Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1808: Morinatsu: Regardless of men's and women's, I am the best!

"Well, why did I have to do such a thing."

Zhentong looked at Morinka in front of him with an awkward expression.

The first three days of the New Year are usually one of the busiest periods of the shrine, and countless people come from all over to participate in the Hatsumi.

So after finishing this period of time, Zhentong originally planned to take a few days off.

However, things are not that simple.

"Don't look at me like that, and Yukino asks you to help, does it mean she trusts you?"

Senxia was adjusting her corset with an innocent look.

True Hitomi: "..."

After meeting Morinka on New Year's Eve, Zhen Hitomi called Yukino in the name of New Year's greetings, and by the way revealed Morinka's affairs.

As a result, Zhen Hitomi discovered that this...seems... his sister had instructed him.

And she seemed to be quite interested, and hoped that True Hitomi would help sort out the clothes that Morinka can use, and take more photos for herself by the way.

This is the reason why Zhen Hitomi was in Morinatsu's house after receiving instructions from her sister.

It just so happens that Senxia's family is not a lot of people at this time, Qianjia and Shiyin have gone back to see the old man, and the people on Lihua's mother's side are also in the mud, and she took Christina and the others to see the grandmother's people. Up.

Therefore, in Senxia's family, apart from Xiao Zi, who is not strong in existence and even Senxia often ignores, there is no other person.

At this moment, there are only two people in Senxia's house, Senxia and Zhentong.

True Hitomi and Yukino used to be in the same dormitory, and the relationship between the two was more than just ordinary classmates, so Yuuki asked True Hitomi for help with this matter.


how to say.

It’s nice to be trusted so much by my sister.

But there is always a subtle response.

True Hitomi actually doesn't hate Morinatsu.

True Hitomi knew it himself.

My emotions are not so much that I hate him, it is better to prevent myself from loving him more than my sister, so I desperately want to be hostile to him.

"But why did you pack out the clothes you can't wear?"

Yes, it is not to pack out Senxia's suitable clothes, but to pack out the clothes that Senxia can't wear.

"Because I am going to use this place later. My room will be freed up for others."

Under Qianjia's proposal, Senxia's family plans to pack a room and let her live. If Shion came to live temporarily, it would be fine to let her live in Yukino’s room, but if she was allowed to stay here forever according to Qianjia’s intention, she would need to prepare a commonly used room and communicate with Yukino. After that, it was Senxia who vacated her room in the end.

"But sister-sama's clothes..." Zhentong held a tight sweater of Yukino in his hand, and the smile on his face gradually changed.

She raised her head and glanced at Morinha in a gothic dress.

Not to mention, it's pretty pretty.

The graceful figure and pretty face, set off by the black and low-key dress, showed a heart-catching temperament.

Hey, why is it a boy? If Xue Nao is a boy...

If it's a boy, maybe it can be more... No, speaking of it, if Yukino-sama is a boy, then this guy doesn't seem to have to run like this...

Ah, something is wrong, what am I thinking! I'm not greedy for her body! I was attracted by the temperament and character of my sister!

True Hitomi convinced her own heart.

I have to say that Morinka, who has changed into women's clothing, is really no different from Yukino...well, except for the length of the hair on the chest. Although Morinha also has long hair, it is not the waist-to-hip type, just a normal length, suitable for both men and women.

Morinka, who had changed her clothes, was really looking at her. There was a kind of urge to pounce on her, and then yelled "Sister-in-law" and then went crazy.

"Damn it, it would be nice if you were the sister of your sister..."

Zhentong sighed.

"Oh? Can't I look like this?"

Senxia came over.

Seeing the face that looked exactly like the elder sister came towards him, Zhentong shook and took two steps back.

The girl was shaken.

Although he wanted to be close, he was a boy.

But... Mori-kun or something, I don't really hate it...

Unlike the simpler poems, Zhentong does not think things wrong.

However, Morinha's appearance was a huge flaw for True Hitomi. As Yukino's licking dog...Bah, it's a roommate, Zhen Hitomi has no resistance to such an appearance.

Senxia over there, she doesn't actually hate it.

If Morinka was a nasty ghost, the current real Hitomi would actually not say anything.

But this is the situation now...

At this time it was a little embarrassing.

"But fortunately, it smells like Master Xue Nai."

True Hitomi picked up a piece of clothing.

There seemed to be a faint scent of citrus on the clothes.

The scent made Zhentong feel that his whole person was sublimated, and even the original resistance was healed.


Zhen Tong felt that he had more understanding of ideas.

"Well, these clothes are here, they should be fine..."

Senxia glanced at her clothes.

Although they are all tailored to fit, as long as these clothes are not emphasized on the chest, there is no problem, and boys can use them.

And there are many clothes in Yukino that are multi-piece types. Many clothes are cut on the chest and matched with the inner shirt. This type also only needs to change the inner shirt.

For example, this set of Gothic clothing on Senxia is like this. This set of clothing is cut separately on the chest part, and the clothes on the inside constitute the current appearance.

There is nothing wrong with these clothes, many of which are matched by Yukino freely.

The extra clothes that are picked up will be sent to the storage room behind the cloakroom.

"But it's weird." Zhentong suddenly discovered some subtle things.

"What's the matter?" Senxia asked.

"Try this dress."

Zhentong took a dress, which is a rather casual two-piece suit. The inside is a black slim-fit sweater and black pantyhose, and the outside is a red tunic waist dress, which is quite modern and Casual look.


Moriha changed clothes.


True Hitomi stared at Morinka.

Senxia subconsciously took her chest and took two steps back.

"True Hitomi, I am a boy."

"Nonsense, of course I know it!" Zhentong gave Morika a white, "I mean, this dress is too suitable."

"Uh-" Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

The chest part of this suit also has a certain special design, but the difference between the top and bottom of the suit is only about 15 cm.

Snow is definitely not needed.

However, Senxia just wore a corset inside, which was just right.

Wait, the size of this bra is also very suitable...

True Hitomi felt that things were not easy.

"Could it be-eh, wait, then I just smelled it!!!"

"Let me see." Senxia walked over. Then, he nodded, "Ah, Yukino should have made it for me. I remember it seemed to be worn once before."

"Eh eh eh eh eh?!!!"

Real Hitomi was stunned.

She fell to the ground with a flushed face, her face full of doubts about life.

"Why are there your clothes here!"

"I also have Yukino's clothes in my room. What's the matter with this." Senxia inexplicably.

Real Hitomi raised his head and stared at Morinka.

Morinatsu was a little uncomfortable being seen by True Hitomi, but it was really inexplicable. He had no choice but to say, “Isn’t the clothes sizes of Yukino and I are the same, so many of our clothes are mixed. Let’s leave the problem of chest size aside. We often mix clothes with no problem with chest size, such as pajamas and shoes. Socks, that's it. But women's clothing is basically kept in Yukino's room and cloakroom."

When there was no one else in the house, Yukino often wore Morinka’s shirt and pajamas everywhere in the room, and she also had a lot of special appliances.

From that time on, Senxia probably got used to it.

"I envy...No, you are really shameless!"

"We are twin brothers and sisters, we are almost the same."

"Twins won't mix it up, right?!"

"Hmm...because we are each other's half-lengths?"

This kind of adjective is pretty good for second grade, but Morinya feels that it seems really good to describe?


Zhen Tong made such a sound heavily, it was so loud, it seemed to be intentional.

In fact, it was really intentional.

"Or, let's go eat first? I invite you out for a good meal?" Senxia felt that Zhentong's nerves seemed a little subtle now.

"Um... all right." Zhentong rubbed her temples, and she felt so tired.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Senxia was about to go out with herself like this, Zhentong started to stop Senxia.

"what happened again?"

"You'd better change back to men's clothing. I don't want you to date me like your sister!"

"This is not a date." True Hitomi's jumping thinking made Mori Xia Yu enchanted, "Well, you go to the living room and wait for me."

"Yeah. Let me calm down."

Zhentong took a deep breath and then returned to the living room.

"No, no, you can't be fooled by that guy..." she muttered, "He is not the sister, he is not the sister..."


Not long after, Senxia finally came out.

He changed into a pair of slim jeans and a beige tights sweater.

"Hey, you guy did it on purpose!"

Zhentong's eyes widened.

"What did I do? Real Hitomi sauce?" Senxia smiled maliciously.

"Although it is men's clothing, what is the feeling of'sister-sama standing in front of me in men's clothing"!"


Senxia grabbed the loose hair behind and turned into a ponytail. The temperament on his body suddenly changed from a cute girl to a handsome boy, but when he scattered, he changed from a handsome boy to a cute girl.

"Uh...Will your temperament change with a different hairstyle?"

"Probably. But it could also be clothes."

Senxia opened her belly, revealing the garter belt and bra on it: "I just changed the outside."


"The waistband is hard to wear, I'm a little lazy. And it keeps warm~"

Senxia waved her hand, then took off her coat and put it on: "Let's go."

True Hitomi followed behind him with a confused expression.

"But you really don't shy away from women's clothing."

After arriving all the way to the restaurant, Zhen Hitomi felt a subtle sense of frustration and entanglement when looking at Morinka, who was sitting opposite.

"I just don't think it is necessary to be entangled so much. Our world is so beautiful, there is no need to entangle in some unnecessary places." Mori Xia said, "Anyway, my quality is so good, good-looking and handsome at the same time, so No matter what, it can't be wasted."

"Hey hey hey, you are so narcissistic after your sister left?!" Zhen Tong's eyes moved to Senxia's clothes.

"How can it be called narcissism? This is my aptitude. And it is because Yukino wants to see it. As long as Yukino wants to see it, I can wear it like this every day."

"My sister's interest, then there is no way..."

The two can only reach a consensus on this point at this time.

"As a boy, I am so perfect. As a girl, I am understandable next to Yukino." Morinka was very happy today and teased Zhen Hitomi.

But he was undoubtedly a hygienic eye by Zhen Tong.

"In fact, it's because you can't be a boy, so you can only be a girl."

True Hitomi stretched out his hand and gestured with two fingers: "Your muscles are too thin, just a tiny bit."

"Hey hey, girl, you have to be responsible for speaking." Morinya pouted, "My muscles are very strong. Although it may not be visible at ordinary times, the human muscles can swell up when used. Oh. And my endurance is also very good, if I go to run a marathon, the championship and runner-up will be a matter of minutes."

Morinka said, while doing a toned pose.

It's a pity that True Hitomi just sneered.

"I didn't see it just now. When you only wear a bra, you really don't see any flaws at all. It's just like a girl~"

Ahhhhhhhh, so despise it, it really feels so good! The idea has come.

"Girl, that's just the surface. It's called thin when dressed. Moreover, he looks handsome and thin on weekdays, but he has a strong physique at critical moments. This is a man!"

Well, the two people are talking about muscle and bodybuilding.

"How is it possible!" Zhentong waved his hand.

Senxia waved her hand: "You are too ignorant."

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Zhen Tong said ha ha.

"It seems that you have to prove it to me?" Senxia said.

"Then you prove it!"

"Well, wait until I go back."

It's not convenient here. Although the sweater is tight, it is actually not easy to see the muscles.

The two had eaten as if they were grudges, and then returned home.

After turning on the air conditioner, Morinatsu finally had another chance to show off her muscles to True Hitomi.

"That's Zhentong flushes, but pretends that he has experienced a lot of battles.

But afterwards, True Hitomi discovered that Morinatsu's muscles were really not as thin as the surface.

True Hitomi's expression also slowly changed.

Contempt → Surprise → Shame → Surprise → Panic → Convinced.

Sen Xia convinced people with reason and proved the dignity of boys.


New Year's Day! Update!

Happy New Year!

Keke, let's entertain yourself for the time being for women's clothing, the text will not be too involved, maybe there will be a little occasionally, but it should be almost the same, hem.

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