Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1766: Mt. & Blade 3 countries

Senxia never expected that this trip to Northern Europe would be so torturing.

Can't say torture either. But it did not meet expectations.

Kristina is indeed a lovely child, but facing such a light bulb, sometimes it is really annoying.

Fortunately, after Morinia and Lihua left here, these two little guys no longer need to see them.

Until the flight back to the mud bomb, Senxia did not encounter any problems.

"Huh, finally going back."

"Thank you, Senxia-kun."

Sitting on the plane going back to the mud bomb, Morika is holding a notebook and painting on it.

The past few days have been negotiations and travel again, and Senxia's whole body has collapsed a lot, but Lihua next to him has a good look and red face.

Senxia, ​​sitting on the plane, was in the sage mode at this moment.

He decided to work hard.

And Lihua asked the flight attendant to help Moriha get some coffee.

"Is this the Three Kingdoms game before the design?" Lihua asked.

"Yeah." Senxia nodded, "Real-time strategy games have limits. We will use better games to spread cultural concepts."

The "Three Kingdoms" is not just the concept of a certain eastern power. This period of history is a very bright history in the entire East Asia region. On the mud bombing side, there are countless works of the Three Kingdoms category.

To be honest, although this part originated from a big eastern country, the contribution of Nihong to popularize the concept of the "three countries" on an international scale is definitely not small.

And they themselves know this history very well.

"What game is this?" Lihua asked casually.

"Well, an action role-playing game."

In fact, it is a game based on "Horse and Blade".

It's just that in the past, the performance of Morinka's machine was not enough, so he couldn't develop related games. Although he had such an idea, it was only a preliminary development, and there was no real physical product.

——The machine can't carry it!

But after the GS era, such games can also appear.

Performance is no longer a bottleneck.

So why not?

It just so happened that at this time, Morinya thought of the subject of "Three Kingdoms".

The original battle between the Middle Ages and the Crusaders was interesting to some extent, but there was no stage where people could really feel "epic." The background of the whole story does not have that very special content.

Of course, here is the earliest version. In the follow-up "Warband" story, the whole story is much better. In the story line of "Viking", the whole game has a certain epic feel-it is a little tragic, and "Fire and Sword" There is simply a novel as a base.

But to be honest, Morinia always feels that this kind of story is so missing.

And he always thinks that the characters in this game...are not very good-looking.

Except for some visual games, the games developed in the West often have the common feature of these works-ugliness.

That being the case, why don't we develop more interesting backgrounds?

Moriha is very fond of the background of the Middle Ages, especially a certain game called "King of the Crusaders". This game can be played as "my sister is my daughter, and my daughter is still my daughter". The plot is really chaotic.

This type is more interesting.

Pulled away.

All in all, Senxia is now ready to engage in the Three Kingdoms version of "Horse and Blade".

And Morinia doesn't just want to make such a version. If this game is really popular, I can release more versions in the future.

For example, the "North American version", or the "Medieval version", and even the local version of mud bombing.

Well, Morinha’s idea is just like the "Total War" series, a little bit from all over the world.

This is quite interesting.

But now... let's come to the Three Kingdoms first.

The most characteristic of the Three Kingdoms is the military commander.

"In our story, these special generals can be modeled, and even individual actions and matching moves..."

Morinia muttered.

It is not acceptable to copy the original work directly, because the time and audience groups are different.

Therefore, some improvements are needed.

For example, in this era, because of the emergence of games such as "Warcraft" and "The Three Kingdoms", and also because of the relationship between heroes like "Hero Trail", players can say that the plot of "hero units" is very strong. Everyone On the fresh head.

In this kind of stall, if someone wants to "be the real" and play a game where the protagonist and the soldier are the same, the chance of success is very small.

In the original version of "Horse and Blade", there are also character professions, and it is possible to cultivate various characters.

But in this game, there is no such thing as a "hero unit", that is, a character with special skills or special tactics.

For example, let Lv Bu use a Fang Tian to paint the halberd Wushuang, and Guan Yu use a Qinglong Yanyue knife to pass five levels and cut six generals. There is no such special system.

But this part also requires caution.

In riding and slashing, leading troops to fight is also an important gameplay. Players can even choose to completely abandon their personal force and choose to lead the war.

If the special characters are designed to be too powerful, this kind of game may become a "Wushuang" series of games.

That would violate Morinatsu's original intention.

But you have to say that Lu Bu is no different from an ordinary general... Lu Bu was robbed and killed by a passing robber-isn't this story funny?

Although a little bit cold and humorous, Senxia didn't want to see such a scene.

——I play Three Kingdoms, isn’t it the shining star? !

If each is a public face, it is more subtle.

Of course, "Horse and Blade" also has hero units. Go to the tavern to recruit. Some heroes are even quite personal. Some will fight in the team. Players need to be trained with a good team. An easy thing.

But the number of heroes in this game is relatively small, and it also lacks the distinctive features and personality similar to the Three Kingdoms series.

How to deal with this part, Senxia actually has a headache.

It's not that easy to choose between the "special" and "ordinary" of the character.

"But there are some things you can refer to..."

At this time, Senxia decided that the game that should be referenced was not just the simple "Horse and Blade" in front of him.

Other games can also learn from.

For example, "Three Kingdoms 10", this is a game that combines RPG elements and strategic elements. It is different from the future battle flag, but it is also very distinctive.

Another example is the "Total War" series, which also has a certain reference value.

"Return to the original point. Although there are many elements in "Mountain and Blade", the core thing is riding and blade-that is, fighting."

The combat system is very important.

The rest of the game is the icing on the cake, and the battle itself is the core.

Players can charge into battle, use their bows to shoot cold arrows, or direct battles.

There are many ways to play.

Various arms are also an interesting place. For example, players can recruit Lithuanian soldiers in Warsaw.

In addition, some elements of the Middle Ages, on the side of a large eastern country, are actually not very suitable for design, and they need to be designed according to local conditions.

"Set up a story line first."

The game is definitely divided into plot mode and free mode.

There are two types of players in the Three Kingdoms.

One is to like to follow a character, become a certain character, then experience history, and finally change history.

On the other hand, players like to have their own characters. They hope that their characters can be recruited by the "lord", or they can accept the three famous generals as their subordinates.

In the Three Kingdoms era, there were many entry points, such as the "Yellow Turban Rebellion", "Princes Discussing Dong", "Chibi Battle" and "Three Kingdoms".

These are the parts that players want to enter and experience.

So it is necessary to design games based on these parts.

"Start with Liu Bei."

Morika began to imagine the flow of the game in his mind.

First of all, his role is Liu Bei, then Taoyuan Yi Yi, and then he leads the army to rescue Dong Zhuo who is besieged, and then enters Pingyuan County as the magistrate...

Don't say it.

This period of history is really amazing.

"No wonder so many people like to make the Three Kingdoms series." Senxia suddenly realized.

"What's the matter?" Lihua suddenly heard Senxia's emotion, a little curious.

"I found that Liu Bei's plot is really suitable for this or that kind of story." Mori Xia said, "Look, Liu Bei and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Taoyuan, and then the three of them led the battle together, whether it was RPG. It is still a battle banner, or other types, it is very suitable as a novice plot. After that, the Yellow Turban Army is the early BOSS. After the Yellow Turban Army is eliminated, there will be a stronghold, and you can learn how to deal with internal affairs, and RPG can still Join the side story..."

The same is true of games designed by Morinia now.

This part is particularly suitable.

Liu Bei led the army to attack at the beginning, it was the novice tutorial, and all the way up, it was a variety of teaching...

If you think about it carefully, even though Liu Huangshu had a rough life, these early experiences really helped him accumulate a lot.

"We can do the same here..."

With this part of the story design, it's much better.

Thinking along the story line, until Liu Bei inherited Xuzhou, the structure of the whole story was almost perfect.

He did not continue to think about it, but felt that this was enough.

As for the specific story, it is a matter of the "Three Kingdoms" itself.

And in the Three Kingdoms, various heads-ups and duels are also very necessary.

In "Mountain and Blade", there was no such design at first, but later someone developed a variety of MODs so that people can really go heads-up.

Senxia feels that the Three Kingdoms without singles are the Three Kingdoms without soul.

Wenjiu cuts Huaxiong, Three British battles Lu Bu, Guan Gong battles Qin Qiong... This is the characteristic of the Three Kingdoms!

Yes, you can also open more historical mods. This will allow players to develop MODs more conveniently. At that time, everyone can let Qin Shihuang come through, or let Ying Zheng and Li Shimin PK to see who is the real Qin King...

Even more powerful, it can also develop stories like "Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period" or "Sui and Tang Dynasties".

"If you say that, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period may really have..."

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period is a fascinating history. Unfortunately, many people will refer to the "Warring States" in the future. The first thing they think of is the "Nobunaga's Ambition" and "Taige Lizhi Biography" in the mud-boom Azuchi-Momoyama period. s story.

"Spring and Autumn and Warring States..."

Morinia wrote this in his notebook as an alternative.

If only relying on the Three Kingdoms, then the success of a work is only the success of the work itself. But if the game can make a certain period of history, a certain story known, then the game itself is successful.

Moriha wants to achieve the latter more.

But he did not forget his original purpose.

That is to "Amway" out this history.

Back to the game itself.

"There are many types of arms in the Three Kingdoms era, maybe we can design it here."

During the Three Kingdoms period, there were also a lot of "special arms", such as "Qingzhou soldiers", "tiger and leopard riders", and "trapped camps" can be summarized.

There can be in this regard.

Even if you don’t have...

For example, let Zhuge Liannu produce a special crossbow soldier, or use some immortals to produce a group of ascetic monks... It's fine.

And if the times continue to pass, there will still be Shaolin monks and soldiers...

"Well, that's it."

Senxia nodded and drew a circle about the units.

Then comes the internal affairs.

The story of the Three Kingdoms, internal affairs is also a very important part. When it comes to the story of the Three Kingdoms, as long as it is a strategic game, it has to be mentioned "internal affairs."

Even for games like Dynasty Warriors, a branch of the "Empire" series will have a little internal affairs system.

Internal affairs are the characteristics of the Three Kingdoms, so I have to taste it.

In this regard, "Mountain and Blade" has relatively few references. Although this game can also allow players to develop, the thinking of the West is different from that of the East.

In this regard, it is better to have a little special content.

So what should we do?

The Three Kingdoms is the best reference target.

Hmm...Anyway, there are not so many in the Three Kingdoms series...

Shame now has no future So, referring to the game series of Shame, there is no problem at all.

But this part, Senxia doesn't plan to design it herself.

——There are so many production teams below me, and they are not eating rice!

"By the way, who is more free from A company?" Senxia asked.

"I have the most time... Ichiro Kuroshima should be fine now."

"Well, it's him."

Unlucky boy, it's you.


The author has been in contact with horseback riding and slashing years ago, and his memory may be a bit vague. Don't blame it for mistakes.

By the way, this game really has a MOD for the Three Kingdoms series...

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