Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1792: Narrative route and supervisory candidates

The original work of ALDNOAH.ZERO seems to be just a question of the ending, but if you figure out the story and mission between the protagonist and the heroine, you will find that the final ending does not seem to be written correctly, it looks like garbage The ending is just a more compromised approach.

Why does it end like this?

Very simple, the screenwriter has no idea.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the screenwriter wants to play deeply and show "Ah, there is no love before politics" or something.

This is very traditional, but not modern at all.

If you simply modify the ending, it will be fine, but the plot will be very far-fetched, because the characters of the hero and heroine will become weird.

Then, Senxia discovered that the root was not in the simple ending, but in the petty bourgeoisie of the protagonist and heroine.

This is what needs to be defeated most!

"Um... But without giving the heroine so many roles, it will be difficult to reflect the changes."

It is rare to turn the Emperor of Mars from a foolish white sweet into a scheming boy...Scheming old man, Senxia is quite satisfied with such a magical change.

This is the emperor.

The original work of ALDNOAH.ZERO tells the story of the Princess of Mars, Ethelam, was assassinated by a certain Martian Earl when she came to visit the earth, but as a result, Ethelam had already been disguised and went shopping, so she hid After a catastrophe.

Afterwards, the heroine met by accident and the actor Jiezuka Inaho, and then under the leadership of Jiezuka Inaho, he defeated the Earl of Mars. The group went all the way and found the battleship Diukali developed by the people on Earth using Mars technology. Weng.

Then, Ethelam was injured in the battle and was taken to the moon by the Male 2 for treatment, where he remained unconscious. From then on, the silly white sweet heroine stayed in the jar and went offline for episode N, and the hero and the second man even played out their brains. And then, the heroine woke up and ran away with Huang Mao...ran away...

AZ's original work, if there is any interpretation, it must be this.

——Licking the dog has nothing in the end!

Of course, in the work it is said that the heroine is for political marriage, for peace or something. But how to say it, forcibly black and deeply disabled is not desirable.

If Hei Shencan comes from the heart, he is not forced.JPG.

If you want to send a bento, you will pave the way for the first episode, and if you want to play up the tragedy, you will lay the ground from the beginning...Ahem, Mr. Xia Sen will not do this this time. He wants to be a man and a good person.

Therefore, Mr. Xia Sen is going to take the sunny route.

Well, for the HAAPYEND of Yukino and me, I have to write an interesting story.

"Well, that's right, I am even the Sun of Light now!" Senxia couldn't help but let out a voice.

"...So what about the male lead, Teacher Xia Sen of Light?" Qian Jia sat next to him and listened quietly.

Senxia just took out the story of the magic change, and Qianjia still liked it.

Ke Senxia said more than half here, most of which were telling the story of the heroine, and it always seemed to be half missing.

"Well, of course there is also the plot of Inaho Kaizuka, but we have to understand that, as the princess of Mars, Ethelam is the core character that promotes the work."

The princess who continued to go offline in the original book, it can be said that the characterization has not been completed at all. The sudden change and ending is as if the brain was injured by a serious injury, and finally ran with passers-by-no matter what the reality is, it is developed in animation At that point, the impression to readers is that her decision is not normal.

Because of the relationship between the original work and the need of the plot, Senxia unknowingly added drama to the other party.

After thinking about it, Mori Xia realized that it was really not an overnight thing to change his mind, and there might even be more than a dozen episodes in the process.

This can be regarded as a fan drama.

However, if the princess's character is fortitude at the beginning, it would be meaningless.

Animation needs dramatic .JPG.

Moreover, it seems not bad for the cute sister paper to become a firm soldier at first.

It just so happens that it is in sharp contrast to the current SEED Lux. In the beginning, Lux Klein was a naive singer, but in the end he became a politician, one of the origins of "Pink Cut Black".

Our golden retriever (the princess's hair color) was also an innocent princess at the beginning, and later became a firm beauty of light... Ah, it's a warrior of light. This contrast is also great.

"But the issue of drama really requires coordination."

Morinia muttered.

AZ’s original book also has this problem.

The identity of the princess runs through the animation, and it can be said that she is the invisible true protagonist. Perhaps the screenwriter also noticed this problem, so she was seriously injured later. In fact, the essence is to prevent the heroine from robbing the drama. But the result is a sudden change in the end.

Facts have proved that the freezing of three feet is not a day's cold, and the hard to return in the early stage is fully reflected at the last moment.

This is the problem.

"It's not impossible to let the heroine be the protagonist." Qianjia thought it was quite interesting.

"But wasn't Morinka thinking about combat at first? And the princess didn't turn on armor, right?" Erika hadn't forgotten Morinata's original intention.

"Let the heroine also run the robot... okay?" Xiao Tou thought this seemed good.

"The girl who drives the robot? Is this the peak of the leap? But it's not easy to do now? And it doesn't match the heroine's identity and temperament." Senxia felt that this was still not good.

It might be possible to change the situation, similar to the story of the round dance of angels and dragons, but at least this script does not work.

"Speaking of Senxia, ​​you seemed to want to cooperate in a heroine battle before, right?" Qianjia still remembers what Senxia did before.

"Yes." Mori Xia said, "Fukuda is quite interested. The planning for the second season of SEED is now underway. When the side is settled, Supervisor Fukuda will come over."

After just two parts, the third part is .JPG.

The "Rondo of Angels and Dragons", nicknamed "Gundam SEED Part III", really should start to be more interesting after the second part is over. If it is too late, the drama will be worse.

"Then we are here, the supervision has not been determined yet?" Qian Jia thought of a practical question.

"We have already asked Lihua to investigate." Lihua is not here because she is helping Senxia with the list. Suitable works also need suitable supervision.

You can't let the new house come to camera war.

After talking about the episode, now I return to the real problem.

No matter who the supervisor is, Moriha is a screenwriter.

Of course, the specific expressiveness depends on the credit of others.

However, Morinia's dual identities as a planner and screenwriter need to be done first.

The preparation time for animation production is very long.

But, do you think you are really starting production?

No, it is not.

In fact, in the early stage of animation production, most of the time is-in! pull! skin!

Yes, shit.

Of course, it's not just about talking, but determining the tone, script, setting, etc., including lines, colors, etc. are also included. What kind of painting techniques should be used and what characteristics are required for a work, all need to be considered.

Not only Japanese-style animation, but a certain oriental country in the future will also do the same.

In fact, it takes more than half a year to actually start animation production. What needs to be determined in the early stage are various settings, keynotes, and so on.

If the supervisor can handle the dubbing of the storyboard script, the actual painting will be very fast.

Of course, it can't be too fast, too fast will also collapse.

As the Great Demon Morinha from creative background, this time is of course plot-oriented, so the script is determined first.

Of course, it may not be useful if it is confirmed, because it will be supervised.

So Moriha's request to Lihua is to choose an interesting supervisor who can accept new things.

"Is there any supervision you like, how about following the ideas here?" Qianjia asked.

"Monitoring Mizushima." Morinya said.

"Huh? Isn't it from our company?"

Musashino also has his own supervision.

But Senxia didn't seem to plan to use her own people, but to find someone from outside.

"It's okay, I'm going to talk through Supervisor Anno. Lihua is coordinating. However, Supervisor Mizushima is working on "Fullmetal Alchemist". He should be free when he finishes it. But I can't be sure. In case there is no free time, just I can find someone else." Mori Xia said, "Moreover, there are relatively few love plots in Mizushima Supervisor's work, but our new work does not require much love plots, but the key parts are very important, and the specifics need to rely on diversity performances. , We need some professional talents here..."

For example, at the beginning of Morinha’s story, it was the light but wonderful boymeetgirl youthful feeling, but that feeling is really not made by everyone. This does not even look at the power of supervision, but See the level of diversity performance.

"Okay. But in this case, I think the ideological nature can still be reflected."

Senxia deeply understands the connotation of the work, but this connotation cannot be embodied by ordinary people.

If you ask the Supervisor to do it, maybe the whole taste is wrong.

"Don't talk about supervision!" Senxia said hurriedly, "Let's talk about the story and the script first. If there is really no way, I can do it myself!"

Of course, Morinha can also be on, at least it’s okay to behave, but a "assist supervisor" is needed, otherwise the quality of the work...probably there is really no quality.

There is a specialization in surgery, and Moriha has theoretical knowledge, but in fact, it takes a little experience.

"Well, let's talk about the plot first." Now that Senxia has the supervision she likes, Qianjia has the bottom line.

"Yeah. Good. I'm still thinking about how to do it for the role. It's really hard to distribute the role."

Senxia shook her head.

In fact, when Senxia took out the plot of the princess, the whole story has changed from a simple male protagonist story to a double protagonist story.

Mori Xia said: "The male protagonist is a normal course. He was an ordinary person at the beginning. He looked at the world from an ordinary person's perspective and walked the king's road. After realizing that the earth countries are scumbags, he embarked on the road to self-help. The heroine can see the decay of the empire because of the faction problem. She knows the emperor’s emperor's heart, and also knows that the emperor is paving the way for the future, but she knows this is the oppression of the class... ahem, Oversaid, that's about it."

Morisha paused and drew two road maps on the whiteboard.

"...So in the end?"

"Of course it is the founding of the country, the reunification, the community of shared future for mankind. In short, when it comes to the back, it is the two fighting together."

The design on Senxia's side is actually not a good thing, both positive and negative.

"...So after experiencing the initial resistance, the male protagonist was also disappointed with the earth. This allowed him to embark on a new path, a road of seeking truth from facts..."

Although Mori summer talked about the role of the heroine before, in fact the role of the hero Kiesuka Inaho is also very important.

The heroine needs to sublimate the theme, and the hero's existence is to lead the story to the end.

Only when the hero and heroine are together, can the final necessary and sufficient conditions be met.

It is not the reincarnation of the dynasties, nor the eternal empire, but the truly integrated destiny of mankind.

This is of course not easy, and even the struggle afterwards still exists, but that is a matter for posterity, and they only need to do their own thing well.

The ending does not have to be the optimal solution, but the ending must be hopeful.

"Let's separate the hero and the heroine at all and make two stories." Erika felt troublesome.

"That's not complete." Senxia shook her head.

But these words of the squad leader made Morinya think of something.

"Otherwise, we tell the story from two perspectives? Dual routes?" Qianjia thought.


This seems more interesting.

When Yusu over there heard the words of these two people, she seemed to have thought of something. She wrote a paragraph.

"Odd-numbered words tell the story of the hero, and even-numbered words describe the experience of the heroine, how about this?"

"Oh oh oh, this is it!"

Senxia suddenly became clear.

This method is good.

Expressed through the AB double route.

There are a lot of people who have done this kind of thing, and they are not just in the mud.

For example, the Hope and Despair chapters of "Dan Wan Lun Po", and in a certain oriental country, there is a similar approach in "Shen Soul Street".

Of course, there are still some differences from Morinia.

The method proposed by Yusu is actually more similar to the POV perspective. The protagonist in the first episode, the heroine in the second episode, and both describe the same thing.

This kind of thing is better Actually, it is not these two works, but works like "The Headless Horseman".

"This kind of performance method is good. However, the supervision requirements are particularly high." Mori Xia said, "And maybe there will be procrastination... But it doesn't matter, we can have two episodes a week..."

Musashino lacks everything, but he doesn't lack money.

Self-produced and self-sold is so confident. Others need 3000 discs to pay back when they sell DVDs, but they only need 1500 discs to pay back. This is the difference between part-time work and self-production.

"Well, that's it." Senxia thought it was very good and very good. "The perspective of the male protagonist is mainly based on play, while the heroine's line is more important than literary play. Well, that's probably the feeling.

As for the remaining troubles, such as the coordination of the scenes, the rhythm of the narrative...


State adjustment...

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