Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1799: Fiction staff? Old Xu, it's you!

The air in winter is a bit cold.

   After discussing with the game department, Morinka came to the restaurant. It is Xiyan and Chaoyan who only came over this morning to cook.

   The party of Xianshiyan was originally one day, but there was nothing to do anyway, and the office of Asagao was temporarily closed, so Nana and the others were invited to come and enjoy the holiday together.

  Artists are very busy, it is rare to have such leisure time.

   "Morning, Mori-natsu-kun!" It was Reina who said hello, and it was Nana who signed Kotoro over there, and Ayana was communicating with Yusu outside.

   "Good morning, you are here."

   "Are you talking about work early in the morning?" Qianjia was sitting there reading a book.

   "Ah, that's the newly promoted Ryutaro, who is quite active and made a document overnight. I am probably sleeping now. But the comments he gave are quite interesting. The game type is a bit subtle."

   The current game type has begun to move in the direction of rg.

   Morinatsu can't say that this is good news or bad news.

   But... just leave it alone, it's fun.

   "Anyway, that Ryutaro designed an idol route and incorporated some audio game content, which is quite interesting."

   Idol route is quite fun.

"At present, according to the design, there are about five attributes in the game. Will, Charm, Politics, Intelligence and Military. In addition, there are many skills to choose from, but the skill level is relatively simple, about four levels, for example Driving skills, dancing, etc."

  The role is mainly rg, and then other elements are integrated.


   Actually, I wanted to make a strategy game...

   But because rg is so fragrant, it can only be rg.

   "What, what, the game is about to be done?" Erika heard Morinka's words when she arrived at the restaurant.

   "No, I just discussed it with the game department." Morinka said.

   "Ah-sorry, I shouldn't have listened."

   "It's okay, and it's not an important thing. Rather, it would be great if you could also give some advice."

   Morinatsu didn't care.

Everyone can think of the gameplay. The key is whether there is the technical power and courage. Anyway, Moriha will not do anything even if it is publicly announced, because people who can’t do it really can’t, and those who can do it won’t have that. Xianxin spends money to build an unreliable new field for the creativity of others.

   "Hmm, can you give me an example about the specific gameplay?" Qianjia asked.

"Well, let's use the analogy of the princess Ethelam in the game." Mori Xia said, "If it is the beginning of the game script, the opening is when the princess triggers the assassination event, and then is with the actor Inaho. Together, they belong to the local forces. At this time, the player can choose to continue according to the story, capture Deucalion in the subsequent battles, and then become a new force on their own. Then, after capturing Yanglu City, the princess will Will become a ronin, and cannot get out of the city, and needs to connect secretly..."

   When Morinka explained, Erika also sat next to him, listening patiently.

   And Morinka continued to speak at this time: "However, the player can choose not to take the'Retake Yanglu City' resolution, but to leave by himself, and then...become an idol and save the world!"

   "Aid to save the country? Ah, sorry." Erika covered her mouth.


   Morika didn't answer, he choked a little. Because he feels that this is really the case...

"Uh-in short, players can become idols. Then after they have the appeal, the idol decision tree will have the option of'expressing political stance'. This option is a process of'washing powder'. After passing this decision, the player will You can have a'political' decision, and then with the help of this decision, players can continue to click on the ability of the strategic decision tree.

"Although there are multiple decision trees in the game, you cannot choose one if you choose one. It's like a scientist can also be a businessman, and an idol can run for governor. But some decision trees are not available at the beginning It may be a decision to be able to choose. For example, we can also choose a decision, stating that the president must be an idol..."

   Qianjia was stunned: "Aid to save the country, kitchen power to rule the country, you really have you, Mori."

   "For example, this is an example!" Morinka admitted, this is really interesting. He verbally said "for example", but in fact he... really wanted to see it.

   But I have to say, this is really pretty jg.

   Morinatsu continued: "I just explained that this is the way to operate in the game."

   "I feel a bit close to the analog business category," Qianjia said.

   "In a good game, there must be various elements. Of course, I still have to say that the most important thing in our game is strategy...probably."

   To "unify" the world is still the ultimate goal of the game. The key is to see what the player does.

"As a businessman, ruling the global economy, the country is no longer important, and the protagonist becomes the'last property'; as an idol, people believe in love and miracles and mediate wars; as a politician and general, eradicate the enemy and establish the destiny of mankind Community... It's all right to do this."

   There are various conditions for victory in other civilizations. Of course, it cannot be roughly defined as only one way of victory.

   And in some games, the ending is not important, but the process is important. For example, "Iron Ambition" and "King of the Crusaders", these games can be played for a whole day, but players may not end after playing for three days and three nights.

   "Of course, if it is not for this, it is also possible. For example, you are playing an ordinary person and the target is a spouse of a certain power..."

   "...Wait, is it okay to dig the foot of the wall?" Erika thinks this is a big problem!

"Well, that's right, too much criticism. Let the'third party' make an od..." Morinya changed his statement, "For example, our goal is to marry an idol, but this idol is the daughter of a big man. You are a very ordinary vagrant. At this time, if we marry this idol, that is victory."

Moriha decided to continue to play in this regard: "For example, for idols, players joined the forces of the idol father, and then quickly became members of the idol father's faction, and sang along the way, then the player can use the idol father’s confidant relationship to contact When you get to an idol, you can get acquainted with the idol. But this is not over yet, because the idol has an engaged fiance. At this time, we have two methods: one is to run away with the idol after the idol’s favorability reaches a certain level; The other is to find a way to get rid of the fiance himself..."

   "So Morika, you said so much, but this is actually a galga?" Qianjia understood.

   "Friendship is also a part of character training! And if a player is angry, it is impossible to unify."

   Morinatsu thinks this is fine.

  Similar to "Crusaders" or something, this kind of gameplay is a regular operation, and in "Thunder God Ruler", not only can you get a princess, but you can also find a way to create a big palace...

   "Well, I will listen seriously." Qianjia decided not to continue to complain.

   "Huh, it's almost done." Morinya is here, and it's almost time to say.

   "Wait a minute." But Erika felt a slot, "Morika, you said before, this is a strategy game, right?"

   "Well, almost. Although there are many elements of rg and simulation management."

   "But what about the most important strategy and battle?"


  Blind monk, you have found Huadian.

   "This aspect has also been designed, but we mainly consider the optimization and weakening of the internal affairs part. Although it is very important, it is not particularly important."

  In terms of internal affairs, in fact, the skin was changed in accordance with the third part of "Lelouch of Rebellion", and then some features were added.

   In terms of combat, Mori Xia mainly intends to integrate the design according to "Chop" and "All War", and focus on the front.

   is also set by force in the game, but driving, martial arts, and shooting are all skills rather than attributes. The basic attributes cannot be too many, otherwise the player will be confused. The more skills the better, because the player usually forces himself to learn the skills to the full...

   "In terms of strategy, because our game point of view is mainly a'player's perspective', the design will not be too complicated. In terms of combat, Ryutaro thinks it is necessary to strengthen, and many contents can be designed based on this..."

The background of the game is the near future, so even if it is a "player's perspective", it won't actually have any impact. Players can also act as a "keyboard politician" in the game, using the network to adjust the situation across the country, which looks like a third person almost.

   Of course, there is definitely no "stability" or "war exhaustion" in the real world. This is called gameplay.

   "In fact, it is mainly tactics, and strategy is supplemented." Mori Xia said, "That is to say, if the player clicks on the skills of driving, fighting, involvement, reconnaissance, etc., they can completely become warriors on the battlefield."

   In this game, the leader seems to be very fun, but because of the identity problem, the leader cannot do many things. On the contrary, it is more interesting to be an ordinary general or official. Although this status cannot do many things, the player also has more free time to build relationships, dig a wall, and become an idol...

   "It's really amazing."

   Qianjia continued to ask at this time: "Right, what about comics and novels?"

   There are animations and games, so there should be comics and novels in the planning part.

   "Well, I have thought about the comics. I am going to write a prequel about why the Emperor of Mars became the emperor. In this regard, I am going to let Lao Xu come up with the script. As for the painting, I have to read it slowly."

  Az's script Morinatsu has been done. The Lao Xu of the "Original" naturally couldn't continue.

   But it doesn’t matter, we can still have extra stories jg.

   is a comic rather than a novel because the audience of comics is larger.

  Things that can warm people's hearts, of course, it’s more interesting if everyone can see it~

   After the spiritual sublimation, Morinka has realized it.

   If you want people to feel the beauty of the world, it is natural to let people feel the less beautiful side first.

   "Are you having an enmity with the audience?" Qianjia finally couldn't help it.

   "How is it possible! I am a good person!"

   Morika sent herself a good person card.

   "Don't say that, Mori-natsu-kun's daily script is quite interesting. "The President is a maid" written for me and the White Bear Cafe is very interesting." Erika said quickly.

   oh oh oh! There are still people who understand me!

   Morika looked at Erika.

   "Although Morinatsu is writing other stories, there is indeed a feeling that people dare not read..."


  The Morinka aircraft carrier, broke, sunk...

   "Actually, I think my story is quite bright."

   "I don't want you to think, I want me to think." Qianjia raised her eyebrows.


   "Huh? Substitution? Why are you substituting? I think Xuyuan Xuanshi is completely capable. In fact, he can write novels and then use this original plan to make comics."

   Qianjia's statement made Morinya a little inexplicable.

   "Wait a minute, Chika." Morinya couldn't calmly, "Didn't you just say it was dark?"

"Yes, but I have no objection! Rather, if the war is not dark enough, but idols sing and dance, and the national election is live, then there is a problem! When the president of any country is giving a speech~www. all the glow sticks calling?"

  No, no, no.

   Sister, you are wrong.

   seems to be there.

An indescribable and wonderful work floated in Senxia's mind. This rotten movie in the future, in various senses, is really the so-called "cooking power to govern the country"... As for "aiding to save the country" or something, Then I can't talk about it, because the women in this film are a little bit "not enough".

   But this kind of thing need not be said.

   "Long wait!"

   It's almost the same here, but the breakfast over there is finally done.

   is just breakfast after all, not a complicated thing, and it is very fast to make.

   "Well, so be it."

   Morinatsu thinks things are almost done like this.

   Novels can also continue, and comics can be prepared at the same time.

"For the content, it is tentatively set as a prequel. At the moment, there are two places to choose from in the front of the story. One is when the Emperor of Mars established the empire, and the other is when Mars and the earth fought for the first time. You can have it. Lao Xu, I'm going to let him write the first one, but he can come if he is interested in the second one. It doesn't matter if he doesn't get it done once. If this work is popular, we will continue to do it in the future."

   um um um.

   I decided so happily~


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