Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1614: Energy saving...

"Um... my head hurts..." Senxia knocked her head and wrapped her scarf tightly.

"What's the matter with you, you look collapsed." Tong Gu Xiao looked at Senxia with some worry.

The people who are currently watching the research are making the final preparations before entering the stadium. However, Mori and Chika, who just came here, are really not able to help at all.

"It's nothing, I have drunk too much in the past two days and have a headache." Senxia took a deep breath to make herself feel more comfortable.

Yi Ji's hangover soup is still effective.

At least Senxia's thinking is still relatively clear now, unlike when she just woke up, her whole person seemed to have become a paste.

"I'm so busy here that I want to borrow a cat's paw." Tong Gu Xiao said while yawning.

Senxia had been playing for two days and couldn't get up, but the other people in Shiyan had already been preparing since early in the morning. Everyone didn't want to sell many copies, but the news released on the Internet was very good, so they increased the printing volume.

"If it's really busy, I'll go to company A and call two people over."

A company has a booth on the site, not a booth, but a booth. So there are not many staff here.

Many things from A club will be displayed here this year, and the highlight will naturally be the upcoming website. Although I was working on a pixiv template, Morinatsu didn't intend to name this website pixiv directly. Their main promotion here is iku, so the original idea of ​​the new website is to link the two together.

But unexpectedly, someone at company a proposed the alternative name pixiv.

And they do have ideas.

Because in English, the pixel is pixe, the illustration is iust, and the visual is visua, this man proposed to join the three words together to become a new compound word.

In this way, it is pixiv.

Not to mention, it makes sense.

Although this website also has things like text content in it, the main focus is still visual things, so there is nothing wrong with the name.

"No, since it is the work of our current research institute, of course we have to do it ourselves!" Tong Gu Xiao ignited inexplicably.

"Then go on, I can't help much."

At this moment, Senxia has entered the salted fish state.

That's how his body was hollowed out. It's not bad that he can come to the scene.

"Now, take it."

A cup of hot drink was handed to Senxia.

Standing beside is Shiyin.

She is wearing Hatsune's latest costume and wearing Hatsune's double ponytail wig on her head. Shion is quite similar to Hatsune.

Hatsune Miku is also Morinka's main project. Since there is the "Queen Hatsune" of Shion, Morinka naturally invited the other party over.

"Thank you." Senxia hesitantly took the drink that Shion handed over. After smelling the strong coffee aroma coming from it, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"...What do you mean?" Shiyin glared at Senxia, ​​"Do you think I will put strange things in it?"

While Shiyin spoke, he even confiscated the coffee for Senxia.

The majestic gaze made Morinya feel like she had become a child who did something wrong.

", it's nothing, it's just that I have been tricked for the past two days, and now I see some stress in the drink, sorry, sorry." Senxia quickly explained.

Shion's expression improved a little bit after hearing Morinka's words, and then he stuffed the coffee back to Morinka: "Well, seeing you look so haggard, you must be very busy these two days."


"what happened?"

"Well, I'm really... very busy. Hmm, the company's business, and the current view research business...haha..."

After hearing what Senxia said, Shion just wanted to say something, but suddenly she turned her eyes away, and said in a hesitant voice: "I was planning to bring my sister back, but you are so busy. Looks like it’s not impossible to be together during the New Year..."

So cute...

This kind of awkward poetic sound is so cute, and she has become Hatsune with such a proud expression.

For a moment, Senxia even felt that Senior Jiye, who crooked the poem tape like this, was doing a beautiful job!

However, after hearing Shion's words, Morinka actually felt quite embarrassed. Because of these hours, he really didn't want to work, playing every day, and couldn't stand it every day.

Although white lies are nothing, Morinatsu, who is unscrupulous, will not feel ashamed of such things. But looking at such poetic sounds, he really felt a sense of uneasy conscience.

"...By the way, did you see Senior Sister Qianjia? I haven't seen her since I came here." Senxia changed the subject pretendingly.

"Sister is at the booth, I'm about to go there." After hearing Shiyin's words, Morika realized that Shiyin's hand is not just a cup of coffee, she also has a drink in her other hand. bag.

"Let's go there together." Anyway, I can't help out in the salted fish, so I might as well go to the stall and sit for a while.

As for why you don't go to the counter of a company, but go to Xianshiyan, of course, it is because the girls are here!

Well, the real reason is that the venue of company a is far away from Morinia.

But today's Morinia is an energy conservationist, and the whole person is trapped in poverty and cannot extricate himself from it.

Therefore, if you can take two steps less, then take two steps less.

"Um... I made a mistake, I knew I shouldn't have made it so late last night... The last point is that Lihua should be poured, and I shouldn't help her drink..."

After drinking the hangover soup, Qianjia was sober.

But after waking up... it's even more uncomfortable.

When I was confused, everything was okay, but now, I can't hold it anymore.

"Never play like this next time..."

Senxia shook her head.

This fruit wine is more flavorful than ordinary wine. After drinking, the self-control is reduced, the spirit is excited, the memory is blurred, and the whole person is letting go.

Senxia seriously suspected that this fruit wine might have added ingredients.

Yes, do you want to check it out, is it really added?

Morika was thinking.

But then he thought he had to forget it.

Because sister Yi Ji had already cleaned up the room.


"Ah, thanks, Shiyin."

After receiving coffee from Shiyin, Qianjia continued to lie on the table of the dead body.

"Senior sister, are you all right." Senxia walked to Qianjia's side.

"I really want to press the pause button in the world, and then take a good rest for a day and night." Qianjia sighed.

"Would you like to go down to rest and sleep? Anyway, there is enough time." Senxia said.

"It's not enough, this time is not enough, Senxia-kun, do you want me to be absent at this critical time? No, at this moment that needs to be witnessed, I will never be absent!"

Qianjia was unexpectedly insistent.


Senxia didn't speak much, because he was lying down at this time.

Shiyin saw Qian Jia had taken the drink, and said, "I'm going to deliver the drink."


After Shiyin left, the place suddenly became quiet.

The current guests have not yet begun to enter, so this place is still quite quiet and peaceful.

Well, it is suitable to be lazy now...

"Now, Senxia."


"You said, what if I really paused the time on the earth?"

"The universe is destroyed."


"If time is suspended, it means that all the quantities in this world are all zeroed out. In other words, this world has entered the stage of heat death at this moment. In other words, the universe is destroyed as a result."

Qianjia gently kicked Senxia: "You know I didn't mean that..."

Weak voice.

"If it's just the earth, the situation may be quite complicated, because the time to suspend the earth is similar to stopping the earth." Senxia thought.

"Then what happens when the earth stops? The magnetic field disappears? The atmosphere escapes?"

"If the earth stops rotating, the geomagnetic field can be maintained for a while, because the lava in the mantle will also have inertia for a while, but after that, the magnetic field will still disappear and various secondary disasters will occur. Of course, the most The serious thing is that one side of the earth will become extremely cold, and the other side will become extremely hot.”

"What about the atmosphere?"

"The atmosphere will certainly not dissipate, because it is gravitational force that restricts the atmosphere. In addition, if the earth stops rotating, the gravity we can actually feel will increase. The closer we get to the equator, the greater the increase. However, because When the earth stops rotating, the various cyclones in the atmosphere will also change, and the climate will also undergo drastic changes."

"In short, it is the destruction of the world, right?"

"It's almost like this, but in fact, the earth's rotation is also divided into two conditions, one is locked by the sun, and the other is completely rigidly stopped. In the first case, it is the extreme day and night that I just said. In the other case, it's probably equivalent to the feeling that the earth will pass one day in a year. But there is no doubt that it is the destruction of the world."

The earth is no longer saved and cannot be cured, so leave.

"For the earth, this is really a disaster."

"Sa, this is not necessarily. The earth must not care, but mankind will definitely care. It is possible to say that the destruction of the human world is possible, but it is not necessarily to say that it is an earth disaster. In fact, the earth more than 3 billion years ago may not necessarily It’s better than the environment after it’s stopped."

"Ahhhh, sure enough, I still want to stop time." Qianjia decided not to entangle Senxia with the question of the earth's non-stop rotation. She knew that Senxia knew that she wanted to ask not this.

After saying this, Qian Jia added: "The time except me is suspended. In this way, I can adjust the time back anytime, anywhere."

"Well... In this case, you will die from the heat... No, before the heat die, you should be suffocated... No, you will be thrown out and killed by the earth. I mean, if you come into contact with the environment, probably If you can move. If you are just yourself, you will suffocate and die in the same place as if you were buried in the soil. By the way, if time stops, you will probably be in a state where you can’t see anything. Because the light will also stop..."


"Because human beings are on the earth, they are actually moving. If time suddenly pauses, your inertia will throw you into the universe. If you ignore this, you will stay in place because of the air. The inability to circulate makes the carbon dioxide unable to convection with the air... In addition, because of the lack of air circulation, the heat on the surface of your body is also difficult to be taken away... So if the time is really suspended, you need to keep moving, and At the same time, a black shadow will appear behind you because the light along the way has been swept away by you. Well, this is also based on the premise that you can see ahead."



"Do you know that what you said just now is very awkward!"

"Senior sister wants to hear about my romantic story?" Senxia continued to lie on her stomach.

"Of course, I'm still waiting for your new ideas." Qianjia said.

"Forgive me, I haven't finished writing the etiquette of the near-month girl."

"Isn't that a realistic record of you going to Lihua's house as a maid?"

"It's not like that!"

"But I think Lihua will be very happy."

"It's really nothing like that. This book is actually a more radical and more adult-oriented girl who fell in love with her sister." Mori Xia quickly clarified, "Please don't talk about it again, if Lihua listens to you I will be troubled by the gibberish!"

"Ah la la, since you know, don't answer me with that kind of answer just now." Qianjia said, and continued to kick Senxia's calf with her toes.

"Hi, hi, I was wrong. Please forgive me for the large number of Qianjia senior sisters!" Senxia quickly It was almost the same. "

Senxia's apology was considered sincere, and Qianjia accepted it.

"By the way, the p station you made is going online too, right?"

"Well, it is also today. But actually a lot of content has been prepared internally, so if the painters go in, there will be texts that can be referenced from the beginning." Mori Xia said, "Those painters see the situation above, just I probably know what is going on."

This website can be regarded as a website that Morinka has put on her gentleman's power.

Although it can't be said that the investment is large, Senxia does care about it.

The website itself actually already has a lot of content.

These contents... how to put it, although many of them are done internally, the quality of them is definitely not bad.

In addition, these contents will not be released all at once, but will be released part by part, creating the illusion that there is really a painter updating the website.

In fact, these ids will be deactivated one after another.

But at that time, the storage capacity of the website itself was already sufficient.

At that time, no such id is needed.

However, these ids will also be handed over to the painter himself, if they want, they can publish the content themselves, but the official will not pay any more, and they will use it for their own operations.

I was lying down, and there was a noise outside.

Both Senxia and Qianjia raised their heads.

It's the beginning.


I got up at six o'clock in the morning and finally arrived at my Shenzhen-Hong Kong at noon.

I feel like I'm on the street orz

Two in one meow~

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