Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1543: After the conference

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway.

After the press conference, Vista system has become a term far more topical than XP system.

But for industry insiders, they are more concerned about several other things.

Although it has nothing to do with Intel or agribusiness, the dual-core CPU of Morinia’s is really a very special thing.

Prior to this, IBM had taken out POER4, this frantic dual-core CPU, but the latter is after all an expensive IBM toy, and the Morinia’s nuclear display is the most powerful.

And Morinka's motion capture technology... also didn't catch Sony Pictures.

Even so, the call from Hollywood came over.

Cheap, excellent, and advanced motion capture technology, too hot over there!

And Senxia also provides a complete set of cheap solutions here.

Of course, another synonym for cheap... is to do it yourself.

It's true that Moriha has technology here, but he has no plans to become a special effects company. If these people go directly to the route of special effects companies such as Weta Number, they can get a whole set of solutions, from motion capture to the entire screen special effects.

But on Morinia's side, after you buy motion capture technology, this side will only help you solve the problems of the motion itself. What should I do, and I will give you a solution.

Of course, it's not that Morinia can't do special effects, but they really don't have the energy to fix this stuff.

Senxia is not short of cash flow. What he needs to do here is not to open up, but to consolidate the position.

I am actually a .JPG of the cultural industry.

"Unexpectedly, the topicality is so high."

After the conference, Senxia returned to Alice's penthouse.

The two people are here to read the news.

"It seems that everyone's expectations for GS are pretty good." Morinatsu also breathed a sigh of relief.

What he cares most is actually this aspect.

Although Senxia had a calm look before, Senxia was actually quite concerned.

After all, the replacement of the home phone is a good thing to say, but no one has tried it in history. Even the experience of Senxia comes from the mobile phone industry, not the home phone itself.

Morinia’s model is actually somewhat similar to Fruit’s notebook changes.

But whether it will succeed, Senxia is not particularly sure.

It seemed as stable as an old dog, but it was panicked.

However, looking at the response and pre-orders on the Internet, Morinka was relieved.

"But this system is really good."

Alice’s computer at this time has also been replaced with a Vista-based GS computer.

Because of the special effects of glass, the entire desktop has a sense of transparency and looks very comfortable.

And the desktop itself is very gorgeous, with good special effects, just looking at the desktop is a kind of enjoyment.

And the system's tabs are also very good-especially when browsing the web.

At this time, Alice was using Morinka's browser to watch the video on MIKUMIKU.

Although there is a video, there is no barrage or anything, but a lot of side comments have been done, which can facilitate the audience to interact.

However, the MM station has been optimized for GS-this dual-core machine, it is really no problem to watch the barrage video.

Because they are all related to their own systems, the content of the website can be directly hard-decoded by Morinia’s GS, which saves resources. Coupled with the dual-core design, this provides conditions for the emergence of barrage.

Alice is watching the previous press conference at this time.

After the conference was over, the website uploaded all the videos of the conference.

"Hurry up and publish, I have my wallet ready!"

"It's so cool! This is the coolest system I have ever seen!"

"I think GS can enter the home computer market. I have heard of Kylin Computer. Perhaps this is their new attempt. I think they are likely to follow this path.

-Come on, this system is cool, but it can do too little, at best it is a big toy. But if you only need to surf the Internet and play games, it can be used as an emergency.

--(Original) I think this system can do a lot. Basically can meet my needs.

---I work in the computer industry, and this thing is useless at all.

----Wait a minute, maybe it's useful. This cloud document plan is really cool, I feel like I can write code anytime, anywhere!

-----(Original) Thank you for your answer, although I don't quite understand what you mean. In fact, my needs are only surfing the Internet and playing games. I don’t know your programmers very well..."

"Why didn't some new features be added to the Vista system? There are still too few features now..."

There are many posts under the video, and everyone generally reflects their love for Vista.

But there are also blades that feel sorry for this system, because this system can do not many things.

"Speaking of which, what the Vista system can do is really limited. If the system can be strengthened, maybe it can fight Mac?" Alice also put forward her own views.

"We have a lot of functions that we can't do, but we need to accumulate-if we forcibly add functions, of course there is no problem, but this will cause a lot of troublesome problems, especially the increase in the number of bugs.

The most troublesome part of system development is not the system itself, but the connection between the software and hardware after the system is developed.

This is the more troublesome thing.

Every time a feature is added, the programmer's workload will increase by at least 30%.

"If we add a few more features, we may still have at least half a year, especially for late-stage testing bugs, etc." Senxia said, "There is a professional testing team under the giant hardware, but even so, their The system also often has problems. At the beginning, we would rather be **** than abuse, at least we can maintain our reputation."

Another world line, when the giant was in IN10, this system was jokingly called "bug10" because the operating system had too many problems.

Many people have rumored that it was the giants who cut off their own testing team. In fact, this is not correct, because that team is only scattered to another system, and the necessary testing will still be possible.

The reason why bug10 has so many problems is because the system of this generation has added a lot of functions, and the debugging time is very small because of the adjustment of the system’s sales strategy, so it is prone to problems-before this system, it was very hard. A major version will not be launched in half a year, and every major version update requires a long period of testing and adjustment.

Senxia is a new system with incomplete functions, but at least there will be no serious problems.

"I think your system is much more interesting than the giant's." Alice is a little pity, "If I can, I really want to see something more interesting instead of such a semi-finished product."

"Our goal was originally game users and light entertainment users. This is actually enough." Mori Xia continued to click on another video, this is the video of the GS promotional video.

Below this, all players are carnival.

"GS itself is still a game console. We are just extending its game functions to the desktop." Mori summer smiled, "Most of the games on the Mithril platform will also land on GS."

"Ahhh, of course I know, the Mithril forces~" Alice shrugged.

"Well, yes, Mithril Alliance." Senxia nodded.

"--Mithril League? What is that?" Alice noticed Morinha's statement.

There seems to be some subtle difference?

"Since everyone is talking about Mithril and Mithril, we simply bought the registered trademarks related to Mithril...all of them." Senxia showed a happy smile on her face, "Then we did one. Mithril Alliance. This alliance will authorize music, characters, and more."

This is Senxia's reference to the experience of a certain eastern country.

Many of the foreign music in a large oriental country are directly packaged and purchased from the national copyright library, and then if the people below want to use it, they can go directly to the copyright library instead of contacting each commercial company.

In the era of animation copyright, there are also special copyright merchants who purchase the copyright of works and then authorize them to major video websites.

Morinka has built a character copyright library before and persuaded the Kadokawa family to take out many of his own characters.

And now, based on this experience, Senxia has categorized all the copyrights in advance on his own side-to facilitate authorization and sales.

"Supermarkets always make more money than grocery stores." Mori Xia said, "As an intermediary, we are responsible for managing this part of the copyright."

"...This is a thankless job." However, Alice seemed to be a little opposed, "Especially if there is a copyright dispute, I am afraid it will be very troublesome."

"This is not a problem, because we are an alliance that was formed to solve this problem." Moriha was prepared for this. "Moreover, other people have developed well, so I am naturally very happy."

The development of a gentleman cannot only rely on himself, but on more things.

"There are more ways to help but no way to help. I just want to unite all the forces that can be united."

"It turns out that Darling's ideals are so great!" Alice leaned into Senxia's ear, and then blew lightly, "My favorite place for Darling is also here..."

"Of course, this is my dream. And I also want to show onion...cough, I mean, I want to prove to the world that gentleman culture can be spread to the world."

No, no, I almost said that the onion-headed alien was out.

"...Well, the feedback from Mud Boom is good, and the amount of video playback is higher than that of Lighthouse Country!" At this moment, Alice discovered that Senxia's new machine performed unexpectedly in Mud Boom. Good.

"Ah, I took a look, and the reservation amount is basically three times that of the lighthouse country." Senxia also sighed.

"Well... I look at this side, everyone seems to want to use this machine as a desktop computer?"

Alice is going through the comments.

"Let me see." Senxia also leaned over.

"I think I can finally abandon my computer. I was still wondering whether to switch from the PC-98 platform to a PC, but now I have decided to start with GS, Mr. Xia Sen, please come on!"

"The new machine is determined to be you, GS! It's hard to imagine that a computer is about the same price as a home machine. It's really amazing!"

"It can be used as a computer game console. It's super awesome. When Sega gave DC to the Order of Phoenix, I insulted Mr. Xia Sen. Now, Mr. Xia Sen, please accept my apology!"

"GS, the first computer in my life, I can't afford a PC, but I must start with GS!"

Well, don't doubt, in the mud bomb, home computers are generally cheap products. It is normal for many poorer children to have a host at home, but there are fewer PCs. Many people are even in a state of "because they were poor at home when they were young, so they only played PS without a computer".

Senxia's GS, although it is also a host, but in the eyes of these people... it seems to be closer to the computer...?

"The plot of "Earth Defense Boy" is so dark, Teacher Xia Sen, how miserable you are to cheat me!"

"Teacher Xia Sen, I fell in love with you because of your "You Girl War", but you haven't released a new volume for a long time. I don't know when we will see the next "You Girl War" ?"


Senxia chose to ignore this kind of foul comment.

Healing things, digging holes...

Ignore it, ignore it all!

Morinia said that as long as these contents are ignored!

"I originally planned to update it every six months." Morinya told Alice about her update plan, "The home computer is updated and then Kirin Computer is iteratively updated again."

This is the update strategy for the S series and NOTE series of the three sticks in the future.

But now Morinka looks at the development here, everything seems to be going well...

"I think it can be changed, it's too fast." Alice said, "It's also not good for cost recovery. I recommend compressing it to at least one year or a year and a half for an iterative update, and not selling other redundant content."


Morika was thinking.

In fact, home console updates have always existed. Sony’s PS2 has updated a lot of models. The model of the first version of the PS2 and the model of the last version are very different.

However, the update by others is not an iterative update like Morika, so Alice asked Morika to be more cautious.

"That's right." Senxia nodded.

Now it is not ten years later. After releasing the product too quickly, Moriha's opponent has actually become himself.

These mud-blasting audience comments made Senxia think that GS might be able to sell a few more waves.

"But this is just my idea." Mori Xia said again, "Kirin Computer's iterative update is still to be done, but what you said makes sense. Use GS in other places, and then continue to use Kylin in a certain eastern country. computer……"

GS uses the name of a game console, and it is definitely not possible to enter a certain eastern country, so it will not affect it.

But Kylin Computer is a must, because it concerns the market.

It seems that now we can only wrong the people of a certain oriental country, and it will take half a year later than other places to enjoy the new machine...


The big heads of giants making money are never individual users, but corporate users. Basically, the giants go to the company to check once, and a large number of companies will cry once. This is the head of the money.

Two-in-one talk~

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