Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1772: It’s normal to see uniforms for school selection

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"Um... dying... really... dying..."

After getting off the bus, Senxia felt that she was not well.

I know that the bus is very crowded, but I didn't expect it to be so crowded.

The car is full of tourists and actors coming to summer CM.

"Fortunately, the quality of the clothes is good."

Morinatsu, who was in trouble, went out after changing clothes at home. He was wearing the uniform of the Musashi Ariadust Academy—that is, the power of the protagonist of the boundary line on the horizon.

Because this uniform didn't seem to be a big problem even if it was out of the street, Morinka wore it.

Senxia patted her little jacket.

Fortunately, the quality of the clothes is good. Otherwise, even if they can bear so many people, the clothes can't stand it. Although the coat is a little wrinkled, there is nothing wrong with taking a shot.

If you are alone, Senxia doesn't actually have to work so hard.

But the problem is...

"Great! Comiket, great!"

Kristina was cheering at this time.

This eldest lady insisted on experiencing the "passion of the fan exhibition", so she asked to take a bus at peak time to experience everyone's enthusiasm for driving.

On the way, Christina was fine, but Senxia suffered.

In order to prevent Kristina from being squeezed into the crowd, Senxia used her body to protect her all the time. When Kristina was in the car, she was fine, but Senxia was really good. It means "the rain beats the wind."

Every time the car stops at a stop, there are only a lot more people in the car, and Senxia is really bad.

Fortunately, he finally arrived at his destination.

"Are you all right?"

On the contrary, Lihua, Qianjia, Victoria and Xue Na who came by car had nothing to do.

"No... nothing... I'll go to the bathroom to tidy up..."

"Brother is okay?" Xue Nao looked at Senxia worriedly.

Senxia, ​​who swayed all the way to the bathroom, was just like dried meat that had been squeezed and air-dried, which was really worrying.

After washing her face with cold water and tidying it up a little bit, Morinatsu returned here.


Senxia said.

"We should go in." Qianjia said.

But when she heard Qianjia-senpai's words, Morinya looked at Christina.

This little foreign girl is very eye-catching at this moment.

When I was in the car, there were a lot of people. Everyone patronized and was squeezed by other people. Very few people paid attention. But now, when everyone comes and goes, many people's eyes are on this side.

Senxia is going to go through the back door... Oh, it's the staff's passage.

But if Christina wants to "experience" it, someone will queue up with her.

"Let's go in." Kristina seemed to be aware of what Senxia meant.

"You don't want to experience queuing?" Senxia was a little strange instead.

"Just experience it once. Queuing or something is the most annoying."

Hmm, that's good.

"Okay, everyone follow me."

Qianjia led in in front, everyone followed, and then headed towards the stadium.

"These are COSers..." Qianjia saw a lot of professional COSers that had been changed.

Of course, it's not as beautiful as the outflowing photos on the future network-take a look at PS armor.

It's not that there are none at all, but in general it is a minority.

"There are so many people." Christina, the former Victoria's hand, one played as Nanoha and the other as Fett. It really feels like "Naba and Fett"-but they are better than the children's version. Lyrical Nanoha is a little smaller.

While looking at the crowd, the two walked forward in surprise.

I have to say that European and American people have a natural advantage when they play an animated role. They have good facial features, so that when they play, they show a temperament that Asians cannot.

Especially Victoria.

After all, the role of Lyrical Nanoha is an Oriental. Christina still has a sense of disobedience, but the blond Fett is really great-except for his younger age.

At the venue, there were also many actors of the magical girl Lyrical Nanoha.

However, most of their roles are adult versions of Nanoha and Fett.

I have to say that Senxia herself admires her magical touch.

Because the role of Lyrical Nanoha is a "three-year-old in elementary school", it is actually a very delicate thing for ordinary cosers to play Lyrical Nanoha. Although you can also play it, girls at such a young age will make adults. It's really subtle to play.

However, after Mori Xia made Neha's appearance in the "adult mode" in the story, many people found their direction.

——Although we can't cover the infant version, but the adult version is no problem!

The adult mode is really great.

Koroko Yusaigao!

Nanoha's animation is now getting better, and audiences and players will soon be able to know that there will be more interesting content behind this story...

"There are so many roles in silk stockings..."

However, at this moment, Senxia heard Qianjia murmur.

"The role of silk stockings?" Senxia approached Qianjia and followed her gaze.

Well, there are indeed many girls wearing stockings and pantyhose.

"Because there have been more characters wearing silk stockings and pantyhose in the last two years of animation. And for this silk fabric painting technique, everyone has almost begun to master it."

At the very beginning, Musashino had a unique understanding of silk stockings. All kinds of penetration and highlights can always make audiences excited about it.

Sometimes even Musashino Animation is jokingly called the "stocking society".

Well, it's the same now.

But times will change.

After everyone began to be attracted by the stockings, other clubs were also affected and began to match their roles with stockings.

Of course, the secret of Musashino animation is not in the stockings itself, but in the high gloss and penetration of the stockings.

At first, other clubs were not very skilled, but in the past two years, almost everyone was able to draw such a role.

And this result is that such characters have become popular recently. Many animated characters that did not wear stockings have actually appeared in stockings under the influence of this wave.

Hmm... This is also a change in a sense...

It's like what Senior Sister Qianjia said at this time.

"The next step is to promote full-body socks..." Senxia also murmured.

"Let's talk about making some clothing acceptable to everyone. I think we can cooperate with some clothing manufacturers."

Qianjia believes that if you want to make this kind of clothing acceptable, the best way is not to play it on the Xia CM venue, but to really promote it.


Senxia nodded.

He really thinks so.

The subtle difference in the world line is why Morinka feels reasonable.

Because this world line has a higher ratio of good looks and good figure than the other world line before, Mori Xia feels that the possibility of promotion is higher.

In another world line, this is something without a mass basis.

But this world line, there are more people wearing more photogenic, maybe it can be done?

"I'm going to start with some schools first, starting with the promotion of school uniforms." Qianjia said of her first part, "Lily feels good too."

——How do I feel that this is the resentment of your previous failure?

Sakano Gakuen used to promote maid style school uniforms before.

The uniforms that the students voted for were very popular, but they were opposed by everyone because they were aberrant.

So in the end, everyone had to choose a more compromised style.

But Fifth Night Lily-let's just call it that-seemed to be quite brooding.

"There was a lot of noise at Sakino Gakuen, which is unlikely. However, other places can be adjusted. We are going to start with some famous schools such as dance."

"Why dance?" Senxia was curious.

"Because of such a school, the students are in better shape. Otherwise, even if it is a good-looking uniform, if it is worn by a group of more subtle-looking people, it might look ugly, right?" Qianjia said it was true. Some have that meaning.

"Good-looking school in uniform? Can I go to such a school to go to school?!" Christina approached, she seemed to be particularly concerned about it.

"Haha, of course there is no problem, if Ms. Elizabeth agrees." Qianjia seems to like Christina, the little girl.

"Mum will definitely agree!" Christina's eyes burned with flames.

"Me too!" When Victoria heard this, she immediately became anxious.

Senxia was watching.

Qian Jia was clearly coaxing the child.

It was originally two crooked nuts, they will leave again, how can there be any free time to stay here?

After bidding farewell this time... then it was really never seen again.

After comforting the two little guys, Qianjia moved to Senxia again: "There are many schools that are interested in our ideas."

"Well, it's not bad."

This is really good.

In Nihong, many students choose schools because of the good-looking uniforms.

For example, there are two schools near a female student. One is a sailor suit and the other is a suit. If this female student happens to like a suit, she will choose a suit uniform; and the other male student wants to see a seductive sailor suit. My sister paper, I chose the sailor suit school...

Of course, the school uniform itself is not very good, but the style is indeed an important determining factor.

But what I'm talking about here is just an ordinary school. If you are facing a student who wants to enter a higher school, the probability of uniforming is meaningless.

"Hey hey hey, what are you thinking about introducing such excessive clothing to the student group!"

Lihua finally couldn't help but leaned forward.

She felt obligated to organize the conspiracy of these two gentlemen.

"Ahhh, why is there excessive clothing? For the student group, our clothing must be within the range that parents can tolerate and accept. So we are more spreading our clothing concept. Lihua, you just What kind of strange'uniform' did you think of?"

Lihua habitually went up and took Lihua away.


Hearing Qianjia's words, Lihua's walking speed slowed down by two steps, the whole person blushed and lowered his head...

There is no doubt that Lihua must have flashed some wonderful uniform in his mind just now...

But that is actually impossible.

Because first of all, the parents' hurdles cannot pass.

At this time, Senxia had to say to Lihua: “For the development of school clothing, students can accept our clothing concept. In this way, when students go to society, they will naturally be able to accept the clothing below us. We The style of ACGN’s clothing is relatively strong. Even if it’s the clothing that I can wear on a daily basis, it is actually quite different from the current regular clothing. But if those students can accept our ideas from an early age, wait until they can When I have the ability to buy clothes, our uniforms will not be limited to the concept of "cosplay costumes"."

This place is a place with a very strong "uniform plot".

This is related to the group culture of the mud bombing. The uniform itself is very convenient for the generation of a sense of identity between a group. This is a very convenient skin for the mud bombing country that is more "atmospheric."

On the other hand, this phenomenon in turn promoted the people's love for uniforms.

Therefore, Mori Xia believes that the promotion itself is meaningful.

And if it is in a big eastern country with no special uniform plot, or in a country with super personality like the lighthouse country, this kind of promotion is unlikely.

"Origin, it turned out to be like this." Lihua's eyes wandered.

God knows what she just thought of.

"Don't you think these people's uniforms are similar to that kind of clothing?"

Qian Jia said coldly.


Lihua couldn't bear it anymore, she took two steps back and ran directly beside Xue Nai.


Sure enough, bullying Lihua is super fun...

Of course, in fact, Mori Xia also imagined that all schools were wearing sailor suits with the same short skirts as in the animation.

But that is absolutely impossible.

Because parents, first of all, the schools that dared to introduce such uniforms were so speechless.

And the school teachers and the social atmosphere do not allow to think that Senxia is understandable.

The world is changing. People a hundred years ago could not wear short skirts.

"Well, here it is."

While talking, everyone has arrived at the hall.

Although it hasn't started yet, in fact, many people have already come here.

And Senxia also geared up.

——This time Xia CM, but there are many limited editions, they are good things that can't be bought in the electronic version...


Two in one meow meow!

The trajectory of the stars came out, and then we actually castrated the map to explore...I don't know how long this game can live...

:. :

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