Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1719: Team up

The e3 conference went smoothly.

As far as Senxia is concerned, his goal is almost achieved.

The new "eating chicken" mode of the game is currently the most concerned game on the Internet. The official also took the opportunity to start a stress test, allowing players to register and conduct an internal test.

This method of issuing numbers...Although it's a bit difficult to tell, it's really hot on Morinka's side in this world line, so that there are already many number dealers who specialize in selling activations in the market.

But Senxia is not as dead as the penguins on the other world line.

His process is just for the sake of the game's popularity. As for the current traffickers, the government has also rectified it, which can only be said to be an inevitable side effect.

However, most players themselves are also very interested in the game.

Just like now.

Alice opened a presidential suite directly, and then placed several GSs, turning a valuable presidential room into a small Internet cafe.

Morinka, Chika, Shiyin and Alice are here at this moment "sitting in four consecutive Internet cafes." And next door to Morinka are Aso, Erika, Jiusheng and Yusu.

Tongya Taka was there originally, but he was taken away by the "Mie-chan" who was chasing him before.

I can only say that... the strict control of the wife is really terrifying.

As for Lihua's words, she was selectively excluded.

No way, she came over and there was no suspense.

Lihua's appearance is equal to 98k and Level 3 A from the sky. All of them are the fate circle. The key is that she is accurate.

This kind of thing that had risen to the level of metaphysics made everyone decisively rule out Lihua.

"Wait a minute." Erika protested, "Why are you all squeezing beside Senxia-kun!"

However, before a game started, Erika protested.

I won’t talk about the team on my side for the time being. On Morinia’s side, the three people around him are all staring at him, and they feel uncomfortable no matter how they look.

Erika's gaze swept across the chests of the three people opposite, annoyed even more.

"Ah, I also think this team has some problems." Qian Jia said. She grabbed Senxia, ​​and then continued: "I think the existence of some people may affect the performance of me and Senxia."

"Oni-chan is the best partner with me." Shiyin shook Senxia's hand.

"Darling is with me. Isn't this just a matter of course?" Alice was not outdone either.

The three men held their heads tall.


Seeing the majestic and majestic waves, Erika felt a suffocation.

Gee...I won't admit defeat!

But...but...but the pressure is so great!

All three of them are "heavyweight" players, even Shion, they are not small, they are still crushing in front of Erika's desperate plain.

"I think this is pretty good." Ken Aso wanted to intervene, but seeing the atmosphere at the scene, he decisively chose to shut up and sat quietly with Misato Nyuu, acting as a sense of existence. Zero light bulb.

"Why don't we draw lots together?" It was Tianyin Youqi who spoke.

No, she didn't speak, she just took out the notebook silently, and wrote a sentence on it in a large font.

"This is good!" After seeing these words, Erika's eyes suddenly lit up, "We want this!"

"Yes, yes, everyone draws the best." Seeing that there are some problems here, Morinya said quickly, "How to form a team? This is the most interesting thing!"

With Tianyin Yousu's proposal, everyone agreed with this reason.

So Senxia made a few notes, and then gave everyone a draw.


Morinka, Aso, Yusu and Jiusheng formed a team.

On the opposite side, Chika, Shion, Alice, and Erika with a bewildered look.

"Well, since it's a lottery, then everyone doesn't have any objections." Senxia was relieved when she saw that several girls were put into a group.

That's it...

"Why..." But the four people over there seemed to be very dissatisfied.

But now that this is the case, there is no better way.

After making a decision, the next step is to enter the game.

Of course there is no shortage of activated accounts for Morinia, so he directly took out the accounts for everyone.

The first is to create a role.

Senxia decided to pinch a cute girl in a sailor suit.

Compared with the Sword Art Online over there, this ggo is more realistic in the style of painting. Of course, it is not all realistic, but the style is closer to realism.

Realistic style is easier to make a sense of science fiction and reality. Relatively speaking, cute science fiction or urban themes will give people a lighter feeling. If it is a casual game, it is fine, but for shooting games, a more realistic style is naturally the best.

What Senxia pinched was a black long straight cute girl in a sailor suit.

"Um... I feel good." Senxia nodded.

Cute girl with a huge sniper rifle, this feeling is really superb!

Yes, there is a very good paper doll system in this game.

Dressing up is an important part of the game.

Morinia thinks that such a game would be very interesting if it had this kind of dress-up system.

So, he did it.

As part of the game.

After pinching the face, you can customize the character.

In the shaking m mode...disrespect, it is in the master mode, no talent or anything is necessary, but in h...cough, it is necessary in the hero mode.

This talent, Senxia refers to her own hero trajectory talent system, but is more radical.

Simply put, this system can provide players with a variety of development paths, but the "cost" of each player is limited, which ensures that players can get different developments.

"I am going to use the remote mode, you have a role of investigating."

Senxia is going to go long-distance, so he reminds others that they need a character who can look into the grass.

"Let me come." Kenichi Aso was able to continue to be in the same group with Misato Kyuu. He was quite happy, so he took the initiative to stand up, "But what about this investigation?"

"Well, look here, this talent tree named Bloodhound. Look at this passive."

The passive skill Moriha directed is called "Tracker".

"With this skill, after you enter the game, you will find that there are various footprints on the ground, such as the footprints of other players just passing by here or the traces of some equipment once here, which can help us analyze the surrounding situation... …" Senxia introduced.

"Oh." Ken Aso nodded a little.

"There is an active skill here, called the Eye of God, which is the core of investigation..."

There are many such skills in the game.

For example, the skill of the Eye of God.

The function of this skill is to display the enemies, objects and clues in all the buildings in front of you in a short time, which is equivalent to opening a perspective directly.

Morinia directly made the plug-in into a special function...

Well, actually this is learning apex...

"Yusu, I'll leave the supporting role to you." After Moriha finished talking to Aso Ken, he looked at Tianyin again.

In the game, there is the positioning of "nanny", the nanny can save a lot of props in the game.

"Leave it to me." Yusu typed directly on the team's public screen.

There are also many skills for nurses. There are healing drones: you can place drones on the ground to heal; there are stand shields, which can temporarily add a rapid decay energy shield to the player; there are also skills such as increasing movement speed.

Senxia has no requirements in this regard, but he hopes that Yusu can point out the talent of "supply warehouse".

The supply warehouse is a resource that exists in the game. Simply put, it is an airdrop, and the nanny's skills are lowered, and finally such an "airdrop" can be directly summoned.

There will be a lot of sophisticated equipment in the supply warehouse, from shields to weapons, everything from shields to weapons, if you click on the talent of fine equipment, you can even make the supply warehouse richer than airdrops.

Such skills are definitely very interesting.

"If I do, just take the long-distance route."

Senxia clicked on long-range skills, one was headshot assistance, and the other was the talent that the farther apart, the greater the power of the weapon.

And Senxia's ultimate move is to summon an air strike.

"What should I choose?" Jiusheng Misato was the only one left.

"Well, let's come to a combatant. If you have a big move, you can choose some life-saving genres. It's best to click on the ability to reset the body armor..."

Moriha will soon be deployed.

He did not consider the battle with Qianjia and others, because in a game, the number of players is very large. Dozens of people need to play against each other in the game. It is not always certain who can survive to the end. Things.

"I said, since it's so troublesome, why don't we play m mode?" Qianjia over there felt that maybe everyone could adapt to the normal mode.

"Many of you here are newcomers and may not be able to control the game well. The competitive mode pays more attention to the player's level of skill, but in the hero mode, the element of luck is greater." Morixia said, "This The pattern is more interesting."

"Really?" Qianjia thought.

Morika continued: "It's as if we have racing mode and prop mode in our kart. Hero mode is actually similar to prop mode, while competitive mode is similar to racing mode."

Well, if you put it in other words, Senxia's meaning is very obvious: "You guys, what he meows is food!"

But Senxia did not say anything.

After all, there are all kinds of players in this game, and the first batch will join, many of which belong to the type of **** players.

These people must be very powerful in terms of technology. Not to mention all kinds of gun pressure techniques, even if they change their bullets, they can sometimes even play with them...

This is an internal test. Looking up, many of these players are old players, and some are even players who have participated in wcg and other competitions.

If it is a public beta, it is actually okay, because the player base is relatively large, and the possibility of encountering a master is relatively small.

But forget it now.

Of course, if Lihua is "escorting" by the side, it is not difficult for the two teams to join the finals.

But there is no point in doing that.

So Senxia felt that if this is the case, everyone might as well have fun.

Happy games are the most important thing!

After choosing the role, Morinka entered a room and started matching.

After all, the internal test, and the test has just begun, so eight people actually did not need to contact, they found that the other party was already opposite.

This is a good thing, everyone is in a game.

"Lots of people!"

Erika looked up and found that there were all people here.

"Of course, dozens of people."

Senxia is still very happy.

There are not many online games that can gather so many players to interact together in the game.

These characters in the game squeezed their faces like Morinka.

These face-squeezing functions were sent for free during the internal test.

But this does not mean that free is perfect because in the future public testing, this "character dressing" will become one of the selling points in the game.

Even Morinia thought about a lot of linkage projects, that is, he wanted to launch a variety of character coats and equipment.

This is obviously very interesting.

Especially for mud bombers.

The mud bombers are not very proficient in first-person shooting games.

They are not even very enthusiastic about this, so many games of the same type, after getting the mud bomb, will rush to the street because of the unaccustomed.

But some games are exceptions.

For example, in another world line, there is a game called eating chicken. This game was developed by a big eastern country, but it has almost become a mud-boom national level game, which is really amazing.

Of course, this is not to say that mud bombers like to "eat chicken". After this game was launched, other chicken-eating games also entered the market, but they were undoubtedly on the street.

One of the differences is that this game is a "dress up game" that can deeply customize characters. There are even many people who joked that this game is closer to a social dress-up game than the chicken game.

Of course, in addition, the linkage of this game is also a very interesting place. After landing in the mud bomb, this game is linked to the anime work of Attacking Giant, which adds a large wave of popularity to the work. And can they do other chicken games?

This is the advantage.

Senxia borrowed this.

After being prepared, the game... finally started.


Two in one meow meow~

Author, ready to make the game...Fupin Chinese

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