Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1737: Sure enough...

"... Damn it."

The editor put down the book with a serious face.

He rubbed his temple a little hurt, and the whole person fell into a serious atmosphere.

"How is it?" Takasu Ogawa next to him leaned over.

The other's expression made her a little nervous.

"This article is not good." The editor sighed.

"This...what's wrong?" Takasu Dahe swallowed.

"Very bad! Very, very bad!" The editor shook his head.

Takasu River swallowed again.

She was a little nervous.

Teacher Xia Sen has a unique taste.

However, not everyone can accept this taste.

Moreover, this book is really a bit... well, it's niche.

Although Mr. Xia Sen had created works with similar themes before, this one is more extraordinary than that one.

This rhythm and style are indeed more... more radical.

Takasu Okawa thought of "The Sky of Destiny".

That book is also quite out of the ordinary content.

But there is a subtle difference that the book is based on serious literary content. Although there are a lot of out-of-the-ordinary content, they all belong to the needs of literary creation.

The exceptional content in it all belongs to creative needs.

But this book is a little different.

And this feeling is more subtle.

The editor shook his head.

"It's not good. I feel like I have fallen in love with that boy..."

"Huh? Oh..." Takasu Dahe felt that his head was not enough.

However, the editor sighed.

"It's not good, it's really bad." The editor-in-chief is still sighing, "It's obviously a boy, but my heart is moved... How can Xiu, you really deserve to be Teacher Xia Sen, it's really amazing. Speaking, Teacher Xia Sen is also a cute boy..."

No good, this editor is very bad.

Takasu Dahe here was a step away from the opponent subconsciously.

Because Takasu Dahe suddenly thought that after get off work one day, the editor's son came to him. And his son is also a lovely boy...

It's dangerous.

Should I call the police?

Takasu Dahe was thinking deeply.

She is serious.


If the subject matter is excluded, Takasu Ogawa thinks the book itself is still very good.

Well, the kind that can bend people.

This book is called "The Etiquette of a Girl Near the Moon".

Compared with the same paragraph of another world line, or the "Girl Falling in Love with Sister" of this world line, the Mori summer version of the girl near the moon is a little different.

In Takasu Dahe's view, this is a somewhat dangerous book.


She used the word "danger".

Because the protagonist Ogura Asahi in the story-the female protagonist Ozo Yushin-is so cute.

Unlike Mizuho, ​​who is an "elder sister", Asahi Ogura is the kind of soft sister paper.

And it also gives people a...well, a very real feeling.

Yes, it is true.

I always feel that Teacher Xia Sen is someone with experience.

Speaking of which, I remember...

Ah, ah, I can’t think about it, I always feel like this is going to enter the abyss!

"Mr. Xia Sen is really very productive," the editor-in-chief exclaimed, "but it's too productive."

"...Why do I feel that Teacher Xia Sen is writing slowly?"

"Huh? Are you there?"

The publishing sequence of this era is relatively slow.

A book may only be published in half a year or a year, and the capacity of each book is only two to three million.

But Moriha typewriter is different. In the past, he was very productive.

However, it is impossible to publish a volume a month, right?

Physical books cannot be sold like this.

Therefore, Moriha's archives need to be pressed for a while before being sold. So far, Moriha's manuscript still exists.

"Hmm... I'm a little used to Teacher Xia Sen's high productivity, but I feel that Xia Sen has been tired recently."

Takasu Dahe shook his head.

It is because of getting used to it that I feel that Mr. Xia Sen is quite tired recently.

"Well, indeed. Some authors have suddenly slowed down. As editors, there is indeed a feeling of being unable to adapt."

Unlike the people outside, the editor can directly see the follow-up.

So for outsiders, Mr. Xia Sen may publish a book in three to five months, but for editors, Mr. Xia Sen may not have written anything for half a year.

Of course, he is also creating, but in this respect, there is really not much.

"But..." the editor-in-chief suddenly said, "It would be great if Asahi-chan can be animated. Such a cute Asahi-chan, I think it is very suitable for animation. Inside, the charm of Asahi-chan is presented through animation, which is definitely more OK."


Takasu Ogawa thought.

She was considering whether she really wanted to call the police. She was worried about the editor's son.

I always feel that the cute boy might suffer.

But... this feeling is very subtle.

Although I am worried, I think it seems quite interesting. Especially the kind of wonderful emotion between father and son.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so much

If I can know what will happen later, I will...I will call the police one day later! It was so compassionate decision.

Takasu Oga decided to do it like this.

But how to say it.

Although I care very much, I still care very much, sure enough!

In this way, the editor-in-chief is actually quite beautiful. The mouth of my family is tall and big...

Sure enough, I still care!

She took a deep breath. Then he continued: "In fact, Mr. Xia Sen wrote another book."

"As expected of Mr. Xia Sen, he is really prolific, do you write two books at the same time..." The editor sighed.

"Ah, yes. But this book is still being created for the time being," Takasu Ogawa said, "but I should be able to see some information within the year."

"Yeah. I understand." The editor nodded, "In this way, time still needs to be considered..."

At the beginning, Senxia really had a two-month record, but at that time he was still a rookie.

But now, he is already a big brother.

The big guy needs to be forced by the big guy...

"Ah. It's off work." The editor looked at the time and found that it was off work.

He began to pack up, Takasu Dahe was a little strange: "So early today?"

The editor-in-chief usually works late at night, but it seems wrong today?

"Yeah." said the editor-in-chief, "starting today, my son is going to have summer vacation, and I have to go home early today. Oh, speaking of it, my son is also very cute..."

"...Oh, good going all the way."


Seeing the editor-in-chief leaving, Takasu Okawa fell into deep thought.

"Sure enough... or call the police?"


Yixian Tingyin is pretty good, but it's a little too sensational, the production team is too poor, but it is a good work.

First more desu

Writing Chinese network

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