Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1683: The cube man of the Iron Fortress (laughs)

Dada Dada joined this project on the first floor of Hanoi, which really surprised Senxia.

However, he has become accustomed to world line changes.

Rather, it is commendable that these people can develop close to the situation of another world line by interfering with the world line for more than 20 years.

"When I play, I'll show you some alternative names."

Now that I know the screenwriter, Morinia tried this game here. As for the name, he was going to wait until he had played the game. He has just gone through a novice tutorial, and now the script of the first chapter has just begun, and Moriha can't figure it out.

Although there is some subtle feeling about the zombies, after entering the formal plot, it feels much more comfortable.

In the first chapter of the story, after escaping from the city, the train was repaired in a deserted small gathering place, and the protagonist repaired the train before that and saved these people, so he was selected as the conductor.

Hmm...Da Hanoi who took medicine.

In other words, the relatively immature Greater Hanoi?

Although in this work, Morika sees the feeling of "The Iron Fortress", but based on the comparison, Morika found that the difference between the two is quite big. But Mori summer did not rule out that this was because of Takahashi Ryuya's relationship.

After all, Takahashi is the real person in charge.

Morika continued the game.

"It feels good."

The first chapter is an abandoned stronghold, so there is no such complicated terrain outside, and occasionally you can see the countryside scenery. I just came out of the medieval square city and saw such a scene. It is really comfortable. a feeling of.

"It can be built outside here."

The terrain of the game is made of the same block as MC, so the terrain can be destroyed when playing.

"Hi. Our game does not have an overly complicated combat system. Instead, players can use blocks to build favorable terrain to fight against enemies, or they can even build cannons to fight against."

There are two train cannons on the train, but at the beginning, the two train cannons were damaged, and players need to find a way to repair them.

"Oh, it's really interesting."

Senxia was surrounded by a group of zombies at this time, but he immediately piled a few squares under him, and then went up by himself, condescendingly using terrain to "landscape kill".

Not to mention, it feels really good.

At the beginning of the game, the long-range weapon only had one bow for the time being, Morinya took out this small bow with a weak attack power, and then started to attack the enemy below.

However, the enemy is not a vegetarian. Two Skeleton Musketeers in the distance came over and attacked here.

In this Western modern background, this combination of zombies and skeletons seems to have a more magical feeling. And this is one of the reasons why Senxia simply suggested that they transform zombies into monsters.

Being hung and hit by the enemy remotely, the block under Senxia's feet also began to be attacked, but his eyesight was quick and he escaped in time.

"Huh... it's done."

After cutting off the ranged soldiers first, Senxia changed a place and continued to kill terrain. Although these zombies can also climb walls and steps, they are incomparable with players. It is quite pleasant to kill enemies in this way.

Indeed, this game feels quite casual, at least in Morixia's view, the game mechanism is very good.

"Can houses be built in the wild?" Senxia asked again.

"Hey, in addition to special buildings, houses can also be built in the wild, but like MC, sometimes you may encounter enemy troubles, and there are many buildings that are exclusive to trains."

There is a very good setting in this game, and that is the construction of houses.

For example, in the game, if the player wants to build a bedroom, he can build a house and put a bed on his own. The train is very spacious. If they are side by side, there will be a room on each side, and then the aisle in the middle. However, the bedroom in the game is actually more particular, that is, there is a blueprint in the game.

In the game, the game recognizes a space enclosed by the player.

If this place has a wardrobe, a bed, and some up-to-standard furnishings and windows, the system will recognize it as a "bedroom". Then, this room is the bedroom recognized by the system. And if you rest in the bedroom, you can increase your rest reward by 50%. If you get up the next day, you will get a BUFF, which will increase all attributes by 10%.

Not only the bedroom, but also other rooms in the game, such as smelting room, forging room, kitchen and other equipment.

Outside of the train, a similar mechanism will also take effect, but this effective mechanism is restricted.

For example, players can build gun towers in the wild, but there is no way to make kitchens or bedrooms in the wild.

But this is also quite interesting.

The content of the first chapter is quite simple, that is, when everyone is resting, the protagonist begins to explore.

Senxia is more top-notch, so he didn't go to fight monsters to level up, but went to find the boss alone, wanting to kill the goods.

But Senxia found that this thing was quite powerful.

"In the first chapter, we will guide players to forge and other abilities, so that they learn to make items by themselves." Kuroshima Ichiro said, "So we took this into consideration when designing."

Well, the tone is more euphemistic, but in the vernacular, it means "Boss, you are not equipped, please pull it down."

But Senxia is a head iron baby.

While playing this game, he discovered that although this game is not an action game, it seems that it is not impossible to show operation at this time.

BOSS is a huge zombie similar to a tank. It is very powerful. Moriha has been brought down several times in a row.

But the head iron baby will not succumb.

He immediately thought of a tactic.

Senxia went to mine a lot of mines, and then repaired a bunker. This bunker was just outside the guard range, so Senxia built a fortress in this way, and then led the boss over.


Was pushed down.

"Tsk, is one not enough?"

After all, the head Tiewa, Senxia decided not to do it, two ceaselessly, to build three fortresses, and then take turns. This time, BOSS demolished one Senxia will go to the next one, so slowly BOSS drags to death and is hungry...

"This setting is good."

Morinya could not help but nodded to this setting.


Ichiro Kuroshima wiped cold sweat.

He is meowing, we have never thought about this method of fighting against BOSS!

Of course they thought about using buildings to fight against each other, but they didn't engage in equipment like Morinia, but built a few houses like this to kill the head iron baby. They really didn't think...

After all, with so much time for mining and collecting materials, it is completely possible to build a suit for BOSS...


Meow temporarily.

WOWAKA, who created for Hatsune, passed away, and died young again. Everyone really pays attention to your body...

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