Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1645: Too many elements warning

The background of Breeches Screw F (Macros), in addition to not being "heavy industry", is actually quite suitable as a suitable background.

But heavy industry is not a problem, just adjust the settings, minor problems.

The focus is on the layout of the story.

"Hmm...Senior sister, what do you think of telling the story in Space City?" Senxia decided to ask Qianjia first.

"Space City?"

"Yes, in the future world, mankind will begin to colonize the universe. For colonization, mankind has built many immigrant spacecraft. In order to ensure the immigration environment, these spacecraft themselves have become cities..." Senxia explained.

"Breeches screw?"

Qianjia immediately thought of Macross.

Although many people in the Macross of this era focused their stories on the "Zenith Stars", this kind of content has indeed begun.

Of course, the story has not yet been upgraded to the so-called "cosmic singer saves the world" era.

"A little reference." Morinia said, "some of the concepts in this work are pretty good."

Only later this thing went wild in the direction of fantasy and idol drama. What kind of humans, the Zenith Stars, and the Anglers, were all made up of the same ancestor.

At that time, this thing has no reference value.

But this is also one of the drawbacks of Japanese screenwriters. Regardless of the current era, there was an ancient civilization that tyrannizes the sky before the story.

Of course, this is also determined by the social environment, because the mud bombing place is really a place that likes to trace the roots, and many families really have a cool "head".

For example, the Senxia family.

Of course, there are also the completely opposite ones. For example, there is a kind of "bureaucrats" in Nihong. Such folks are basically discriminated against when going to a place. There are even special pamphlets in Nihong. Buraku people’s surnames, people who encounter such surnames, resolutely do not.

The works developed in such an environment will more or less bring pedigree in the practical sense.

Of course, it's not just that Neon Gold likes to do this. This kind of setting is actually quite popular, because this kind of setting is also very convenient to unfold the story. This is the same as dystopia-the convenient story of Taita Meow unfolds.

For example, in the "Halo" series, humans also have a cool past.

It's just that relatively speaking, mud bomb game makers prefer to use this method.

But since Senxia decided to face the world, she couldn't do that.

So, apart from these convenient elements, what kind of story can you tell?

"So what game are you planning to do?" Qian Jia said as she stood up, moving her body a little.

Qianjia is wearing a black tunic dress today, which is very self-cultivating. Under the dress, she is wearing the same black stockings. Because of the cooler weather, she is wearing a fake through meat style.

She is doing sports here, and the short skirt is gradually being too high...

"——The golden spirit of mankind."

Senxia is serious.

"Huh...?" Qianjia stopped and looked at Senxia, ​​"What did you say?"

"The hymn of courage is the hymn of humanity, Senior Sister JOJO, I mean, I will make a story full of human golden spirit!"

"So, the answer is already obvious..." Morinka wanted to find a walking stick to break, but finally let it go, "We want to make a work that can reflect that futuristic sense."

"Um... I understand a little bit." Qianjia nodded.

Morinya immediately began to adjust the document.

"Then, the story is determined. The background is the cosmic era, and the story takes place in a space immigration city. The type of the game is RPG, but some other elements can be involved. The theme of the game story is the golden spirit of mankind."

"Somewhat anti-routine feeling." Qianjia said.

"Well...Why don't we make the anti-routines more thorough?" Senxia suddenly got a head start again.

"It's science fiction on the surface, but it's actually magical? When the driver's machine was exploded, she took out the magical girl's wand and turned into a magical girl to blow up the enemy?"

"Uh...never mind this." Qianjia's thoughts should be forgotten. If such a story is written down, Senxia should be blown up.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Well, give me an example. Artificial intelligence. This thing has had a good response in MUV before, and this is just one example."

Artificial intelligence, because of the "Terminator" series and "The Matrix" series, has now basically become a necessary villain in a dystopian story.

But Senxia doesn't think so. On the contrary, in this respect, he still appreciates old Xu's ideas, such as the artificial intelligence in "Paradise Chase" (another world line).

"Artificial intelligence is not a human opponent or tool, it is itself a proof of human existence. It is the last descendant of human civilization, and is... the son of humanity." Senxia thought of a little bit of the subject.

"Oh, this concept is good. I think it's good to use it as a game title."

"Sorry, but there is one book called this. Let's find another way."

Qianjia thinks this name is very interesting. However, this name has actually been used by one movie, and it will become a movie in the future...

Qianjia sighed for a while, and then asked, "Did you borrow Evangelion?"

At the end of the old theater version of Evangelion, the first unit drifted into the universe and became a testament to human beings in the universe.

"Slightly, but the core values ​​are completely said, "But our anti-routine can be more than just that. "


"Well, letting the brave who is suspected of the protagonist die is a basic operation. Turning the pure heroine into a black-bellied man behind the scenes is also a kind of thing."

In fact, there are many more, but Senxia doesn't want to go the dark and crippled route this time.

The occipital bone asked her to say that he wanted to embody the golden spirit of mankind.

So this kind of routine needs to be considered.

But stemming and dismantling stems are indeed an interesting place.

Of course, this is just an adjustment, the content of the story itself is the key.

So after discussing the anti-routine, I got back to the topic.

"So, what kind of story is this?" Qianjia is still more interested in the story itself.

"Well, I think about it..."

There are quite a lot of references in Senxia's brain. At this time, he really doesn't know how to straighten out a story line.

"You can think of a name first." Senxia said.

"What's that called?"

"Hmm... "I was exiled from the paradise. When I was preparing to immigrate to outer space through mass effect in the breeches screw, I met the interstellar zerg, and let the mankind be remembered by the universe and let go of the first machine?"?"

There was a long silence.



"Take a rest tomorrow, do you want me to accompany you to the hospital?"



Push book push book~ (fog)

"It's really convenient to add a book title to become lighter"

Meow Meow Meow Meow~

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