Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1764: It's another new game "Ao Shi 3 Country Two"

Just when Senxia and elementary school monks were fighting for their wits, in the lighthouse country across the ocean, people were fascinated by a game.

Now is the hottest time for WCG competitions, and this game also exists in WCG exhibition competitions.

The name of the game is "The Three Kingdoms".

Or say "A World of Three Kingdoms 2".

In another world line, although "Ao Shi San Guo" was very popular after its launch, with the gradual rise of online games in the follow-up, the production team just adjusted the half-developed "Ao Shi San Guo 2" to the direction of online games... Finally, naturally It is too hard to die anymore.

But in fact, there is no way, because in another world line, a domestically produced single-player game in a certain eastern country has no room for survival at all.

However, in this world line, the situation is an exception. On this world line, the stand-alone industry of a large eastern country is very different from another world line. Moreover, this world line also appeared in "Sword Art Online".

The emergence of "Sword Art Online", to a certain extent, has allowed many speculative businessmen to start developing related games, but unfortunately, they did not succeed, because few people with technical skills can compare with A, and can understand the platform of the Order of the Phoenix. There are not many works.

So these people didn't make many waves at all.

On the other side, because of the emergence of "Sword Art Online", this game has "suppressed" the entire online game market.

There is a giant suppressed in front, and there is much less room for other people to live. In this case, many people who want to play online games are discouraged.

It is as if the first online game era of a certain eastern country was brought to an end after another world line "World of Warcraft" was launched.

It's just that in this world line, this manufacturer from a major eastern country also has a stand-alone route to choose from.

Well, to be more accurate, it is a "single-player networked game."

Although the Order of the Phoenix has exclusive computers, it is impossible to completely prohibit piracy. However, the emergence of stand-alone online games has reduced the piracy situation.

Want full functionality?

Fill it up!

It is precisely because of this butterfly effect that "A World of Three Kingdoms 2" appeared.

"My lovely Darling is in Northern Europe now, and I really want to go..." Alice was holding a big pillow at this time, waiting for the game to load somewhat boredly.

Um, private custom pillow, shy Sen Xia Qingqing show

After Alice learned that Senxia was going to Northern Europe, she also wanted to go with her.

But it is a pity that there are no such good things in this world.

Alice is indispensable for WCG.

She couldn't leave even when she was resting.

"Hmm. Alright."

After seeing the game finished, Alice climbed up to the computer.

A burst of majestic music sounded, and people immediately felt that they were on the battlefield.

"The Three Kingdoms 2" is a real-time strategy game like the original.

But this real-time strategy game is different from ordinary games, and the biggest difference is that this game has two layers of maps.

The first map is the big map. Players on the big map can march, fight in the wild, detect and so on.

This big map is the same as the big maps of other games.

But the development of this game is not on the big map, but on another map. The other layer of maps is a feature of the game, and players can develop on this layer of maps.

This map is the "city". Inside the "city", it is divided into two parts: inside and outside.

Players can build buildings in parts of the city. The parts of the city are similar to the development of Age of Empires. Players can develop here. If players need to produce food and obtain building materials, they need to come outside the city.

In Alice’s opinion, although this design is a bit complicated, it is quite interesting.

Moreover, this design is very close to the real situation. Especially when the enemy is attacking the city, the player cannot go out of the city, otherwise it will be given for nothing, but if you don’t go out of the city to collect resources, the city will have to sit and eat. If even the resources are gone, the maintenance and production cannot be maintained at the end. Certainly lose.

"The best way is to go out of the city and fight, but if you can't fight, you need to return to the city to defend, but if you return to the city, you will face the risk of production stagnation. But for the siege players, the offensive loss is very large. , So you need a quick attack, or simply competing with the opponent for hard power... it's really interesting."

This game inherited the original concept, but was helped by A company.

Simply put, this game was fooled by Senxia.

For example, there is a setting similar to the hero units in "Warcraft 3" in the game. Generals like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun can appear in various camps in the game. After different generals are grouped, you can Play different roles in different armies.

For example, Zhao Yun can strengthen the combat effectiveness of the cavalry, while Zhang Fei's single-handed ability is very strong.

The former can lead the army to travel long distances, and the latter can take the head of the general among the armies, greatly reducing the enemy's command ability and morale.

The "hero unit" in this game is much weaker than the "Warcraft 3" model where heroes can sometimes match one team.

But this does not mean that the heroes here are useless. On the contrary, because of the ability of the hero unit to support the team, this makes the hero unit very powerful in terms of army leader.

In the game, there are historical mode and free battle mode.

Alice entered the battle mode after passing the basic tutorial.

Not to mention, there are really many people in the battle mode. After Alice chose to match, she almost got in touch with her opponent.

Alice chose the Kingdom of Shu, while the opposite camp chose the Kingdom of Wu.

The opposite is obviously a novice. Although Alice is playing for the first time, she has the experience of the first generation, and the second generation is also very quick to get started. After mastering the trick, Alice started chasing the opponent all the way.

Ambush the opponent in the wild first, and when the opponent hurried back to the city, Alice led the army commander and drove straight in.

The other party was obviously panicked, and even when Alice was following her, the city gate had not yet been closed. As a result, Alice didn't need to attack the city, and Zhao Yun directly led the cavalry into the city.

Solved the opponent easily.

After destroying the enemy easily and happily, Alice met a character named "Mori Mori".

"Very Darling style of naming." Alice smiled.

This man is very powerful, the other party chose Cao Wei.

Different from his own side, this dear man does a lot of show operations.

When the game just started, the opponent showed up under the city with a team of troops.

Harassment tactics.

The other party harassed the farmers who released Alice all the way, forcing Alice to build some arrow tower defenses in advance. After shrinking the farmers to a place closer to the city, the other party did not dare to come over.

But this guy's sorrow operation is more than just that. The other party suddenly made a group of paper kites, which are manned props that can send troops into the enemy's city.

He doesn't do anything special, that is, sending low-level soldiers to harass, making people hard to guard against.

After distracting Alice's energy, the other party took the opportunity to develop a wave, cleaned up some bandits and other wild monsters on the map, and raised his hero's level.

Then they took advantage of the time Alice sent troops out to besiege the city, but instead of attacking, they were besieged and rescued. They knocked out Alice's troops back to the city for rescue, and then began the siege.

Then... this guy started talking trash.

"Surrender and lose half, vote."

"The defeat of the State of Shu to Cao Wei is a historical trend. You have nowhere to go!"

"I'm great!"

"Although I have high latency, this game does not depend on micromanagement, hahaha."

... so angry.

"Damn fellow, don't get caught by me!"

Alice actually has no idea about winning or losing, but there are too many grotesque words for Alice to bear.

Not only did she not retreat, but instead all resources began to concentrate on building defenses.

Do you want to end soon?

Not really! Just want to drag you!

After dragging for ten minutes, she could no longer hold the opponent, and then she failed.

When leaving the game, Alice easily selected a wave of reports, and then went to match a new match.

This time, Alice matched a player named "Uk Sensiena".

The gender of the other party is still female.


There is no more.

The operation of this female player is sharper than the previous one, with perseverance and micro-manipulation exploding.

——While dragging the hero back to the city, the other party directly used three minions to get stuck in Zhao Yun, dare you to believe it? !

Anyway, Alice herself was stunned by the show operation.

If the previous player used weird tactics and tricks to solve the problem, then the current player is using upright momentum to crush himself head-on.


She typed words that meant surrender.

Although this game was lost, Alice felt in a good mood.

Although the second game was horrible, she was convinced in the third game.

Fighting against a competent person, even if you lose, you are convinced.

"But the pace of this game is relatively slow, only suitable for exhibition games."

This game is good, but one problem is that the rhythm of this game is relatively subtle and not suitable for formal competitions.

"Um... But if the big map can be transformed into a national map, and then the number of cities can be increased to dozens... can it be restored to the real Three Kingdoms?"

No, almost.

As a real-time strategy game, that model is still too complicated. Many people can't even control a city, let alone nationwide.

"It would be much better if it becomes a turn-based game." If it is a game similar to the "Civilization" series, it may be much better, allowing players to develop slowly and savor the fun of the game.

Alice has a good understanding of the culture of a certain oriental country. After knowing that Morinka and that side had co-developed the animated version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Alice had a deep understanding of this history.

She found that the Three Kingdoms is really a very interesting era, even if it is placed in the world, it is also very good.

Later, she learned about the "Three Kingdoms" series developed by Dark Shame, as well as the "Three Kingdoms" series by a certain oriental power.

These series are very good.

In the current lighthouse country, this game is so popular, in fact, it is a little bit beyond Alice's expectations.

"Unfortunately, they don't know much about this history."

Alice thought.

"Do you want to introduce the animation and TV series of "Three Kingdoms"?"

"Huh? Darling online?"

Alice found out that Morinka’s QICQ was online.

She immediately called the other person.

Then the system prompts "The other party is not logging in in the usual area, please pay attention to information security".

"Alice? What's the matter?" Senxia's words are somewhat subtle.

"Is Darling in a bad mood?" Alice asked.

"Yeah. I'm in Sweden. I just wanted to play the newly released "A World of Three Kingdoms 2" and went to bed, but when I met a hard rock, I didn't want to surrender. Obviously I would lose, and I dragged it for ten minutes. ......" Mori Xia was thinking, "I was going to sleep, but now I am very energetic. I just took a bath to calm down, Lihua is playing on the machine next to me, I'm watching it temporarily."

It can be seen that he is very sad.

But how does Alice feel that there is a sense of seeing what the other party said?

And he is with Lihua? !

Alice became wary.

"By the way, what is wrong with you?" Senxia asked.

Upon hearing this, Alice didn’t care about trying to figure out what Morinia was doing in northern Europe. Instead, she said, “That’s the case. I think the animation and TV series of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are very good. I was thinking. Can it be introduced to the lighthouse country."

"I think it's very difficult." Senxia's text was sent over, "There are a lot of allusions in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and these are not easy to translate."

"Does Darling feel that the introduction is not good?"

"No, I think it's okay." Senxia's answer made Alice a little confused.

And Mori Xia went on to say: "But you can find a good translation. I think if the history of "Three Kingdoms" is really interpreted, it would be a very interesting thing. And I think the best way for this work is not It is broadcast on TV, but on the Internet as a web drama."

In the case of web dramas, the following science popularization with the text will enable outsiders to understand the history of a certain oriental country.

"Darling, do you think the lighthouse country can understand the Three Kingdoms?" Alice asked again.

"Of course. I think it's okay. I even think that we can also develop a Three Kingdoms game for Europe and the United States."

This is not Mori Xia Wu’s targeting but there is such a game in another world line, and this game is really very popular, and even many people use "Three Kingdoms" to specifically diss "Game of Thrones" "The TV series...

"A new game?" Alice thought about it.

"I'll get off first. I have something to do with Lihua."

Senxia left after saying this.

Don't give Alice a chance to continue asking questions.


Alice felt her throat stuck...


It is a pity that Aoshi Three Kingdoms 2, which inherited the essence of the first generation, did not appear.

In addition, Heroes of the Storm is likely to be...

Two-in-one meow~

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