Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1670: Make a game of "Swordsman Miko"!

"Study... I learned a sister!"

Senxia saw Qianjia and almost couldn't even speak.

"Chiba-san, good morning." Miyazaki Hidetaka didn't think there was anything wrong, so he greeted him generously.

"Good morning, two people."

Qian Jia walked over slowly.

She is wearing a plain dress today, simple but not simple. Under the skirt of the dress, there are a pair of legs in black stockings.

She walked slowly like this, and then walked towards the two of them.

The graceful steps made her seem to be a model on the runway, and her every move seemed to be filled with unspeakable charm.

However, facing such a perfect senior sister, Senxia felt that her back was getting colder and colder, and her heart seemed to be thumping and thumping.

No way...guilty.

After all, Senxia was with Shion last night.

Although Morinka and Shion have been together many times, they were basically force majeure before.

But yesterday was wrong.

Yesterday's Morinka and Shion, although they were just chatting and falling asleep, they were nothing more than that.

However, Morinatsu has been with Shion after all.

Now that I saw my sister, I was naturally guilty.

"Senxia-kun didn't see him since yesterday." Qianjia looked at Senxia with a smile.

"Well... I had something at the time, so I went back first." Senxia said vaguely.

"Really, that guy Inoueno..."

Qianjia prolonged the sound.

Senxia's heart was suddenly suspended.

This... Could it be that the statement was wrong?

"...That's what I said. But I'm very curious, what is wrong with you."

"In terms of creation, when I saw that scene, I suddenly got inspiration... Well, I mean the "Etiquette of the Near Moon Girl"."

——Fortunately, I still have some new books!

Morinatsu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I have enough excuses.

"So that's it." Qianjia nodded, but then looked at Hidetaka Miyazaki, "Are you going to make a new game?"

"Hi." Seeing that the two of them were almost over, Hidetaka Miyazaki began to introduce him, "I am now thinking of a new game. I have a few ideas recently, one is to draw on the elements of Cthulhu and make a similar to Victoria The other idea is to move the scene to the east and use weapons like swords to make breakthroughs from the combat direction."

Because the Soul series appeared earlier, they caught up with the golden age and achieved better results than another world line.

But such impressive results also gave Miyazaki Hidetaka of this world line some stronger thoughts in his heart.

He wanted to break away from the shackles of the past "soul series".

To this end, he has two plans, one is a breakthrough in style.

"The former is because I made the "Forbearance" series. This oriental-style story makes me feel that in addition to the fantasy era, other times and countries can also show that wonderful charm. The latter I used to have some thoughts, but they were always vague. I didn't have some thoughts until I just watched "The Swordmaid"."

Miyazaki expressed his thoughts.

Morinia here seemed to be quietly relieved.

This wave of Miyazaki discussions brought back the topics between them, and Qianjia did not seem to pursue the above issues.

Although I still feel a little uneasy, Morinya also joined the discussion here.

"I think both types of ideas are good."

If it is on another world line, Hidetaka Miyazaki on that world line will develop "Curse of Blood" and "Sekiro".

But the deviation rate of this world line seems to be a bit big. This Miyazaki Hidetaka is a powerful version, and my experience is different from that of another world line.

Therefore, after seeing "The Swordsman Miko", Miyazaki of this world line, his ideas were "cut off" by this animation.

After all, the "Swordsman Witch" of this world line is the work of Mori summer, compared to the original version of the other world line five groups, this version of Mori summer is indeed somewhat "soul" in terms of combat.

"But I think it's very interesting to use a girl as the protagonist." Qianjia said.

"Because of the witch?" Senxia still remembered that he had seen the ergonomics written by Qianjia, and the content of the book was about witches.

...So, Qianjia's obsession with witches is so strong?

Senxia felt a little funny.

"Of course, isn't the maiden very interesting? The petite maiden uses a sword to repel the demon. This kind of contrast is also great?" Qianjia laughed.

"Speaking of which, the concepts in "Swordsman Miko" are indeed very suitable for making similar games." Miyazaki Hidetaka said, "For example, in the story, every Miko will use the ability to'write', this Putting abilities in the game can be an opportunity for players to die and resurrect."

In "Swordsman Witch", there is an ability called "writing".

The ability setting is quite complicated, but a simple summary is that it is similar to creating a "mirror" with mental power, just like a system backup. In this state, even if the body is missing an arm or a leg, just remove the "writing" State, it can be restored.

This feeling is the same as it has been restored after the computer of the Internet cafe is restarted-the damage caused to this mirror will naturally not cause damage to the body after it is removed.

This setting is also the basis for such a **** fight in "Swordsman Miko".

Because hard-core fighting is a battle of life and death.

However, in all kinds of animations, the protagonist seems to be a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. No matter how severe the injury is, he can get up again and again. Even if he has a broken arm, he can be resurrected within a few days.

You know, those hot-blooded battles, in many cases, can actually kill people with one move, but the characters in the animation have undergone great body deformation without the slightest fracture, and have experienced a heavy blow to the brain but not at all. Concussion, three knives and six holes in the body but still the same as a okay person...

Those are stunts and fake.

In "The Knife Maiden", this aspect is very realistic.

But unlike other works, in this work, the swordsmen have N lives, and death is not considered dead, so they can play a little hardcore.

Originally, Morinka only cared about this aspect.

But now that he heard what Miyazaki Hidetaka said, he suddenly felt that the latrine suddenly opened: Yes, such a setting, moving to the Soul series, seems pretty good!

The characters "immortality" and "return" in Hidetaka Miyazaki are game-like in the eyes of the player, but in the story, this is also reasonable. In the words of U Hane, Hidetaka Miyazaki directly uses the game A game content becomes the setting of the game itself.

This is actually very interesting.

"I think this is pretty good," Morinya said, "I think it's quite interesting."

He really thought it was fun.

Qianjia glanced at Morinatsu, then at Hidetaka Miyazaki: "What are you going to do?"

"Well, didn’t we talk about games that can stay undead before? I think we can achieve it here." Miyazaki Hidetaka said, "Ah, of course, if it stays undead, there will actually be some gameplay. Destroy, but if it can be continued, I think players will like it very much."

Hidetaka Miyazaki did not simply have an idea now. He immediately associated it with the content Morinka discussed after seeing this part of the story.

He found that this setting...seems very fun.

"This can indeed be an innovation in the system..." Senxia nodded.

Although the Soul series is not a "New Year" work that is released every year.

But it can be said that the games of the "Soul Series", even if they have no inherited names, will definitely sell out as long as these games are made one by one.

Adding some small innovations to the entire system can be very eye-catching.

"What about the moving system?" Senxia thought of another system in the animation.

In "Swordsman Witch", the swordsmen can "accelerate" in an instant to carry out the so-called swift movement. Simply put, it is similar to flashing, but compared to flashing, it is actually a high-speed movement. The skill of moving quickly, and the top of the fast moving, can even make people enter another dimension.

"Well, this system can be used as an evasion and displacement system in the game." Miyazaki Hidetaka said, "I intend to make evasion and parry the core content of this game."

In the game, naturally, it cannot be as versatile as the animation. This is a compromise for gameplay.

But there is no doubt that Hidetaka Miyazaki thinks this system is very interesting, he is going to develop this system into a main content in the game.

Most of the situations in the soul series are well known to the three of them.

What are the selling points, what are the things to pay attention to... It is easy for everyone to understand.

So regarding game mechanics and systems, this part was quickly decided. After finalizing, Qianjia thought of something related to the background of the plot: "What about the story? Modern? Or should it be based on the ancient background?"

"I haven't thought about this...but I think the background of the Warring States period is good." Miyazaki thought.

"...Actually, I think, why don't we make a modern background?" But Morinya said, "The work "To Demon" uses a modern background. But most of the cities in this story are It’s an alienated existence. I always feel that it’s a little worse. I think it would be better if we had a setting that more reflected this feeling."

There are indeed many interesting stories in the Warring States Period.

But Morinka feels that such a background is not suitable for the work "The Sword Maiden".

Since the work itself is a bit hardcore, then in the Warring States Period, let the sisters who wear sailor suits or witch skirts go out to fight against the enemy... This is really too "idol drama".

This kind of content is possible in "Sword Art Online", but not in "Swordsman Witch".

So Senxia thought about it, he thought the whole story was in a good era.

"Well... our story background is a modern story background that slightly exceeds the times. This is good." Senxia nodded quickly.

Miyazaki Hidetaka didn't say anything, he himself was a little vague, and he also felt that the background of the story was quite appropriate.

"What about the protagonist of the game? Do you use the animated'Kana Eto' as the protagonist?" Chika looked at Morika, "Now, who is your heroine?"

...Why do I feel a little square?

"I think it's better to pinch people!" Morinka said quickly, "The characters in the animation do not have to be exactly the same as those in the game. The protagonist of the animation appears in the game as an NPC, and I think it's pretty good!"

Moreover, this kind of "five-five" on the surface, but in fact it is so powerful that it is unreasonable "Ao Tian"... Mori Xia always feels that this kind of character is a bit awkward in the works of the soul series.

Well, the protagonist completely turned on the modifier, then adjusted the skill points to full the skill points, and then checked the Aotian brother who pressed all the work options.

This is not suitable for the spirit of the Soul series that you "die, die, die, die, you get used to it".

So the role must be a new one.

"Moreover, the relationship between the story and the animation should be weaker," Morinka continued.

"Really? I think the characters in it are also good to be used as BOSS..."

When Hidetaka Miyazaki was talking, he was looking at the character set book Morinka brought over.

However, after looking at one side, Miyazaki Hidetaka came to this conclusion.

Okay... The heroine and the second female number in this story have really played the role of "fake black" temporarily, and their aura is quite big...

"I'm afraid this story is really hard to set..." Senxia thought.

If it is weakly related, the story has a lot of room to play.

But if it is a strong relevance, then there are a lot of things that need to be cared about in the design of the whole story, and it is not possible to just think of a story casually.

Of course, some of the suggestions put forward by Miyazaki Hidetaka, Morika thinks are quite good.

For example, Kanami Eto, the protagonist of the animation, this sister paper who was able to press and beat the final BOSS, and put it as the guarding BOSS at the end, there is no sense of violation.

"I remember that in the setting, Desolate Soul itself was born because of humans. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is human sin karma?" Qianjia thought of some settings.

She looked at Senxia.

However, with the tone of speech, Morinka, who was looked at by Qianjia, felt even more uncomfortable.

"Uh... almost. The wild soul in the story is a thing combined with the negative divine **** that is a byproduct of human refining the sword. The **** turns into a wild soul, and it is the monster inside."

But... it seems that this setting can really make a point?

Senxia thinks so.

But...why did Senpai's eyes make me so guilty...


After some research, the author discovered that the setting of the Swordsman Miko, placed in the soul series, is really convenient to unfold...

I kept working until four in the morning last night, and the whole person was going to die...

Two-in-one meow~

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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