Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1643: As long as you don’t stop, the road will extend straight...

The prevalence of the Three Kingdoms has played a very good role in a large eastern country.

The number of views of Hatsune Station has increased significantly; the number of players in the Three Kingdoms Kill has also increased a lot; the performance of Sword Art Online and Dungeon in a certain eastern country has also increased a lot.

By the way, on the other world line, in the game Dungeons and Warriors in Ma's home, the Three Kingdoms skin was also introduced, but it is a little different from the version of this world line.

After all, on another world line, the game "Dungeon and Warriors" is operated by the operation team itself, while on this world line, Xiao Ma personally supervises the work. The difference between this is not a star and a half. of……

"Recently I discovered that the quality of our domestic players is really high."

It's already the Spring Festival in a big eastern country.

But in the mud boom, it was the third semester at this moment.

So Moriha also returned to campus, and now she is nesting in the activity department of Xianshiyan, playing "Sword Art Online" with Qianjia.


Qian Jia was adjusting her role and asked casually.

In a big eastern country, the activities of the Three Kingdoms are part of the Spring Festival activities. In the mud bombing, it is as a separate activity.

This event is pretty good, but because there is no linkage to the Spring Festival event, the overall situation is actually slightly better than that of a certain eastern country-mainly because Neon Gold has developed the habit of krypton gold, so Although the same project is highly praised in a large eastern country, the profit is even greater on the mud bomb side...

But in fact, Senxia didn't care much about this Three Kingdoms event. To be honest, Senxia was already a bit tired of the Three Kingdoms, the Westward Journey, and the two blossoms. Although I don't like it, but this kind of activity can't impress Senxia.

Only with themes such as demonic transformation or super transformation can Morinha have a little interest in this.

For example, the magical version of "Lelouch: Three Kingdoms War" is very interesting to write.

And the activity being prepared for the mud bombing is the Valentine's Day event on February 14.

Senxia is now teaming up the liver boss.

For Valentine’s Day, Asuna wanted to prepare chocolate for those who helped her.

Of course, most of them are Yili chocolates.

However, in "Sword Art Online", chocolate is not so easy to make, because cocoa powder is difficult to make. Fortunately, Asuna found that the ingredients that BOSS burst is very good, so she wanted to team up with the protagonist to make some . After Alisha learned of the news, she joined them, so the three of them went to team up to brush the BOSS.

In the story dungeon, Asuna takes the player to pretend to beep. Asuna will be in a special state of "high morale" on the road. Every attack will cause a negative effect on the enemy, trigger various QTEs, and fight. It's not too easy.

However, in the free dungeon after the story dungeon, the boss who was abused before teaches the player what is meant by "teaching you to be a human".

Morinia didn't know the ending of this event, and he didn't know about it deliberately. He just wanted to experience the ideas of the production team from the player's perspective.

It turns out that the production team seems to be pretty awesome here.

At least so far, Morinya thinks this activity is pretty good.

Of course, the most loved ones are their teammates, who are very comfortable with them. Don't feel too comfortable.

"Ah..." Qian Jia glanced at Senxia's team column, then turned her head and continued to adjust her role.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just think your teammates have high equipment ratings, and they should all be professional players. The average players are not so good...Okay, I adjusted my equipment and set me up."


Moriha put Qianjiahe into the team.

Morinka's role is still the former Kuro-naga Naotato Miko.

It’s just that compared to before, the equipment of the black long straight sword maiden has been replaced. The maiden costume has changed from the loose and pure orthodox witch costume to the current slim witch dress with strapless and short skirt. .

"Huh, it feels good." Although it was a wasteland reclamation, because of the good relationship of teammates, the big house was passed by once.

After passing the dungeon, Senxia discussed with his teammates and continued to brush up the number of clearances for ten times-this is the daily limited number of entries for the event dungeon.

Once the game is born and the second is cooked, after the first pass, the subsequent games are much more comfortable.

"Do you know the news about the new online game developed by Blizzard?" Qianjia asked at this moment.

"Always pay attention." Senxia said.

The development of "World of Warcraft" started very early. Although it is 2002, the framework of others has already begun.

But "World of Warcraft" created a whole world in one go, and it must be impossible to make it all at once.

This is also the advantage of "Sword Art Online".

"Sword Art Online" does not have an open world. It is a story of a copy type, so it can basically be updated quickly. A large version will be released in a month or two. The game floor will be opened, so that players can explore happily.

But games like "World of Warcraft" cannot use this model. People need to do at least two continents of Azeroth at the beginning (there are no Northrend, Pandaria and Outland at this time) Just work.

But this is obviously not so easy to do.

"So, sometimes I also want to play that kind of purely open online game." Qianjia said, "A big map...very interesting."

There is not much news from the outside. However, Alice has always been in the lighthouse country to spread the news of others to Senxia. From the beginning, the production there was revealed on Senxia.

"Oh, yes."

Senxia brushed the copy numbly.

But Qianjia suddenly put down the keyboard at this time, and she turned her head to look at Senxia.

"What's wrong?" Senxia looked at Qianjia, a little uncomfortable.

But fortunately, their "second brush" has just finished playing, and they won't be pitted against teammates.

"So, can we do such an open game?" Qianjia asked again.

"Sandbox games can be done." Mori Xia surely said, "The development cycle will last two years, or even four or five years, and it may not be completed, and it is a very large project. Very troublesome."

"But I think this is also an opportunity. Three or five years later, "Sword Art Online" may be overwhelming. Then we will come to a new game as a successor. Isn't it great?" Qianjia said.


But Senxia was thinking.

If the project is set up now, then it will hit the muzzle of "World of Warcraft".

Morinia also said this to Qianjia before.

If you want to compete, you can only compete in a dislocation and use a different subject from the opponent to achieve this.

Science fiction is a choice.

"But it does need something to fill."

Although you may hit the muzzle at that time, you have to do the game.

If you don't do it, you may not be technically backward, but it is more difficult to make a breakthrough. On the contrary, making this game, although it may lose money, but the team itself has also been trained.

"The production team is almost ready to start preparations now," Morinya said.

"...So have you figured out what story you want?" Qianjia asked.

"Actually, I think a lot. But I haven't had the time recently. Because I'm busy with liver activities...Bah, I mean, I'm busy writing stories."


"Ah, the story of Borderlands."

After the closing and testing of "Borderland", the rare plots are being adjusted. The scheduled time for the next test is half a year later, that is, in July. At that time, all the stories in the closed test will be used as The background of the game.

Previously, this matter was handed over to the Erdaime teacher, and the Erdaime teacher was also very interested in it, but the workload here was a bit heavy, so Moriha himself took it personally.

Er er er, so Plascencia simply not the water, but there is a good serious work!

"Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to this game," Qianjia said.

"Yeah, I think it's interesting too."

Especially there are many self-made ergonomic props in it...

"Speaking of which, the last part of Lelouch's trilogy will be released in October, right?"

"Yeah, actually I can't wait to see the expressions of the players when they play here."

The Black Knights broke with Lelouch, and the combat power they had cultivated became the player's biggest obstacle.

Senxia can't wait to see what the players look like when they know the plot. It's super pleasant just thinking about it!

"I always feel like something is missing..."

However, Qianjia did not have the pleasure of Senxia.

She always feels something is missing.

"What's missing?" Senxia asked strangely.

"...How to put it, although I know there is so much content, but my heart just can't burn. That's probably the feeling. It always feels like something is missing..." Qianjia thought.

"What's missing?" Senxia tilted her head.

What is missing?

In July, it was Nanoha and the maiden of swordsman, in October, Lelouch, and in April, the black rock shooter and guildmaster were maids. In addition, there are also the legend of the fairy sword 2 and so on.


Morinya always feels wrong.

"Ahhhhh! Chocolate is too good!"

And just as the two of them were thinking about it, the third copy was over. The golden light exploded. Morinia realized that she was lucky and got the orange-equipped chocolate Tachi. This is a weapon in the game. It can be exchanged and has a probability. Let the BOSS fall, but the probability of the latter is very low.

"Ah-I get it!" Qianjia's eyes suddenly lit up, and she grabbed Senxia's shoulder, "We need something shocking, just like the previous development of Monster Hunter, that...well, Yes, it's something that feels unparalleled."


"That's good, but not epic. Not enough energy."


Not enough energy?

Okay, Senxia thought for a while. It is difficult for games like this "eating chicken" category to have a special plot, and the tension of the story is difficult to show in confrontation.

In terms of so-called "energy", it is indeed a little bit worse.

To put it simply, what Qianjia wants is a work that can "town place".

Although "Sword Art Online" has become the so-called "world's No. 1 online game", Qianjia's eyes are toward the front. What she wants to see is more and more interesting things.

Morika can understand Qianjia.

The feeling of constantly moving forward is really great.

"Don't stop, Senxia-kun." She said earnestly.

"Yeah." Senxia nodded firmly, "As long as we don't stop, the road will continue to extend forward, and this is our shelter as gentlemen!"

The flower of hope is on the other side of the road.

The flower of hope cannot be held in the hand, only the flower on the far shore symbolizes hope and light.

So don't stop!

"Head...Bah...No, I mean Senior Sister, do you have any ideas?"

Because Qianjia's lines and a certain animation that Morinka had seen had a sense of sight, Morinka almost yelled "Tiehua Tuan" or something.

Fortunately, Senxia realized the reality in time and did not make any funny moves.

"I want some ideas, but I have given up. This is not my profession."

Qian Jia once wrote a small yellow article, but it was a running account.

Qianjia and Ji Ye once wanted to make comics, but they ended up without a problem.

Qianjia has realized the fact that she can't make up stories at all.

Therefore, all she can rely on is Senxia.

"Um... I think about it."

Last year's "Monster Hunter" surprised four people, and this year there is "Sword Art Online", but next year?

Next what kind of works will be used to make the town?

"Um... Mass Effect?"

Senxia suddenly thought of some super powerful game.

Moriha had already thought of "No Man's Sky" and "Star Citizen" before, but neither of these are traditional games. The plot or something is difficult to deal with.

Moriha actually thought about MUV's sequel, but MUV's sequel is not something that can be particularly innovative.

"Assassin's Creed?"

Senxia suddenly thought of two games.

However, he thought about it, and felt that science fiction seemed to be even more exciting.

"Science fiction RPG, what do you think of Senpai?" Morika asked Qianjia Senpai what she thought.

"Science Fiction RPG? Well, what about a rare subject, I think it's quite interesting."

Science fiction is a subject that is very easy to spread the spirit of a gentleman. Qianjia thinks this subject is quite good.

"What are you going to do?" Qian Jia asked.


Morinia just started to tell the story of Mass Effect, and he stopped.

Because he was too distracted, the character was killed.

But because of this, this gave Senxia some ideas.

"let me see."

Well, sure enough, think about whether there are any interesting works that can be more unscrupulous...

Copying or something, it is still not addictive...


Tiehua Tuan comes from the iron-blooded orphan of Gangdamu, the stem of the famous Flower of Hope...

So don't stop! (Refers to update)

Two in one meow~

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