Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1718: Next generation host

In Mori Xia, he did not think about Shu... No, it was during discussions with his assistants and partners, the E3 exhibition was gradually fermenting.

Unlike the Tokyo Game Show for players, E3 is a trade show for developers, distributors, platformers, etc.-but in the future, the nature of E3 will gradually change and become a game show that has attracted public attention. .

This world line is also like this.

But that was before Senxia set foot.

After Senxia started to get involved, E3 was a bit broken by Senxia.

Before the opening of E3 every day, Morinka will hold a grand press conference here. This game carnival directly turns the taste of the trade show into a carnival.

But what does it matter?

Pleasure is naturally the best.

However, there were people who were so happy at the scene, and some people at the Order of the Phoenix were not so happy.

While Morinya is engaged in design, here has just completed the tape-out for the next generation GSII.

GSII will use a quad-core CPU.

It is still a glue design, but compared to the current design, it is slightly improved, because every "glue chip" has two cores.

In terms of design, according to Hitachi’s suggestion, the internal part of the chip is split, the IO control chip is independent, and two dual-core die (chip core) and one GPU core are placed in it to become one Four-point chip.

"Let's see if we can succeed..." Fujiwara Tetsuro took a breath.

Fujiwara Tetsuro is an old employee who followed Sega's development team into the Order of the Phoenix.

He once participated in the cooperation plan with IBM, and now he is in contact with Hitachi and other companies to develop new CPUs.

This is definitely not a simple task.

In fact, at the beginning, Senxia deliberately wanted to integrate all the cores on a die, because in this case, the internal architecture of the chip is the best, the design is simple and the delay is low, which can be said to be a very convenient design.

Therefore, after Hitachi and other companies came up with this four-part structure, Mori summer did not approve it.

In Senxia's view, apart from the GPU developed by another company and requires additional "glue", the other ones are best integrated together.

This kind of painful four-piece glue design certainly cannot enter Senxia's eyes.

But at that time, it was Tetsuro Fujiwara who stood up and convinced Morinatsu.

The reason Fujiwara Tetsuro uses is simple-product yield.

This kind of "glue" that divides the CPU is a "glue", but the product yield is very high, and the improvement of the product yield represents a decrease in product cost and an increase in production efficiency.

In the production of CPUs, at first, the factory produced a large round wafer, and then people cut it and carved the circuit on it.

In this way, the CPU becomes.

But when cutting wafers, there is a problem, that is, the wafers are round, and the chips are rectangular, which means that the corners of the wafer will be wasted, and the smaller the core, it means The less waste.

It's not just that.

On the wafer, not all places are perfect. Sometimes the core produced may be damaged in one place.

The bigger the chip, the more so.

For example, if a chip with high integration is produced according to Senxia's idea, the cost may be US$100, but if there is a problem with it, the chip will be discarded, the loss will be US$100, and the entire chip will be scrapped.

But if it is cut into four small chips, one of them will be damaged. In this case, the material cost of 100 US dollars, the loss may be only 25 US dollars, and the remaining three chips can still work.

Morinatsu was persuaded by this example of Fujiwara Tetsuro.

——The glue is glue, just keep the cost down.

Ever since, Fujiwara Tetsuro pitted himself.

He was promoted.

A promotion is naturally a good thing. However, after Fujiwara Tetsuro's appreciation, the problems to be solved may be a big issue.

"Glue chip" yield and cost can be reduced, this is in terms of materials.

But the design of this chip is not so easy.

If it is a fully integrated chip, the communication within the chip is relatively smooth, which means that the product can save more resources.

The performance is that the chip's efficiency is higher, the delay is lower, and internal conflicts are easier to resolve.

But if it is glue, the coordination between each die is sometimes a big problem. If one fails, it will cause the delay between the chips to increase sharply, and the work coordination between the die and the die is also problematic.

The manifestation is that it is easy to have a situation where one core is working and the other cores are watching.

This is still the mildest side effect. If the design is not good, other problems may arise, such as repeated commands sent to the core, blue screens and errors caused by conflicts, and so on.

In other words, this kind of glue design increases the hardware yield while slightly reducing the product's performance, and the requirements for architects have been raised several levels. In fact, the cost of design has increased.

And the one responsible for this part is Fujiwara Tetsuro.

GSII will be listed next year, and whether GSII can have a stronger "heart" depends on the results this time.

If the trial-produced chip is successful, then GSII will be found, and the development machine will be released and sent to other manufacturers within a year.

But if it doesn't work... Congratulations, the product needs to be redesigned and taped out. Millions, or even tens of millions of dollars, will be in vain.

For this reason, Fujiwara Tetsuro is under great pressure at this moment.

A promotion is indeed a promotion, but if this one is not dealt with, it would be quite dangerous.

Fortunately, Fujiwara Tetsuro knew that he was not the most nervous one.

In Fujiwara Tetsuro's view, the most square... is actually the handheld department.

The handheld department is now waiting for the maturity of the new technology. The concept prototypes produced before this are always just prototypes.

More importantly, the handheld department can't just copy the previous success.

It should be known that if the CPU switches the process, even if it is only a process adjustment, the design of the CPU itself cannot be mechanically and directly adopted the original design, but needs to be adjusted on this basis.

This can be used effectively.

But because of this, this design is very particular.

But this does not mean that Fujiwara Tetsuro is easy.

Because glue is not so easy to deploy.

Of course, the so-called "glue multi-core" processor is not really filling the glue into the CPU, but a package in which two kinds of die are placed in a CPU. As I said before, it is not shown here.

In fact, it was Intel that took the lead in making commercial glues—they released the Pentium Pro series in 1995. Pentium pro is the world's first processor to support more than 4GB of "super large" memory, and it is also the first CPU to put the concept of "glue process" into practice.

It's just that Pentium Pro is not necessary for ordinary users at all, and commercial users who need it directly buy a motherboard with multiple CPUs (that is, a motherboard that supports multiple CPUs).

As a result, this ancient glue technique was temporarily submerged in the crowd.

Until another world line, the opponent's AMDX2CPU adopted a "true dual-core" solution.

But that is already a matter of another dimension.

After I didn't touch the glue very much, the IBM family had been developing it silently, otherwise Senxia would not be able to ask the other party about this technology.

"I heard that the next generation of PS game consoles has begun to develop." While Fujiwara Tetsuro was resting, colleagues came over with coffee.

"Is there any news?" Fujiwara Tetsuro was a little surprised.

"Well, after the news of our cooperation with IBM last year, Sony also found IBM to develop a ‘big guy’. Mr. Xia Sen speculated that it was the core of preparing for the new generation of PS."

In the Order of the Phoenix, many people are fans of Morinia.

There are book fans, game fans, and animation fans.

These people would also call Senxia "Teacher Xia Sen" in secret.

Well, in fact, a lot of this habit was learned by them and company A, because there are many people in company A who call Senxia secretly.

"Sony's news is so poorly kept secret?" Fujiwara Tetsuro was a little surprised.

Sony's confidentiality capabilities are not bad.

But... However, Senxia is a "special channel"!

"I guess the file will be downloaded from the above, and you can see it then."

What the colleague said was right.

In the afternoon of the same day, Tetsuro Fujiwara got a confidentiality agreement.

After signing the agreement, he saw some design materials for a game console.

But Tetsuro Fujiwara knew at a glance that this product was not a next-generation game console developed by himself.

Because this machine is fundamentally wrong.

The game console temporarily named "P" uses the embedded Freebsd operating system setting, which is wrong-because I use the Vista system.

The CPU of the game console is a processor codenamed "C".

The idea of ​​this processor is also incompatible with its own.

Senxia's route is similar to the current PC, which is a CPU+GPU route, except that Senxia is taking the integration route.

The C processor is a single-core eight coprocessor.

——Yes, this is the PS3 specification.

It's just another world line PS3.

In this world line, many things have changed.

For example, when Sony found IBM to cooperate, there were actually some reasons why it was stimulated by Senxia. Part of the reason for their cooperation was the dual-core on Senxia GS.

As for whether this world line will have a PS3 of the same specification, Mori Xia is actually not sure, because many of these things have changed. Maybe someone else came up with another PS3. ?

But although there is no, but the reference value is still there, so Mori Xia took this product that Sony may not have, and put it out for everyone to make a reference.

The C processor is the famous CELL.

But Fujiwara Tetsuro didn't know.

But Tetsuro Fujiwara was a little surprised, because the architecture of this product is very strange, it is a single core, but there are 8 SPE (equivalent to coprocessor core) CPU inside.

The main memory of the machine is 256MB.

"so small?"

Fujiwara Tetsuro murmured.

The product line given by Morinia, the next generation GSII, has a memory of 256MB.

But if the PS3 is only 256MB, this product is not an iterative upgrade product. When it is launched in the future, it seems a bit small.

——You need to know that in your own product roadmap, when GSIII, the memory capacity of the entire product will reach 1GB!

According to Fujiwara Tetsuro's judgment, GSIII should be just right for PS3...

"This should be the original design, and it will definitely be adjusted in the future." He muttered.

Although my colleague had revealed abundantly before, he felt that even if this document is correct, it is not necessarily final-because the things to be done when the product is established and the final product may sometimes be very different...

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