Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1773: In the coterie exhibition

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"I, Jonathan Senxia has a dream, that is to become a Yangko star..."

"Bah, I mean, I, Tianhai Senxia, ​​have a dream, that is to let everyone wear the clothes I designed."

Standing on the venue, Senxia held one hand on her hips and the other handed her clothes, showing a jojo-li expression.

As one of the most popular comics in the mud bomb, although jojo has not yet been recognized as an animation, although it has a black history of animation, it has not become the mainstream. But at the scene, Mori Xia really saw the cos classic characters Dio Brando and Jonathan Josda and other characters.

Senxia was on a whim, and she also made a poss.

But Shiyin's eyes were greeted.

Shiyin also arrived at the scene.

As the classic "spokesperson" of cos Hatsune, she even dances.

"Is my sister an idol too?"

But when Christina saw the poem here, she was immediately happy.

"Wow, so cute!"

Kristina is a cute cute girl after all, with a small figure, big eyes, and that innocent expression, which captured the sound of poetry in an instant.

Shion looked at Kristina, her eyes shining.

"Okay, little sister, I'm Chiba Shion. Although I'm not an idol, I'm a little famous~"

"Oh, my sister is amazing!"


The sound of the poem being rubbed by Christina was really happy.


Senxia didn't speak.

But there is no doubt that his meaning is obvious: it turned out to be such a poetic sound...

But... this is a good opportunity.

"Let’s get to know first. This is Victoria... Well, I have something to go out." Senxia pulled Victoria over.

With Shiyin attracting firepower here, Senxia hurriedly ran away.

Don't run at this time, when will you stay?

"Yo, Zun Sang."

Senxia first came to Zun's side.

After Zun Sang restarted the Touhou series, this category is now becoming more and more popular. With the addition of Senxia, ​​the game has become more popular, so that Zun now has to Find someone to help yourself, otherwise he would be really busy alone.

"Long time no see...this is from cos?"

"Oh, I haven't released a character in a work yet. This can be regarded as an academy uniform, haha." Senxia smiled, "I have prepared so much."

"Hi, because everyone is too enthusiastic." Zun also looked faint.

Senxia went over and took a look.

"Eternal Night Copy of the East".

Hey, it's still a bun face...

Senxia has hinted several times, but the bun's face still can't be changed...

This is a sad story.

But he can do nothing.

"How's the preparations for the grand festival?" Morinya asked another question.

Because of the change of time, the timeline of the work here has also changed.

This also led to the large-scale expansion of the Oriental series in Xia C.

This is actually quite troublesome.

Because many authors are the artists of the Oriental Book, but we are all the Oriental Book, that's not good, right?

In addition, I also have thoughts here, so after thinking about it, Zun decided to wait for a special exhibition next year, which is the Hakui Shrine regular festival.

It is scheduled to be held in May.

"Hi. It's finalized." Zun said, "But I'm still watching the stadium. Well, there are still more than eight months left anyway, enough."

"Well, that's good. If you have any questions, just find me." Senxia slipped away.

It hasn't started yet, but when it starts, there will be more people.

And now this time... Isn't this a good opportunity for yourself to read intelligence? This precious limited edition book is definitely better now to see when to start!

"Ah." But Senxia met an acquaintance again before taking a few steps.

"Ah, Senior Ji Ye." It was Ji Ye.

Or in this case, it is "Master Frog Sergeant".

As the most famous "big touch" now, Ji Ye is definitely a heavyweight player in Xia C.

Moreover, Ji Ye's fans are very divided, and the level of excitement that is often too noisy can compete with Morinha's fan base.

On the one hand, Ji Ye is good at sensual painting style. With that sensuality and smooth brushwork, it is easy to draw the kind of very beautiful sister paper. In addition, Ji Ye has a good understanding of movement, which makes her There are many fans.

But on the other hand, Ji Ye itself has a "rotten girl" attribute. And in terms of painting that kind of male, it is definitely not weak, which also makes Ji Ye's fan in this area very large.

But as everyone knows, these two groups are sometimes really difficult to be compatible, so everyone started to quarrel.

Some people got into the pit from the perspective of comics and animation. This third-party force has made her fan group a "three-legged".

"Ah, is this cos becoming his new character?"

"Yeah." Senxia nodded.


Ji Ye didn't speak, but was looking at Senxia.

Her look made Senxia a little uncomfortable.

"Senior, what happened to me?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of a new story. Well, the content of winter c, I suddenly have a theme." When Ji Ye said this, she looked at Senxia with a wonderful look.

After hearing Jiye's words, Moriha subconsciously took two steps back.

Morinatsu and Chika were used as prototypes in the manga by Jiye.

And there is a book that is very popular.

But the problem is that Qianjia in this book... has been sexually transferred.

That is, the man and the man.

It's a rotten girl book

What's more, this book is still very popular, and now there is a series.

Oh, by the way, there is actually a book in this book, so that the male group has no objection. And the content of this book is that two people make up and become sister paper...

It was because of the shadow that Morinya tightened after hearing Jiye's words.

"It's a lie. It's really fun to tease."


Okay, I almost forgot.

This guy is also a guy who fears that the world will not be chaotic...

Fortunately, Senxia still has a mental advantage when facing Ji Ye, because Ji Ye is a sister who can be persuaded.

Hmm, you can convince people with reason...

Senxia decided to wait for the opportunity to discuss life with Ji Ye and let her know that she was wrong...

"In fact, I sometimes think that I should do costume design." Ji Ye changed his sentence.

"My mother did this. Maybe Yukino and I were really affected."

Morinka and Yukino really have some talent for clothes.

Senxia feels that this does seem to be related to her mother.

Because she is very good at costume design.

And Senxia's side, under the influence of ears and eyes, probably has also been affected.

And Senxia is really keen on doing this.

Now think about it, I want to promote the idea of ​​clothing, maybe I do have this complex.

Senxia did not deny.

Instead, he thought it was pretty good.

Yes, why do I have to use the concept of character costumes to create?

"The character can become a clothing carrier..."

For example, the creator of jojo, Hirohiko Araki, has a very good costume design. Many designs have been placed more than ten or two decades later, which can be said to be synonymous with trendy and avant-garde.

And Senxia felt that she might be able to do the same.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Senxia thinking deeply, Ji Ye asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just discovered a very interesting place suddenly." Senxia said.

"Is it another bad idea?"

"Ah, how could it be a bad idea." Morinya rolled her eyes and said, "I just found a very interesting place."

Moriha organized the language, and then said: “If the same piece of clothing is designed by an avant-garde designer and then walks across the catwalk in Paris, then this piece of clothing will become synonymous with fashion. But on the other hand, if This piece of clothing appeared in an animation, so if someone wears such a piece of clothing, there is a high probability that it will become'the house of death is disgusting' or something..."

"Yeah." Ji Ye felt a bit nonsense at first, but after listening and thinking about it, she found that what Senxia said... indeed had some truth. "Really discovered something incredible."

"It's just a blind spot." Senxia shook her head, "Nothing can be changed."

Although it was a wonderful discovery, Senxia felt very subtle in her heart.

"But it's really interesting." Ji Ye said, "but aren't artists just touting each other. Especially that kind of modern art. I suspect that if someone randomly scratches white paper with a paper knife in the future, it will be It’s not impossible for works of art."

Not only is it impossible, but this kind of nonsense artwork can sell tens of millions...

"I think relatively speaking, my father's ship models are more valuable."

Ji Ye's father is a model ship lover...

"Probably that's the case. But if it's everyday, probably the comfort and ease of wearing the clothing itself is still necessary.

Moriha had discussed this with Qianjia before, so now she has some experience.

"But that said, I have some experience. Dongc, I am going to paint some absurd works." Although Ji Ye feels very new to Senxia's viewpoint, it is only that.

After all, the world is like this, and she can't change much.

"Senior intends to be a satirical cartoonist?" Senxia asked in surprise.

"Nothing, just learn from the concept. For example, a person suddenly came to a world where boys and boys are fashionable, and he became the only straight man in the world..."

"Wait a minute, this world has already been destroyed, right?!"

"Who said it? Who made it?"

"As for boys and boys, don't you have any offspring?"

"How come! Can boys and boys not have children?!"

"Senior actually think so?!"

"Boys have children, isn't this a kind of romance?!"

Senxia ran away shamefully.

"Escape is shameful but useful..."

Senxia felt that if he continued to listen to Ji Ye say such things there, he would definitely be affected by a very terrifying spirit.

Although he respects everyone's hobbies, this kind of transcendence is really terrifying.

But then again, Senxia remembered it as if between a girl and a girl, through scientific methods, it seemed that she could indeed have children...


Maybe there will be some more wonderful subjects in the future...

Senxia took out a small notebook and recorded the incident.

"Good morning, Senxia!...cos is so beautiful."

It was Erika who met.

She originally wanted to say what role Moriha cos is, but she didn't think about it for a long time, and then she got stuck.

"Good morning, Erika. What's going on at Shiyan?" Senxia was also going to see Shiyan. Now that she saw it, she asked by the way.

"Something unexpected happened, but it didn't matter." Erika shook her head. "That guy in Tonggu escaped, but fortunately, I asked everyone at the White Bear Cafe to help. There is no problem now."

The White Bear Cafe also has activities in Xia C, and Erika herself also changed into a lightweight maid outfit at this time. Of course, unlike the shop, this maid outfit is specially hollowed out to make the clothes more breathable and cool. Otherwise, wearing thick maid outfits in this weather will definitely be very hot.

Fortunately, the White Bear Cafe came to help, otherwise, there is really a problem with Shiyan.

Because Kenichi Aso and Misato Kyuu seem to have something to do, and they are not here today.

But at the beginning, Tong Gu Xiao did not ask for leave.

But the so-called plan is worse than change.

Takatani, who was able to help, was temporarily dragged away by "Mihui sauce".

Now Shiyan is more subtle.

But Erika obviously didn't want to trouble Chika either. So at this time, everyone at the White Bear Cafe was very helpful.

"I don't know how the sales will be..." Erika was a little worried.

"I don't think there will be any problems. Don't worry."

Morika comforted Erika.

Well, he thinks that Xianshiyan really won't have any problems just watching a group of maids selling games, which is already out of control!

"Sinxia is now?"

"Oh, taking advantage of the fact that there are not many people now, I'm going to look around." Senxia said, "Wait a moment when there are more and I will get busy."

"Ah, too." Erika said.

"By the way, what's going on over there now? Do you want me to help?" Senxia asked.

Erika shook her head: "No, it's enough to have me and Yusu, and everyone from the White Bear Cafe will help."

"Oh. That's fine." Senxia nodded.

Erika was still going to continue to say something, but at this moment, someone else found Morinya.


It is Rena who is happy.

There are Ayana and Nana behind Rena...


Two-in-one meow meow~

Star Trails unload in one day, never see again...

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