Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1807: Let's go to visit the New Year's Day...

At first, this is the most important part of the New Year's event.

"The kimono is so warm."

Morika and his party did not wait until the next day to go, but came to Tamamo Shrine that night.

Tamamo Shrine’s original reputation was actually known for its tourism industry. When it first became Toba Shrine, it was actually just a nearby shrine. When it comes to the New Year, people think of places like Todaiji Temple and Sensoji Temple.

However, in recent years, Tamamo Shrine has become more and more well-known, and the cute Tamamo Mae is really cute, so many people really spend it here now. Especially some lonely otaku from other places, after they come to Tokyo to participate in the winter CM activities, they will come here for the New Year and pass the year together.

"You are really welcome." Qian Jia shook his head.

"I hate it, this is obviously what you prepared for Senior Sister."

Senxia stepped on clogs and carried a small bag, still holding a habitat in one hand.

He is wearing a luxurious kimono. This is a kimono with black as the main background and equipped with many luxurious patterns. There is a circle of warm fur on the outside of the kimono, which is suitable for this season.

This is Yukino's kimono, and the kimono has relatively small requirements for the bust, so Yukino's style is just right for Morinka.

"Furthermore, Yukino also wants me to leave a photo and post it. Of course it is necessary.

In fact, this is part of Qianjia's preparation.

The costume was obtained through communication with Yukino.

However, because Senxia's 36 tricks were against the target, Qianjia was tasteless. JPG.

But Yukino didn't know, so when she was on the phone with Morinka today, she wanted to let Morinka leave two photos for herself.

So after eating, Senxia changed clothes excitedly.

As for the hair bun, Yusu actually helped it.

"'s also very convenient..." Shion seemed to be in a frenzy. She kept staring at Morika, her eyes focused on the skirt.

The skirt of this kimono is actually not very convenient to walk, and even the pace will be restricted when walking, and it feels a little staggering. However, if you don’t need to care about the image, it’s not a problem to just open a part.

Not only for girls, but also for boys...

Well, Shiyin thought of going to the toilet.

"What good things are you thinking about again." Ji Ye leaned in front of Shiyin.

"Kimono should be very convenient... Ah, nothing! Please don't care! I'm not thinking about strange things!"

Shiyin's eyes wandered.

"So, you didn't think about strange things just now." Ji Ye smiled, "but I thought about strange things."

"Eh eh eh?!" Shiyin was shocked.

"Even though it is so beautiful, Moriha is a boy's paper." Ji Ye showed a wicked smile, "Speaking of which, it's late at night. If two'girls' are standing next to each other and want to find strange places, It's not easy, right?"

Yes, if it's two girls...

It problem?


If you say so...

Maybe... can...

Hey Hey Hey……

"Ah la la, what wicked thing are you thinking about, Shiyin sauce." Ji Yena seemed to see through all the voices and came into Shiyin's ears coldly.

"No, it's not me. Yes, it's Senior Ji Ye, don't think about strange things!"

"What I said is that Morinha is a boy after all, so if you step up, you may accidentally show her stuff. If there is a girl next to you, it should be much better." Ji Ye said, "It's you, saliva. It's going to flow down~ Could it be that you are thinking about something exciting?"

"No, no! I haven't done anything very exciting with Senxia!"

"You blew yourself up in one second? As expected of Shiyin sauce." Ji Ye was surprised.

"Huh? What--that--it's not!" Shiyin covered her mouth, pretending that she didn't say anything.

"Shiyin, why did you fall behind?" Senxia came over at this time.

Although the kimono is not very convenient, Morinka walked, but it turned out to be very relaxed, and there was no inconvenience at all.

"Go, let's go~" Senxia took Shion's hand.

"Um..." Shiyin was pulled over by Senxia without resistance.

"Sorry, Yusu. But our Miss Shion seems to be a little bit troubled. The rest of the time can only be given to her~"

Hearing Morinka's words, Yusu nodded at Morinka, and then smiled encouragingly at Shion.

Shiyin: "???"

Sister Yusu, did you misunderstand something...?

No, it seems, not a misunderstanding?

Shiyin didn't speak, but just let Senxia hold her hand and walked forward, her mind was full of random thoughts. At this time, she didn't know what expression she should use to face Senxia.

"There are so many people."

Not long after, everyone came to Tamamo Shrine.

Many people come to Tamamo Shrine.

Moreover, many girls in Tamamo Shrine also wear kimonos.

When visiting the shrine, there are not many people who really wear kimonos, but at Tamamo Shrine, the proportion of kimonos is obviously higher than in other places.

Even in this place, there are many photographers. But taking pictures here is a technical job, not just the crowds, but there are also many lights in this place, and the lighting conditions are complicated, so there are really not many people who want to take suitable photos.

Compared with pure shrines, Tamamo Shrine, in this respect, has a feeling of "net celebrity spots" in the future.

"Eh eh eh eh——!!! Your sister?! You are back!"

True Hitomi, who was wearing a witch costume, saw Morinka all of a sudden.

"It's me, really Hitomi~"

Morika deliberately raised her voice. The voices of the brothers and sisters were very similar. Morinya disguised it like this, and the real pupil over there could not hear any difference at all.

But the subtle sense of disobedience still made True Hitomi stop.

The girl frowned. She always feels that things are not that simple.

"excuse me!"

Real Hitomi rushed over.


Something is wrong.

Weight... Not right!

"It's you guy!"

Zhentong's eyes widened.

"True What's wrong with you?" Senxia looked at Jin Hitomi with a worried look.

"Um... don't use the face of your sister to say such things!" Zhentong took two steps back shaking.

"Let's go! Worship again! Bye bye, True Hitomi."

Shiyin and Zhentong were also friends, but at this time, she felt a burst of fire for no reason.

"Eh, but, poetry—"

Before Senxia finished speaking, Shi Yin posted it.

She whispered: "You are a boy, walking...may be exposed, we try to go to a less crowded, darker place, remember to stay close to me, we go together... to worship..."


New Year’s Day soon, Happy New Year~

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