Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1749: In the summer vacation, the game is one after another, and the Second Legend of the S

Senxia went to Northern Europe by plane.

In this hot summer, he ran away safely.

And in a big eastern country, the players here are in a hot state.

Not because of the weather, but because of the game.

At the end of July, a new game was released.

"The Legend of Sword 2".

The fairy sword series was divided into two types after being taken over by Senxia.

One is a main story that tells stories and follows a linear plot, and the other is an open world series of stories.

A generation of rumours tells the story of Penglai Island.

The story of the second generation was transferred to Kunlun.

Compared with the story of the game, people prefer the open gameplay of this series.

Shengyou has always felt that his name is good.

Although his name was originally given by his father who drove a taxi because of the homophonic "fuel saving". But in Shengyou's own opinion, the name should mean "Shengshi Game". until……

There is a grand game.

Well, fuel-saving...Oh, Shengyou's name has become a funny joke from that time.

Sheng You has been exposed to various games since he was a child. He has a soft spot for games, and because of his good grades, his family will not specifically hinder him from playing games unless he overplays them. When he finished the college entrance examination, the family even gave himself a PC.

It was at that time that Shengyou came into contact with the "Sword" series.

He thought his name was very deep, and it was at that time.

Well, it's because of a certain evil game company...

Shengyou once contributed to Volkswagen Software, and now he is making videos.

Game video.

To be more accurate, use video to evaluate the game.

In the game evaluation industry, Shengyou is just an ordinary person who writes manuscripts, and there is nothing special about it.

However, Shengyou has always felt that he actually knows a lot, but he is helpless because his writing ability is not very good.

——But after the emergence of GS, everything has changed.

Shengyou came into contact with GS in the video of the press conference. At that time, there was no Kirin 2 computer in China, so Shengyou specially commissioned his classmates who worked in the mud to buy a GS to China. Then he found that it seemed to help the country. Haitao, a **** player, is also quite profitable...

Ahem, this is not the point.

All in all, after Shengyou had GS, it started to make videos.

Using video to express your own perception of the game is more comfortable than expressing in words, and the audience's acceptance is quite high.

Then, Shengyou stood up in Hatsune.

And at this time, Hatsune Station sent a letter to Shengyou, inviting him to become its video producer.

Sign up, make videos, and make money.

Shengyou has actually achieved financial freedom for the time being by relying on helping people to search for people. Once again, this is not the point. Therefore, although Hatsune Station did not give a lot, he still feels very happy about it and has a kind of recognition. So I signed the contract.

And now, Shengyou also relies on making videos to make extra money... There is no way, it's too fragrant to help people out. Especially after China joined the WTO...

"This game is really amazing..."

At this moment, Shengyou is driving a GS and a PC, comparing the two games.

One is "The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind" released a few months ago, and the other is "The Legend of Sword 2".

Both of these two works adopt the kind of open world, but one is the structure of Western fantasy, and the other is the structure of Oriental Xianxia, ​​so the comparison of these two games is a popular among the player groups. .

These are all incredible games.

In the beginning, many domestic players used the "Sword and Sword 2" screen to despise the ancient scrolls next door.

But the two are actually not comparable.

The modeling of the main story and the external story will be very similar, but it's just that. Because the rumor is an open world, the function will definitely be affected.

Because the first generation's ontology is a work on DOS and not made by Morinia, it has no contrast with the rumor.

Many foreigners who played Gaiden went to play the first generation, but were very disappointed-until the second generation turned out.

Of course, even so, the second generation is still a niche in foreign countries, only in Southeast Asia and other regions, but the problem is that the piracy in those places is also more serious...

Shengyou opened another GS, and then put in the second-generation disc.

"Well, the picture quality hasn't dropped much, it's still a lot better than PC games..."

In these years of games, PCs rarely surpass the consoles, let alone the dual-core GS-PCs are not even dual-core home.

However, even if the PC has dual cores at this time, it is of no use, because game manufacturers rarely optimize the PC like the console, so for PC games, the CPU frequency itself is actually more important.

"The picture quality has not deteriorated... the player can rest assured..."

Sheng You is drafting.

This is a draft for recording the lines.

Since it is a video, it must be explained, so the lines need to be thought out in advance. Shengyou stutters sometimes, so the Taiwanese version is very important.

"...As always, the pinch system, the design of the arms and the figure is more detailed than the Elder Scrolls series... The most important thing is that people look good..."

The characters in European and American works are often ugly, or in other words, they don't match their aesthetics.

So for players from a major eastern country, they prefer the designs of Japanese manufacturers.

For example, before "The Advent of the Holy Child", many people actually heard one name for "Final Fantasy 7" at most, but after this work turned out, many people changed their jobs to become "Final Fantasy 7"’s iron fan, every day blows up the heroine Tifa-because the place in the movie version of "Arrival of the Holy Child" is so beautiful, even the later "Final Fantasy 7" reset version is completely inferior. Although these people may not know, there is actually another heroine who plays a more important role in this work, named Alice...

The style of The Elder Scrolls 3 is actually pretty good in this era.

But... but the style is wrong!

Morinia's use of light and shadow effects and character models are very good, while the aesthetics of Europe and the United States have moved over... well, a little subtle.

Humans are creatures that look at faces.

After Shengyou gave the two games "look at the face", he also had to admit that the fairy sword series killed the latter in seconds.

There is no other reason, this style of painting is too meow to kill.

What's more, the screen of The Elder Scrolls 3 itself is not as good as Fairy Sword 2.


And the pinch face system is also better for the fairy sword.

Well, okay, about the style of painting, skip this.

"Um... the fluency is also very good. But it doesn't have the elegance of this article."

The rumored battle is also pretty good, but compared to the battle in this article, it feels a bit worse.

The light and shadow effect is much worse, and the action is a little bit worse.

But he is not in a hurry, because this is not long after the beginning, and the character's situation is still unclear and cannot be arbitrary.

"Hi, great."

At the beginning of the story, the scene appears in a place called "Tianshan", where there is a cutscene, which is a quick bird's-eye view of the entire scene.

This picture is calculated in real time. In the picture, the player whose face is pinched also exists here.

This picture is very powerful.

"...The cutscenes of real-time calculation are better than the previous animations of Agency A... The last time I saw such a powerful real-time calculation was in Zelda..."

Many things on the N64 machine are done using real-time calculation animation.

This is actually not because the manufacturers do not want to make CG, but because the cassette capacity of this machine is really scum, so everyone can only do this.

At the beginning of Fairy Sword 2, there was also such a scene.

But this scenario is not because of insufficient capacity.

After thinking about it, Sheng You suddenly understood the purpose of the A company: to show off skills.

Sheng You originally didn't watch animation, but his name was ridiculed as a "seiyuu" by a friend of Cut Animation, so he didn't come into contact with animation for this reason, and he was out of control.

As far as Shengyou knows, Musashino Animation likes to start with a face like this, and then is ridiculed by the audience as "dazzling skills."

As we all know, Musashino Animation and A Company wear the same pair of pants.

Therefore, this kind of thinking suddenly made Shengyou think of the thing that A company often does from the beginning of the game-show off skills.

There is no doubt that there is an opening to your face.

"The most important thing Jianzhong..."

Hmm, this is very important, so write it up.

"But the text in the game itself is all traditional Chinese, so I think if you want a sense of substitution, you can adjust it to traditional Chinese in the language setting..."

There are also texts in the game, and they are all antique ones.

At this time, with Jianzhong's UI, sometimes there is a subtle sense of drama.

But I have to admit that this picture looks really comfortable.

"The combat mode of the two is also different..."

Shengyou began to compare the combat system.

The protagonist of Legend of Sword 2 does not seem to be a foreigner like Penglai Island this time, but a local aborigines who live on the Tianshan Mountains. The beginning of the story is to chat with travelers on the back of the Tianshan Mountains.

Here is where players design their own identity.

According to the options, the player can set himself as a wanderer who has just returned to his hometown from the Central Plains, or as a disciple of a hermit who has followed his master in the mountains since he was a child and has no knowledge of the world.

Don't say it, it's quite interesting.

However, the one next door... has no sense of substitution at all!

Well, Shengyou admitted that he was wearing tinted glasses.

But there is no way. Who said he likes the national style?

His favorite character in Street Fighter is Chunli, and his character in Sword Art Online is also a black-haired cheongsam cute girl.

But I have to admit that the style of Xianjian 2 Gaiden is too appetizing for him.

Especially in the game, a sense of ink painting style is integrated everywhere. This kind of freehand style, compared with the modeling next door, may not have a big difference in modeling accuracy, but the freehand feeling of the former is enough to crush the latter-in Shengyou's view.

"Praise! Praise! Five-star praise!"

The game has just begun, but Shengyou has set the tone: rave reviews.

There is no doubt about it. After all, this game really has an appetite for oneself. What's more, the quality of the game itself is also very strong. How can such a good work not be praised?

"As expected of Mr. Xia Sen..."

Although the rumored script was not written by Senxia, ​​everyone agrees that "Ms. Xia Sen" is the creator of the series...


At this time, teacher Xia Sen was looking through Swedish history on the plane.

After all, there is no way to surf the Internet on the plane, and Morinia can't get the news that the game is on sale.

He doesn't plan to care about these things now, he only plans to wait until after returning to the mud bomb.

However, the feelings of the fairy sword series are there, relying on the market of a certain eastern country, you should not make much, but you will never lose money at a loss.

I just don’t know what will happen in the end...

"Oh, this is the prime minister."

Lihua’s mother’s maiden name is called "Uksen Siena", and in the past the Swedish empire, there was a prime minister named this surname.

"I'm not very clear." Lihua sat next to Senxia somewhat reserved.

She didn't speak much.

Of course Morinya knew why.

He glanced to the back seat.

Two maids are sitting here.

Senxia didn't bring Xiyan over.

However, Morika was given GANK by the father of Jixiangyuan.

Yes, these two maids were brought here by Lihua's father in Jixiangyuan.

And they are Morinatsu's old acquaintances—Arishima Yuyo and Kimura Ruka.

Senxia was quite uncomfortable.

What about a romantic trip? What about going to see the forest in Norway?


But Morinya is really hard to face these two maid ladies.


At this moment, Lihua thought of something, and then took out a few photos.

"what is this?"

Senxia asked.

"Here are the photos I took before."

Lihua handed the photo to Morinka.

"I think it can be seen."

"Oh oh."

Senxia looked at the photo.

The first photo is Lihua holding a little girl.

A girl about four or five years old is looking at the camera with those blue is very cute.

"It's beautiful. Your family's genes are really amazing."

Although the style is different from Lihua, this one is indeed a very cute girl.

"Her name is Christina Uksenshina." Lihua said.

"That's it, he must be a good boy."

Senxia nodded.


When I first played Antiquity 3, the author Jun really wanted to develop such a version of Xianjian, but now Xianjian has become a sci-fi style-Titanfall.JPG

When I first played Antiquity 3, the author Jun really wanted to develop such a version of Xianjian, but now Xianjian has become a sci-fi style-Titanfall.JPG

Two-in-one meow~

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