Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1796: AZ game route

If you don't care about the real world at all, Morinia can actually play more flowers.

But that is impossible.

No matter how you release yourself, you need to consider the foundation of the real world.

Whether it is from the perspective of audience, capital or review.

The so-called "flying self" is only adjusted on this basis.

All in all, Senxia did give a decent ending in the end.

"...In short, after a series of struggles, everyone hit Mars, learned about the existence of aliens, and finally, with the help of the male and female protagonists, became a community with a shared future for mankind. That's probably it."

Morinya talked about the general part.

"Huh, it's almost like this." Morinia said, "As for the sublimation of the following theme, I think about how to make the internal struggle of human beings become united."

To unite mankind, there must be some factor.

No mess, no mess.

But the story itself certainly needs drama.

For example, after the launch of these Martian technologies, they have been broadcasting real-time information from the Earth to the aliens all the time...Of course, let me see what the supervisor thinks.

After talking about it, it's done here.

"It's just that the middle part is too devil." Although Lihua is not very "two-dimensional", she still feels a little scary when she hears the story told by Senxia, ​​"His Royal Highness is really strong."

This is not it.

Most people are afraid that they would have collapsed long ago. If they hadn't collapsed, they would have simply merged with each other. The part of Morinha's conception is simply a very small number.

"Everyone is going to barbecue together! We still have a lot of skewers!"

After taking a glass of sparkling water, Senxia took a sip.

Drinking cold beverages in icy weather is really a different flavor.

"So what about the follow-up of other projects mentioned before?" Qianjia did not leave. "Games, comics, etc."

"Well, all of them are considered."

Usually many projects have similar plans.

But this kind of planning is also divided into two categories.

One type is to carry out synchronously, and the other type is to carry out new schemes to collect money and expand IP after the fire.

The former has higher coordination and the latter has lower risks.

Senxia is not bad for money, so you can take the route ahead.

"But we actually want to develop a lot of games here. It's not easy to say if you want a new type."

There is a lot of content on Morinia's side.

There are also aircraft warfare. "MUV Moonfall" and the follow-up "MUV Black Label" are both Morinia's plans.

In addition, there is also the "Lelouch of Rebellion" trilogy in the category of strategy and tactics. The works of this trilogy are now almost the ceiling of similar works, and few can exceed it.

If the same type of AZ is launched, there will be some feeling of fighting with himself, which is a bit embarrassing for him.

In addition, Morinka also has many popular works.

The action category "Sword Art Online" is also the ceiling of online games, because the hip pull of "Devil May Cry 2" is now considered the best in the action category.

The two games "Minecraft" and "Creation Country Story" are the most interesting types of games in the sandbox creation category. They have truly achieved "learning from me and dying like me". There are many followers on the market. Sandbox, but none can survive.

The recent fleet collection and the borderlessness of the webpage are the guarantee of Krypton.

As for others, there are the "Sword" series, the soul series, etc...

Mori Xia Yu has a divine discovery. Because there are too many game types involved on his side, no matter what game AZ produces, it seems that there will be other competitors.

Is it possible to make the type of painted map grid of P company?



It's really ok.

It's not right.

If it is really that kind, it should be more suitable for an epic world, or a story with multiple forces.

Although AZ itself has an earth and even a Mars, the whole story is not a model that is too protruding from other forces.

Unless you develop more extravagant stories...

However, this kind of map-filling game is really fun.

"Senior Sister, I suddenly had a new idea." Senxia felt that if he could come up with a "Stars" or something, it seemed good.

"Stars" is a strategy game about the galaxy, characterized by numerous events and interesting developments. But it's a pity that the role is too ugly, Omi's aesthetic has always been rubbish. Senxia started thinking about it, and suddenly she wanted to do something.

"If you mean that when you are thinking about AZ's peripheral development plan, you suddenly have a new plan, then it goes without saying."

"Eh eh eh?! How did you know, senpai?"

"Of course." Qianjia looked at Senxia contemptuously, "Every time you say'I have a new idea' when you think, you will definitely suddenly pop up a new plan that makes people confused, and then I You and other people will be taken astray by you."

"Uh, it's not so much." Senxia smiled wryly.

"You can write down your thoughts, but there is really no room left to develop new games on the A side."

Senxia still has a lot of ideas, but he has limited manpower.

So Qianjia warned: "Now there is still expanding manpower to make new online games. Three or four hundred people have already entered, and there is no way to continue recruiting."


Senxia can only record it temporarily.

This kind of sci-fi game is also very interesting, but if you can't get it right now, you can only forget it.

After all, if there are too many people, it really can't be carried.

"Well, what do you think of our current work?"

Qianjia pulled back Senxia's mind like a wild horse.

"Yeah." Morinya said, "In fact, it is like this. I just thought that most of the game types on our side have been covered, and AZ can't escape the influence no matter what route it takes."

It was a little embarrassing for myself and everyone.

"There are so many games in this world, so one or two games are not bad," Qianjia said.

"Yes. Just develop the handheld for us and use it."

Hmm, but what kind of game do you want to play?

Could it be the type to fight against little monsters? The enemies here are all elites, so it seems really okay to take this route on your own.


Not cost-effective.

This is indeed possible.

Senxia was originally a relatively anti-routine type. The enemies are all robots similar to Gundam, and our team is Zagu and Gene, so if there is a game that uses minions to attack Gundam, there is no problem.

But this kind of game is also the kind of niche anti-mainstream game. Maybe there are a lot of people in the first wave, but when you continue to develop below, people's enthusiasm will disappear.

To put it bluntly, this kind of game can make money, but it can't make a lot of money, and it won't have a strong influence.

AZ has two episodes a week, and the two production teams must also work at the same time.

Such a huge production, and then suddenly there is another cheating anti-routine game. Isn't that a waste of IP!

Therefore, it is necessary to complete a large-scale work of the king.

"If we perfect the world view, it can be made into a strategic battle banner game. And as it is now, it would be good to make a real-time strategy game."

The former route is very good.

The latter is also good, but the problem is that in this era when Warcraft 3 has arrived, RTS is moving towards its final glory, and now playing this kind of game...this is not a death-seeking. Even if it can make money, such a game definitely cannot be compared with a game like Warcraft, and it is also a waste of IP.

"Make it into a web game?" Qianjia said.

"Uh. Forget it. We already have several good web games. The audience of web games is not very compatible with this style."

"Hmm... It seems that it is not easy to come up with a suitable game." If you follow the tone of the animation, there are still many plans to follow.

Unless you completely break away from the animation line and take the original path.

There are actually such similar works. But the opposite is the case with Morinka.

In the future, in many mobile phones and web games, there is actually not a so-called "heroine", so when making an animation, the production team will select some of them for production, and choose between characters. For example, in some music games, a better team is selected as the protagonist. For example, in games of the ship girl category, a character with a more protagonist temperament is selected to compile the story from its perspective.

Morinia's actions were just the opposite.

"Could it be possible that we tell a story about hitting aliens?" Morinia felt that she was simply thinking about saying this.

"It's not impossible." Qian Jia actually agreed very seriously!

"Let's forget about this." Senxia shook her head, a little dizzy, "Go here first, and wait until the time comes to think about it."

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry for such a day or two, there is always a chance what to do.

After having a BBQ, Senxia came to the room. He and Xiaotou shared a room with two boys, while the girls found a big room to rest together.

"Senior Senxia, ​​let's go to the hot springs together." After a short break, Xiao Tou invited Senxia to the hot springs together.

"Ah, good. I also need to relax now."

The hot spring here has only one pool, but the pool itself is so big that you can even swim in it. Although there are separate spaces for men and women, they are actually separated by bamboo.

Strictly speaking, compared to the private hot springs that Mori summer has visited, the hot spring here is more like a traditional Japanese hot spring.

"Huh, comfortable."

There are only two boys, and the girls next door seem to have not come yet, so it's quite quiet here.

This kind of quietness and joy from the heart simply lifts the soul.

"Senior, would you like me to give you a massage?" Xiao Tou sat beside Senxia. Although he was a boy, his bath towel was all over him. Seeing Senxia turning his head to look at him, he hurriedly said, "It doesn't mean anything special, it just feels that Senior, you seem a little too tired."

"Ah, it's nothing, it's a little over-braining. But Xiaotou, I said you, here are all boys, it's okay to meet frankly, don't be so twitchy! Hahaha! Obviously during swimming There is no problem."

"Because there are only two seniors here." Xiaotou said embarrassedly.

Although such a boy feels a bit twitchy, but Xiaotou has a good temperament, but it is not annoying to do so, but it is like the kind of brother who wants to be taken care of.

"Speaking of, didn't the predecessors have conceived the story before? Why are they still frowning now?" Xiaotou noticed what Morinya seemed to be thinking about all the time.

"Considering the peripheral development plan, I plan to make the game synchronously while making the animation. But I haven't thought of what kind of specific production will be made... Ah, by the way, Xiaotou, why don't you talk about what kind of game you like, Could it be an interesting plan?"

"Ah—me? As far as I am concerned, I actually prefer developmental games. Girly DreamWorks, development plan...probably like that."



"No, I think it's quite interesting. Although it's not very suitable for AZ, other aspects may be interesting."

Senxia actually thought of the title and content of "Mars Princess Raising Plan" in his mind for a moment, but the same problem is "niche".

Of course, the cultivation factor is not actually a niche category, it's just that the mere "cultivation" will not be so good in the future.

The reason for this is very simple, because the development elements are basically absorbed by all kinds of mobile games, no matter what kind of mobile game, no matter what the gameplay is, the core of the game is character development.

Because of this, there are fewer and fewer simple development games of this kind.

But anyway, the development elements are definitely needed.

"Then the game that follows the story line or the more autonomous game, which one do you like?" Senxia changed the question.

"Huh? That's it. If there is a certain flow of the story, but at the same time, you can develop according to what you want to do, that's fine."


This seems pretty good.

This approach reminded Morika of the "resolution" in games like Iron Ambition. These "resolutions" are types that can be implemented after certain conditions are met. That is, after the conditions are met, certain history can be forced to occur, and players can even use this method to completely repeat a certain history.

After hearing what Xiaotou has basically decided on her own thoughts. It's a strategy game.

However, he also plans to incorporate some elements of RPG games, such as the Thor series... Oh, not Marvel’s hammer, but a part of the mud bomb "Thor" and "Thor Raiders", this game is very small, but inside Some of the elements can be used for reference.

"Thanks, Xiao Tou, you are such an angel, I already know what to do." Senxia patted Xiao Tou on the shoulder.

"Nothing, it's really great to be able to help Senior!" Xiao Tou also smiled.

Sure enough, when boys are still with boys, they are more comfortable. Everyone is buddies and it is easier to relax...

Senxia is in a good mood.


The original **** went to NS, the author suddenly thought that he had complained about this, and he actually became a prophet...

Wonderful book house

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