Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1736: Part 2 of the game

Company A and Musashino Animation are a golden combination. It is very common for animations and games to launch simultaneously.

But one more subtle thing is that their animations and games are not the same "world line".

Everyone is already familiar with this point.

Because what Xia Sen likes most is the parallel world.

So everyone is used to it.

Anyway, even as an independent work, there is no problem.

For true fans, they are true fans by reading the stories of every world line.

And although some stories have different world lines, the clues are still common.

For example, there are hints to vampires in the branch plots of the first generation of games. After reading this hint, you can understand why the supporting actress Suzuka Tsukimura has strong physical strength and strength, and hates sunlight, and is drowsy during the day. Fell asleep.

It was already the next day when Nine Life Dragon also played the game.

He was a little impatient.

Nine Life Dragon also played a generation of games.

Although the story line is different, the general route is still the same.

It seemed that World War II would definitely break out, even if Old Xi died, another person would definitely come out and start it.

The same goes for the story of Lyrical Nanoha.

Of course, there are differences.

For example, Lyrical Nanoha in the game is more hardcore, the animation is more soft, and the manga is more girlish.

The development in the story is different because of the difference in dealing with people and things.

Nine Life Dragon is also starting to enter the second-generation game's first impression, is that this game is somewhat extraordinary.

Because of the changes in the platform and the powerful performance of the GS, the entire screen of the second generation has gone further.

Ah, this light! Ah, this water!

After seeing such an exquisite picture, Nine Life Dragon was extremely amazed.

Compared with the previous generation, the light and shadow effects of the entire picture have been significantly improved.

But the biggest improvement is the role.

In other words, clothing.

Compared with the first generation, the second generation clothing has a much stronger texture than the first generation.

In the beginning, the story is an animation of real-time calculations.

However, at the beginning of the story, it was not a long shot of Nanoha looking for enemies like the animation, but at the beginning, it was the battle between Nanoha and Fett.

The two people found strange enemies that would pollute the world and create strange family members.

At the end of the battle, the enemy was still overturned by Nanoha, and the two decided to investigate.

Fett realized that the enemy seemed to be similar to the information he had read, but it belonged to the confidential information of the Time and Space Administration, so he went to Mid-Zilda to investigate, and Neha was guarding the earth.

After this episode, the following story is that Lyrical Nanoha found some strange clues on the earth and then investigated.

At this time, the story is connected with the plot of the animation.

After Nanoha suppressed the opponent's team alone, the enemy retreated, but Lydia also inquired that the opponent didn't seem to know about the monster. They came for the magical girl.

When the two things came together, Nanoha also had a headache, but fortunately, Fett came back.

Fett said that the information is difficult to obtain. He found a little when he sneaked in, but was discovered, so he had to retreat to avoid the limelight.

But what is certain is that that monster must be something incredible.

After that, the game entered the exploration mode.

Unlike the first generation, the exploration mode of the second generation directly shows a 3D bird's-eye view of the city-in the first generation, it is still a two-dimensional plan view.

However, this bird's-eye view cannot be reduced. When it is reduced, it is a cutscene with a traversal style, and then transitions to the scene interface. The entire screen is much stronger than the previous one.

In the story of the second generation, Nanoha and Fetter live together in a house...Bah, it's a magic workshop.

In the workshop, players can personalize Nanoha's protective clothing.

This makes Jiushenglong also shine.

In the story generation, although the characters had protective clothing, the customization of protective clothing was not very high.

But in the second generation, the protective clothing can be adjusted from material to style.

For example, at the beginning, if Nanoha transforms into an adult mode, she will wear a latex-style tight combat suit. But if you adjust it, you can turn it into other materials, such as special spider silk—though it seems to be the black silk used throughout the body in the Nine Dragons.

Nine Life Dragon also changed to a kind of carbon nano armor, which reflects light like latex, but is piece by piece, with a very technological feel.

In addition, the character's clothes can also be adjusted.

For example, let Nanoha wear Fett's protective suit...

In addition to these clothes, there are also many materials in the game that can be used to create clothes, and many clothes are obtained through plots.

For example, Nine Life Dragon has also heard someone say that in a branch plot, you can get fighter man costumes, and then you can sneak in and investigate wearing this suit.

This similar plot is found in the infinite boundary line, and that plot can also choose to dive into the investigation, even because of this script, so in the previous CM, someone specially drew the script. Because of the wonderful plot, many players are very interested in this task.

However, the game hasn’t been released for a long time now, so there are very few people who get through the specific plot behind it. However, according to some people, this seems to be a pit dug by the official, and it will be completed after subsequent works or DLC.

After progressing to here, the story began to continue.

The story of the second part is greatly adjusted, and it is not the same as the original story.

In another world line, Maki Tsuzuki blamed the "Book of Darkness" and another high-level management bureau for the behind-the-scenes in the second part. The latter is one of the culprits who gave the Dark Book to Hayate.

But maybe he himself thinks this setting is quite painful, so in the new theatrical version, the setting of this behind-the-scenes is hidden by God-but there is also a saying that the theater version is a drama shot by the Space-Time Administration Drama, so the content of the Black Time and Space Administration is gone.

In Senxia, ​​the design of the Space-Time Administration is different, so this design is unnecessary.

In the story here, Morinya has led to some of the settings in the infinite realm, which is the enemy of time.

The Book of Darkness before it was contaminated was a weapon against the enemy of time, and the other heroine in the story who has not yet appeared, that is, the owner of the Book of Darkness, Yagami Hayate, was sick because of her own time. The book of darkness keeps taking away, keeps -1...

The few sister papers who appeared at the beginning were the knights of the book of darkness, originally guarding the master's existence. After the Book of Night Sky was contaminated and turned into the Book of Darkness, it would continue to absorb the master's time, and after the knights were awakened, this absorption process intensified.

Therefore, in order to protect their master, they continue to collect magic power, wanting to fill the book of darkness.

——But this is actually a conspiracy.

Because after the magic is filled, the book of darkness will absorb time faster, squeezing the owner completely, and the knights will be erased from memory, waiting for the next owner, and letting them continue to work hard for the owner again Collect magic...

In other words, the more these knights want to protect their master, the more they push their master into the abyss, and they have actually repeated this kind of thing dozens of times...

The Dark Book continuously collects these magical powers and time. After reaching a certain threshold, it will summon the enemy of time and destroy everything around it, and this kind of thing has happened several times.

Well, although it's a bit dark plot, Morinia thinks this plot is pretty good, so he did it down according to this rhythm.

However, Morinya is still very good to write down, and there is nothing about the story of the depression-Zhiyu is before the story, how can it be called Zhiyu.

The real story is still very harmonious.

Well, the plot of the game is the story of Lyrical Nanoha who is constantly being a boss and being challenged by the "braves".

Of course, although Lyrical Nanoha is very strong, it is not completely invincible. When facing the enemy of time, Lyrical Nanoha is actually very dangerous. In the end, he was almost expelled from time by the enemy of time, but Nanoha stayed in the end—it was only because of the breath of time, so the time of Nanoha and others was stopped.

This is implied in the infinite boundary, and in the second part, the mystery of Niha's age in the infinite boundary will be revealed.

And in the follow-up to the second part, Morinya did not follow the original story of the third part, but took out the game plot of the original world line-which was later made into the theater version-for magic modification. When the second part here is on sale, the third part over there is also being worked on.

Of course, these are follow-ups.

The battle process is still very enjoyable.

Unlike the Dark Souls series, the difficulty curve of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is more similar to the Devil May Cry series. The upper limit is very high when it is difficult, and the lower limit is also very low when it is easy. The general difficulty for ordinary players is that they can experience the plot and be able to enjoy the story. The general difficulty of the battle.

However, this kind of partial action game is indeed very physically demanding. After playing for a long time, Nine Life Dragon also feels a little tired. He simply saved a file, then closed the game and went to the game forum to read other people's posts.

Maybe there will be something interesting.

"Inventory the similarities and differences between the first episode of the animation and the game plot."

The first hot post is the part where a dear friend spent a night comparing the plot in the game and the plot in the same place in the animation.

For example, at the beginning of the story, the performance techniques of these two places are completely different. The animation is filled with cool long shots, and the game is also a rendering of a fighting atmosphere.

Especially after the battle. Nanoha in the animation wants to understand the enemy, while the game Nanoha is more like a big devil, more subjective, and at the same time more difficult to deal with in the eyes of the enemy.

However, this post is hot, not because of this, but because of the intensity debate below.

The content of the chat was quite normal at first, and many people were praising the poster for his carefulness.

But when we got to the ninth floor, a guy suddenly asked something like "So, is the Neha in the animation stronger or the stronger Neha in the game".

Then he stabbed the hornet's nest.

"Of course it is stronger in the game. Didn't you find out that Lyrical Nanoha in the game is really the devil."

"-Above, Lyrical Nanoha in the animation is not weak, but she is more gentle."

"--I think it's stronger in the animation. It is because of his calmness that Nanoha can be so gentle. This is the margin of strength!"

"---You are all wrong, the strength of the version of Nanoha just exploded."

"----Upstairs, the author of the edition is Xu Yuan. The author is different, and his understanding of combat effectiveness is also different."

"-----No, it is the weakest, because Teacher Xia Sen is the boss of Teacher Xu Yuan (laugh)."

"------Boss wwwww"

It was okay at the beginning, but later everyone went all the way to the version and comic version, and then talked about other derivative works.

This time it was endless.

"The hidden elements and detailed strategies up to the fifth act."

Fortunately, there are many serious guide posts on the forum.

There is a serious strategy below.

This dear friend discovered that there seemed to be hidden easter eggs in every scene.

For example, in the second act, which is the battle in the animation, if the player is unharmed, the enemy will have new lines.

"Is this guy a monster? Why is it so strong! It's a white demon..."

"The inside of the protective suit is black, but it's actually a black heart..."

Huh? !

There are such eggs? !

This kind of easter egg does not affect the development of the plot, but after the player reaches certain conditions, there will be some subtle lines.

But for the core players, this detail of conscience really makes them feel great.

Nine Shenglong also felt very good when he saw this kind of detail.

But it's just pretty good.

Because he is not a core fan, just an ordinary passerby who is interested in this series. This series is interesting, but if Nanoha is missing, he has nothing to lose.

In contrast, if Heiyan Shooter's work suddenly disappears, he might be crying.

Fortunately not.

At this moment, he was just watching.


"18X costume mod is in production..."

okokokok? !

The eyes lit up instantly.

He immediately clicked on the post.

Don't say, this man is really a bit of a groceries.

He released screenshots from the game.

However, in the screenshots in the game, Nanoha is wearing a set of extremely delicate clothes.

"I feel like I'm starting to fan Nayha..."

Nine Life Dragon also suddenly felt that this game seemed quite good...


Ark related

Pumping Aiyafah pulled out Skadi, potential +1, vomiting blood three liters

Two-in-one meow.

There was a sudden blackout today and I was frightened. Luckily I have UPS...

Have a happy Children’s Day everyone~ 2333

Writing Chinese network

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