Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1765: Bear kid

There is a six-hour time difference between Sweden and the lighthouse. Although Alice wanted to talk, Morinka was tired.

Early the next morning, when Senxia returned to the room, he found that there seemed to be people in his room.

"...Kris, what are you doing here?" Senxia asked in surprise.

"Um...Brother..." Christina, who was awakened from the bed, immediately looked at Senxia with tears in her eyes, "Brother, where did you go? I waited all night and didn't dare to go back. I can only lie here..."

Senxia dumbly: "Aren't you afraid of the dark?!"

Did she deliberately?

However, at this time, Senxia heard Christina say: "There have been sneaky voices outside yesterday, I mean really..."

Well, the girl does seem to be scared...

Is it haunted here?

No, it's not haunted.

Looking at Christina's appearance, she didn't seem to be lying. But if you think about it this way...

Senxia suddenly thought of Victoria...

I always feel like it is very possible.

No, it is not very possible, it is very possible.

But this kind of thing, it is impossible for Senxia to talk to Christina now.

Fortunately, Christina's mood is fairly stable, so it's not a big deal.

After breakfast, Senxia and Lihua went to the ranch behind the villa.

"Miss Lihua."

There are already a couple of men and women standing here, and they are feeding these horses with fodder.

"Senxia, ​​this is Mr. Platini, the horse trainer, and this is Mrs. Platini. They are from Italy."

"Hello." Senxia said hello to the couple.

"Miss Lihua wants to ride a horse?" the other party asked.

"Yes. I heard Grandma say that you are all ready." Lihua nodded, then turned back and said to Morinia, "It's a very comfortable experience to ride a horse here to tour outside. Grandma said that every time there are guests here When I come, I will bring them over to play."

"This is interesting."

Mr. Platini chose a docile horse for Senxia and Lihua, and then taught Senxia.

Senxia learned very quickly, but it was the first time after all, Lihua had been here before, and this time she was familiar with it.

After Mori Xia got used to it, Mr. Raptini rode a horse and led the two and said: "Our itinerary is to visit here, and it takes about a whole morning. But don’t worry, we have a lot to offer on the road. Rest place, if you are tired, we can change to a battery car."

"There is no off-road vehicle or something?" Senxia asked curiously.

"No, fuel vehicles are not allowed to enter here."

After some preparations, the two also mounted their horses and followed each other.

Senxia and Lihua ride on the same horse. Lihua controls the horse in front of him, while Senxia sits in the back.

"It's really quite stable." Senxia was still a little worried for the first time, but after actually doing it, he found that riding a horse was quite relaxing.

"I was worried the first time, but after I got used to it, it was fine. And I don't think this kind of experience class is available everywhere." Lihua's cheeks were a little red.

"I always feel that the lines we say are very subtle..."

Just after Senxia finished speaking, Lihua turned her head shyly.

"Always like to say strange things." Lihua pouted.

"Ah, I thought Lihua, you like to hear me say such things." Senxia didn't care, "You feel very happy in your heart."

If Lihua has something to do, she always likes to hide it in her heart.

However, peeling off Lihua's skin and looking directly at her heart felt very good.

It's quite interesting to take out the things she wants to hide in her heart and bully her a little bit.

And it can also cultivate feelings a little bit.

This Mr. Platini is also an old driver. He walked in front, not too far away from the two people, but not too close, in a position just enough to give Senxia and Lihua independent space.

This feels pretty good.

"Always talking about such strange things." Lihua turned her head.

"But it's great, isn't it. That kind of feeling of being watched inside." Senxia wanted to attack suddenly, and blew gently in Lihua's ear, but this was right away. Senxia, ​​who was worried about overturning, still restrained. Live yourself.

But this is fine.

No need for extra things. Just riding on a horse and feeling this subtle sensation is already a very comfortable thing.

Well, great.

Just such enjoyment, this is no problem.


"Brother Senxia! Sister Lihua!"

At this moment, Senxia suddenly heard a voice coming from behind.


Senxia turned her head.

Two horses followed, two jockeys on horseback, but in front of the jockeys, there were two children.

One is Christina and the other is Victoria.



——I should have thought of it long ago.

Senxia was broken in her heart.

Yes, I should have known this a long time ago.

I'm still too young...

But more importantly, Senxia has not been able to face the two bear children with a stern expression, especially after knowing that Christina spent the night in her room last night...

"Are you here too?" Lihua over there was relieved.

"Yeah, the environment here is awesome!" Christina said vigorously.

"Well, it's great!"-Victoria, if you don't look at Christina when you say this, I would think you are probably talking about the surrounding scenery...

Senxia was silently complaining.

At this time, Mr. Platini also came over, and he said: "We are almost at the first stop, do we need to take a break? We can also change to the battery car there."

Mr. Platini, understanding!


Senxia turned to look at Christina next to him, and he said: "Riding is still fun... Let's continue."

"Okay." Platini had no choice but to say.

I enjoyed the scenery on the road all the way, and when I returned to the mansion villa, it was already noon.

After a quick meal, Christina and Victoria were also tired, and the two little guys also went to rest.

And Morinka was also relieved.

"We will go to Norway tomorrow, Denmark next week, and then negotiate with Nokian."

Senxia stayed in the room, and Lihua was on the itinerary after Senxia was popularized.

"At that time, I won't have to see these two little guys again." Senxia relaxed.

Christina, this little guy is really difficult.

More importantly, although Senxia sometimes has no choice but to take this little guy.

Although Kristina sometimes made Senxia very speechless, her actions did hit a certain switch in Senxia's heart.

Very complicated feeling.


I won't encounter this situation again in the future.

Although it feels very subtle now, I will never see each other again.

This is a good thing.

Senxia opened GS.

There are also GS game consoles here.

In other words, there are a lot of these things in all of Northern Europe. After Lihua's grandmother knew that Senxia was engaged in this stuff, she also bought a few specially-there are family members here who do business, even if they can't be bought outside, they can be obtained here.

However, the ability to lay the network in this remote place is what makes Senxia the most comfortable.

There is a network and everything is .JPG.

However, Senxia's Internet experience last night was not good.

As soon as he went online, Morinya saw the message from Alice: "Good morning, Darling~ This is a good morning kiss for today~"

"...Alice is always like this." Senxia said to Lihua awkwardly.

"I know." Lihua curled her lips. "She is a woman who even Qianjia can't manage easily."

"...Your sentence makes sense."

Very subtle feeling.

Morinka said at this time: "But Alice is amazing, I admit it. Oh, yes, the other Alice is also amazing."

Tianyin has habitat.

Another Alice (youshu).

Although he couldn't speak, Morinya felt very relieved when Tianyin was living by her side.

She is pretty good.

"It feels pretty good." Senxia ignored Alice, pretending that she hadn't seen it, but was watching the situation of the game "Ao Shi San Guo 2".

This game went viral because of WCG, and Moriha did not expect it. But it depends on the situation.

Although it was not Senxia who was in charge of the development, it was considered that Senxia invested, and the other side was also affected by the A company, and after the A company's assistance, the quality of the entire game has improved several levels.

For example, compared with the first generation, the second generation has a huge improvement in the picture and supports some high-resolution graphics-this is also related to the landing of the game on the GS platform. On the general game platform, the game special effects are really not Way to hit so high.

"It's just average." Lihua said strangely, "I looked at the data, it may be millions of sales-in the best situation. If the situation is not good, it may be hundreds of thousands. It’s just about the sales volume. Although the game is really interesting, this type of game is going to die soon, right?"

Real-time strategy games are actually alive in the original history.

But on this world line, because the MOBA game was born ahead of schedule, the number of people in real-time strategy games began to decline as a result. By now, it has gradually declined.

This is no wonder. On the other world line, people have no choice, so they play some real-time strategy games that are more difficult to learn, but with a good MOBA, they will not choose this kind of game.

Morinka can understand that on another world line, although many people play the "Warcraft 3" series, they are all playing RPG maps. Many people only play the battles in the game, and then play maps like Dota and Dynasty Warriors.

In that world line, there is a platform called "Haofang", which is an online platform for games such as "Warcraft", and among this platform, there have been the most types, one is Dynasty Warriors, and the other is It's DOTA.

And real-time strategy...destined to decline.

"What I see is that the culture of the Three Kingdoms is accepted worldwide. It's the same as Dynasty Warriors. And the way to accept this game is not the kind of visual and combat gameplay. Many people feel that the Three Kingdoms is because of this game. History has generated interest...this is also the reason." Mori Xia said, "The popularity of a simple game is just that of a game. If you can look into the factors behind it, you can get a lot of interesting content."

"It means...Can you sell games in the Three Kingdoms category?"

Senxia nodded.

"We can launch games with related themes for Europe and the United States. Of course, it must be in line with European and American preferences."

In a sense, this is a cultural invasion.

But Senxia thought it was pretty good.

"Alice told me last night that she is going to introduce related TV dramas. I think I can let Alice try it." Morinka continued, "It's quite possible for her to succeed. If she succeeds, we will I can get started."

"What kind of game is going to be released? Continue to be born in the Three Kingdoms?"

"No, we can take another route..."

Such as horse riding and slashing...

Um, Morinia feels that the computer on his side is now fully capable of making this type of game.

He thought for a while, and recorded "Mountain and Blade" in his notebook.

"Just look at the good news from Alice."

Morika was about to type in response to Alice.

But Senxia suddenly cared a little.

If Alice and Christina are together, which one is stronger?

Um, Mars hit the earth?

Both of them are very subjective, and Morinya thought of the appearance of Alice and Christina together, that would be very interesting.

Forget it.

Don't think about the bear kids who will never see each other again.

Senxia decided to get rid of these two little guys temporarily.

Then... Ignore Alice.

After she has some news, let's continue to act here.

As if not seeing .JPG.

Morinya estimated that everyone should have a lunch break at this moment.

He turned to look at Lihua.

"What, what?" Lihua lowered her head nervously.

"When we were riding a horse before, Chrissy and the others came at an untimely time." Senxia said.

"" She looked nervous.

"But now no one should bother us..."

As soon as Senxia's voice fell, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door!" Lihua ran away shyly and went to open the door.

"Great, I guessed you were here without seeing my brother! I should have come here last night!"

Well... it's Christina.


The first time the author rode a horse, he was completely led and walked. It felt like he was the one being walked...

There are two national creations, Valkyrie Dining Table, and the crushing level is abnormal...

Especially when it comes to dubbing, Mi Huyou's dubbing is more natural, and it is very comfortable to watch. The abnormal dubbing makes people feel too uncomfortable.

Just too short...

Two-in-one meow~

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