Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1750: Chivalrous style

Although it's going to Northern Europe, Senxia's flight is not a direct one. Instead, you must first go to Germany and then transfer to Sweden.

He will stay in Germany for a while, and by the time he reaches his destination, it is probably already a day later.

In just a short time, the comparative evaluation video of Shengyou's "Sword and Sword 2 Gaiden" has been launched.

Well, finally, as usual, I advertised myself on Haitao... No way, people just want to eat.

Of course, overseas shopping is not the point.

Because it is very important, I emphasize the third time here.

The story level of Fairy Sword 2 Gaiden is slightly weaker than the first-generation Gaiden. The route taken at the beginning of the whole story is also more leisurely.

But because of this, it gives players a feeling of enjoying the story and the game.

The background of the game is based on the overhead of the fairy sword series and real history. It is the kind that seems to be able to find a correspondence in the real world, but in fact, the official does not clearly explain it.

However, unlike the soul series, which requires clues to be deducted from the props, the story of Fairy Sword 2 is very clear.

The beginning of the story tells that the protagonist was attacked while chatting with the traveler, the traveler was killed, and the protagonist was officially regarded as the murderer.

After a while, the misunderstanding was resolved.

At this time, the player can make a choice. At this moment, the person who helped the protagonist get out of trouble will think that this matter must be strange, so he will start an investigation. If the protagonist accepts the invitation to find the other party, the main line will start.

The whole story is not complicated, and there is no sense of urgency, but the whole story reveals a kind of "chivalrous" taste.

Well, the screenwriter is Lao Xu after all.

The old imaginary story about the chivalrous style is quite consistent. After a generation of tempering, he already feels a little proficient.

If compared with another world line, the old virtuality of this world line is probably an allotrope.

Of course, Moriha himself also supervised, and some plots were also handed over to others-such a big world and stories can never be finished by one person.

"...In the main story, we have several ways to intervene...

Option one, I can’t bear to see that passerby was killed, this is an ardent hero;

The second option is because I was slandered and unhappy, which is also part of the character creation;

The third option is to use it as you like to watch the excitement, and the fourth option is to give money to life.

Club A is very interesting in these options. Through the options, they strengthen the player's attitude and sense of substitution towards the character. This practice has been in Company A since ancient times, and it can be traced back to the text MUD game "Brave New World". Now that the game is still running, players who understand Japanese can go and watch. This is the official website..."

At this moment, Shengyou's video is also being watched by fans.

Unlike the mud bomb, before the Internet age, the name of A company and Sony and other large companies could not be compared, so some old games of A company at that time were not popular in China.

However, as the A company gradually developed, there are also many fans here.

The "Sword" series, although there is no use in the world, it is a very good trick for Morinia and A, because this game directly allows A to be in a big eastern country. It is well-known, and Senxia has done a good job of the game and helped them circle many fans.

Of course, there are also turn-based players who have been complaining about it...

But it is undeniable that when this step is reached, A company has been bundled with the entire fairy sword series, and the popularity of A company in a certain oriental country and the popularity of everyone are also rushing upward.

Shengyou's comment post is quite popular. Not long after he posted it, some people started to leave comments below.

"To be honest, I actually thought that Fairy Sword Legend would go to the Soul series, but I didn't expect the final game to be so freehand."

This is the number one post, and there are many replies below the post.

Many people are looking forward to the "soul transformation" of the fairy sword series.

Because the game of Dark Souls has become popular a long time ago, so many players always use this game as a comparison when talking about the game, and some players even use this series as a difficulty ranking list.

What is "the difficulty of this game is 1 soul, the difficulty of that game is 2 souls, and the difficulty of this game is 0.5 soul" or something.

Many people look forward to it, the fairy sword series has this soul series design.

But the final answer sheet handed in by Agency A is a freehand national style game, and it is very martial arts style.

Although the expectations are different, for some ordinary players, it is excellent.

Because in this game, these players can experience the feeling of really wanting to be a hero.

——In fact, the concept of "Xianxia" is not fully mature these days. Many similar works are seen by everyone using the older concept of Wuxia.

The battle of the fairy sword 2 series is very smooth and does not give people the feeling of mowing. However, the enemy will not be defeated. Often after a set of moves, the player can be healthy and the story is almost the same.

The previous story was a linear story, and the player's feeling for this kind of battle was not obvious, but in the current open battle, everyone can enjoy the ultimate chivalrous style.

"...To be honest, at the beginning of the generation, I actually felt bad about the whole series. A good domestic product was bought by Crooked Nuts. But we learned later, Mr. Xia Sen There is indeed a set. The story of the second generation, as well as the line of Jay Chou's incarnation of a dragon, we can all feel that kind of style..."

um, yes.

Teacher Zhou Jie Gun gave the accompaniment to the fairy sword series.

As one of the greatest singer-songwriters in Chinese music, Teacher Jie Gun is still very good, whether it is this world line or another world line.

After Sheng You sighed in the video, he said again.

"I entered the fairy sword in the 1990s. At that time, we were still using a DOS system computer. It was at that time that I was moved by the fairy sword story. The perseverance of happiness, the gentleness of Linger, the free and easy way of the moon, the wine The temperament of the sword immortal...such portraits of the characters gave me a dream of wanting to fight the sword. Many people came into contact with the concept of knights because of Jin Yong and Gu Long, but I was because of the sword...

... The content that I am most impressed with right now is the scene where Li Xiaoyao saw Jiu Jianxian using the sword technique in the mountain temple. I still remember that it was an afternoon. When Jiujianxian used the swordsmanship, I was really happy for a long time. The shocking feeling deeply moved me...

I think this is the beginning of Xianjian.

When it comes to Xianjianwaizhuan, although we all know that the company has been acquired, the taste of the whole story has not changed.

Of course, in my opinion, the story of a generation is still lacking. But after the second-generation transcript, I found that I really seemed to have become the swordsman in Li Xiaoyao's dream..."

Blow and explode.

Sheng You does not hesitate to say that she is beautiful.

In this paragraph, the barrage below is also a barrage of various "+1" and "empathy".

In the second generation of tales, if players don't do the main line, there will be no problem. They can walk from Tianshan to Kunlun with a sword-after all, it is a game, location or something, and there is nothing wrong with a little adjustment.

"Okay, we finished talking about our feelings and continue to talk about the game itself. How about the quality of the game? We will use the same open-world role-playing game "The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind" that was released two months ago to make a comparison. .

Everyone looked at the two screenshots. The screenshots are all light and shadow effects. Obviously, the fairy sword series feels much brighter. Some people may say that this is the need for game color and atmosphere. But I regret to tell these people that this is not the case. The reason why "Sword 2 Gaiden" is very bright here is actually because of the open API of GS at the bottom. The API is understood as a call interface between software and hardware. Because of this interface, the game on GS supports some particularly powerful light and shadow...

This can be seen by comparing the rumours of the next generation. In the first generation, the game was still on the DC, and the performance of the DC was not as good as the GS, so everyone here, the two scenes are very similar, but the light and shadow of the second generation are obviously much higher than that of the first..."

After lyricism, it’s time to get dry goods.

In addition to comparing the story of the game itself, Shengyou still has some research on the game itself.

For example, in some situations in the game of Fairy Sword, he can't say that he is a know-how, but at least within the scope of his understanding, the story of Fairy Sword has few secrets to him.

"The response is very good, the attention is going to exceed 50,000."

An expression of joy appeared on Sheng You's face.

He has many fans himself, but his popularity has been hovering around 30,000 or 40,000, and it is always difficult to pay attention.

However, he never expected that his subscription would exceed 50,000 in just one day.

This is like dreaming will wake up laughing.

Not only that, but he also watched his own video to charge-which is similar to what the audience gave to the UP master.

Not to mention, this income is not bad.

He also knows that the Haitao business might not last long, but now he has at least a stable number of users.

Good thing.

"Not bad~"

Shengyou is very happy.

But at this moment, suddenly an old friend he knew sent him a message.

Still related to the fairy sword.

"...One generation, do animation?"

What the **** is this?

Shengyou was surprised.

However, this news also excited him.

Although he didn't know the truth or not, he immediately began to search for related news. If it's true, that's fine...

"...Nani, does that game make animation?"

On the other side, the Nasu mushroom who was fishing was called out by Lao Xu.

"Ah, yeah. Didn't you say that you are interested in animation screenwriters, Morinka said that I can take you to try it out."


Nasu hesitated.

He was really interested, but how should I put it... If he agreed, wouldn't it mean that he could no longer paddle?

"These are two scripts written by Senxia herself."

"Nani? Already written? There are two more?!" Nasu suddenly became energetic.

"Yeah." Lao Xu said, "just for reference. Would you like to try it?"

The script Senxia gave is relatively rough, because he is still (touching) busy (fishing).

Of these two scripts, one is based on the game. And the other one is to change the route.

That is the route of the TV series.

The biggest change in the line of the TV series is the addition of a character named Tang Yu Xiaobao, and the sublimated design of the moon worshiper, making the latter more attractive.

Not to mention, even after Nasu read this, he thought the story was pretty good.

Especially after comparing the results of the game, he found that the characters are more flesh and blood.

"This..." Nasu mushroom became tangled.

"How about it, do you want to try?" Old Xu asked again.

"...Okay! Let me see!" It just so happens that the animated version of Tsukihime over there, I can also go and see...

With this mentality, Nasu finally gave up fishing.


"Huh, the temperature here is really good."

And just as the Eastern world was surging, Senxia finally arrived at his destination.


Although it is hot summer, the temperature is not high in such high latitude areas. Today, the sky is beautiful and the temperature is very suitable.

"When I first came, I also thought it was very beautiful."

Lihua also smiled.

"Well, where will the person pick us up... Yeah."

As soon as Senxia finished speaking, he saw a child.

Of course he doesn't think the person picking up the airport will be a child. But that little child, Morinya knew him.

"Is that Christina?" Moriha had seen it in the photo.

Of course, real people and photos are also different, um... real people are a little more cute.

"What?" Lihua also turned her head, "Ah, yes, it's her!"

The child also recognized Lihua next to Senxia, ​​and then pulled the corner of the adult next to him.

Next to him was a woman in her thirties who turned her head, with surprise on her face.


The other party came over and Lihua gave a hug.

And the little girl named Christina followed the Morinha who looked over here.

"Are you Sister Lihua's boyfriend?" she asked.


This baby is pretty good!

Senxia suddenly felt that this little cute girl is not a little cute, but very cute!


Two-in-one meow~

Christina's name does not come from an assistant, but from Christina Bimanova.

Super cute sister paper!

I can lick and cry her!

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