Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1671: Game of Knife and Miko

Senxia, ​​who was watched by Qianjia, was not calm now.

But even if you are not calm, do what you need to do.

Since Miyazaki Hidetaka himself is here, the design of the story is the best with him.

When designing animations and games, the requirements for the story are different.

In the game, the game's stage design is exquisite. The open game stage is different from the line* stage. There are also different thinking and ideas between literary workers and game producers.

The story of "Swordsman Miko" is Morinatsu. Although Miyazaki Hidetaka is very interested, the content itself still needs to be adjusted by the original author, which is the best.

Of course, there are also situations where game producers let themselves go, and there are many more. As for the effect... let alone, some are really good.

But now Morinka is the big boss.

Oh, add a premise, is the rich boss.

No matter how strong the idea and grand plan the game producers are, their first goal will always be funding.

And Senxia is a big boss who can provide sufficient funds.

So there is nothing bad about Morinia writing stories here, on the contrary-this means that the production of this game will be able to get a lot of funds afterwards!

Morinya also restrained her emotions.

Qianjia-senpai seems to be fine, and she is still working hard to create the best.

Morinya is also very interested in this whole story.

He really wants to see what kind of game Miyazaki Hidetaka can make.

Maybe it will be fun or maybe...

So now Senxia is facing the first problem.

"So where should our story scene be placed?"

Even if it is a modern city, it needs a suitable place.

Among Japanese games, many games also have modern backgrounds. But many of these games are very cheating. The so-called modern background is full of air walls, and there are not many places to move. The whole story feels like a funny stage play.

Of course, there are also games with excellent scenes, some of which are even classics.

But Senxia looked around, but felt that the possibility of being able to find the benchmark works...too few.

He found that the most suitable target was his own "Forbearance".

But this story is not of that type...

Of course, if it is not limited to Japanese-style stories, Morinatsu finds that there are actually more situations to learn from.

Although a little embarrassed, at this time, what Senxia thought of in his mind turned out to be a classic European and American open game architecture.

That kind of game is obviously a panacea story structure, and various designs are simply not too convenient.


there is a question……

That is, Hidetaka Miyazaki is not someone who can play such games.

Although the story of the other party is not a completely linear narrative structure, it is also a kind of narrative.

But gradually, the brain hole of a comic work appeared in Morinka's mind.

The name of the manga is "Girls' Last Journey".

Moriha was very impressed with the urban design in this work.

Some of these urban designs resemble the style of cyberpunk, and some resemble the design of "Nest Capital".

He thinks this kind of design seems pretty good.

"How about we design the story in a huge three-dimensional city?" Senxia asked.

"Three-dimensional city?" Hidetaka Miyazaki had also contacted the Warhammer series, so he asked, "What kind of nest?"

"Slightly close."

In "Girls' Last Journey", the two heroines are roaming in a huge city, and then they continue to climb up.

Morika thinks this concept is good.

"...This is not a shrine maiden." But Qianjia raised an objection, "Why not use an animated background?"

"Although the background of the animation looks good, it is not suitable for the story of the soul series."

Although the background of the animation is interesting, it is not suitable for the background of the game.

The reasons for this are complicated, but in the final analysis, this story is created for animation.

This is different from the "Nyha" series. The game of "Nyha" is an action system, and each battle is carried out in a separate scene, and there are various plot fillings when passing through the scenes.

But the soul series of Hidetaka Miyazaki is purely speaking with the screen and the game itself.

At this time, the original animation structure is not suitable.

Since it has to be done, Morinia certainly wants to do its best.

"Our game story should be weakly related to animation." Morinka said, "The story between the two parties is a different story under the same worldview system... Well, it's also related to "Tsuki Hime" The concept of "Fate/Stay Night" series is the same."

Speaking of "Tsukihime", Morika is angry.

The May line of Nasu mushrooms has not yet been filled. As a result, more and more people now regard the rumor of Morika as the official history of the May line, and they shamelessly want Morika to "correct" this part. .

Hey, there are such lazy people...

"That's it, I understand." Senxia's statement made Qianjia understand.

"But I think there can be a conceptual design of the city..." Hidetaka Miyazaki said suddenly, "I wonder if the two have heard of the mountain city of a big eastern country next door?"

A mountain city in the Bayu area of ​​Sichuan, Shun, or Yucheng.

Of course Morinya knew.

Not only did he know, he had been there.

And Qianjia still went with Senxia.

"Know, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Last year, I went there with Takeuchi and Nasu-Caifeng."

what's the situation?

Miyazaki Hidetaka and these two goods are also mixed together?


What kind of butterfly effect is this?

It's really weird that this unbeatable relationship can still occur.

Ah, that's not right, the point is... the two goods actually went abroad for a trip last year?

Are they so laid back? !

"And then?" Qianjia spoke first when Mori Xiaman was thinking about it in a mess.

"I think the three-dimensional sense of this city is very good, and the combination of the city and the mountains and rivers complements each other. If we really need a three-dimensional city, I think the design of that city is very good." Miyazaki Hidetaka Senxia couldn't help but nodded.

The mountain city is indeed a very special city.

This city will indeed become a prototype and location for many people to create cyberpunk-style cities in the future.

Of course, now this city has only just become a municipality, and it is still very young.

But this does not prevent Senxia from thinking about it here.

"If you use a similar city as a prototype, it would be very convenient to add some shrines or similar places." Mori Xia muttered.

The beginning of a story gradually took shape in his mind.

"In a city built on a mountain, I encountered a containment breach. SCP173...ah, sorry, I have crossed words. I mean, on the top of the mountain, gods from ancient times are enshrined." Senxia muttered. "However, on a certain day, the gods turned into desolate souls, and the entire city had to start a major evacuation, and sent swordsmen to crusade..."

Hmm, I feel better and better.

Senxia thought it was pretty good.

"But as an opening, it seems to be a bit short..."

Qianjia agreed with the background, but she felt that this background seemed a bit too common.

"The setting of the outsider is quite normal," Morinya said, "It is because the protagonist is an ordinary swordsman, the story is interesting."

The protagonist is "Van Bone", this kind of story may be fun to do.

"But as far as the player’s sense of substitution is concerned, I think it’s okay to make a little judgment about the protagonist’s identity, and it doesn’t have to be completely obscure." Miyazaki felt that the protagonist’s identity could be special, "She can be Swordsman, but maybe there is something different from others..."

"The protagonist is... the shrine maiden of the Izumo area?" Senxia suddenly got a head.

"Izumo area?"

Those who have played "The Legend of Taige Rishi" may have an impression of the word "Izumo" because there is a singer named Izumo Akuni in it, a legend in the Warring States period.

"Yes, the witch of God in Moon."

In the place of Nihong, October is also called "Shen Wuyue".

Because at this time, all the gods will gather together.

But there is one exception.

That is the Izumo area.

In this month, other places are called "Shen Wu Yue", but this place is called "God in the Moon" because the place where the eight million gods come is Izumo.

Put "In this case...I think it would be more interesting if we set the prototype of the target city in this place."

Shancheng borrowed from structure. But Hidetaka Miyazaki is talking about geographical location.

"It makes sense..." Senxia nodded.

Morinya felt uncomfortable just after she finished "Miko of God in Moon", because there is another work called "Miko of God Without Moon"...

As a result, Senxia was talking here, and suddenly she felt something wrong.

But the explanation given by Hidetaka Miyazaki is quite good.

In the whole story, those "gods" and "desolate souls" were originally closely related. In this case, it would be best to arrange Izumo as the stage of the story.

Of course, this does not refer to Izumo in the real world, but to make a combination after "moving" the mountain city of a big eastern country next door, which is their "child".

Well, there is no problem with the logic.

"In this case, I have an idea." Qianjia seemed to have an idea at this time. "Since all the sword lords are the users of the sword and the'maiden' of the sword, it is better to set the protagonist to worship an unknown name. The sword maiden of the gods?"

Qianjia just finished speaking, and the Morinia here suddenly had a sense of sight again: "Hakuli Reimu?"

Yes, Hakurei Reimu.

In the Oriental series, the shrine Reimu enshrines the nameless gods.

So Qian Jiayi said that Senxia has a sense of sight.

However, if you think about it carefully, if Hakuryi Reimu is a guest in the story of the sword maiden...this is an anomaly!

Senxia shook her head, throwing the strange thought aside.

Then he said: "ZUN Sang will complain about us, right?"

If you don't know it, it's okay, you can learn from it.

But ZUN is also an acquaintance of Morika, and occasionally ZUN will invite Morika to drink with him.

Although Senxia didn't drink much, the relationship between everyone was good after all.

It's okay to learn from strangers, but learn from acquaintances... it feels quite subtle.

"As stated above, the wild soul is the product of the combination of Yugang's **** and negative divinity, right?"

While the two were discussing, Hidetaka Miyazaki here was watching the set.

The so-called jade steel is the raw material for forging the imperial sword, and it is also the core material in the story. If there is no jade steel, the whole story would not have happened.

He saw the above settings, but he had his own ideas.

"If this is the case, why don't we set the protagonist's identity as a sword maiden who has lost his divine nature?" He said, "In the story, only a girl can become a sword maiden, which is similar to the real world witch. However, we use the opposite concept here. The protagonist is still a witch, but the **** she worshipped has disappeared..."

The same thing is true, but Miyazaki Hidetaka played the opposite, which is very interesting.

"Knife maiden" borrows some settings from real witches.

It's just that in "The Swordsman Miko", what the Miko enshrines is not a certain god, but the swords that are the incarnation of the godhead itself.

This point is actually some use of the real The angle chosen by Hidetaka Miyazaki is very good: "Before the beginning of the story, these people’s swords may have absorbed those negative gods due to various events. Sex, or it might be the same as when steel meets rust, it also corrodes along with it. After these events, their swords began to be infected..."

If the rust of steel is not treated in time, the rust will spread quickly.

Hidetaka Miyazaki borrowed the same intention.

"It's not just the protagonist, but a group of people including the protagonist." Morika said, "There may be a group of witches like this."

"Is that all right?" Qian Jia asked.

"It's okay. It's not against the setting." Morinya noted it, and he was going to expand on this aspect, "Perhaps we can set that these witches themselves have no power, but their swords are cutting others. After the sword, you can get the abilities of others... Well, let’s see how Miyazaki is going to design the game. Let’s move on to the next topic."

After discussing this point, it's the enemy's turn next.

"In our game, the enemies can be divided into three types. The first is the ordinary barren soul; the second is the humanoid barren soul; the third is the swordsman itself." Senxia said, "Of course, our sword The techniques used are all kendo techniques that are based on the real world. If this part is to be designed, I suggest that it is best to find out the specific conditions in the real world."

Enemies are mainly divided into three categories, and Morinka is thinking about how to design at this time.


The stories of the East are all so-called "mutations", so Morinka played in the brain...

Hirasaka reading feeding **** was a big success, everyone spit and leave...


The new card of Knife Maiden New Year Eto Kanami's witch dress is really amazing.

Two-in-one meow.

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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