Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1762: This may be a little different...

"My lord, you have to work and study every day. After you graduate from university, you will start looking for jobs!"

I, Senxia, ​​will teach you about the suffering of adult society!

Senxia said that these two little guys must be scared.

"In your work, you sometimes need to endure the difficulties of your boss and social injustice. Well, there may be people from other places who will specifically target you cute girls..."

It's not that Senxia is talking nonsense here.

Because Sweden, ten years later, is indeed a more subtle place.

Of course, that is more than ten years later. For now, Sweden in this era is still very good, there are not too many foreigners from the Middle East and other regions, and the public security and social environment are excellent.

But just over ten years...

Of course, even if there is an impact, it is only ordinary people who have the greatest impact. For such a wealthy class, life is actually more likely not to be affected...

"Wow, it's scary..."

Victoria was a little frightened by Senxia.

She continued to lean towards Christina.


Is it an illusion?

Morinia always felt that Victoria was actually not purely shocked?

She deliberately wanted to rub Christina's body...

But Christina over there didn't respond much: "Well, as a class exploiting these social animals, it is necessary to understand the ideas of these social animals."

" did you learn the word'community animal'?"

"Of course it's watching TV!"

The word is Japanese.

So Senxia understood it all at once.


Kristina is indeed an extraordinary child...

"Brother Senxia, ​​can I go back with you? Then I can learn more about the world of adults..."

Kristina said she was rubbing against Morinya.

It is a pity that she can't be ten years older, otherwise Senxia feels that she might not be able to control it.

But in front of a little kid—although a very beautiful kid—Sinxia felt like a gentleman.

What's more, these two little guys are really easy to get into trouble by their side.

"Eh, Chris will abandon me?!"

Moriha hadn't spoken yet, but Victoria over there fell into a subtle emotion because of Christina's words.

She approached Christina and said this to Christina as if she had been abandoned.

"No, I will never abandon Vicky!" Christina obviously felt that Victoria had increased her strength by several levels, and she had to find a way to pull Victoria away.

" want to go too!" Victoria obviously didn't want to be abandoned by Christina like this.

"You just live here well, I think this country is very good." Senxia felt that she had to make these two people abandon this idea.

"We don't usually stay here either." Christina said.

"Yeah, we are not here either." Victoria responded from behind.

"Huh? Where do you live?"

"London," Christina said, "but I don't like it there. There is nothing fun there at all except Vicki."


Both of these people speak English and they are so fluent.

If you think about it this way, if these two people don't live here, it's really possible.

and many more.

Senxia suddenly found a blind spot.

"Vickie" and "Fun" together... This feels a little subtle.

"I don't like it either, but because Chris is there, I like it." Elizabeth doesn't seem to like where she lives either.

"But the mud boom is all neon gold. And there are many terrible strange uncles..." Senxia said quickly.

"Liar." Kristina curled her lips. "I thought it was a terrible thing to go to the mud bomb and take the subway, but then I learned that it was just nonsense in the cartoon, not like that at all. Yes. Adults like to lie to children!"

No, I think that kind of content is not used to deceive children at all.

And, what terrible content are you watching!

Mori Xia always felt that the "animation" that Christina had watched was very dangerous.

"Boom boom boom."

At this moment, there was another knock on the door.


Senxia dealt with it in a panic, and he felt his heartbeat speed up again.

"Are you resting, Senxia?" Lihua's voice said, "It's almost time for dinner, I think you can prepare first."

"Um. Okay. I get it."

"Well, my room is upstairs, I will go up first."

After saying this, Lihua left.

Morinka was also relieved.

At this moment, he turned his head and saw Christina looking at herself with fiery eyes.

Does this little Nizi have bad ideas again?

"Sister Lihua is suggesting you." Christina said and winked at Senxia.

On the other side, Victoria has an expression of "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, but it always feels so amazing."

"Little kids, don't think about it."

If Lihua wants to hint, it is definitely not the case.

Because Lihua's tone will definitely be more shy when she hints, and she's a little bit twitchy...

"I can create a safe and complete space for my brother, and there will never be any interruption!" Christina continued to come over, "Just let me visit and study!"

Senxia didn't know what to do with such a child.

If you are an adult, just reply by yourself. And if it's an ordinary bear kid, just teach him how to be a man.

But the problem is that both Christina and Victoria are the kind of cute and cute girls.

Punishing such a girl is the same as punishing his own daughter. The feeling of helplessness is indeed quite subtle.

"Don't think too much about it. When you grow up, you will understand everything that should be understood." Senxia said quickly, "As for now, you should start school soon. If that's the case, it's better to take advantage of it. At this time, take a good preview."

"Brother, this is perfunctory child!" Christina curled her lips.

"Okay, okay, I'm here, I'm going to have dinner soon." Senxia decided to let these two people leave quickly.

Fortunately, this time Christina finally let go of Senxia.

She let go of Senxia and pulled Victoria to the door: "Then we'll see you later. By the way, it's better not to leave here at night, brother."

"do not leave?"

Well, is it because there is something strange at night?

For a moment, Senxia had a subtle emotion in her heart.

Speaking of it, what kind of strange stories are there in this kind of mansion villa... Isn't it super interesting?

Hmm, this is great.

"Yes. Because I am going to attack my brother at night, if my brother is not there, then I will be troubled."

"Don't put the night attack so open! Also, don't do such strange things!"

Senxia's Tucao energy is already full...

Christina didn't answer Senxia's words, but smiled playfully at Senxia, ​​and then pulled Victoria out of here.

After only one person remained, Senxia finally felt like she was extremely refreshed.

"I feel so tired."

Senxia felt that she was here for only a few hours, but she felt that she had spent several years.

But now, Morinya is finally relieved.

"Senxia, ​​are you feeling well?" When I found Lihua, Lihua immediately found that Senxia's face was a little unpleasant.

"No, it's okay." Senxia waved her hand, "It's just a little bit of restlessness."

"Don't be aggressive." Lihua was still quite worried about Senxia. She also packed herself at this time and left here with Senxia.

Walking down the corridor, Morinia took the opportunity to ask: "By the way, Chris also has a playmate here. It seems to be Victoria, which is very cute."

"Yeah. Although Vicky and Kris are both members of the family, they actually live in London. You noticed that too, Kris speaks good English."

"Well, I thought it was a family characteristic." Morinya really thought so at the beginning.

"This person knows several languages." Lihua said, "There is actually no problem with you saying that."

Senxia nodded.

"That's why Kris and Vicki's relationship is so good?"

"Should be. Actually, I don't know much about Grandma's house." Lihua said, "Are you interested in those two little guys?"

"Uh...because I noticed that there seem to be these two children here." Senxia quickly made an excuse.

But there is really nothing wrong with Senxia's words.

Because in this place, there are really no people of the same age as two girls.

"So that's the case." Lihua said, "Actually there are quite a lot of people in the family. Um, but it's difficult for everyone to get together. Some people are in the Lighthouse Country, and some are in South Africa. Chrissy and Victoria It was actually not easy to be able to come this time-when the will was made before, many people in the family came over as lawyers."

"It seems that your family is not keen on inheritance?" Senxia was a little surprised.

"Can't say that. But many of our family’s heritage are local physical industries. Although sometimes they are influential, the profits are sometimes not good. Many people in the family have their own properties. No way. And grandma also requires them not to sell or transfer immediately after inheriting the inheritance, and there are other restrictions. Although it is indeed a rich property, but everyone is not very keen-not to mention, grandma's The spirit has always been good, and everyone probably thinks so too."

——So for many people in the family, this will does not seem to have much meaning?


Senxia felt that living with the spirit of an old man seemed to be no problem for thirty to fifty years.

Although the family property seems to be a lot, the real estate and the physical industry are actually quite tasteless to those who are keen on finance, and there are various restrictions. The most important thing is that if the elderly have ideas in the future, it is possible to change their will every minute.

"Aunt Elizabeth also said that this is actually because grandma wants to see everyone."

Well, this is possible.

Senxia just nodded from the side.

This kind of thing is an outsider, and there is no standpoint to make irresponsible remarks.

Maybe there is something hidden in this...

Senxia has filled up a large wave of TV drama plots such as "rich man".

"Speaking of which, I remember that Senxia's family is also very big, right?" Lihua also thought of Senxia's home.

"In fact, there are not many people in this family. But there are several branches. The one you have seen before is Takayuki Satowa, and so is Uncle Sato. In addition, there is also the Akimoto family..."

Although Senxia is not particularly familiar with the situation of Tianhai's family, these people have also been in contact with them when they were young, so they all have an impression.

"Hey, the Tianhai family is really amazing." Lihua was surprised, "I thought my father was just talking casually..."

"Well, that's all."

In fact, Senxia thinks that the most incredible is Tianhai Village.

Elite maids are trained in Tianhai Village. Each of these little maids possesses unique skills, picking up one at random, and placing them in all walks of life, they are industry elites.

According to the information Senxia obtained when he went to Tianhai Village for special training, her maid could be deployed when necessary to take over all the Tianhai family's industries and prevent the department from leaving alone.

Although Morinya felt this was a bit of a joke, but thinking about the abilities of the sisters, Morinya felt that this was not completely unreasonable.

It's a pity that the ancestors of the Senxia family are no longer there, otherwise Senxia must ask them to understand.

"Speaking of which, my family members in the last life were actually quite unreliable... and the innocent onions that deceived me..."

The world line has changed But the relationship of Morinka’s blood family has not changed. The ancestors in the family who think of another world line also married the so-called "White Russian sister paper" and other anecdotes, Sen Xia suddenly felt that her own unreliability seemed to be a genetic inheritance across the world...

After Senxia's brainstorming, he and Lihua came to the restaurant.

The restaurant in the house is not too big, but it is not too small. After a table of people is seated, it is full of seats, and it has a warm feeling.

"Menxia. You are here." Just as Morinya came, Elizabeth leaned to Morinya's side, "Chrissy has been mentioning you. She seems to really like you. Wait for dinner, she I hope to sit next to you. I wonder if it’s okay?"

Elizabeth had an earnest expression on her lover's face.

However, Senxia only wanted to tell Elizabeth: Madam, what your daughter said "like" and what you understand... I am afraid there is a subtle difference!


Two-in-one meow meow~

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