Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1573: A day of grace with the maid (Part 1)

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Xi Yan woke up at five in the morning.

The first thing after getting up is to go to the living room and open the curtains and windows.

After washing, Xi Yan picked up her tights.

Although in theory, this suit can be worn all the time, Xiyan is still used to take it off before going to bed every day, then rinse it to dry, and then wait for the next morning to change it.

It is troublesome to put on and take off the clothes, but for Xi Yan, it is not difficult.

Put on the legs first.

Xi Yan's battle uniform was a little tight, slightly smaller than the size of the others that fit perfectly, but this didn't affect it.

In fact, this is what Xi Yan requested.

This method can enhance the presence of clothes. Xi Yan doesn't like the kind of clothes that are completely suitable and don't feel anything on the body.

Only this kind of tight clothes made her feel a sense of existence.

This tight feeling is very good, and it is very suitable for physical exercise, very helpful for fatigue recovery after exercise, similar to the feeling of compression stockings.

Of course, because of this, this suit can no longer be worn to sleep.

Pass the clothes through the legs.

The white leg socks wrapped Xi Yan's legs.

Her legs touched lightly together, making a "click" sound.

This is similar to the sound of a latex suit.

When I first put it on, this tights had such a sound, but it felt...not bad.

But after putting them on for a while, after the mutual contact, there will be no such sound.

Well, it is very convenient to sneak in.

After that, Xi Yan began to dress up.

"The maid must be elegant."

This is the warning from sister Iki, who is the head maid.

Xiyan has always followed Iki's words very much.

Sometimes, she even felt that Sister Iki was more like her own sister than her own sister.

"...It would be nice if my sister could be more decent..."

Maybe Senxia didn't know it, but if it was in a place that Senxia couldn't see, when Zhaoyan looked at his sister, he would basically have a foolish face.

Pull up the clothes and put them on.

After feeling for a while, she made sure that there was no problem with the clothes, she took out other accessories and put them on together.

This is perfect.

The preparation time does not exceed five minutes. What the maid needs is efficiency, and it must be good and fast.

After getting dressed, Xi Yan went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

I washed my hands first, and then picked up the ingredients.

The gloves fit the fingers perfectly, and the maids of the Tianhai family have been specially trained, so even wearing such clothes is not a problem at all.

Rather, after having this kind of gloves, it feels much more convenient when working.

While waiting to cook, Xi Yan picked up the rag and started cleaning the house.

One disadvantage of the large house is that it is troublesome to clean.

Especially rooms where no one lives.

But it doesn't matter, Xi Yan is a trained professional maid, cleaning the room is nothing to her.

Open the doors and windows of the guest room, which is a routine ventilation every morning.

At half past six in the morning, the whole house was cleaned up.

"Um...what should I do for lunch?"

Xi Yan thought.

"Ms. Qianjia will come over today, and Miss Lihua will come over..."

The conditions for lunch should best meet the tastes of three people.

So there are fewer options.

"Good morning."

At this moment, Senxia also rubbed his eyes and got out of bed.

"Good morning, Master. Please wait a moment, the food will be ready soon."

Mori Xia got up a little earlier than usual.

Xi Yan knew that this was because two girls would come over today, so he got up early to do some preparations.

Including work and life.

Especially in life.

Although Xi Yan was able to prepare for Senxia, ​​she knew that there were some things that her owner would not let herself touch.

After all... Xiyan is also a girl.

But Senxia probably didn't know that the maids of Tianhai's house were all specially trained, let alone buying strange items, even if they walked into the men's bathroom, they would not change their faces.

Maybe the owner prefers the shy type?

"It smells so good." When Senxia finished washing, the food was ready and brought to the table.

"Um..." Senxia suddenly fell into thinking, "Xiyan helps me cook every day. I think if this continues, my own craftsmanship will degenerate."

"Please don't worry, I can make whatever you want to eat, the owner. So, even if your hands become trotters, it won't be affected, and I can cook any pig food you want... …Disrespectful, good food."

"You said pig food! You said it!" Morika rolled her eyes, "It seems that I should also show my craftsmanship. I think back then, it was me and Yukino doing it together every day. Three meals."

Senxia thought for a while, and proposed: "In this case, Xiyan, why don't we rotate, one day for you, one day for me, how about?"

"If you want to compare this way to determine the difference in your cooking standards, I don't have any opinion. But if this is the case, I am afraid that the host will feel disappointed when you cook every day."

"Okay, okay, my maid is amazing, cooking is excellent, doing everything is excellent, without the maid, I can't live!"

"It's great for you to understand this."

Senxia was speechless.

He scooped a spoonful of thick soup.

"It's so fragrant."

Even though Xiyan has a bad tongue every day, Senxia really likes the meals made by the maid.

After Senxia finished her meal, Xi Yan began to clean up.

At this time, Senxia had already carried the notebook to the living room and then sat on the sofa. And Xi Yan only started eating breakfast at this time.

After everything was packed, Qian Jia came in.

She is equipped with a key, one for herself and her sister.

"Good morning, Morika."

"Good morning, senior sister."

Senxia had directly called Qianjia's name for a while before.

But later, the two people still used the original title.

Xi Yan once observed that when Qian Jia spoke in a ridiculous tone, he would directly call "Sen Xia Jun".

Although "Jun" is a respectable name, adding "Jun" to the end of the name is also the only one, so this name does not actually count as a credit.

As for Morinya's name for Qianjia's "Senior Sister", the situation is generally similar.

Miss Maid knows, but Miss Maid doesn’t say...

"Didn't we have already decided on the style? Senior sister, do you want to change it?"

"It's impossible to waste, right?"

The two people are discussing clothes at this moment.

That kind of black tights, Xi Yan also acted as Senxia's model last night and tried it once.

But compared to white, black is more conspicuous, and it is not a good dress for maids.

"Xiyan, my senior sister and I have dinner at home at noon, and Lihua will come over later."

At this moment, she heard Senxia's order.


The maid is very witty.

She didn't plan to come back immediately after buying vegetables.

In this case, she has experience and must be back at least two days later in the afternoon.

But it doesn't matter, the maid has a special way to master what happens in the living room, so what time to come back is completely within her own control.


New Year's Day is good~

Today’s first update, meow~

:. :

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