Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1646: Senxia-kun

Too many elements warning...

Senxia scratched his head.

Senxia didn't want to copy a certain work, so he decided to move a little bit east and a little bit west to get some interesting content.

Of course, it is mainly original and magical changes.

Speaking of which, there is actually a work in Mori's brain, and it feels worthy of "surgery".

This work is called "Mass Effect: Ugly Girl"...sorry, it's Vega.

This work directly led to the entire series of "Mass Effect" being beaten into the cold.

This work is such a sad story.

But it also has the value of magic reform.

It's just that Senxia thought about it, and the more interesting thing is to go to the outer galaxy to develop this thing, but the whole work itself is actually nothing too impressive, even if the magic change is of no value.

The works that Senxia wanted to make by magical changes, one is the original works which are quite interesting but with various mentally retarded manipulations; the other is the works that are more convenient to cause trouble.

However, the sequel after this Mass Effect trilogy... is meaningless.

"Speaking of which, do you have any interesting ideas?" Senxia decided to ask others.

"Everyone is busy playing games now, there must be no time." Xian Aso shook his head.

"Um... Actually, I have contributed an article to the Dengeki Library..." It was Misato Jiusheng.

"Eh eh, what is it?" Qian Jia leaned over after hearing the news.

"The title of the book is "I Love a Pseudo Girl and She Who Loves a Real Girl"." Miri Jiusheng explained, "The general content is that the actor fell in love with a girl and then wanted to confess, but I met the heroine who was about to confess to another girl."

What the **** is this?

Morinya was also attracted by the title of this mystery book.

"The female protagonist has a special sexual orientation, but she once saw the girl she likes with another'girl', so she mistakenly thought that the other party also likes girls, so she prepared to confess to her... The heroine encountered the lover in his mind and the lover in the heroine's mind together, and he and the heroine discovered an amazing fact, that is, the girl the hero likes is actually the heroine."

"The fact that the fake mother sang confessed to the girl surprised the actor and the heroine, and the two were exposed in this way. So the actor and the heroine lied that they were also lovers. Later, they passed the two teams of lovers The relationship of mutual cover, I want to capture my real goal..."

Jiusheng Miri gave full play to the real chaotic sister paper tradition of your circle, and made the whole story full of unsightly...

But I have to admit that, as a routine of a romantic comedy, Senxia actually really wants to watch...

"Actually, I wrote this after reading the idea of ​​"Girls Fall in Love with Sister", but I have never had the courage to contribute. This time the success of "Noah" gave me a little confidence, so I voted for Dengeki Library. In case of an accident, it should be published this year..." When Miri said this, he was a little bit embarrassed.

"Then I can look forward to it hopefully." Qian Jia was quite interested.

"Slightly interested!" Senxia also expressed interest.

After finishing talking about this matter, Morinya returned to the creation itself now.

I look forward to seeing some meaningful ideas from the current research team, which seems to be temporarily impossible.

"Um, the pseudonymous boy in the armor...Bah, bah." Senxia shook his head and threw this crooked thought away from his head.

Senxia had vaguely thoughts in her mind.

However, the key story line, Senxia has not yet figured out.

As a work that shows the golden spirit of mankind, the first thought in Senxia's mind is the legendary "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", and then "Tianyuan Breakthrough".

However, the RPG game Mori wants to make does not want to use the two stories.

"Um... Sure enough, let's learn from the story setting of "Mass Effect"... Since it is an RPG, the protagonist should be more customized and more interesting."

If it’s a shooting game, it’s okay to use a story with a single protagonist like MUV.

But since it is a role-playing role like RPG, and it is in the outer space city, then it must be a role that can be more modern.

The openness and freedom of the game are critical.

Then there is the story script.

Senxia gave consideration to how such a story should be designed.

This era is not the era of surplus system performance and resources twenty years later. If you don't think about how to tell the story, many game designs are very difficult to reflect in the story.

For example, there can be an open future city, but if you want to make the buildings in the city an accessible mode, it is not easy to do, so this aspect needs to be considered.

But after all, it's science fiction, if you can't let the player experience the charm of science fiction, then it's meaningless.

——Is it interesting to have a sci-fi warrior adventure in the primeval forest? Wouldn't it be okay to find a primitive game for a different skin, just call it "science fiction"?

Senxia thought of Lao Xu again.

Lao Xu’s "Paradise Chase Release" is quite interesting, especially when Rie Kugimiya matched Angela with a broad mind...

By the and the round-shaped mecha "Arhat" inside.

In "Paradise Chase", there is a story about the heroine driving a space battle in a mecha. The battle at the time was really excellent.

Oh, by the way, even better is the heroine driving an Arahant...

Speaking of which, the starting point of this story is quite interesting. The protagonist here uses a similar "civil servant" role and story,

"Anyway, Lao Xu is also my employee, copying employees... can you call copying~"

Senxia thinks this is fine.

With a good idea, the idea of ​​the story began to flow down.

The space city discovered some changes, and then the heroine went to investigate as a newcomer’s civil servant, and then discovered a new kind of space zerg life...

In Macross F, there is a kind of zerg that is hostile to humans, but at the end of the story, the official tells the audience that these worms are actually not bad people, but mistakenly thought that humans made the voice of pursuing that love. .

The whole story goes to the end. Simply put, it is the feeling of "spring is here, it's the season of..." in the animal world.

But it is undeniable that such a swarm of insects is quite interesting compared to pure villains and evil.

Since "Macros F" is still a few years away, Mori summer has also come to "usage doctrine".


The second more meow~

Happy Holidays everyone today 2333

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