Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1797: This game can even have idols...

Latest website: Even if it is the subject of mecha warfare, there are countless works. At this moment, there are countless works flashing through my brain.

From Gillian’s ambitions to super robot wars, from SD Gundam to Gundam Warriors, and even armored cores.

But what Senxia finally thought of were works like Various Artists, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Iron Ambition, and occasionally works like the Great Empire, Magic Guide and the Thunder God Ruler.

"We want to make a strategy development game with role-playing elements!"

After soaking in the hot springs, Morinka took the milk, pulled Chika and Lihua, and then went to the computer, pulled the game department and the people from Musashino together, and everyone had a short meeting.

Others were playing table tennis next to them, while Morinka was in a meeting.

Anyway, I'm just creative, and the labor is all subordinate. You all give me 996.JPG.

"We continue to improve from the third generation of Lelouch's engines, adding personal training experience and the'resolution' system..."

Senxia typed the keyboard much faster than spoke, and after talking to Xiaotou, his creativity went down like a sudden collapse.


After the "Lelouch the Rebellious" trilogy is over, you can use AZ to take over!

Senxia didn't expect this before, but after communicating with Xiaotou, he suddenly became clear.

Sure enough, it is men who know men best.


The speaker was "Ryutaro".

Ryutaro is a newcomer who has been promoted recently.

The opponent had participated in the production of "Lelouch of Rebellion" before, and his performance was outstanding, so Senxia directly promoted the opponent.

In addition to him, there are many others here.

"Yes. Have you all played "Three Kingdoms" and "Nobunaga's Ambition"?"

Everyone said they had played.

Of course, they all make strategy games. If you haven't played this series, it's better to dig a hole and bury yourself.

"Then it's okay." Senxia said, "In this game, if certain historical conditions are met, historical events can be triggered, but in most cases, history will go in the direction we don't want. Sometimes we Obviously you don't want a certain event to happen, but it happened?"

Oh, really.

"The'resolution' system is a place to solve this contradiction. For example, in the Battle of Chibi, if the Sun Wu coalition satisfies Huang Gai in Wu State, Wei State in Jingzhou, and Liu Bei in Jiangxia, the player can execute it by himself. This event initiates the action of "Burning Chibi". But if the player wants to use hard power to push, or form an alliance with Cao Cao and improve relations, they can also choose not to execute this event, or choose the opposite decision."

Hey, it seems that it still looks like that.

People in the game department also felt a sense of relief when they saw the words typed by Morinya.

It seems to be really good.

"Not only that. We all know that there is a type of game players who like to follow the historical route. These people can follow the resolution completely, so that the historical changes can be fixed within a certain range. Others People don’t like to follow in the footsteps of history, so they can also take the opposite route."

It's pretty good.

"In addition, there can also be a national policy tree. Let’s use the Three Kingdoms as an example. In the Three Kingdoms, the Wei State’s national policy tree is to open land and take the emperor to command the princes and usurp the Han Dynasty; Shu is to restore the Han Dynasty and become independent Emperor wait... Well, the example of the Three Kingdoms doesn’t work well. Let’s switch to modern times. For example, the lighthouse country can choose to “become a beacon of mankind”, it can also follow the monarchy to establish a “Brittany”, and even can Take the red route."

Some of you didn't understand before, but as soon as you heard the situation on the lighthouse, everyone understood.

"This is the big aspect. In the small aspect, we have to strengthen the character's story, and strive to let everyone have their own unique experience."

In this regard, what Morinata appeared in his mind was actually a game called "Taiwu Picture Scroll". In "Taiwu Picture Scroll", the NPC in the game will act on its own, and then develop a variety of bizarre but delightful stories.

In addition, what Morinya still cares about is the game "Thunder God Ruler".

"Thunder God Ruler" is a small game, or butter. But this game has been out for seven or eight generations, plus all kinds of rumours, there are more than a dozen games, which are rare in butter. This game will also have various wonderful things happen, but it does not happen to the NPC, but to the player. If the player's experience is taken out, it can also develop many interesting stories.

For example, a player chooses Ronin at first, and then becomes the partner of the opponent because he rescues a certain monarch. At this time, the player looks at the princess, but the princess has a marriage contract, and the player can dig into the wall. But when digging the wall, the player may be discovered by the suffering master, or the princess may tell the player that he has... There are many, many things, and they are completely random.

Because of this, Senxia is still very impressed by this niche unpopular game.

It is a pity that because of its "smallness", the game has many shortcomings. For example, the strategy system is not good, players cannot customize their own characters, and they cannot choose female characters to play without mods.

But at least the game is creative, and it can be said to be quite good in some events-oh, yes, this game is still a plot, and even the history of the IF line...

AZ games have a lot to learn from.

"In the game, we can choose to be the characters in the animation plot, we can also become other legendary characters, and even pinch the characters by ourselves. Our character orientation can also be bolder, men and women, men and women, men and women, 嬲嫐嫐嫐......"

What's this stuff? !

The production team has been confused.

I still understand before.

Why does the last sentence make the chrysanthemum cool when people look at it?

"Sinxia, ​​you were in the bath with Xiaotou just now... Didn't you do anything strange?"

Lihua walked to Senxia's side.

"Although Xiaotou is really cute, but I'm not crazy enough to start with boys?" Senxia was inexplicable.

"'Not yet'?" Lihua looked at Senxia with subtle eyes.


President, don’t misunderstand what I mean, I look pretty square!

"Ah la la, if Ji Ye knew about this, she would be so excited that she would rush over immediately." Qianjia immediately thought of Shiina Hime.

"Ahem, don't worry about this small problem. And men and women are not necessarily married, there are righteous brothers, big relatives and friends, etc.!"

Even so, Mori Xia admitted that the two brides together at the wedding seemed to be very sensual...hehe, but it is temporarily impossible.

"No, right! You almost made it crooked. This is not the point of the story!"

Senxia shook her head, these questions are not the point at all.

He continued to sit down in front of the computer and introduced to the production team.

"The game is divided into two parts. The battlefield uses a semi-real-time system, while the big map is a strategy. Players have different control methods according to their status. Even players do not have to be in the military and politics, but can also be idols, capitalists, and even scholar……"

What Senxia finally said was actually the gameplay of "Tai Ge Li Zhi Chuan".

In "Tai Ge Zhi Chuan 5", the player can be an official, and can also be a ninja, swordsman or businessman.

However, "Tai Ge Li Zhi Chuan 5" will have to wait two years, and this work belongs to the genre that is not popular... Well, in fact, it is more of an untimely birth, but there is really no way. So later this series disappeared. Many concepts and contents in it were integrated into the series of "Nobunaga's Ambition".

The "decision tree system" can be applied not only to countries, but also to other professions or individuals.

So this aspect is not a problem.

"I feel that such a system is more suitable for historical games." Qianjia watched Morika talk here, so she also expressed her own views.

"Indeed. But historical games are not what we are good at. Compared to history, I prefer science fiction and fantasy." There are a lot of strategy games on Morinka, but among these games, the historical category is really rare. Less.

The cake of historical games has long been divided up, and it has become the Red Sea Market. With the addition of Senxia's own lack of interest, he did not touch it.

"How to play as an idol? Being an idol in a strategy's hard to imagine..." Ryutaro was a little daunted by Morinka's request.

"Occupation is just my casual example," Morinka said, "but now that we are here, let's use idols as examples."

The reason why Senxia thought of idols was actually because he had thought of "In order to maintain world peace, the Princess of Mars decided to become a world idol".

Then he said casually.

Now that there are people who are curious, Morinya simply answered first.

"For example, we have now created a new female character. The charm has exploded, but the internal affairs and military are not good, and the IQ is average, so there is no future for going into politics and becoming a businessman."

"At this time, we can only choose to make the player an idol debut. At this time, we need to pay attention to the popularity value. Popularity value is the degree of attention to players worldwide. At this time, players have three'decision trees' One is to become a national idol, to work hard for your own country, and to perform concerts in newly-occupied cities can improve the security and public sentiment of the occupied areas; the second is to sing a song "Kezun" for love and peace. "Remembering Love" allows everyone to stop the war and understand each other; the third is a rebellious idol, who can be a spy or cover smuggling organizations...

At first glance, the good content Mori Xia said is quite unreliable, but looking at ACGN's history, this bizarre statement seems to have a prototype.

The middle "Does Remember Love" is a typical example.

This song was originally used by the Zenith Stars in Macross. But later, the proportion and weight of the song became stronger and stronger in the sequel, and even in Macross F and the subsequent Macross delta (in fact, it is a Greek letter), there are special idols, and even the work itself is transformed into "Singing Fan" again.

Although some things have not happened yet, the Macross series already has this trend...

"For another example, capitalists can invest in factories and recruit workers, but they will encounter wars that will turn everything into rubble, and they will also encounter tariff increases... Well, this does not have to be done, because the subject matter is more subtle."

Harmony comes first.

There are many minefields, and among all minefields, political minefields are absolutely untouchable.

Secondly, it is very scary. JPG.

But at this point Morinia, everyone has almost understood Morinia's thoughts.

"The framework is almost like this. As for the script, our AZ actually broke out a war before the beginning of the story. The time span is still quite a lot, so the game script is still very abundant. In addition, when I determine the supervisor, it will be done. After finishing the evening script, the main storyline here will be fine."

The animation part is "official history", so in the entire AZ game, the backbone of this story will remain. As a very important part, other IF routes are based on this design.

"But everyone has seen the animation, will they really continue to experience it in the game?" Someone asked.

In fact, this is indeed a question of many people.

"Yes, the audiences on both sides may not overlap me completely, but only partial overlap is sufficient."

In fact, there is no need to worry about this.

Many people may not know, but Morinia knows that in the future, many people will not even understand the plot by reading the original, but by reading the same people. Many of the settings and plots, they are all learned through fanatics.

This sounds a bit unreliable, but it is still targeted.

For example, in a large eastern country, many Internet colleagues have many original settings and stories.

It's amazing to think about it, because these people understand something not to read the original, but to read second-hand news from the author of the same person.

"Our game pays attention to a sense of the future. Similar strategy games are too classical now. There are few so-called stories about the future world in the explosions, but we are different. Specialty."

Real-time strategy games, and science fiction. But the traditional battle flag really doesn't have much content in this area.

Morinya didn't say so casually, they were really accumulated.

There are still many good things in this area, and Moriha plans to use it on AZ.

Well, here, Senxia is actually referring to the classical battle flag game, but with a different skin. But changing the skin like this is not casual, it needs to have technical content.

After everything is arranged, it's your turn to think about it...




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