Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1763: Sure enough, 1 thing drops 1 thing

"Unexpectedly, there are arcade machines here."

After dinner, it is night activities.

Tomorrow's plan is to go horse riding, but tonight there will be more things to do.

For example, playing arcade.

"Because there are also family members who are doing business in the mall, I have learned about it. Because I know that Victoria and Christina are coming over, grandma temporarily borrowed it."

Lihua explained to Senxia.

"That's it."

Placed in front of Senxia is a huge arcade machine.

There is no doubt that this arcade machine is "Just Dance".

At this moment, Christina was dancing over there, and Victoria next to her was looking at Christina with gleaming eyes.

And at this moment, Senxia was watching this machine next to him.

"In Europe and America, this machine is very popular. It is said that many people bought this machine and took it home directly."

This machine is an arcade machine, but the official has also opened up sales channels for home use.

Of course, even if the average family can afford it, they probably won't spend such a large price to buy such a behemoth.

But there are always rich people.

"Our somatosensory handles will soon be done." Morixia said, "We will be able to develop common versions for everyone when that time comes."

"I think it needs to be as fast as possible. The market is now blank. As far as I know, many people are now looking for cheap motion capture and camera technology." Lihua said.

"It doesn't make sense." Senxia is quite open about this. "Although it seems to be very good, but apart from us, not many people can handle the technology here. The giants can definitely be, but this What's the use? That kind of technology is not for home use at all."

The best solution for home use is the somatosensory handle. The exit of the giant hard from this market on another world line speaks for itself.

Under the same price, the more limited the application range, the easier it is to be popularized, even if the performance of this product is not the best.

"This kind of technology requires a lot of space." Mori Xia said, "General households use handles at most. And this kind of technology, the algorithm is particularly troublesome, and most people can't do it."

There is an exception like this, and if the average person wants to do it, the algorithm problem is a big problem.

After all, Morinha's technology has been accumulated for several years, and then finally he hired a "foreign aid" to finally solve it.

It's really not that easy to change to another family.

"Senxia, ​​you are too big-hearted, what if?" Lihua felt that although Senxia was very confident, she sometimes seemed too confident.

Morinia now seems to be a little bit more minded.

"Hmm. That's right."

After seeing the cleverness of Christina, Morika felt that there might be that kind of genius in Europe and America.

Maybe someone has developed a wonderful product?

This is definitely not impossible.

After hearing Lihua's warning, Morinya restrained her contemptuous gesture. He said: "But there is one thing that cannot be solved by hardware, and that is software. Our golf and other games here are killer applications. The console version of Just Dance will also be prepared."

The console version of Just Dance is actually a castrated version.

For an arcade machine with tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars, the cost of the chip is definitely not the most important, so higher performance products can be available.

But for the home machine, the cost of the chip is related to life, so the chip specifications of the contemporary home machine are not comparable with the arcade machine. Of course, this is also because the arcades of this era are still at the end of the golden age and have not completely declined. After waiting for the future, there will be no such phenomenon after the arcade market is gone.

Although the console version will be a castrated version, the experience is also very smooth.

"In addition, our sales team in Europe suggested that we develop a local version. Hatsune does not fully meet their aesthetics." Lihua said.

"It's impossible for a special edition to have a special edition, well, but we can develop some European and American characters."

I just want to promote Hatsune.JPG.

Since we want to promote Hatsune Miku, how can we get rid of Hatsune Miku?


"Alright, Lihua, don't talk about work!" Senxia patted Lihua's face, "It was obviously you who said to me at the beginning, this is a vacation."


Lihua was caught off guard and was hit by Senxia. She couldn't help but exclaim. But Lihua, who quickly realized that she was gaffe, quickly covered her mouth.

But this is too late.

Christina over there has heard Lihua's voice.

She stopped, turned her head and looked at Lihua's side.

After noticing Lihua's somewhat shy expression, she immediately leaned over.

...The little guy who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

"Brother and sister, are you doing strange things?!"

What the hell!

"Wh, what's the strange thing?!" Lihua took two steps back in panic.

Senxia couldn't help covering her face.

Lord President, aren’t you here without money? !

Senxia, ​​who found Lihua lost the chain, had to stand up and explain by herself: "Ah, I just made a joke to my sister to tease her."

——You see, with such a simple and ordinary one, and there is no reason to lie, this crisis that should not exist can be completely resolved.

However, Kristina looked at Morinia and Lihua with meaningful eyes.

"Huhuhu~ I know!"

She had an expression of "you can't hide from me".

"What?!" Victoria also leaned over.

"We are playing games in the front, but the heroine and the heroine can do whatever they want in the back. They rely on children who only know how to play, and they bully the children casually, thinking that they will not be discovered!" Kristina obviously thinks that she has Mastered the truth, "——It is like this in the animation!"

"Chrissy, what animation did you watch!" Lihua blushed.

"Well, it's the animation of the kid catching the big villain, because the prisoner thought that the kid didn't understand anything, but the evidence was all obtained by the kid. What animation did the sister think of?"

The language is so pure, but Morinka, who heard this sentence, felt that it was a demon who didn't know where he was speaking...

"Um..." Lihua was knocked down.

No face to meet people.

"Kriss is amazing, knows everything!" Victoria was amazed by Christina's knowledgeable talents, "Kriss, let's go to the cartoons!"

"No. Cartoons need to be appreciated by one person." Kristina obviously didn't want to watch the animations with Victoria.

Well, it's really suspicious.

Is this not going, or not going?


Senxia felt that there must be some ulterior reason for this.

"Why go?" Victoria hugged Christina, shaking constantly, while the latter looked helpless.

"Don't don't...ah, let's go play a game together, there are two here, we can double play."

"Hmm, yes!"

After hearing these words, Victoria pulled the helpless Christina in high spirits and ran to the arcade over there.

One thing drops one thing.

Senxia sighed.

"Well, am I really such an unreliable adult?" Lihua next to her was caught in a whirlpool of self-doubt.

Hearing Lihua's voice, Senxia couldn't help but laugh: "Chrissy is a little clever ghost, she did it on purpose, you don't need to care."

Speaking of this, Moriha hesitated, but finally said: "By the way, Kris, this little guy, is actually quite subtle. If possible, find a way to let Mrs. Elizabeth take care of it."

"Huh? Did something happen?" Lihua asked curiously.

"Um..." Moriha was not good at telling the story of Christina's night attack that night. He thought for a while and said, "Kris should have seen our gentleman's animation. It is probably Elizabeth. Madam didn't pay attention, so Kris saw it."

"Eh?! There is this thing?!" Lihua was surprised, but then her eyes became sharp, "Senxia Jun, how do you know this?"

Watson, why do you always notice unwanted details? !

Fortunately, Moriha had already responded. He said: "I discussed animation with Kris before, and she talked about the works of some teachers of the first generation and the second generation. For example, the flower and the snake, and the trip to the hot spring..."

"Um... this is indeed dangerous." Lihua finally faced the incident, "but my aunt is also very busy at work... she doesn't have a lot of time, there are always times when she can't see it. ..."

"I take the liberty to ask, where is Mrs. Elizabeth's husband? I don't seem to have seen it? And, her last name..."

"...It's an adultery." Lihua said, "but my little uncle had died before..."

"That's how it is. Sorry, I talked too much."

Senxia is actually a little curious. But the deceased was the big one, so he didn't plan to ask more.

"Yeah." Lihua was also relieved to see Senxia without asking. However, Lihua felt that there might be no way to solve the matter of Chrissy in this way, so she said: "I'll talk to my aunt when I'm later."

"Ah That's good."

Morika also breathed a sigh of relief.

When Christina is managed by her own mother, she can live a little more peacefully.

At least on my own side, there is no need to face a major crisis like this...

Christina, this little guy, is really difficult.

Bye bye, we will never see you again!

Although Christina is very beautiful, she is indeed a nervous little guy.

If this is in the world of gentlemen, this kind of sister paper is the kind that speaks gentleman's words in the mouth, but in fact it is the most difficult to attack.

No, it may also be the kind of prologue being attacked and then always assisting...

But after all, he is a child, and his plasticity is still very strong...

No, no, what am I thinking...

Senxia suddenly thought of a light source, and he himself wanted to laugh.

Huh, right.

Speaking of it, I have a little maid, it seems that the code name is "Ruozi", and she is still a very beautiful, lovely and quiet girl...

Senxia didn't know that this "beautiful, lovely and quiet" girl had actually been living next door to her high-end apartment, and she was monitoring it 24 hours a day... ahem, guarding Senxia.

"Brother, let's play together!"

After waiting for a while, Victoria seemed a little tired, and the energetic Christina leaned in front of Senxia again.

"No, no!" Lihua objected subconsciously.

"Eh, why did my sister object? Are you jealous?!" Christina looked surprised.

"No...that...this..." She hesitated.

"You can't do it!" Senxia now has a wealth of experience with bear children. "It's half past eight. It's time to take a bath and rest!"

Although children are full of energy on weekdays, they are also easily tired and sleep early at night. It's not too early at half past eight, so I wash and prepare, it's almost nine o'clock.

"Brother, are you going to take a bath with me?!" Christina was staring at Morinia now and she was out.

"Eh eh eh, is Chris going to take a bath?! I'm going too! I'm going too!" Victoria, who had been strangled next to her, ran over immediately.

"Let my sister take you to take a bath." Senxia patted Kristina on the head.

Sure enough, one thing drops one thing.

In the face of Victoria, Christina was unable to fight back.

It is precisely because of this that Moriha has a slight interest in Victoria.

He turned to look at Victoria.

Victoria's dependence and performance on Christina seemed to make her a little cowardly. But Senxia knew that this was not the case. When opening the door, she did not hesitate to find the key to open the door, and she didn't want to think about what would happen if Christina was not there and there was a stranger inside.

And after that, she has been following Christina, all the way, that kind of action ability is not something ordinary little girls can have.

Faced with Christina's always disgusting look, ordinary little girl, who can bear it? It shouldn't be long before you ran away, right?

Hmm, it's quite possible.

"Brother, what do you keep looking at Vicki for?" Christina also noticed Morinya's gaze.

She was not as playful as before, but stood up in front of Senxia, ​​and her tone was quite formal.

But Senxia finally laughed.

——Sure enough, children are children. It was exposed all at once.

"Nothing, I think Chrissy, your relationship with Vicky is really good."

It's not disgusting At this moment Morinya noticed that Christina would even come forward at a critical time.

But she didn't seem to know that Victoria probably didn't need to come forward.

Thinking about it this way, this should be just the way the two get along.

"We're going to take a shower! Let's go, Vicky!" Christina didn't reply, she pulled Victoria and left it all the way.

"Sure enough, one thing drops one thing."

It’s just that my assumption is a little different from what I started with...


The three-body animation is about to come out...Blow the plan desu

Two-in-one meow~


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