Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1574: The maid lady's elegant day (medium)

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"Good morning, Miss Lihua."

"Ah—that—Xiyan—good morning..."

In the garden below the apartment, Xiyan, who had just come downstairs, saw Lihua.

Lihua probably didn't expect to meet Xi Yan here, she was a little panicked, and the paper bag in her hand was trembling and placed behind her.

Xi Yan pretended not to pay attention.

But in fact, she saw Lihua coming in a little panic, so she came forward to say hello.

Otherwise, with the skill of the maid, even if the two meet upstairs, she can perfectly avoid each other.

It's a little bit pleasant.

"I, I'm going to find Senxia-kun for something..."

"Hi, the master is upstairs."

Did not say anything about Qianjia.

Because what happens after two people meet...this is interesting.

The ingredients to start at noon have already been planned, so after Xi Yan left the apartment, she went straight to the supermarket.

As a qualified maid, no matter how unreliable the master is, the first task must be completed.

"The host is not picky about the ingredients. Ms. Lihua prefers meat and carbonated drinks. Ms. Lihua does not have much preference for food, but the attractiveness of Japanese food and Chinese food is relatively great for her..."

"In addition, nutritional balance is required..."

Fried shrimp with tempura, borscht, kung pao chicken, cabbage in oyster sauce...

One by one recipe flashed through the maid's mind.

"Ah, Miss Xiyan, how are you!"

While the maid was making purchases, she saw Erika coming from the other side.

Two maids in maid costumes met in the supermarket, and the eyes of others gathered immediately.

It's a maid costume after all.

Moreover, whether it is the maid outfits of the White Bear Cafe or the Morinatsu family, they are all very self-cultivating styles, with a good figure, even clothes that completely envelop the body can not prevent their charm from showing.

"Gui'an, Miss Erika."

In fact, Xiyan came here for the first time and was called "Miss Aoi", but it seemed that both men and women around Senxia were infected by names similar to "Senxiajun", and they all used names.

Oh, by the way, this method of adding honorific names directly after the name has become popular recently. It seems that the recent mud bombs are quite popular in this type of name.

"Are you buying vegetables for Senxia-kun?" Erika asked.

"Hi. Lunch." The maid replied.

"Mori-kun's lunch..." Erika seemed to be a little distressed, "By the way, Miss Yuyan, Mori-kun doesn't seem to like sashimi. Do you know why?"


"That's it. Last time I went to dinner with Mori Xia-kun, the specialty of the cuisine there was sashimi, but Mori Xia-kun didn’t seem to like it..."

Erika was a little distressed and thought she had done something wrong.

Oops, this is not good, there is a conflict between the two people.

This is Morinka and Erika's business, but for the master's maid, this is Yuyan's business.

"Not so. The owner does not refuse food." Xi Yan said, "It's just that the owner is more vigilant about raw food. Mud bombing is an area with a high incidence of parasitic diseases, and people here often have various problems due to sashimi. But if the safety of the ingredients can be ensured, the owner will not refuse."

"That's it..." Erika understood.

Sashimi is indeed very popular here, but because of this, people here are actually more prone to similar diseases.

What, no sea fish?

Too naive, it is a conspiracy propagated by the business!

All in all, Senxia is more wary of this type of food.

"Excuse me, has the master ever eaten sashimi?" Xi Yan asked again.

"Hey, I've eaten a little." Erika said.

If Morinka didn't eat it, Erika wouldn't have any opinion on the contrary, but if Morinka ate it, there would be one forced by herself, which made her a little concerned.

"So that's the case." Xi Yan nodded, "It's so great, the master really trusts Miss Erika."

"Huh? Is that true?"

"Hi. That shop is recommended by Miss Erika, right?" Seeing Erika nodded, Yuyan continued, "So just because she trusts Miss Erika, the owner can eat it without complaint. "

"That's it...!" Erika was cheerful, "Well, if Mori-kun wants to eat sashimi in the future, I will let my chef use the most advanced ingredients..."

She is very happy.

"Hey," Erika took Xiyan's hand, "I'm experimenting with a new lunch recipe, Xiyan, do you have any recommended ingredients?"

"Well, what kind of customers is your new recipe aimed at?"

"Well, the kind that can restore energy, everyone in the current research institute is rushing to work every day. It's very hard."

"In that case, I recommend..."

The two chatted for a while, and Erika bought a lot of ingredients and went back to try with Xiyan's suggestion.

On Xiyan's side, she also purchased ingredients for today's lunch, dinner, and tomorrow morning.

After purchasing the ingredients, the maid went back downstairs.

Now is not the time to go back, but the ingredients still need to be processed in because after the host and them have a pleasant exchange about work and life, they may not be so patient to wait for the food to be ready .

Of course, it is also possible that they will come and get up, want to eat some high-calorie food, and then order some Kaifeng dishes or golden arches.

But even so, the maid still has to prepare the food.

Whether to eat or not is a matter for the host, but the maid must be well prepared.

Going upstairs, Xi Yan did not enter the door of the house, but opened the door of another room.

This is a small apartment of about fifty or sixty square meters...Well, in the case of mud bombing, it can be considered relatively large.

"Good morning, Xi Yan."

A girl wearing headphones greeted Xiyan.

She wears a maid costume like Xi Yan.

"Good morning, Xiao Zi."

This person is Wakazi from the maid team. Although it sounds weird, in Japanese, the term "oil curry sauce" is still weird and cute.

Xi Yan put the ingredients in the refrigerator, and then initially processed some of them.

"How is the situation?" Xi Yan asked.

"Ah, nothing, but I guess Xiyan, you won't be able to go back until the afternoon." Xiao Zi said.

"So..." Xi Yan thought.

"Ah, just right, in that case, you go and buy me two Sony color monitors." Xiao Zi said.

"Isn't that enough?"

"I decided to install monitoring at the entrance of the corridor and the rooftop. The monitoring here is not good. I think it's best to have an archive backup."

"I understand." The maid nodded, "I will leave it to you here."



Second more, meow meow~

Xiyanchan, want to lick>_

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