Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1791: Super magic change ALDNOAH.ZERO


"Senxia, ​​don't catch a cold."

"Well, I know. The nose is itchy."

When Shiyin got into a little entanglement, Morinka at this moment, along with Xianshiyan, was studying the content on the whiteboard.

If one person can't do it, there will be two people. With so many people here, Senxia feels that there will always be a way.

"Is there really no problem?" Erika looked at Morika with some worry.

"Of course, well, let's continue."

Senxia turned her head and looked at the blackboard.

Not all the people who are currently seeing the research have arrived.

Tong Gu Xiao was dragged away by his "Mihui sauce", and not all others were there.

But it doesn't matter, there are already a lot of people gathered here.

"The most popular of the machine combat series is Gang Damu. We have actually done Lelouch and MUV, but in terms of the kernel, it is not as powerful as the Gang Damu series."

There is no alternative.

From the 70s to the present, the accumulation of 20 to 30 years, with a new IP can be knocked down all at once. It may be possible in the fast-paced life in the future, but not yet.

"So we have to avoid the traditional route, and it can't be similar to our own products." Qianjia next to it made a summary.

But after she said this, she couldn't do it anymore: "I'm afraid it's really difficult."

"Yes." Senxia shook her head.

Is it possible to make a breakthrough in Tianyuan?




It's not right.

Tianyuan Breakthrough itself is a work of outstanding quality, and does not need to be forcibly re-engraved or modified.

Senxia is now a person with high pursuits.

As long as Tianyuan breaks through this classic work and is not fanned down by his own butterfly effect, Senxia will basically not intend to force magical changes.

That doesn't make any sense.

"It feels pretty good," Erika said, "Using wisdom instead of force to defeat the enemy..."

"Why not take the conductor's route?" The remaining male member, Toru Koikawa, put forward his own ideas.

"That would be too Lulu Xiu. Well, I want to design this protagonist to be that kind of calm learning style..."

AZ’s work is actually very successful in shaping the male protagonist. On the contrary, in this work, except for the female protagonist who jumped in the last three minutes, the other female characters are not particularly eye-catching types.

——People’s original version of the Crown of Sin has also lost a school festival.

However, a work has a role that can be remembered, which is already a very remarkable thing.

This is the advantage of the work, and Morinka has no plans to adjust.

"If you can't direct it, it's the captain's route. Control the average squad and fight on the battlefield." Qianjia looked at the content written on the whiteboard by Senxia by the side.

I have to say that the AZ design proposed by Morinia is very interesting.

But how to put it, the crash was serious.

If it's a work from another family, it's all about it, but Morinya feels that she still has some integrity.

So at this time, Senxia felt it was better not to do this.

But now, this concept is tossed.

What should I do?

"The core of the work... If it is war, the simplest thing is obviously peace itself."

"Well, but I think it's better not to be too broad in the subject. It's better to be a little more specific and to see the big from the small..."

"I think so too……"

Morika turned her head and looked at the whiteboard.

Obviously, this work is not the kind of burn-in type work, it can continue to explode.

It's the kind of cool story about the pretending to be a tyrant.

Well, although there are various cores, although there are such and other developments, the core is to learn to pretend to be beep, and use weak power to enlarge it through your own knowledge.

I have to say that this work is still well done in this place.

For example, in the original work, the heroine recalls that the male number two said that the sky sound is blue because of refraction, and then the hero calmly said that it is "Rayleigh scattering."

As a result, Morinia could still remember this professional vocabulary after so long.

"The guy Xianyi went on a date, otherwise the military house will definitely have a good idea." Qianjia still remembers that there is a military village from Shiyan.

But this guy is the same as Tong Gu Xiao, both are dating, and they are also Jiusheng Misato in the same club.

"Those aliens...No, it's a Martian body. Is there a specific design?" Erika asked.

"Well, the initial setting is the body found on Mars, probably the kind used for mining." Morinya said.

"Huh?" Qianjia was shocked when she heard Senxia's words, "for mining?"

"Yes, if you want to say the real system, mecha is the most suitable thing for industrial production activities, right?" Morika said without hesitation, "Romance is romantic, reality is reality. This is not a new work. During this period, I intend to'restore the essence'."

Yes, we are professional .JPG.

"Although it is an industrial robot, because it is an alien machine, each robot has different abilities. Such a special machine is the main villain."

"It's really the opposite. Generally speaking, it's the protagonist who digs into the alien ruins and drives up..." Qianjia muttered.

"I think this design is already great." Erika felt that, in fact, at this point, everything was fine.

At this time, Yusu who had been unable to speak--in fact, unable to speak-- stood up.

She wrote a paragraph on her typewriter.

"Although I don't know much about the aircraft warfare series, since we have planned to have a new spiritual core, I think if we can't surpass them, it should be impossible, right?"

"It makes sense." Senxia felt that Yusu was right.

One place where the future machine battle series has fallen is because there are no more routines to continue playing.

"Why not look for some suitable concepts from the classic science fiction series?" Yusu said again.

"Classic science fiction?"

"Since this work talks about aliens, how about works related to aliens? For example, "Star Solaris" and "End of Childhood" or something."

"Star Solaris? Oh, this is interesting... ahem, but the theme is not suitable. The end of childhood is interesting..."

What Yusu said is pretty good.

The star of Solaris is a very interesting work. This work itself tells that human beings have encountered a strange planet called Solaris, which is a very special kind of life.

However, this concept is too large, and the capacity is too small for the work of AZ.

Arthur Clark’s "The End of Childhood" is quite interesting, but there is a problem. Morinha’s work is not actually intended to tell about aliens. Throughout the whole story, in fact, only human beings themselves.

Yusu thought of this work because of the words "Remains of Mars" and "Empire of Mars" written on the whiteboard by Morinka.


Senxia suddenly had an idea.

The people who bombed this place actually have a naive political outlook. So the content advertised in their works is actually more subtle.

Supervisors and screenwriters are available to reflect that special core.

But even so, some concepts are still subtle.

Senxia intends to do the opposite.

"In our story, aliens will not appear, because after aliens appear, the whole theme of the story will change, and although the people of the Weser Empire are strong, they cannot become that kind of'alien'. . But this direction is quite interesting: the fate of mankind."

Senxia intends to go this route.

Of course, Morinia will not do it completely for the sake of anti-routine.

No one pays attention to the concept of dark forest in MUV, it is a more subtle place.

The different times and the different national conditions made Senxia cast her eyes on the blind.

So although it is an anti-routine, Senxia is ready to take the "surface anti-routine" path.

"First of all, we can have a very clear concept, that is, our male protagonist knows that love and justice cannot save the world because of the contradictions in the world--"


Senxia was stopped by Qianjia.


Mori Xia is in the circle.

"I always feel that you are going to talk about a very dangerous topic. I think it's good to stop here. If you get into the essence of war, it will be dangerous."

It is indeed possible to continue digging.

But that is not what TV animation should express.

There may be a sensation, but Musashino is afraid it will be bad.

"Of course it's not the kind of content." Senxia patted Qianjia on the shoulder and signaled that Qianjia should not care about this kind of problem. Senxia has more experience in this area than the other party.

"To put it simply, because our actor is the school librarian, he read two more books, knowing that mutual understanding is not the solution to war, resources and the market are the key. On the contrary, our villain is very Believe in root, hard work and perseverance..."

It's not that the protagonist really doesn't take this route.

On the contrary, the protagonist is understandable.

It's just that the protagonist understands these at a deeper level, while the villain's understanding of it is more superficial.

To put it simply, the enemy's archetype is right to rely on the direction of the Showa staff.

"The protagonist is rational when formulating strategies and tactics. This is one of the biggest differences between him and the enemy."

Well, at this time, Morinya felt that the "pig teammates" of MUV in the original world line seemed quite interesting. It just happened to be useless over there, but I took it here as an opponent...

Thinking of this, Senxia's expression became a little weird.

Some of the designs of AZ here have been used on MUV, but some of the original designs of MUV have been used on AZ. What is this? Exchange gameplay?

Morinya told herself not to think about this delicate question.

"Of course, this was the beginning. Later, we have to let the protagonist understand that even if there are tactics and strategies, people are executing everything. Therefore, the final issue of war must be moved with spirit... "

Morinya thinks this is quite interesting.

"What should I do?"


However, one of Qianjia's problems caused Senxia to pull her hips.

Yeah, how is this neat?

It’s impossible to let the protagonist play guerrilla while farming, play the story of the 20-year "Iron Ambition", and finally push back Mars, right?

"...Since the enemy's technology is obtained from aliens, how about using alien methods to solve it?" Erika didn't know the whole story very well, but because of this, she suggested some seemingly Very good idea.

"Oh, this is good." Senxia really agreed.

He thought for a while and said, "That's good. Let me tell you the beginning of the story."

"Our protagonist Jiezuka Inaho is a military academy, he is a librarian. Then one day the Princess Mars came to visit, and was killed by the lone Mars Earl, and the war broke out. But in fact, the Martian princess actually It's fake, because the real princess pretended to be playful, and when everyone went to see the fake princess, the real princess went to the unmanned library and met our hero..."

It doesn't matter what the beginning of the original version is. Morinatsu designed it in this way to make Kaizuka Inaho's source of knowledge a little more reasonable—well, it really does.

"Because of this incident, Mars and the Earth have encountered a war. And Her Royal Highness naively believes that as long as she returns to Mars, or lets her grandfather, who is the Emperor of Mars, know that he is still alive, the war will end."

"However, this is impossible. Therefore, I plan to arrange for the heroine to see my grandfather in the middle of the plot..."

"Eh, eh, isn't it better to know it when it's near the finale?" As soon as Morinya said this, everyone in Shishi Research here was bewildered by this routine.

"No, no, it would be too late. Only after the heroine and grandpa met did she know that the war could not be ended by wishful thinking, Mars was scarce in resources, and the people did not survive. The emperor of Mars was stunned by his men. , But in fact, his heart is clear. If he is still young, he may be able to call for peace, but the Emperor of Mars is already old, and only war is the best way to solve the problem of the Weser Empire."

"...In other words, everything is actually within the emperor's calculations?" Qianjia understood.

" except for the assassination of his granddaughter. So the lone Mars Earl will definitely be sold in the end, and the emperor will tell the heroine of his calculations."

"But Her Royal Highness still naively believes that love and peace can end everything. When the cruel reality is placed before her eyes, she strengthens herself even more. Of course, at this time she is still an innocent Princess. But after breaking with her father However, Her Royal Highness suffered a series of blows. At this time, she finally realized that she was too young before."

"Then, the princess made a choice. That is to come from the masses, to go to the masses, she worked with the workers, she learned to produce by herself, she had cocoons on her hands, and her thoughts were sublimated. Finally, she changed from a dreamer to an idealist..."

"Wait." Qianjia noticed the blind spot.


"What about the hero?"


Yes, too much to let myself go, forget the hero...

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