Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1798: Cooking power to rule the country?

Latest website: "Cooking power to govern the country, is this really no problem?"

"The boss's request, you must pay attention to this."

Ryutaro looked at the chat log in silence.

After talking with them, Senxia hopes that they can give themselves some opinions the next day, and then ask them to talk about their thoughts.

As the newly promoted Back Pot Man...Bah, he is the producer. Ryutaro was very attentive to the first task given by the boss.

It's really hard to say how to do it.

But the boss' request must be dealt with.

For example, the "idol route" used by the boss analogy.

Although the other party said "just to give an example," from the point of view of the subordinates, the boss used this example, it basically wanted to go in this direction, at least this mode is definitely necessary.

Is it really possible to govern the country by cooking power?

Ryutaro was lost in thought.

"why not?"

Next to Ryutaro is Ichiro Kuroshima.

The former "middle management" Kuroshima Ichiro has been promoted at this moment.

The current Kuroshima Ichiro manages more plans for each production team, setting the direction for everyone's path, rather than just a game.

However, this game was decided by Morinatsu, so Ichiro Kuroshima is also guiding the rookie Ryutaro.

"According to the outline of the first edition, in short, idols are not impossible. Look, in such a future society, if people have a national idol who can pin their feelings, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Mud bombing is a country of idols, and the idol culture and cooking culture in this country are beyond the imagination of people in other places.

Ichiro Kuroshima is not an idol chef, but as soon as he heard that the game had an idol route, he ignited.

The reason is very simple, that is, this thing poke oneself.

——And this is Morinha’s idea too!

At least Ichiro Kuroshima thought so.

"It's not a problem. When shaping the story, we make the protagonist into a hero, which is actually similar to an idol..."

Ryotaro thought for a while, and thought it was pretty good.

"Yes, yes." Kuroshima Ichiro gave a satisfied smile.

The engine of "Lelouch of the Rebellion" still has a lot of potential to be tapped, and making a new game can be more free.

"For the route, design, four are good." Ryutaro began to consider, "Of course, this is the difference in the main gameplay, but in addition, there can also be relatively small gameplay differences, similar to sub-professionals. of."

The "Vice Profession" gameplay was carried forward in Sword Art Online and other games, and Ryotaro naturally thought of this part.

"General strategic route, idol route, merchant route and scientific research route."

How about the follow-up, let’s talk about it separately, at least the first version should follow the boss’s instructions.

"According to Mori's request, we should have many forces in the game, not the confrontation between Earth and Mars like the script. In this case, we should probably adopt another strategy, which is to divide the forces into a more detailed division. For example, the orbital knights of Mars, each knight has a power, and in this case, the power on the earth side can also be separated..."

If the concepts of Earth and Mars are too big, then separate them.

This is reasonable, because in the game, these orbital knights are full of contradictions.

"The game still needs special features. Naturally, there are special mechas on Mars. The earth is...population? Resources?"

The game needs to be balanced, but the value is something, that's what comes after. The two people considered more of the characteristics of the game power.

"It's almost like that. Specifically, each force has its own characteristics, but we are here for the time being." Kuroshima Ichiro feels that each force needs to have its own characteristics, so that someone will like it. Keep playing.

"In terms of the strategic route, in addition to general forces, I think we need to have a concept similar to guerrillas or legions. Senior, Inaho belonged to the earth in the early stage of the story, but later, he obviously became a force, but At the beginning, he had no basis."

"About this, I happened to have it in the bookcase, so I brought it to you."

Ichiro Kuroshima handed Ryutaro a book.

"This is...? Chang..."

"Well, when I went to travel, I saw it next door. There happened to be many translated versions in China, and I bought them after I came back." Ichiro Kuroshima said, "Oh, I still have a complete set over there. I think maybe Use it."

"Yes. Thank you very much."

Ryotaro is like a treasure.

He was holding the book and felt that his whole soul was purified.

"Although it is a little close to the Three Kingdoms and Nobunaga, it is still different. I suggest you try the foreign "Homeland" and "StarCraft" series. There are many very good science fiction concepts. In addition, the combat part is mine. It feels closer to the "All War" series, and I have it there. The design of the two-layer map is closer in concept to "The Three Kingdoms". You should have tried this too, almost like that."

The battle of the game is divided into two parts, the first part is the strategic map, and the second layer is the tactics and combat part.


Ryutaro fell silent at this time.

"what happened?"

Asked Ichiro Kuroshima.

"I'm wondering whether we can bring the perspective of the role closer, rather than the way of the strategic battle flag with a weak sense of substitution. Now this method, the sense of separation between the strategic route and the idol route is too great. Big, it feels like it can become two games."

Ryotaro made sense.

"...Then what do you do?" Ichiro Kuroshima asked curiously.

"MUV's fighting style is very good, but not everyone can accept it. I am thinking that we can fix the perspective to the third person over the shoulder perspective, whether it is a character or a mecha. Then in terms of game operation, We simplified some operations and then added a command system."

Hearing Ryutaro’s words, Kuroshima Ichiro also felt very interesting, so he continued to say: "When the player is the idol route, you can use this perspective to stand on the stage, and the player is the strategic route, You can also sit inside the robot and stand on the battlefield."

"Strengthen the logic of personal interaction... This will be closer to RPG. But it is also possible. Players use tactics to drive strategy. And in this case, some battles may be really interesting..."

According to Mori Xia, one of the highlights of AZ in the animation is that the protagonist's mass production machine fancy special installation machine.

However, if you pay too much attention to the strategic aspect, this kind of battle is difficult to manifest.

On the contrary, if the player drives the mecha and wins the opposing powerful mecha, his sense of accomplishment will be very good.

"Well, it's really good." Ichiro Kuroshima nodded.

"But will it be far from the above requirements?" Ryutaro cares about this.

"Hahaha, don’t worry about this. What our boss cares about is to tell a story with games. The most important thing about the gameplay is to be lively and interesting. It can make people attracted by the game. In order to make the game more popular, even if we are interested in the gameplay After some adjustments, there will be no problems. What's more, we have not established a project yet. Of course, we have to try various plans!"

Makes sense!

As expected of seniors!

Ryutaro felt that he had really learned a lot of good things since he was promoted.

Now that this point is confirmed, it is easier to do more.

"For now, regardless of the role, let's start with the establishment of a new role."

"The player is a controllable entity that can pinch people and model."

Face-squeezing is a traditional art of Company A. Anyway, as long as it is an Anmic game, there are very few games that cannot be squeezed.

At this time, this is naturally needed.

"At the beginning, the player can choose his birthplace, and then we can give the player some decision trees. According to the decision tree, the player can establish his own aspirations. As far as the strategic route is concerned, the player can find a way to form himself May also join a certain force."

The initial decision tree is to help players initially establish their own roles.

Want to take a strategic route?


Want to join a certain force or do it yourself?

On the left is the decision tree for independent routes, and on the right is the decision tree for joining forces.

After deciding what to do, the player can start to act.

"Our players can explore by themselves on the big map, and they can also enter the city."

Ryutaro, who was talking eloquently, didn't know what he was talking about, the content here has many parts that are very close to "Mountain and Blade".

But he didn't realize it, just telling his own thoughts.

"At this time, players can manage their own forces through the strategy panel according to their needs, and they can also lead troops to fight."

"The same goes for the idol route, but the scene of the idol route is not a battle, but a stage..."

Naturally, idols can't just be active in a city, so they also need to move around, maybe they don't need to fight, but for the sake of popularity, they still have to hold concerts everywhere.

In addition, businessmen are better at doing it, but whether they are a manufacturing tycoon or a financial emperor, it remains to be seen.

The scientific research route is hard to understand. Ryotaro didn't think about it anyway, and Ichiro Kuroshima over there was also confused.

"This is difficult to design. Let's do it for the time being. Just remember to ask when you get feedback." Kuroshima Ichiro is also wrong.

Scientific research or something, but there are many ways, similar to the alchemist's workshop, or even the kind of pure cultivation, but it seems inconvenient to join this game.

If you don't know it, you can't force it.

So Ryutaro finally sorted out the previous content and sent an email to Morika.

"...Huh? This thing...A sci-fi version of Qiqi?"

Senxia saw the email early the next morning.

In order not to wake up Xiaotou, after he woke up, he quietly came to the study and began to watch it alone.

Mori summer doesn't know about other places, but after Ryutaro's adjustments, the RPG atmosphere of the whole story has been strengthened a lot, and Ryutaro's design for the battle side... does have the taste of "Knight Slash".

Don't mention it, after thinking about it, Morinya found it really interesting.

"But they really like idols. I just gave an example casually. They actually did a lot of work in this area..."

Morinka's example of idols is just a coincidence.

But Ryutaro seems to be quite rare here, so he made a special route like this.

To become an idol, what you need is popularity, and idols have a variety of ways to play according to their country.

Some idols can even forcefully change a country’s strategy through decision-making, and even later, they can use the influence of idols to join the strategic model, and use fans to govern the country from the beginning.

"Hey, hey, cooking power is too much to govern the country, right?"

I know you like idols, but I never thought you would like them so much.

Proper cooking power to rule the country is a real deal!

"But the princess sings the forbidden border while managing a country... um... Although it feels a bit peculiar, isn't it unacceptable?"

Later, the merchant route was more traditional, but the design ideas were equally dedicated. Merchants can follow the industrial and financial routes, or choose between their own production and agency.

"Um... very good."

After expanding the story to "human" as a unit, the clearest thing is not just these, the most interesting is the player's role relationship.

For example, if you become a businessman, you can influence the country through a series of methods.

If you become an idol, you can even be ruled by unspoken rules... ahem, this won’t work, we haven’t reached the 18th level...

Of course, if it’s a "third-party" "MOD", it’s a different story~

But Ryotaro did give Morinatsu a lot of inspiration.

This kind of interaction has been seen in "Crusade Kings" and "Thoro Kings" But Ryutaro obviously has his own set of solutions, which makes the players and players The relationship is progressive, more similar to galgame. However, the difficulty of "Raiders" will be greatly reduced. There are many elements in this game. If they were taken out separately, it would be a little overwhelming.

The richness of the gameplay is to add luster to the game, not to add burden to the game.

"The fourth is scientific research? Huh, I didn't expect it? Huh, let them change one."

The three routes seem to be too few.

Four to five routes are almost the same. In this regard, Moriha refers to the series of "Tai Ge Li Zhi Chuan".

I have to say that "Taiko" is really a good game...

"But this is not in a hurry, it can be launched in the form of DLC in the future. Let them optimize and myth their own ideas first... The power of cooking to govern the country... Well, it is quite interesting to think about it."

If you can really govern the country with cooking power, if the design is must be interesting...

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