Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1805: I who throw away the morals, I am so confident~

"Um~ it's really great taste~"

Shiyin looked at the "Jiqi" in front of him and took a bite of the cake, then he held his face and made a look of enjoyment.

"Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

Obviously it should be a very deliberate action, but the other party did not show any pretentiousness at all. On the contrary, it was very harmonious. At least Shi Yin seemed to be very harmonious.

The first day of winter CM is over.

Shion and Morinya were in a nearby cafe at this moment.

Senxia still wears Jiqi's school uniform, but wears an extra coat and scarf outside.

Although the pink hair is a bit strange, but near the venue after the winter CM, it is not so strange, but rather beautiful. But it doesn't matter if it is not near the CM venue, because in Tokyo, the fashion capital, all kinds of hair dyes still exist.

"Because it tastes really good."

Senxia held his head lightly with one hand, and held the cappuccino with the other. There was a playful smile on his face, with a smile in his eyes that seemed to be called charming.


Seems to think of some poetic sound, subconsciously gathered his legs, then turned his head and looked out the window, his eyes wandering,

"What's wrong?" Senxia sipped tea gently.

"It feels strange. He is obviously a boy, but the power of a woman is so high..."

She looked at Senxia's pleated skirt.

Obviously a boy with a beast, but why is he disguised so well?

"It's because it's a boy." Senxia's gaze has been on Shiyin, "Aren't you very clear?"

"I, I—that—"

The sound of the poem faltered. She covered her face involuntarily, seeming to doubt life.


At this moment, Qianjia's voice came.

Those who came were Qianjia, Lihua and Ji Ye.

Qianjia didn't change his COS clothes, but just wore a few clothes outside. As for Lihua and Ji Ye, this time they changed into everyday clothes.

"Sinxia-kun, it seems that you are quite used to it."

Ji Ye sat a little amusedly next to Senxia in order to observe it up close. It's just that Ji Ye watched for a long time, but still didn't find anything special, Senxia was still invulnerable.

"After all, I have tried so many times, and I have a little experience." Senxia didn't care.

"But why don't you wear that goldfish suit?" Ji Ye asked again.

"It's good, but it's not convenient to wear it out." Morinya said, "Just wear it at the venue, it's not a daily outfit."

"But in the game, for Yuki, that goldfish costume is just a daily outfit." Ji Ye said, and moved on Senxia again, seeming to want to see how Senxia plays. of.

"That's in the world of games, and we don't have superpowers in the real world. Fancy costumes or something will be rare."

More importantly, there are few people in the real world who have so many looks and figures. Although the quality of the sister paper of this world line is better, it is rare.

"If it is a daily work, it can be worn daily, but the fancy dress is still forgotten." In fact, Senxia is really trying to promote clothing. At least the uniforms of the maids in my house are different from those of ordinary maids.

The two people chatted quite naturally, as if they really looked like a pair of good friends in conversation.

"You really threw away the morals." Qianjia looked at Senxia with a dull look.

"Nor. Since you are dressed like this, you can't be afraid of it." Morinya said, "I find that since I am so good-looking, I can't waste it at least."

When she said that, Morinatsu seemed to glance at Shiyin casually: "And maybe something good will happen~"


Shiyin rolled her head, she turned her head and glanced at Qian Jia over there, and then pretended to move away accidentally, and finally raised her head wanderingly.

"Ah, it's really convenient for you to take advantage of it." Ji Ye unscrupulously opened up Senxia, ​​"I am a perfect goddess in front of boys, and an invulnerable good girlfriend in front of girls, and then use this identity to quietly approach the victim. By……"

"What is a victim!" Senxia rolled her eyes.

"Hmm~ This is experience. The identity between boys and boys should be the same if it is between girls and girls. Taking advantage of the same gender to take advantage of this is a common routine. If it is a disguised identity, it would be even more clever..."

In Ji Ye's words, Shiyin tremblingly took the coffee, and then sipped gently.

"I'm not that bad, either," Morinya said, "and I think it's quite exciting to come out like this occasionally."

On the surface, it is a close conversation with your girlfriends, but in fact it is the boys and girls doing some ulterior is quite exciting to think about it.

"Um...cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough----" Shiyin ate the cake in front of him, and choked accidentally.

"Shiyin, are you okay?" Qianjia handed her drink to her sister.

"Well, I'm okay." Shiyin grumbled a sip.

As for Qianjia here, she turned her head and looked at Senxia: "Are you still looking for other girls to verify one by one?"

"There must be someone who doesn't like it."

Just as many boys feel that the relationship between boys and boys is a little weird, some girls also find it strange that girls and girls are together, but the proportion of the latter itself is smaller than the former, and Senxia himself is also male. Many boys find it strange that boys and boys are together, but some of them like boys and tomboys very much...

Senxia now only has women's clothing by her side, and Senxia, ​​who can only appear like this for the time being, has begun to let herself go.

"Senxia, ​​do you need to change back to the original clothes?" Lihua leaned over to Senxia.

"It's not necessary for the time being. And I am now like this, changing to men's clothing, it will look like a tomboy." Senxia pulled her hair.

"Is it okay?" Lihua actually thought it was pretty, but she felt that Qianjia's approach seemed unnecessary.

"It doesn't matter, since you want to play, you should use the best posture. What you look like, in fact, I will show my qualifications. I am so naturally beautiful and hard to give up. Alas, there is no way~" Senxia actually returned Very happy.

"Can't tell, are you still so narcissistic?" Qian Jia really didn't see it.

"It's not narcissism. I just think that if you look good, it doesn't matter if you wear men's clothing or women's clothing on weekdays. Men's clothing is the most handsome, and women's clothing is the most beautiful. Isn't that great?"

I'm so confident when I throw away my morals.

Ji Ye laughed dumbly: "Dressing up like this and saying such things, should I say that this is a contrasting cuteness, or should I say that this is a sense of violation of human settings?"

The character of Yuki is a non-spoken character, so when Morinka said these words proudly, the subtle difference between this persona and Morinka’s appearance is really possible and more important. The thing is, Morinha's appearance and painting style are quite restored, so this is even more subtle.

"Ha, it was quite interesting at the time, isn't it." Shiyin was speaking, but she had an expression of "I have given up treatment" on her face.

"Shiyin, you have something wrong from the beginning. What's the matter?" Qianjia, as the older sister, had actually noticed that her younger sister's state seemed a bit subtle before.

"Ah-nothing-really." Shiyin waved his hand.

"Ha~" Qianjia yawned, and then continued, "Sinxia, ​​I'm going to arrange for the Vision Research side to go back to the hotel directly later, do you want to come together?"

"No, let's continue tomorrow. Let's get together again tomorrow and have a celebration party." The independent game developed by Xingshiyan is actually very good and it sells very well. It is a pity that it is more difficult to commercialize and expand because of subject matter restrictions. Senxia glanced at Shiyin: "There is no time at Christmas, so I can go shopping with Shiyin tonight."

"Huh? Me?" Shiyin looked at Senxia.

"Not willing?"

"Ah—this is not—" Shiyin shook his head.

At Christmas, Morinka, who learned that her sister was still recuperating, was actually talking on the phone with Yukino all the time, and there was no time to do anything else.

Qianjia left soon. Lihua seemed to have nothing to do, but Ji Ye called him away. After everyone had a rest together, there were only two people, Senxia and Shion.

"It seems that we are the only two now!" After leaving the cafe, the two went to the street.

Although it's a bit cool to go shopping outside, it doesn't matter at all in the mall.

"It just feels weird."

Shion had really come out with Morika before.

But how to say it, the atmosphere and feeling of the two times seems to be completely different.

"But, Shiyin, you prefer this kind of taboo, don't you?"

This is a whisper to the ear.

"Hmm--" The subtle language infiltrated Shiyin's ears, and then into her brain. The subtle feeling made her almost jump.

"Shiyin, you actually like things that are beyond common sense." Senxia smiled, although she was dressed in "Yiqi" dress, but her smile seemed like a witch, "It's like those games in your computer. Oh."

"Um..." Shiyin cast aside her gaze shyly, "Just, nothing!"

"You can't lie to me!" Senxia leaned closer, "Because Shion-you are completely different today and on weekdays."

Shion's state has been a little subtle since she saw Morinka.

"what are you talking about!"

If it was Morinka on weekdays, Shiyin had already subconsciously poke him, but facing Morinka, who was more beautiful than herself, Shiyin realized that she couldn't make it, and now she just held Morika's hand. Dangling.

"Well, speaking of it, DW is also preparing a new game. But I suddenly felt that if you use'daily' and'taboo' as themes, you might be able to create many interesting things."

Although it is a bit subtle, if you put aside the total amount and simply talk about profitability, DW, the club that produces mature games, is actually the highest, and the reputation is also the best.

Of course, because of the subject matter, the Order of the Phoenix cannot use DW to promote it, but the word of mouth among the players is better.

Shiyin is actually a "loyal fan" of DW, and she has been involved in many of these games.

What Senxia said made Shiyin a little cramped, but it was undeniable that some of what Senxia said really attracted her.

"What kind of game is it?" Shiyin asked.

"Actually, I have always wanted to make a mature version of "Girl in Love with Sister", but I am writing "Girl in the Moonlight" now, so I haven't laid out an outline for the time being. But I thought about the general content—probably It will be an open world type of development strategy game, the name should be called Autumn Sky or something..."

Senxia took the opportunity to get close to Shiyin.

"The story is an open-world story with a high degree of freedom. The player plays an only child with a sister and a younger sister... The player can go to school, work, or fall in love in the game..."

The background of this game by Mori is based on a general work from another world line. However, the gameplay is closer to the design of a relatively niche word game "girl-life", but it is not exactly the same. It is also just borrowing creativity and ideas.

"Actor?" Shiyin had some questions.

"If you want, you can also be a female boy or a pure girl. It depends on your own interest in Shion."

Senxia's voice is very soft and gentle, completely different in normal days, and the airy feeling makes Shiyin an illusion that she can't hold herself.

"Huh?" And at this moment, Senxia was suddenly stopped by Shiyin.

"Come with me to pick flowers."

Defloration is a more euphemism for girls to use the toilet.

Shiyin blushed and said such words.

"But I am a boy."

"No one will find it, just wait when there is no one! And you are even more beautiful than an average girl, how could you show your stuff!" After Shiyin finished speaking, she took the initiative to take Senxia to go together. The toilet is out.

It was already two hours after the two people went shopping and returned to the Senxia did not bother Qianjia who had been tired for a day, but went back to the room with Shion and opened it. computer.

"Is it okay in my room?" After taking a bath, Morinka changed into a nightgown-Qianjia prepared for Morinka's full set of work-Senxia looked at Shion helplessly.

"What are you afraid of, I came to see you play the game. And you are indeed doing it." Shiyin took out the plastic bag that he went to the convenience store when he came, and took out the contents.

"That game--I'm quite interested." Shiyin said, "It's still early anyway, does it matter?"

"Of course, the creativity is in my mind, to write a preliminary outline... This is very fast."


There are not many people who like women's clothing, so this part will stop here for the time being. The author will fill in the rest of the plot and use it for self-entertainment...

Update desu early!

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