Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1615: Now as the research game

Hideki Kobayakawa is still single today.

But he did not play games today.

Because the test server of "Starship Voyage: Borderlands" has been shut down.

According to the official, the next game test time will be scheduled in one month.

In these two months, everyone is actually quite fulfilling, because the construction in the game is very interesting.

In the last week of the service, everyone on the server formed a guild together, set up a guild base, and then built a brilliant fortress as a memorial to the service.

However, after closing the service, Hideki Kobayakawa became a little dull.

Because the closed test is a file deletion test.

The result of the file deletion test is that everyone's efforts and struggles will be completely blank.

It's like the sage mode of many people after they are done.

Because of this, many players actually took a lot of pictures on the last day. The game provides excellent screenshot functions.

In the game, it even provides a very good screenshot mode. In the screenshot mode, the game will increase the internal resolution by 200%. At this time, the game will be very lagging and unable to play, but if used for screenshots, The effect is very good, there are anti-aliasing and super-resolution images in the game, it looks very good.

Hideki Kobayakawa himself has cut a lot of pictures as a souvenir.

However, without "Borderland", what should we do?

Hideki Kobayakawa naturally thinks of "Sword Art Online".

But... "Sword Art Online" has not yet been tested.

It just so happened that his home was quite close to the cm venue.

Therefore, he didn't have a predetermined plan, so he just came to the venue first.


Then he noticed a game.

An exquisite little game.

It is made with rpgmaker.

rm this software, Hideki Kobayakawa also knows.

This software was originally owned by Kadokawa, but was later bought by a company. Then when the Mithril platform was launched, the software became popular.

Well, especially there are so many little butters in the game...

The rm platform has become a carnival for players.

Many fan games have begun to appear on this platform.

Especially small butter.

Because it is very important, the "little butter" has to be repeated three times.

Hideki Kobayakawa likes some ergonomic games on this platform.

For example, some time ago, someone used this gadget to develop a dress-up game about nuns saving their fathers. That sensual nun contracted Hideki Kobayakawa's toilet paper for a month.

There are many people using this software here.

At this venue, many people are selling.

Especially small butter.

But this game...

It seems to be a clear stream!

It's not an ergonomic game.

If it is not an ergonomic game, there are also boutiques on rm. For example, there was a free game called "Nobita’s Resident Evil". This game uses the two stories of Resident Evil and Doraemon. Because it is not an original relationship, the author simply This game is released on the Internet for free.

It can be said that the reason why rm became popular at the time, this game played a big role.

And after that, many people used this game to make modifications and magical changes, and made various "Nobita’s Resident Evil Revision", "Nobita’s Resident Evil Private Edition" and "Nobita’s Resident Evil Unreasonable Edition", etc. .

Not to mention, some of the subsequent works are more interesting than the original works.

Some people even modified the bosses in the follow-up of the story. Some made Doraemon the black hand behind the scenes, some made the future Nobita himself an enemy, and some even combined the rest of the real Resident Evil plots to make "Resident Evil" The Lyon of "2" enters the story.

As far as Hideki Kobayakawa knows, there seems to be someone who is currently working on a game for Nobita to explore the mansion in "Resident Evil 1".

In addition to "Nobita's Resident Evil", another popular game is "Destroyed City Monogatari". This game borrowed the game engine, but abandoned the game's map mode, making it feel like a desktop game. , The trpg-style expedition mode is also impressive. And because of the excellent story, this work also has a call for novelization and animation.

Although Hideki Kobayakawa is a face-squeezing party, he is occasionally interested in such small and fresh works.

The game in front of me is a game modeled after "The Story of the Wasted City".

Not to mention, this style is quite powerful.

"Trash Story" is a fantasy series, and this "Noah" is a sci-fi background.

No, not just science fiction.

Is it... Cthulhu?

Is it the science fiction work of the Cthulhu series?

He took a look.

There are not only games but also many posters on the booth.

The style of the game is definitely not perfect, but it has a very delicate feeling.

But what Hideki Kobayakawa valued more was the Cthulhu background.

To be precise, it is not the original Cthulhu.

Although Ni Boom liked Cthulhu very much, their Cthulhu stories were all demonic Cthulhu stories.

Hideki Kobayakawa liked it very much.

Because of this kind of story, it's really good.

He likes watching videos of Cthulhu running group very much.

This kind of running group video is a unique phenomenon of the mud bomb network.

Even on another world line, such works are relatively rare, but in mud bombing, such works are very powerful. There are even examples of animation screenwriters who make running videos. The writer Asagiri Kafka of Bungou Stray Dogs is one of them.

I, Hideki Kobayakawa, doesn't know about another world line, but he still has a feeling for this style.

He had watched a very interesting video of running a group before. The kp (host) of the game encountered various dice players, and the whole person was not good. That group of players, as long as they have to face a supernatural event or the face of an ancient god, they will definitely fail, and then they will not see anything, and every time they need clues or confrontation, they will be successful every time. Crush the enemy directly.

This kp dug a lot of pits in the game, and in many places there are even some unreasonable checks for the players, but the players still pass safely.

Although the story is a good ending as a whole, the planned running direction is not the original direction of the story, but a dumbfounding story.

But the content that kp feels crazy is really good.

He looked at it.

The story draws on the stories of ancient gods and evil gods, telling the story of...magic girl?

Magic girl and tentacles?

Are you sure you are not r18?

He raised his head and looked at it, and found...really not.

In fact, it should have been r18.

As for why in Hideki Kobayakawa's hands, the original r18 is gone...

It's simple.

The content of r18... was castrated because of the lack of time limit.

This is a sad story.

But there is no way, because Jiusheng Misato really has no strength.

Senxia kindly wrote the 18x script, yes, but if there is no image, there is no way.

Of course, this does not mean that the content of r18 has been completely castrated.

Because this time the "All Age First Edition" appeared in the venue. After that, there will be a full moon version of r18, and that version will be online on the Mithril platform.

In fact, the r18 package has been filled in this half a month, and it can also be downloaded on the Internet after it is sold here.

But if it is the end of the month, the press time will definitely not be enough, so the regular version will be sold on site.

A fan game that can be sold in chapters and versions, which is no one.

But Hideki Kobayakawa didn't expect the inside story to be like this.

When he saw this game, he only felt that it was not glamorous at all.

Such a story of magical girl and tentacles, there is no r18!

Of course, more importantly, there is a line of small words under the package, which reads "The r18 content pack will be published on the Mithril platform. The content is too radical. Please download it with caution!".

...So, he bought a copy of this game directly.

Hmm, yes, it’s just for refreshing, not because of the r18 content pack.

That's right, that's it!

Recently, the Mithril platform has also made some adjustments, and the overseas version has been launched. The domestic Mithril platform has been differentiated. In short, in many overseas places, there is no way to buy the content of the r18 or the extreme version.

Well, it's the same as the special version of the steam platform of a certain eastern country.

"It should be cooperating with the platform."

Hideki Kobayakawa thought so.

Many fan games are like this.

Many contents will not be announced directly, but will cooperate and package with the website.

This is understandable. Because of the emergence of the Mithril platform, the income of many game makers has increased significantly, especially for the developers of many small independent games. These gamers can only "walk" in this kind of exhibition. "Streets and alleys" may not be popular, but on a platform for all netizens, these people earn a lot.

"Ah, it's the booth of a company!"

After buying the game, he wandered around inside and noticed the booth of A company.

The booth of Agency A has two parts, one is the booth of "Sword Art Online", and the other is the stage of Hatsune Miku.

"The animated version of "Sword Art Online" is also coming out..."

Seeing the poster here, Hideki Kobayakawa thought about the upcoming launch of this game.

He was a little excited.

After getting some more books as casting props, Hideki Kobayakawa returned home.

"Let's play with this first."

He turned on the alarm clock and adjusted the time. Tonight, he was going to watch the special episode of the legendary "four episodes" "Sword Art Online".

After that, he took out the game "Noah" and installed it.

"This game is pretty good." The background music is great. The kind of music with a little electronic sound is especially suitable for this kind of urban background.

Although the game uses the "popular" rm engine, the graphics are not bad at all.

"But this is the first one..."

Find the r18 content pack first.

After activating the game with cd-key, he downloaded the r18 package of the game.

Heh heh... He actually really likes the story with a clear feeling, but... the first experience, of course, is to experience the complete content!

In the game, the player plays a magical girl.

The story begins at the school where the heroine transfers.

Not to mention, although the game is quite small, but the quality is quite high.

The school map in the game is very delicate and looks very comfortable.

In fact, because the pictures are too exquisite, Jiusheng Miri over there hasn't caught up with the progress.

No way, quality and speed cannot be achieved at the same time. For writers, four thousand words is almost the limit.

"Magic girl and transfer school, this is really delicious..."

The magical girl and the tentacles had nothing to do with each other.

In this era, there are a lot of heavy tastes in animation. Among these peculiar tastes, the "Flower and Snake" by the generation teacher Alohir is considered a leader. Well, especially ova, the ova of "Flower and Snake", the quality is really bad. According to the gossip in the circle, it is said that some big guys like this story very much, so they paid for it privately, so the quality of the work is high.

When the second generation teacher writes urban fantasy works, he has carried forward this "heavy taste" even more, and has brought a lot of themes to the fire.

Especially with the emergence of two "Magic Girl" themes of "Magic Girl Sakura" and "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha", "Magic Girl" has become a hot topic.

And among these, the most exquisite is the story that magical girl and tentacles have to super touchy!

However, he later discovered that this work is not so simple.

In the school, there is also a plot of mc (mind control).

"Common sense replacement is also very interesting..."

This kind of r18 content, combined with trpg's game mode, is really very interesting.

Then he continued the game.

As the game progressed step by step, Hideki Kobayakawa was gradually attracted by the game.

The story of the game seems to be about a monster that affects the school.

And the protagonist is going to discover this monster.

But in the player's investigation, it can be found that the school itself does not seem to be that simple, and there are many interesting things in it.

And among these stories, there are also many poignant little stories.

"This should be related to the boss's past..."

Hideki Kobayakawa realized that this story seemed to have something to do with the boss.

Could it be that this boss still hides an unknown story in the school?

He cared.

He even found that he seemed to like the boss who had not yet appeared...

"Tsk, **** r18, blocking me from watching the plot!"

At this moment, his character stopped exploring and went to meet an enemy because he was controlled by the mind.

But this story, let the story break!

It's cheating!


Four thousand words are the limit (confirmation) of human beings.

The law of infinity is going to be a latex girl again, I...I want to go into the pit...

Meow meow meow……

Two in one...

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