Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1804: Citrus aroma

"Xuno... Are you back? No, that's not right..."

He has changed into the poetic sound of Hatsune Miku, and is a little puzzled looking at the "Yiqi" in front of him.

She thought that Yukino had returned from the lighthouse country at first, but it seemed wrong because Yukino had been there for a month, and now she seems to have been nauseous because of the unacceptable water and soil. Recently, her health has improved a little, and the doctor does not seem to advise her to travel long distances.

And the more important point is that Yukino's Yuki is very close to the character itself, but there are two things that are wrong. One is Yukino’s hair is longer than the person’s Yuki, and the other is that Yukino’s hair is longer than that of Yuki. "Broad-minded."

Ji Qi's costume design is quite bold, and the middle is chilly, but it also happens to tell whether a person has a broad mind.

Obviously, the other party doesn't seem to be, it's better to say that compared to Xue Nao, the one in front of him is more "in line with the original".

"Shiyin?" the other party said.


Senxia had just escaped from Qianjia's claws.

This is a hotel near the Winter CM Stadium. In the past, at this time, the surrounding hotels would be fully booked, but Senxia was actually already prepared.

"Why are you... like this?"

Shiyin was shocked.

"It's a long story..." Senxia held her chest in distress.

It's impossible to say that I was punished by a thousand friends because of you, right?

As for the reason why I chose this set of battle uniforms with a high degree of shame, instead of her school uniforms in Uranus, it is also for this reason. High shame is called punishment.

"You--is that okay?" Shiyin was a little surprised.

"Ah, I'm used to it, and it's great, isn't it?" Morinka said, and put on a pose with her hair again and again.

I have to say, quite sultry.

"Um...what the **** is going on?" The girl fell into a moment of confusion.

"Because Yukino played Kaori before, I thought Mori Karai must be more like her at the time, so I tried it, and the result was really good."

Although she said "the effect was great", Qianjia was a little disappointed looking at Senxia's feeling of adapting quickly.

"Sister? You chose MUV."

Qianjia COS is the character Huang Weiyi she has tried before.

"Yes, this year is a little busy, and I don't have so much time, but Senxia is much freer than me. I will go to Xingshiyan afterwards, and you can do your own activities when that time comes."

"Shiyin shouldn't have any special events today, right? We can act together~"

Senxia had an inch on this side, and at this time she leaned to Shiyin's side.

For Morinka, who is born with a high quality, dressing up as such a role only needs to simply dye her hair, change clothes and wear a cosmetic contact lens, and it will not even affect daily activities.

Such a beautiful smile even gave Shiyin the illusion that the person in front of her was her girlfriend.

"Jiye and Lihua are still putting on makeup, I'm going to help." Qianjia said again, "You can wait here for a while."

I don't know if it is Shiyin's illusion, she always feels that her sister is not in a good mood today?

"Sinxia, ​​you...really are Senxia?"

Shiyin looked at Senxia in disbelief.

"Yes. You should have seen the previous one."

"Well, the main reason is that the impact is too strong."

Ji Qi's clothing has a strong impact, and Shiyin herself dare not try such clothing anyway.

Hmm...Because it is a boy, it doesn't matter if you are shirtless...?

Shiyin felt as if she had discovered something.

"Don't you feel shy?" Shiyin asked.

"The clothes themselves are a little bit, but other aspects are fine." Morinya said, "If I get used to it, it's actually quite fun. Anyway, my quality is so good."

Because my sister is not around, I gradually let myself go?

"Long wait!"

Lihua in a maid outfit and Ji Ye and Qianjia in a nurse outfit walked out together.

"Yo, poetry~"

"Senior Lihua, Senior Ji Ye."

Shiyin greeted the two.

"Well, we are ready to go."

Qianjia put on a coat.

Moriha over there also put on a black feather coat outside-in fact, this is also Jiqi's costume, which can also be used to keep warm.

Although it is winter, the most lacking area with tens of thousands of people is heat flow. Although Senxia's dress is very cool, it is not particularly cold in such an environment.

After entering the photo zone, Senxia just took off her coat, and many people's eyes focused.

Morinya also smiled at everyone. And he quickly became the focus.

There are not no people who pray for COS, but it takes a certain amount of courage to make this COS. Not only clothing, but also because this character has high requirements for figure. Full-body tights, in fact, can still have shapewear inside, but Jiqi's clothing can't do it. In this era of poor photo editing skills, the role of COS does not have a certain capital, and it is really not that easy to make.

Therefore, even if there is a COS who has come out, unless it is to release oneself, the average girl will choose school clothes.

Such a rare battle suit, suddenly became the object of everyone's attention.

Originally, the popularity of "Guilty Crown" is not too high now, but the popularity of the character is still there, plus it is said that there are rumors that it will be animated next year, so it has been quite popular recently.

In a bold posture, Morinka did not shy away from the camera's flash.


Shion seemed to hear the voice coming from the side, it seemed to come from her sister?

But just when Shiyin was stunned, Senxia over there came over with a smile.

"Huh? Huh?"

Without waiting for Shion to react, Senxia dragged Shion to the flashlight.

"God, Qianjia, your expression is a bit subtle." Ji Ye, who was playing soy sauce, poked Qianjia.

"Don't you go to your own shop and watch, tell me this here?" Qianjia glanced at Ji Ye.

"It's okay, there are dedicated staff to help." "Sergeant Frog" is a big hand in the industry, and there are not a few useful tools to help.

Qianjia turned her head and looked at Morinka and Shion with a shy smile over there.

She shook her head: "Actually, I wanted to make Senxia a little bit ashamed, but I didn't expect him to adapt so quickly. Obviously I planned to make him make a fool of himself in front of Shiyin.

"Oh? Are you jealous?" Ji Ye's smile gradually became wicked, "Eat my sister's jealousy?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about, BL cartoonist, you should sort out your own words."

Ji Ye smiled without saying a word.

"Forget it." Qianjia turned his head, and didn't let anyone take pictures, just walked towards the venue.

"Where are you going?" Ji Ye asked.

"Now see the research side. By the way, help Lihua, Senxia gave her the job, I want to help too."

Seeing Qianjia's footsteps drifting away, Ji Ye smiled and followed behind.


Shiyin also noticed Qianjia's departure.

The sudden departure of the sister made her feel a little flustered, but at the same time, Shiyin unexpectedly felt a sense of relief.

"Huh? Wait—"

However, just because Shiyin became more and more relaxed, she suddenly realized that she had been "taken advantage of" by Senxia.

Unconsciously, the two of them started to become bold.

At this moment, Senxia was slamming Shiyin's wall against the wall, and the two of them were almost face to face, staring at each other's breath.

In normal times, even if it was only herself and Morinka, Shiyin would never allow Morinka to do such a thing to herself when in the public. But I don’t know if it’s Moriha dressed up in women’s clothing, letting her guard open, and Shiyin found out that she seemed to be a little repulsive...

Is it because of the same gender?

This feeling is a little different from when I was with boys. In this sweet atmosphere, there seems to be a kind of citrus scent floating in it, the slight astringency with sweet fragrance, and the poetic sound. Heart and spleen.

"Oh oh oh, Lily Saigo!"

Shiyin seemed to hear the voice beside her.

"Sen, Senxia! Are we a little too bold like this?"

I found that the poem's posture became more and more dangerous. When the contact area between the two people became larger and larger, it finally felt wrong.

"What does it matter, and you like it, don't you~"

Women's clothing seems to be able to reduce girls' rejection and defense, at least for Shiyin.

Seeing Shion's very funny expression, Morinka couldn't help but want to tease her.

so fun.

Moreover, if they are all "girls", some of the actions that were originally dangerous when boys and girls are together become reasonable and reasonable at this time, but it is better to let yourself go.

"Well... you really deserve to be the master." Xiao Zi silently put down the camera, "This sultry level is more powerful than Miss Xuenai. Xiyan, what do you think?"

Moriha had been enjoying it all the time, but didn't notice that her maid team was also in the crowd taking pictures at this time.

"...I only know that if my sister sees such a master, she will definitely be overthrown immediately."

"Sister Chaoyan likes girls more..." Xiao Zi smiled.

"But it's really interesting." Xiyan didn't say much. "Keep it as a historical reference. I think this will definitely become an important memory for the owner. Ms. Yukino must also like it very much."

"Huh? You want to show it to Miss Xue Nai" Xiao Zi hesitated.

"No, not for the time being. Ms. Xuenai is recuperating. But Patriarch will definitely like it. He likes the dark history of grandchildren the most..."

Xiao Zi: "..."

Senxia didn't know what happened to the maid team. After taking a bunch of photos with Shiyin, he also consumed some physical strength, so he left the photo zone, walked around the exhibition and rested.

"Sorry, sorry, it's a bit too much!" Senxia noticed the red poem, and knew that she was too much.

Others didn't know that Senxia was a boy, and thought they were just good girlfriends, but... Shiyin knew it herself.

So from Shiyin's point of view, Senxia is actually licking oil and eating tofu in an upright manner.

"It's nothing, but I didn't expect you to be even more decent than an average girl." Shiyin didn't expect it.

"Of course it is." Senxia stroked her hair lightly.

"But how did you hide it? Obviously a boy?"

The split ends of the clothes go down to the abdomen, which is quite bold, and the clothes are tight-fitting latex texture. If it is the kind of child, it is fine, but the older boys are an exception.

"Oh? Do you want to know?" Senxia smiled.

"Um..." Shiyin didn't speak, but looked at Morinia's face, "My sister also has this expression when she wants to do bad things."

"Uh-I didn't do anything bad!" Senxia couldn't laugh or cry, he shook his head, "Alright, alright, let's take a break first."

Senxia said, pulling Shiyin towards the toilet.

"Wait a minute. Are you going to the women's bathroom?" Shiyin did not dare to speak loudly.

"I look like this, don't you worry about me going to the men's room?" Senxia put down her hand and stuck her waist.

"Hmm..." This suit of Qi Qi is indeed very suitable for shooting and stage, but when it appears in the men's bathroom, it is really a bit suspicious. At least Shiyin has made up the plot of the book.

She fell into a delicate entanglement.

"I also prepared a uniform, which will be replaced by the time, but this suit is made of tight latex. It is very troublesome to put on and take off. It won't work without your help." After Morika finished speaking, she reached Shiyin's ear, "and , Don’t you also want to know, what am I playing..."

"Um..." Shiyin's curiosity is very strong, she is really curious...

After waiting for an hour and a half, it was already in the afternoon. Shiyin came out of the cubicle while there was no one in the toilet, and then put aside the sign "The cubicle is under repair" on the toilet door, and then loosened it. Sighed.

At this time, Senxia also followed Shiyin out of it.

"Thanks, Shiyin, this suit is really hard to change without your help."

Senxia is still playing the role of Yuki in COS.

But unlike before, the clothes on his body have been replaced by the uniform in the story.

This uniform is a close-fitting style, which is also very good-looking, but it is somewhat different from the previous stage girls. The pleated skirt, stockings and Absolute Realm show the feeling of a school girl-that in the animation. Kind of "school girl".

Two people, one in the beginning of the sound, and the other in, one red and the other green, they match very well.

"I don't want to take pictures anymore." Shiyin has also been busy for a day today. She is really tired, her legs trembling and unsteady.

"It's nothing, we will go shopping together in the afternoon."

Senxia once again moved in, holding Shiyin's hand as if he were her real girlfriend.

Shion's expression is very subtle.

She couldn't describe her current mood.

If it was on weekdays, her arrogant personality would definitely not allow Morinha to do this. But what appeared next to him was a "girl", even if he knew it was a boy, but at least the other person's appearance was flawless.

At this time, she was tangled.

The girl's heart was flustered, the citrus smell blocked her sight and made her unable to think...

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