Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1644: So what kind of game should we play?

Senxia is quite experienced in science fiction.

Especially as the Evangelion game enters production, the accumulation of experience here is even better.

However, as a game, Evangelion cannot be regarded as the "original IP" of A, so it must not be used as a pillar.

Then, another game is needed.

Then Senxia looked at Qianjia again.

"Senior Sister, what kind of performance do you think sci-fi games should have? I mean, you think that kind of sci-fi RPG masterpiece should have performance... Ah, no, right? I mean, Sister, you are pure , What the fantasy of the future should look like."

Mori Xia originally wanted to ask Qian Jia what the future game should look like, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not a good question to ask, so he directly asked Qian Jia what he thought of such a future.

"What's it like..." Qian Jia glanced at the screen.

At this time, Senxia had finished teaming up with these netizens. It was a pity that the netizens expressed that they were very happy to play with Senxia, ​​and said that if they want to brush a copy, they will directly Q them, they are on call. To

"I personally appreciate the type of Mid-Zilda you described in "The Infinite Boundary". The city is very delicate, bright and beautiful." Qianjia said, "If I want to settle down If I do, I would probably choose this kind of city. But if I can have that extraordinary power, I will choose a bit more exciting... Yes, the content of the heavy industry cyberpunk style is somewhat like Ghost in the Shell. So...well, but the world of shelling is too electronic. I want to be more industrialized, with large heavy machinery mechas and girls in gel-coat driving suits...well, that feeling is great."

Qianjia said that such a world is very good.

"Huh?" Senxia's expression was a bit wrong.

"What do you mean?" Qianjia looked at Senxia with dissatisfaction.

"Uh-nothing, I just didn't expect that senior sister, you would like the heavy industry feeling, and I was a little surprised." Senxia really didn't expect it.

"Industry represents the beauty of mankind, and heavy industry is the essence of human civilization. Senxia-kun, you have to figure this out." Qianjia raised her brows.

"I can understand." I mean, the contrast is too big...

But Senxia still thinks this contrast of the senior sister very well.

Contrast is cute, game is high.

The hidden side of the elder sister, get.

Well, this is Senxia's biggest gain.

"But the mecha and gel-coat girl, we already have MUV?" Senxia said.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong. Although MUV is science fiction, it is not pure science fiction. That is science fiction mixed with doomsday scripts. But the heavy industry cyberpunk I just mentioned is the kind that can reflect the beauty of the current industry. what!"

Senxia nodded.

He understood what Qianjia-senpai meant.

So, what kind of content can realize such a world?

The first thing that appeared in Morinya's mind was the movie "The Wandering Earth", a model of heavy industry. But forget it, the scene of that kind of story is still difficult to express the shock of an entire future city.

Afterwards, Mori Xia thought of another game called "Cyberpunk 2077". This game is also a very interesting one, and it also belongs to the story of the future urban scene.

"Well... If it's a more distant future, what about the feeling of the space age?" Morinya asked Qianjia again.

"The space age. Well, I can understand it, but traveling between the stars, it feels like the scene is too big, the story is space..."

Because the scene is very empty, it gives people a feeling that the whole story is very "empty".

Qianjia obviously didn't like this feeling.


Hearing what Senxia said, Senxia probably had some thoughts in her mind.

Qianjia probably wants a...GTA-like story in the science fiction era?

But such a story, Morinia thinks that it will take at least three years to extend the development cycle. That type is difficult to fully show in one or two years.

It's okay to be the master of your company's future.

Because this kind of game is completely enough for Morinia to spend energy to develop.

But how should it be done?

Senxia was thinking.

"Good noon, Senxia-kun!"

"Yo, Senxia!"

While the two were talking, others also came here one after another.

Because the sales of "Noah" are very good, everyone is working hard to make the second and third chapters of the story, so after class, everyone will come here.

Because the time is not as urgent as the last time, everyone is talking and laughing now, but not in a hurry.

"Ask other people's opinions?" Qianjia suggested.


Morika nodded, and then stopped Kenichi Aso.

"Aso-kun, do you have any thoughts on the future world? What kind of future world do you want to live in?" Mori Xia first asked Kenichi Aso of the military house.

"Of course it is the future Starship Era of the Great Warship Gun!" Ken Aso did not hesitate. But just after finishing talking, he hesitated again, "Ah, Midzilda's kind is also good..."

Well, he is not only a military house, but he also really likes the game "Infinite Boundary Line".

"Senior Jiusheng, how about you?" What kind of stories does Miri Jiusheng like?

"Um... Noah's world... I think Ark City is quite interesting." Jiusheng Miri liked the world described in "Noah".


Senxia nodded, then turned around.

"Sinxia-kun, don't you ask me?!"

The ignored Kiritani Taka approached Morika.

——The idiot's opinion has no reference significance.

Morinata wanted to say that, but he finally restrained it.

"Ah Xiao, what kind of future do you want?"

"Of course there can be a lot of girls in the future!" Kiriya Taka looked at Morinka with fiery eyes.


Senxia decided to shut up.

"Very constructive opinions." Qianjia over there suddenly spoke.

"Huh, senpai?" Senxia looked at Qianjia inexplicably.

"Tonggu-kun's statement, I think it's quite interesting." Qianjia smiled, "If you can see cute girls everywhere in the game, wouldn't it be great!"

"...What you said makes sense."

Senxia had to admit that what Qianjia said was quite reasonable.

After all, if you can see a delicate sister paper, who wants to see a rough guy?

It's impossible.

......However, this is not constructive for the creation of game content.

"Hey, my opinion is still very useful!" Tong Gu Xiao himself feels quite good.

"It's a pity that other people didn't come..." Senxia went to QICQ.

Although no one else came, he felt that he could still check the situation on the Internet.

Takatani Takashi was just ignored by the gorgeous.

Senxia looked for the web page.

He found a lot of content and discussions about science fiction on the Internet. However, the science fiction of mud bombing is not as hard-cored as in the West. A lot of the content is said to be science fiction, but its practical fantasy seems to be no problem.


Many of the content about science fiction are dystopian themes.

But Senxia didn't want to write about dystopia.

Dystopia and cyberpunk, many people regard them as one kind of thing. But Senxia looked uncomfortable.

Why must humans use malicious intent to speculate about the future world?

This feeling is actually very awkward.

It's like in the feudal era, a landless farmer who paid rent was worried about how people in the future would cultivate the land without the landlord.

Why must the future be dystopia?

Why must there be a dark slum in the future city?

Why do people in the future have to live more miserable than serfs in the feudal era?

Can't we have a little vision of the future?

Therefore, Morinia wanted to prepare a slightly anti-traditional story.

But then Senxia's brain hurt more.

Because the contradictions of dystopia are fierce, it is super easy to come up with a story, but if you want a peaceful and even positive era to have a shocking story... it is more difficult.

Such stories actually exist. When human beings move the center of the story from themselves to the outside world and transform internal contradictions into external contradictions, there will be no such content.

For example, "Mass Effect".

Morinya rubbed her temples.

"This story is really hard to write."

Pure plagiarism is naturally okay.

But Senxia didn't want to copy. As a gentleman, Senxia felt that she should have the integrity of a gentleman.

The pure copy of the copy is meaningless to Morinia-because it can't express Morinia's ideals and pursuits to spread.

In other words, Senxia is now rich, floating, and waved, and she can no longer appreciate the story of pure copycat plagiarism.

But the content of the target is still possible.

Senxia is not welcome to see dystopias, but I have to admit that dystopias are indeed a setting that is very easy to come out of stories. In a dystopian world, the society's control over the individual is suffocating, and the protagonist must have the spirit of resistance. By grasping these two points, a dystopian story can be written.

Contradiction is particularly good.

"Psycho-Measurer", "Mass Effect", "Cyberpunk 2077", "GTA5"...

Senxia opened the notebook and wrote a string of names on it.

These are some of the works that Senxia thinks may be more helpful.

These works can bring some inspiration to Senxia.

"Mori Xia-kun, since you can't pay attention, you might as well change your mind." Qianjia said, "For example, first show what kind of values ​​and emotions you want to express in this whole story?"

"Um...Yes! That's it!"

The core of the story and the gameplay can have many, but the basic routine of this RPG will not change.

So if you go back to the beginning, the earliest time is what the author wants to express in the story.


This was the first vocabulary Morinya used to type on the computer.

Since it is Morinha's own game, at the very beginning, the "gentleman" is naturally the most important.

Then Senxia thought for a while and added new words.

"Epic and profound."

That's almost it.

"High fantasy."

Morinka didn't want too simple stories, nor did she want doomsday themes.

"High degree of freedom, non-linear network narrative story."

Senxia gradually had a prototype in her mind.

He suddenly thought of the city in "Mass Effect"-the castle of God.

In the story, the castle is equivalent to the capital of the United Nations.

And this fortress is not on a specific planet, but on a huge artificial ladder in the nebula, and millions of people live on this huge artificial space station.

Senxia still remembers that when she saw the picture for the first time, she was surprised by the castle.

Unfortunately, in the story, the castle only opened a small place in the middle for players. As for other places, the huge city on the space station, the shock of the space city, did not reflect at all.

This is also a little bit of regret for Senxia.

As for another bit of regret, although the combat uniforms in Mass Effect are all tights, they are not very appealing. The material of the clothes is not attractive...

"The stage is the city of the future. It can be a surface city or a space city..." Morinya continued to write down her thoughts.


However, at this moment, a work that shouldn't have appeared in Mori's mind before suddenly appeared at this time.


To be precise, it is "Macros: Frontier".

Oh, not the border with the forbidden border with the brainwashed lyrics "giligili love", but the story of, that is, Macross meets a group of bugs in space s story.

Senxia thought about it, and he suddenly discovered that if all his previous thoughts were combined together, it seemed... indeed... it was the kind of background world in Macross F.

There is no dystopia, and there are positive stories, more lovely sister papers and mechas. The theme of the story itself can be expanded into a very rich look.

I have to say that such a story is indeed very good.

The most important thing is that this story also contributed the most classic "You are all my wings" in the second dimension.

"Um... copy the animation into a game, so copy this one..."

Senxia fell into an inexplicable entanglement.

To be honest, he didn't think of Macross at all in the beginning.

But as thinking progressed, this work appeared.

So, now there is a problem in front of Senxia.

"Reference to the background, it shouldn't be a copy. The story should be written by yourself, but the background and worldview of the big background feels like a reference, it should be nothing..."

Real fragrance-this is one of the three essences of mankind.

The premise is that I will not be blown by fans of breeches screws across the dimension...


The heavy industrial city of Lowell in "Star Citizen" is really shocking. In other words, the cities inside are quite shocking, but unfortunately there is no story or interactivity...

Today’s two in one, meow meow~

. Wonderful book house

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