Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1647: New Tour Settings

Of course, "learning" is learning, pure COPY is not good, because the theme of "Macros F" has not been deepened. Although the whole story looks good, it is actually a little worse. So "Macros F" "In the "idol drama", it is considered a good work, which can be extended to a larger "science fiction" scale, but it is a little bit worse.

Relatively speaking, Senxia appreciates the human spirit of "The Wandering Earth" of a certain eastern country.

"In the space age, the most contact with alien races should be the most." Qianjia couldn't help muttering as he looked at the Zerg in the Morinha design story.

Qianjia was standing behind Senxia at this time, leaning forward, looking down at the screen from above.

"Well, there are alien creatures, but I will not design too many alien races. In the story, humans themselves are the forerunners of cosmic civilization."

Morika feels that the pressure on her head is so heavy...

"Human beings themselves?" Qianjia thought.

"You know the Fermi paradox," said Mori.

"Of course. When Fermi was discussing issues with others, he once asked the question of'Where are they all?' Although it is a very simple question, no one can explain it. Because if aliens had existed long ago However, they should have evolved very early and arrived on Earth long ago, but that is not the case." Qianjia said, "I remember that you put forward a theory in MUV called... the dark forest, right? The discovered civilization will Be destroyed."

"Ahhhhh! Yes, yes, yes!" Senxia was moved a little.

Senior sister actually remembered! Senior sister actually remembered!

Yes, Morika has put forward related theories in MUV, but everyone has read tights and cute sister papers. This cool theory is not very popular...

To be honest, Morinia had expected this theory to trigger a big discussion, but it has become like this now.

But after hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia's was indeed excited: I didn't expect the senior sister to remember this incident!

"What are you doing so excited?"

Morika felt the pressure on her head a little bit stronger.

He also calmed down.

"Well, it's almost like that. But in the current setting, I made another explanation: in the story, humans themselves are the forerunners of cosmic civilization, and humans are the first batch of intelligent creatures born. Under the circumstances, there are not many lives that can communicate with human beings." Senxia said her own explanation.

"I remember there was such a theory." Qianjia put her weight on Senxia's backrest and head, and began to think.

"..." Senxia felt Alexander on her head. He said: "That's it. According to research, the universe has not entered a truly prosperous period. Humans may have been born too early in the history of the universe. The existence of humans is likely to be the first or second batch of people. life."

This statement does exist.

Of course, this, like the so-called "dark forest", is a "hypothesis".

But isn't science fiction just such a thing? Human science fiction is something that happens on the basis of "if there is such a future."

"So, the human beings in our story are themselves the seeders of civilization. Human beings worship gods and creators, but when they look back on the path of pursuing the truth, they find that they have become the place of other life. The ultimate existence you are looking for."

The human beings who are looking for the Creator will eventually become the Creator itself.

"Their puzzles may never have answers, but they themselves can be the answers to others. The unbroken nature of mankind is the process of constantly creating miracles, and mankind itself is a part of miracles. If you can sing such a The story, this is really great."

If there is such a day, all this will surely impress me.

At least Senxia thought so.

"It's really a bold idea." Qianjia sighed. "Maybe this is the truth of the universe."

"Not this one."

——I have seen aliens long ago!

It is precisely because he has seen onion-headed aliens that Morinatsu knows that this kind of thinking is just a fantasy.

But this idea is cool and romantic, and that's enough.

"The scene of the story itself, I intend to focus on the space city and the surrounding space." Mori Xia said, "There will be interstellar zerg and a small number of aliens in the story, but there will be no such technological level far beyond. Human existence."

"This kind of science fiction theme is really rare." Qian Jia was really surprised. Because such sci-fi subjects are really rare.

The level of human civilization is at the forefront of the universe.

Yeah, but it's interesting.

"Of course, humans are not completely invincible. Zergs are human beings' enemies." Senxia said.

"Why Zerg?" Qianjia wondered, "Since StarCraft used the concept of Zerg, the concept of Zerg has been a bit overwhelming..."

"Yes, so we went against the routine. In the story, the swarms are not bad guys."


"It's interesting to overturn people's inherent concepts."

In the script of Macross F, the Zerg settings are similar to this. Senxia thinks this concept is also The basic idea is there, and Senxia started to conceive the script.

Although A's works have a high degree of freedom, their tradition is to focus on stories and story orientation because they started from word games.

The text and settings are still very important.

Senxia thought about it and started to set the background.

"Our story begins with the human space city, and the location of the story takes place on the immigrant space city "Ark"..."



"Why is it the Ark again?" Qianjia asked strangely, "Why is the space city called the Ark?"


Watson, you found a blind spot.

When Qianjia didn't say it, Senxia still didn't think it, but when Qianjia said that, Senxia suddenly thought that she really liked the name Ark.

"Aren't you thinking about Alice?"

"Why do you say Alice suddenly?"

"Her university is called Ark University, right?"

"I said it was a coincidence, do you believe it?"

I just think the term Ark is quite sensible...

It is inevitable for Morinka to think so.

Speaking of the most famous ship in human history, isn't it Noah's Ark?

"Well, forget it, you can keep writing."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Morinia feels that the weight on her head has increased again...

She did it on purpose...


The battle suit and Angela of "Paradise Chase" are both roaring.

Meow Meow Meow Meow~

. Wonderful book house

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