to be nothing.

"The Order of the Phoenix...No, it should be Tianhai Senxia. He bet everything on the Internet from the beginning, and that's how it was from the beginning.

After all, he was a former partner, and Lid can see through Morinia's strategy.

"But they succeeded." Old Bao muttered.

Just as the two were talking, Morinka on the stage started to demonstrate the remote video at this moment.

Vista deeply integrates QICQ software, so the group video is used directly here.

"The Vista system supports remote video playback. You can use the camera to make a video call with anyone you want to contact. Not only that, through this system, you can even chat with multiple people at the same time..."

Yes, group video.

But this is not the end.

"At the same time, we also support desktop presentations. You can show the content you need to other users." Mori Xia said, "At the same time, we have developed in-depth cooperation with mikumiku, and we even allow players to show themselves The video or desktop of the company can be played on the whole network. However, this function can only support GS machines for the time being."

Because only GS has the latest CPU, this CPU is specially equipped with special hard decoding and compression functions, which can play video in a very resource-saving condition-this is the strategy that was already in place when the webcast started. .

"Of course, if the content you want to play is not on the GS, there is no problem. We have a special capture card for external equipment. You can display the screen of other machines inside the computer..."

At this time, there is an additional coding machine on the screen-but most people know it is a PC host computer at first glance.

Then, Juxian appeared on the screen with a very honored coding interface, um, the coding system...

The technology that Juxian demonstrated yesterday is even more surpassed here...

But how should I put it...There are some things that a giant hard can't learn.

The big ship can withstand the storm, but the small one can turn around!

But even so, many of the contents of this system are still very inspiring for giants.

No one is a fool, it is strange not to copy.

"Vista..." The lid was about to speak, but just finished saying the word Vista, he was stuck. After a pause, he said again, "The system itself is very novel, with excellent interaction and interface, but the system It is very weak. For users, the first-time experience may be very comfortable, but the feeling after continuous use will not be too good. Professional users will not consider this system. This machine can only be regarded as game users at most A supplement."

After speaking, the lid paused: "The only problem now is that of a certain eastern country."

Unless you can only choose huge hard products, otherwise, in a large eastern country, you can really use huge hard products without using them.

Even if the lid is in person, there is no way.

The lid thought for a while: "We can launch a cheap version of the XP system for a large eastern country and Southeast Asian market."

After saying this, he thought of the Vista configuration, and then said: "This system supports up to 256MB of memory, and the number of software running at the same time is limited to three."

GS and Vista systems are indeed very menacing, but they are customized machines, and they are not very related to PCs.

The market impact will not be great.

Rather, it is good news for the industry to bump into the Internet.

Because there are really not many people who dare to engage in the Internet, market confidence has basically returned to zero.

Only Senxia dared to do this.

However, as long as his products are welcomed, the confidence of the Internet industry can rise.

——The lid at this time was also unexpected. Just a month later, that shocking collision would happen, directly changing the whole world...

"Unfortunately, it would be nice if it could be purchased directly." The most pity of the lid is this.

The Order of the Phoenix alone is not terrible, but they are backed by a certain eastern country, and there is also a Hokkaido tyrant Tianhai family at so there is no way for the lid to buy it.

In the end, the lid did not choose too drastic action.

Because the Vista system is not the same as Linux, directly facing the PC, and the kind of giants grabbing money, but a closed source closed machine, which is no different from the previous fruit computers. So no matter how popular this thing is, it will not escape the fate of the minority after all. If they really want to win or lose on PC, the lid may just roll up their sleeves.

Netscape, which started as a browser at the time, was ready to make the system before it got so hard to get rid of them.

Fruits play their own games, and the giants don’t care, but when Netscape grabs food, the giants will definitely eat the other party. This is also one of the most fundamental reasons why IE is tied to the giants. Stopped the Netscape browser.

The Order of the Phoenix system is more developed for its GS, which is part of the host system. It is similar to fruit... No, in terms of productivity, it is not even as good as fruit.

But they are the host, so the lid can understand it.

After confirming that the opponent is not the main threat, Lid decides to take advantage of the opponent to copy...Bah, it is to learn from the new system.


The lid glanced at the word "Vista" again.

I always feel a painful feeling in my heart...


XP does have a cheap version, but everyone knows that we use the "free" professional version (laughs).

The most tragic thing in this world is that after spending thousands of oceans to buy a color calibration instrument, I entered the game and found that there was no use for eggs...

Two-in-one meow~


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