Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1770: Ichiro Kuroshima is busy

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Morinha is very happy here, and after an idol came here in person, Morinha rarely relaxes.

In fact, Morinya didn't mean to be afraid of Christina.

To be honest, Senxia actually thinks that Christina is a very good child in all senses.

The problem is that Kristina always makes Morinka's mind nervous.

If it wasn't for this reason, Morinka would like to play games with her very much.

But now... he could take a break.

On the other side, Ichiro Kuroshima was not so good.

He just consulted two employees from a major eastern country.

The other party was in charge of the game development of a certain eastern country. He came to the headquarters to see new motion capture.

The other party can speak Japanese, so he invited the other party to dinner and then asked.

"Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms is a good game. When I first started, I played the shameful Three Kingdoms..."

"I think Dynasty Warriors is more fun."

"Teacher Yi, you are a history major, Mr. Kuroshima wants more professional content. You can give some advice here." This is Chinese.

"Teacher Wang, you are right."

Teacher Yi and Teacher Wang are their nicknames online.

Teacher Yi is a history major. He originally planned to go to high school to be a history teacher, but at this time, he somehow entered the industry and started playing games.

Later, my friends knew this and gave him a nickname of "teacher". He corrected it for a long time and had no choice but to acquiesce. However, he also called each other "teacher" when he met everyone. As a result, everyone has started to call each other teachers.

"I think the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" made by Musashino and Shanghai Meiying Films is very good." Teacher Yi said, "For example, Bowangpo's handling, I think it is in place. Another example is Wei Yan at the end, I think it is better than TV series. Okay, I also agree that Wei Yan is more like being killed by Yang Yi than rebellious..." Teacher Yi can speak a little Japanese, but he is not very proficient and has no honorifics, but if you go straight, it doesn't sound too difficult.

It just sounds uncomfortable.

Teacher Wang said: "In fact, I think the history after the Three Kingdoms is better. If you want to do a war game like you said, I think the Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are very good. The Wei-Jin romantic is talking about the things of that era. I think Very romantic."

"Hey, that messy era..." Teacher Yi, who studied history, expressed contempt for Teacher Wang's interest. "I see, that era was a chaotic dance of demons. It's really boring to write about that."

"Hey, it's because of the war that I have to write about this time."

"Then I recommend the period from the late Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. This history is more interesting. When did Li Yu's spring flowers and autumn months come, that's not bad." Teacher Yi said.

"According to you, I think Yuan and Ming Dynasties are also okay. At that time, there were rebels everywhere. If we zoomed in, we could write more..."


For a certain oriental power whose history was limited to the "Three Kingdoms" era, Ichiro Kurojima fell into a daze at this time.

...What are you talking about?

"Ah... what do you think of the entry point of my story?" He continued to ask.

Although it is a trilogy, it is not a step-by-step production, but it is necessary to do a good job of coordination in the early stage.

"The five eras of the Three Kingdoms, I don't think there is any problem. I play Three Kingdoms games basically. These are the few. In the case of the pre-Qin, it depends on how long the history of your production spans. This period of time is hundreds of years. History, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period are also different. If you are doing the entire Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there will be a lot of interesting content."

Teacher Yi was a little dry and dry, so he drank saliva before continuing.

"Let’s start with the Spring and Autumn Period. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the princes still maintained the superficial etiquette, and the social order did not completely collapse. One of the interesting parts of this period was Chong Er, and the other was the period of Zhao Jianzi and Zhao Xiangzi. Does Xiang Zhilie know?"

No, I do not know……

"In the Zhao Jianzi period, it was also very close to the time when Wu Yue was fighting for hegemony. The allusion of'in full swing' is also here. This is simpler.

No, I do not know……

"I know this. Don't take the courage." Teacher Wang over there added.

This time Ichiro Kuroshima breathed a sigh of relief.

I know this.

Finally got it...

"The Spring and Autumn Period is a lot more interesting. If it is not limited to the country, the cultural age from Confucius to Mozi can also be talked about. Especially Mozi, there are many interesting things, but the public knows less..." Yi The teacher continued to talk freely.

Ichiro Kuroshima didn't care about three or seven twenty one.

Although it is not very clear, there is absolutely no problem if you write down your notes and check the encyclopedia.

At this time, Ichiro Kuroshima also sighed Morinatsu's operation. If it hadn't been for Senxia to build an encyclopedia on the Internet, there is a lot of information on her own, which is really not so easy to query.

On the encyclopedia, you can find a lot of information. Moreover, we have also cooperated with many places. In some places, there are also special encyclopedias for ancient books.

In a large eastern country, in fact, many places have local history books like "county chronicles." Some of these materials are not available on the Internet, but they can be found locally. In the interesting county annals, you can even see a certain star being investigated for looking for the great sword...

The same is true in Nihbang. There are many local orphans in many places here, and these contents will only be available locally. Many customs and cultures need to be seen locally, and they are not found on the Internet.

"...In the Warring States Period, things are more interesting. I think we can start here from the Tian clan generation Qi, the Tian clan generation Qi and the following Le Yi fighting Qi, it is definitely a very interesting history. And the five kingdoms conquered Qin also followed. A history worth writing. The last words are of course the war of unification. It’s not bad to swallow Liuhe. But if I suggest, it’s better to compete for hegemony between Chu and Han, which is also very interesting. Well, if you look at it roughly, probably In this way, there are actually a lot of interesting things left, but the popularity is not so high."

Teacher Yi is worthy of studying history, and he cited countless examples at once.

These examples seem to be very interesting to Mr., thank you very much. "Kuroshima Ichiro wiped the sweat from his forehead.

But he still has a problem.

That is, there are so many options to choose from...

From "Guan Zhong" (this was thought of by Ichiro Heishima himself) to Zhao Xiangzi in the back, and then to the five kingdoms against Qin, he wrote down a long list.

Then look further ahead, Kuroshima Ichiro actually thinks that the Wei-Jin romantic era is also good...

But the problem is...

There are too many options...

How neat is this?


For a while, I will resume desu tomorrow. I have been tossing about the old machine and preparing to sell...

:. :

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