Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1771: Of course...

One second to remember【】, wonderful novels are free to read without pop-ups!

My head hurts.

Kuroshima Ichiro went to a certain oriental country with Teacher Wang and Teacher Yi.

Because these two teachers are now Kuroshima Ichiro’s partners-after learning about Ichiro Kuroshima’s needs, the branch of a certain oriental country directly allocated these two friends who were in the mud. Kuroshima Ichiro.

Both of them have professional knowledge.

But when the two people were talking about the mountains together, Ichiro Kuroshima felt his head dizzy.

More importantly, he must listen carefully to the talk of these two people.

Because what these two people said... is really very useful advice.

In the previous discussion, Ichiro Kuroshima went home and searched it. It turned out that the content given by these two people was really full of dry goods. No matter what era it is, it can be used as the beginning or development of a whole big event. There is no problem in using it as the script or the entire background in the game.

But it was because these two men were so extensive that Ichiro Kuroshima was dizzy.

The boss said it was "Spring and Autumn and Warring States". At first, Ichiro Kuroshima thought that this era is actually very easy to do.

But the problem is... this era is so easy to do, and every era can do something interesting, but in the end, there is no way to choose a specific era.

Because there are too many places to choose.

And so did afterwards. The Sui and Tang dynasties were also the era when the mud bombs were well understood. At first, Ichiro Kurojima thought that this era was not enough to write, and he agreed with what Morika said that there could be additional DLC stories. But after listening to these two people, what Wagangzhai, what Wang Shichong, what Dou Jiande, and Yang Guang and Goguryeo, and then said that Yang Guang is a tyrant and not a stunned monarch, but he has poor psychological endurance. The head baby and so on.

Anyway, it makes people dizzy.

"...This game is probably of this type. It is mainly based on leading soldiers to fight. In addition to the development of the character itself, the main development lies in the types of troops and internal affairs. However, we focus on the content related to combat and combat. , Other aspects of the content are also very important, but if it is not appropriate, we can also eliminate..."

Kuroshima Ichiro was talking to the two of them at this moment.

"This is not easy. The armor of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period has different styles. I think about it, when Dong Zhou arrives in the Spring and Autumn Period, mainly cowhide armor and hard cane armor are used. Rhinoceros armor is also available in some places-oh, the last one Then it disappeared because there were fewer rhinos in China. Later, metal armor gradually developed..."

Teacher Yi muttered to himself.

Teacher Wang next to him also added: "In terms of weapons, there were some changes in weapons from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period. Infantry is mainly long weapons, usually spears and Ge, but in the late Warring States period, Ge is less, basically using spears and halberds Oh, yes, there were many crossbows in that era, even more than archers. In fact, the development of bows and arrows in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period was not as good as that of the crossbowmen. The reason is that there were more wars in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. Recruiting to the battlefield takes less time, and the cost of training archers is too high, so the development of crossbowmen is better." Teacher Wang also talked freely.

"I think this is also related to production. The production model of that era has actually begun to move towards the prototype of the assembly line. This has gradually reduced the ratio between the production of weapons and the training of soldiers. The weapons of crossbowmen are very complicated at first glance. But in fact, it is easier to build than archers in mass production. This is also the reason, and I even suspect it is the main reason, because the production of bows is too slow..."

Ichiro Kuroshima was taking notes while wiping sweat.

Mother, these two people seem to digress...

But Ichiro Kuroshima dare not say anything.

Because they are experts, if they become unhappy, they will be tossed on their own side.

And although it's complicated... but it's really interesting to listen to.

"What about swords? I remember swords are still more popular, right?"

Kuroshima Ichiro is even more curious about the sword.

"Swords? The swords of that era are rare things." Teacher Yi continued to talk about Dashan, "I think about it, those who hunted swords... well, yes, Wei Wuzu. The Wei Wuzu of the Warring States Period was more famous for his swords. But ordinary soldiers don't know how to wear swords."

Teacher Wang obviously knows more about weapons. He added: “According to textual research, the Qin Army has fewer long swords and basically only equipped with officers. This is the situation at that time. Wei Guo’s military pawns are elite and may be more well equipped. In addition, for the cultural relics we saw later, few soldiers were equipped with swords, and swords were burial objects unearthed separately. In that era, swords were relatively'noble' weapons, and most people could not afford it. . I see that many games like to use wooden swords and iron swords as basic weapons. If you want to play in that era, don’t do that... Oh, by the way, even in the Three Kingdoms era, there are few large-scale swords. Legion, don't make a joke."

"Hi. This kind of thing is the same as the peasants and soldiers wearing katana, it's impossible."

In fact, this is also the case in the mud bomb.

In the Warring States period of mud bombing, there were "peasants and soldiers", and most of these people held bamboo spears.

However, some works, especially the soldiers of the Warring States Period who wrote mud bombs in overseas works, are all poor, too knives, etc., which makes them special when they are seen-where is the mud bombing of the village chief fighting the warring states. ? This is the military regiment of the cold weapon peak era, right? !

For the reminder of these two people, Ichiro Kuroshima took it seriously.

"Oh, by the way, if I watch this game, it may involve content related to official positions. Don't be mistaken in this regard. I now see a lot of official positions in the works of the Three Kingdoms, and I want to beat people." Teacher Yi is right. I know a little bit about the Three Kingdoms Period, so I quickly reminded Ichiro Kuroshima.

"Yes, Lao Hei, here you are for Teacher Ting Yi. He has studied in the Three Kingdoms era."

Old, old black?

Are you calling me?

Ichiro Kuroshima nodded blankly.

"The high-level ones are okay. The low-level ones have less research evidence. People who have ranks, husbands, and wanderers may not even know about these official positions, but if your protagonist starts from scratch at the beginning, this must be To understand..."

I do not know either……

What are you talking about?

But Ichiro Kuroshima quickly wrote it down.

As Teacher Yi said.

In this game, players can choose to start from scratch.

When players start from scratch, they need to deal with small officials. At this time, it is necessary to understand those low-level official positions.

"In addition, I think this model is more feudal. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, that kind of armed corps may have value, but later it became more subtle." Teacher Wang is more familiar with the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, "After Qin Shihuang, The existence of private soldiers is against the law, so you must never use the name of private soldiers. It is best to be affiliated and use individual names."

"Hi, hi." This is very important.

Ichiro Kuroshima quickly wrote it down.

If this problem is not handled properly, it is a problem that affects the game mechanics.

Senxia's request is to have a sense of reality.

The so-called "realism" is not a pure reference fact, but to make the player feel "real".

For example, in an era when there were no private soldiers, "private soldiers" appeared openly in the game, which was full of violations. But if the plot first explains why there can be no private soldiers, and then asks the character to retreat to a family or another name, the player will feel "Oh, the production team is really hard, and the evidence has come to such a thing." , Resulting in "realism".

——But in fact, if a family has three to five thousand corps-sized "Jia Ding", then the official will not just leave it alone.

But in the game, compromise is necessary. The so-called sense of reality is to make it more convenient for players to bring in, rather than to set unnecessary thresholds for the game.

"Old Hei, can this game be connected to the Internet?" Teacher Wang asked about the private soldier's question again.

"Uh, I didn't think about it, because if you do this, the technical difference is quite big." Ichiro Kuroshima thinks this is very troublesome. "Especially this battlefield requires command. This is sometimes very complicated. ."

"Then keep it simple, let everyone act as a single soldier." Teacher Yi smiled.

However, Teacher Yi just said something casually, and after speaking, he didn't care much.

But the speaker is not interested, the listener is interested.

Ichiro Kuroshima felt... this is a good idea.

If the player can act as the soldier he wants, and then compete with the enemy for the battlefield, the PK of this pure cold weapon... feels quite interesting!

Ichiro Kuroshima thought for a while, so he wrote this opinion in his notebook.

Although it is not the content of the game in front of him, the idea itself is actually quite good. He plans to wait for his return and find a way to engage in this aspect.

"Old Hei, tell us what else is on the battlefield. We were very curious about the discussion here two days ago." Teacher Yi is also very interested in the game itself.

Although everyone had discussions before, Ichiro Kuroshima thought that the other party was not on his side after all, so he didn't say many things.

But now, everyone has become a collaborator, and some information can be revealed.

"Hi." Ichiro Kuroshima said, "The game itself is mainly based on combat. There are certain maps in large towns and only small strongholds. Some may just be strongholds and will not design special maps and plots. But the battlefields in the game It is still very diverse, including forest battles, street battles, water battles, siege battles, plain battles, stronghold battles, etc. On the battlefield, players mainly control their own characters to fight, but they can also command battles. In the game In, personal force is limited, so soldiers must have. But in order to cater for players who don’t like strategy, we are also preparing to design the kind of heroic characters and soldiers that can make progress all the way, so that soldiers can cooperate with players Break the formation..."

Ichiro Kuroshima told his thoughts.

This was perfected by Ichiro Kuroshima based on Morinatsu's ideas, and there are a lot of Ichiro Kuroshima's own understandings.

"The logistics system also exists, but we will not go into production in the same detail as in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", but only make superficial designs."

The production aspect is actually a very subtle design.

In many strategy games, if the player is starved and short of food, temporarily buy some food and then expand production to be able to sustain it.

But in the real world, many such things are actually impossible.

Food shortages in some places are due to natural disasters such as locusts, drought, etc., in some places, due to insufficient farming population, military disasters and other man-made disasters, and in some places it may even be due to insufficient official manpower or insufficient official control.

But the game... that's simplified.

At least from the players' point of view, if they think it's good, there is no problem at all.

Most efforts are rewarded, as in most stand-alone games-but in the real world, efforts may not necessarily be rewarded.

How else do you say that the real world is a garbage game?

If someone dared to "kneel down to the real" in the game, I am afraid that a large number of fans of the so-called "real" will complain that this is a "junk game."

"But a setting designed by Teacher Xia Sen makes me very embarrassed. As you all know, Teacher Xia Sen likes female characters..."

This is what Ichiro Kuroshima thinks is more subtle.

"This is really rare." Teacher Yi shook his head.

"Ancient women wanted to go to the battlefield... well, it's not uncommon... but really few." Teacher Wang also frowned.

"There are also female soldiers, this one is more difficult..."

"It's not without it. There was actually in the Warring States Period. I remember there was a record in the Book of Shang Jun..." Teacher Wang thought, "The strong man is an army, the strong woman is an army, the old and the weak of men and women are one. Army, this is also called the Three Armies."

"But that's also a strong woman." Teacher Yi shook his head.

"Yeah, I think what Xia Sen wants is the kind...that's the kind...well, the kind that is very good and cute..." Teacher Wang gestured.

"Yes, yes, it's not strong, it's the kind... um." Teacher Yi also nodded.

Kuroshima Ichiro frowned, he felt that things were not simple.


Ichiro Kuroshima feels that the protagonist of Meizhi is the core of Morinatsu's story, but can't play Meizhi now?

Hmm... this type of game is really rare in the hands of Teacher Xia Sen.

" doesn't work?" He asked Do the two disagree? "

"Who said that?!" Teacher Wang stared, "Are you asking me whether I approve of the appearance of sister paper? Of course I agree!"

"Roar, sister paper, of course roar! Don't worry, after I go back, I will help you make up...Bah, help you test the evidence!" Teacher Yi also patted his chest...

Well, at least everyone has reached an agreement...


In China, I try to use real people as little as possible. Even if I learn from prototypes, I will deliberately stagger them, and only use "prototypes".

Take a chestnut, for example, Mrs. Lu. Although I asked for my wife’s consent, I still split the character into two prototypes and put it in the plot, instead of using it directly...

So it's good for everyone to be tacit. Cough.

Two-in-one meow meow~

:. :

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