Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1809: Morika: My flawless disguise

When Zhen Hitomi got up the next day, she found herself lying on Yukino's bed, and Morika was not there.

True Eye, who had rested all night, was still a little confused, walking in a hurry.

Although she was very touched that she was able to sleep in her sister's room, the girl didn't have the extra physical strength to move this and that at this moment.

She was tired all day yesterday.


To organize clothes.

Although, 90% of the clothes in the room need to be sorted out.

When walking on the steps, Zhentong felt that her legs seemed to be floating in the air. With such a subtle feeling, Zhentong had to support the wall and walk down step by step.

When she got downstairs, she saw Senxia.

Senxia wore the same clothes that he used to go out yesterday, but today he changed his hairstyle a bit, and suddenly he changed from a girl to a teenager, and Mengmei became a handsome boy.

I have to say that hairstyle has a huge impact on human temperament.

"You're awake." Senxia seemed to be about to go out, "Sorry, you slept too hard last night, so I didn't wake you up for dinner."

Hearing Morinka's words, Zhentong's tranced brain gradually woke up.

"Wow!" She screamed suddenly, her face flushed.

"What's the matter?" Qianjia who also changed his coat walked over.

"Oh, Zhentongchan just woke up, and she seems a little confused about the current situation." Senxia glanced at Zhentong, who subconsciously took two steps back.

"You haven't recovered yet, it doesn't matter. You can lie down for a while. Qianjia and I are going out. Xiao Zi will take care of you. If you have something to tell her, she will be ready for lunch and dinner." Senxia is getting dressed. .

"Look up." Qianjia walked to Senxia and helped Senxia tidy up the collar, "Sorry, we still have work, so we can't stay in the reasonable place anymore. Bailily has two days to go to class. It’s okay to stay here."

"Ah...well...thank you."

True Hitomi nodded blankly.

After Morinia and Qianjia prepared for a while, the two left, leaving Zhentong alone.


Zhentong sat on the stairs with her face covered.

"What the **** am I doing—Sister Mingming—"

"Excuse me, is there anything uncomfortable with you?"

A voice sounded.

"Huh? Huh?!"

She raised her head and saw a maid wearing the Tianhai family maid costume standing under the stairs. The other party seemed to be here all the time. She was still pretty, but her sense of presence seemed weak. She ignored her by accident. Up.

"Ah, no... nothing!"

Zhentong took two steps back subconsciously and returned to the upper floor.

But, not long after, she poked her head out again: "That—excuse me—may I use the bathroom?"



On the other side, Morinka, who was in a good mood, yawned in the back seat of the car.

The driver was another maid from the maid team, her code name also came from "The Tale of Genji" Kongchan.

But Morika felt that Ms. Sora-chan is quite different from the Sora-chan of Genji Monogatari. She worked carefully and rarely expressed her opinions. Said to be a maid, but more like a ninja or something.

"Ha~" Senxia yawned.

"It always feels like you have been too happy these days." Qianjia next to her rolled her eyes.

"That's not the case." Senxia said, "I am just relaxing during the rare vacation these days."

"Really, I just found that you seem to be wearing women's clothing and enjoy it."

"So it's the same. But if you want to go out with a girl, it's really interesting to wear a skirt. You can do some interesting things in the public and you don't have to worry about being considered a pervert..." interesting.

"In fact, you would think so, is it a pervert?" Qianjia couldn't help but complain.

"How can the boy's matter be called a pervert, this is a gentleman! Senior sister, we can be comrades in the same trench!"

Qianjia is also a gentleman.

"Yes, but looking at you these past few days, I feel quite annoyed."

Qianjia did not deny it either.

"I'm obviously doing good deeds. During this time." Senxia felt that she hadn't done anything bad either. "Moreover, wearing a skirt is very convenient and very hidden."

"Are you talking about gentlemen?"

"Of course." Senxia chuckled, "Moreover, the special props are good for disguising, and it doesn't affect anything..."

After all, it's a boy. If you want to disguise, a little disguise is needed. After all, tight pants are still quite troublesome.

"It's an artificial skin molded with Yukino." Qianjia tried it on Morika before, and it was quite fun back then. But how did the good shame props become the cheating cheaters now?

"Improved models are the ones you won’t find when you wear them to the bathroom, and they don’t affect certain physiological functions...but at that time there is no camouflage function. In fact, the most convenient thing is ventilation and cleanliness It’s artificial skin, but it’s okay to wear it all the time."

Speaking of this, Senxia sighed.

"Now there?"

"It was too troublesome to take off. I thought I would wear women’s clothing later, so I didn’t take it off. In fact, it’s nothing. If it’s inconvenient, it’s probably inconvenient to go to the men’s bathroom or the boys’ bath. Take off the artificial skin slowly, and take it off in a short period of time. Alas, if there is a creation in the real world that makes the human body feel artificial."

"What are you thinking about?"

Many fantasy works, and even real works, have prosthetic limbs that can be controlled by human thoughts and have sensation settings, but in fact that kind of thing is quite difficult to achieve.

But Qian Jia remembered that Senxia's hometown seemed to have a lot of research.

"By the way, there should be in your hometown?"

"No, the maids in my house are not visitors from another world, nor are they aliens. How could there be that kind of fantasy works... Wow!"

The car bumped.

"Sorry." Miss Kongchan said, "Something was damaged just now."

"Well, it's okay." Senxia waved her hand.

"But artificial skin, if it really has that kind of sensation, I think it will definitely win the Nobel Prize." Qianjia thinks that this kind of technology must be super powerful.

"More than that." Morinia said, "if that kind of device can be manufactured, the technology of artificial organs and artificial limbs will not be a problem, and human society will have to step up to a new level by then!"

"The gap between reality and fantasy works is really big. Obviously things that are accustomed to those works can't be done in the real world..."

In all kinds of works, prosthetic limbs are often things that add fashionable value, but it is a pity that in the real world, prosthetic limbs do not have fashionable value. It is not so easy to rely on ideas to move prosthetic limbs. Not to mention all kinds of black technologies that are more powerful than human beings.

It is almost the most basic technology in various animations and games, but it is difficult to climb in the real world.

"So this is also the charm of all kinds of fantasy works." Morinka smiled, "Such a romantic setting is the charm of fantasy works."

All kinds of exoskeletons, prostheses, super brain hackers, exoskeletons, etc., these wonderful designs are not only works in animation, but also such fantasy is based on the setting of the real world, which makes this The design makes people look forward to showing it in the real world.

"Do you think those designs can be realized?" Qianjia asked.

"Um... let's put it this way."

Senxia took out her mobile phone.

This is Nokia's latest model.

"Fifteen years later, our mobile phone will only have a screen on the front, which can be operated entirely by fingers. It can run with a picture quality far exceeding the cover of the current 3A masterpiece, with hundreds of GB of storage space and at least 100MB of Internet speed. There is no need to bring a wallet. The mobile phone is our identity certificate and wallet. We can rely on the mobile phone to pay and charge... Sister, do you think this is fantasy or reality?"

Hearing Morinha's words, Qianjia thought carefully for a while, and then said: "Fantasy."

She thought for a while and continued: "I think the breakthrough in prosthetic technology may be faster, at least it seems more practical."

"If we can carry out cruel human experiments, I think what you said, senior sister, makes sense."

Many technologies are not just a problem of technology itself, but a problem of morality. If you can conduct frantic research on the human body, many targeted biotechnology, in fact, the technology itself does not have a big threshold, the key is to need a "compass."

On the contrary, although some technologies are very novel, but because the changes to human beings are too great, even if they seem incredible, they can develop faster.

Without involving some more moral or basic things, human development is still very rapid.

"Maybe by the middle of this century, any artificial prosthesis or the like can be realized." Mori summer is still quite confident in the development of science, "but it may also be human regeneration technology."

"Regeneration? Clone?" Qianjia understood the latter.

"There are two situations. One is to strengthen the body’s resilience and allow people to regenerate. It may be possible to clone some limbs, but this aspect also has a lot of moral considerations, and it needs more than ten or even twenty years in advance. Be prepared."

Cloning is now possible. But cloned individuals also need to experience the same normality as ordinary people, and because of various problems, their life span is limited.

"It makes sense. Hey, I suddenly feel that the real world seems to be pretty good. At least among those fantasy works, all kinds of works involving cloning are dark works."

There are many similar.

For example, the Utopia series of works, the ones that really describe utopias are only a few, and the works that describe dystopias are not lacking.

"Because in addition to the daily works, all other works need enough drama conflict. And that kind of thing that is extremely against human nature is naturally the best design to intensify the conflict."

Senxia is quite experienced.

The work needs contradictions and dramatic conflicts, and things that go against the basic needs of human beings are naturally the most convenient design. Moreover, such things are used to deepen the depth of the work, which is also a very convenient design.

"Then if it is a peaceful age, can you make passionate works?" Qianjia asked.

"I have it now."



This work is now in a certain oriental country, and it is also commonly known as Pokémon and Pokemon.

"This kind of works of all ages is not counted. And if you think about it, there are also a lot of content that is extremely scary." Qianjia thinks this kind of example is not counted.

"Indeed." Mori Xia said, "Now the direction of animation production is basically towards the direction of the late night show. In the foreseeable future, I think this kind of'depth' and'forced depth' works must be There will be more and more. No. The number of the entire animated series will grow exponentially. Faced with this situation, we need to actively expand overseas markets."

The animation market of the mud bomb is limited. In the next ten years, the animation industry will expand wildly, but it will be internal. Anno Hideaki and other bigwigs once said that the industry is no longer feasible. It can be said that if it were not for the emergence of overseas companies such as Netflix, it might really be an "industry pill".

No way, many clubs here, although they have very advanced technology, they are very old-fashioned in thinking and cannot keep up with the times.

But Senxia feels that if it is an opportunity now, it can be done.

"Overseas markets, this is quite risky." Qianjia said, "but it's also very interesting, I think I can try it. Maybe you can see some works with good taste."

In the overseas market, some Japanese works may not be welcome due to different aesthetic reasons, so it needs to be developed accordingly.

For example, for European and American works, the heroine needs to be painted with freckles. For the works of a certain oriental country, the heroine is best to be a white-haired sister. After all, the average person in Chongguo has white hair control.

"But how did we twist the topic to overseas markets?" Although Qian Jia was very interested, she remembered that everyone didn't seem to be talking about this issue at first, did they?

"Uh, it seems to be because of my disguise." Morinya said, "but don't care, there is nothing wrong with me."

Senxia didn't feel wrong about her disguise.

However, staring at Qianjia's face, Senxia decided to turn the offensive.

He smiled: "I said it before, it's very convenient, even if you go to the swimming pool, there is no problem, you will not be found!"

"Pool--that's a public place--Sinxia, ​​are you--" Qianjia stopped suddenly, "It's interesting to think about Well, it doesn't have to be a swimming pool. But it’s best to be an exclusive event for girls. If there are boys, there will still be many people around to watch. If they are all girls, even if we are practicing gentleman theory, no one will notice..."


After Qian Jia turned to the offensive for the second time, Senxia realized that she was a little moved.

However, at this time, it completely stopped.

"Master, Miss Qianjia, we have arrived."

"Hey, let's do this first, let's see Supervisor Hideaki Anno first."

Let's do business first...


In reality, there are also silicon-based artificial skins for camouflage, but they are not the same as Senxia's high-tech, long-wearable. If there is something wrong with the technology, it must be the world line is different. JPG.

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