Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1815: This is called cooking power.JPG

"Huh, come here."

While Lihua went down to convey Morinka's arrangements, Morinka began to create.

The boss always has the most spare time.

Said to be an "assistant", in fact, Lihua is like half of the CEO on Morinia's side, and she helped to get many orders and instructions.

At this time, Senxia is writing "The Etiquette of the Near Moon Girl".

"Write a book?"

Qian Jia didn't know when he came here.


"Is the time confirmed?"

"April, and it won't be published as frequently as before." Morinka's previous book was published quite quickly, but it also caused a problem, that is, when the next volume is published, the previous volume is often not digested. Although the short-term popularity is indeed very good, but the follow-up problems are more subtle.

Senxia can write it right, but the library side hopes that Senxia's serialization can be slower this time.

After all, Hippo typewriters are not so fast.

"Huh, let's stop here for now." Senxia put down the keyboard.

After conceiving it for a while, he also felt that his thinking was a bit exhausted, and he needed to slow down.

I have to say that the previous experience is pretty good for inspiration creation.

Of course, the plot itself is also very important. The story is to serve the plot, and the plot is to shape the character. Mori summer follows this creative philosophy.

It's just not a simple task to shape the character. Although Morinka is working hard, it can't be written by force.

"Play a game."

Morika decided to play a game.

He opened "My World".

"Eh, are you going to play this? I thought you wanted to play some interesting games."

"Of course I do." Morinka said, "but now I don't want to use my brain to look at other people's buildings. It's a good choice... But this person is so powerful, he is actually recreating Tokyo."

Senxia had already entered the map at this time.

This map is a very famous map recently, and a group of players seem to want to use this map to reproduce Tokyo.

After Senxia's character entered, there was no way to interact with the surrounding products, because Senxia was in the "tourist mode".

This mode will be turned on in maps that work together to build. In the "Guest Mode", the player cannot interact deeply with the map, and even a block cannot be destroyed. Only players authorized by the host can build here.

The server Morxia is currently on is a very well-known construction server, and the author here is dedicated to recreating Tokyo.

Not to mention, Morinatsu looked down from the Tokyo Tower on the map, really so decent. It's the subtle lag of the computer. After Moriha reduced the visual distance a bit, he felt better.

These maps are made by the players themselves.

"Minecraft" is originally a game that encourages players to create their own.

For this kind of game, it is impossible to say that as soon as it is online, the official provides various models for players to download, and it is impossible to specially make some completed maps for players.

Because the essence of doing so is actually depriving the player of creative ability.

Officials can guide privately, but they can't take the initiative to jump out, and they can't end up in person.

Stimulating the enthusiasm of players, sometimes even better than the official advertising of their own money, and can effectively extend the life of the game.

"By the way, I remember that someone else made a map of Sword Art Online."

"Huh, there's this one?" Morinata became interested.

"Just the appearance."

"That's pretty awesome. It's not so easy to restore Aincrad."

Just kidding, wanting to restore Aincrad is like someone said that he wants to restore Azeroth with cubes. It is basically impossible.

But I’m not sure, there are people in Tokyo to recover, maybe some people are really bored...

"This game is pretty awesome. From the time it was launched to the present, sales have almost gone retrograde all the way. I haven't seen such a game on weekdays."

Unlike other games, the sales of Minecraft have been increasing over a period of time.

"It's a pity that the handheld model is temporarily unavailable." Senxia was a little pity.

The handheld version of "Minecraft" has actually been done a little bit.

But how to say...

Finally the plan was rejected.

Not because it can’t be done, but because after a period of time, the system will definitely get stuck.

There is no problem on the GS host, but if it is on the handheld, after a period of time, as the map resources increase, the card change is inevitable. After the official narrowing the field of view to a very small level, it can effectively reduce the lag, but the unwidening field of view itself is still a problem.

If you can get a higher-performance 90-nanometer chip before, it can actually be reluctant.

However, it is a pity that both the mud bombing and TSMC, which Moriha is concerned about, have been stretched in this regard.

He was embarrassed.

The teammates on both sides are not strong.

It can't be said that it is completely ineffective, at least next month's new CPU tapeout should be no problem.

But from the product to the market...well, even if the tapeout is successful, that will be the second-generation product.

After more than ten years, CPU tape-out will require hundreds of millions of dollars in huge funds to proceed. Now, the price of CPU tape-out is not so high, but it costs millions of dollars to do it once.

In fact, the loss of filming failure is not only money, but also time. After the failure, it means that the design has to be redone. If it is redone, it means that at least half of the previous time has been lost.

Senxia hasn't reached this level yet, but this is actually sad enough.

Fortunately, it's not just Senxia who is unlucky, but everyone who looks at the new technology eagerly is very sad.

As long as I am not alone, this is good news.JPG.

As long as everyone pulls the hips together, I don't mean to pull the hips together. perfect.

"It's okay, the second-generation machine can be used." Mori summer said, "but the second-generation machine will have a different strategy. Then it will be based on solid-state storage."

The first-generation machine, which has no official name, has a built-in storage capacity of 128MB, and the system occupies 38MB. The space of the system is independent and exists in the form of read-only files, with built-in calculators, browsers, three-piece sets of text tables and slides, and QICQ.

The read-only file format is the strategy of Chrysanthemum. They also optimize the system storage in this way, which has increased a lot of speed.

It's a pity that Senxia can't put more things in, and the 128MB capacity is always limited.

In fact, the handheld system here was 64MB at the beginning, and finally it was abruptly castrated a lot of functions before it was reduced to such a small size. This is the case. The size of this system in mobile devices is also amazing-no way, all touch-screen logic systems have to be explored on their own, and being able to streamline to this level is actually the limit now.

128MB may seem small, but it is already a very high storage space in this era. With 128MB of capacity, it means that one-fifth to one-third of the cost of this handheld is paid.

If the capacity is increased to about 2GB, the cost of storage is even greater than the machine itself.

You know, in this year, for flash memory, 256MB is approximately equal to the capacity of 256GB more than ten years later, which is very luxurious.

In addition, the weight of a single-chip flash memory is not obvious, but with a tenfold increase of tenfold, the weight will rise immediately, and the power consumption is also swoosh.

So Senxia will remove the solid-state version of the handheld and keep the micro hard drive version.

Relatively speaking, the failure rate of the micro hard disk is higher, and the price itself is also expensive, but compared to the solid state... it is still cheap!

"Can the second generation be available?" Qianjia asked again.

"...When it's about 10 yen and 1MB, it should be fine. We can make the capacity to about 2GB to 3GB. You can install several large games, or some small-capacity games. But then this will not be for The handheld is used for more suitable communication equipment. The handheld will be used as a secondary substitute in time."

Simply put, the market is still unclear. Senxia can only take one step at a time.

If your current nonsense fails, that's okay, just get out in time.

Anyway, I still have shares in the fruit company. JPG.

It is a pity that Senxia wants to acquire more shares but it is impossible. There are relatively few floating chips in the market. The major shareholders will either sit on the ground and raise the price, or else they are as optimistic about the Qiao gang leader as Senxia.

Everyone is not stupid. After the leader of Qiao came to the fruit, the fruit is now getting better and better.

"Let's take one step at a time. It really doesn't work. When I go bankrupt, I can go back and inherit the family business."

Senxia gave up the treatment.

If it doesn't work, just go back to Hokkaido and become a rich man.

The Hokkaido of this world line is in the finals of the Tiankai family. Although it has nothing to do with Mori Xia, if Mori Xia goes will matter.

But Senxia doesn't want to live that kind of boring and boring life for the time being.

So he still wants to continue to struggle for the time being.

"What kind of frustrating words?" Qianjia gave Senxia a brainstorm, "Unless you immediately open source all the patents around you for free, it's almost the same."

Apart from other things, just the U disk patent, one year of patent is enough.

"If you have the skill to say frustrating things, it's better to write them down," Qianjia said.

"Isn't this working hard, it's just that my thinking is temporarily exhausted, so I change my mood." Senxia said lightly.

"Change mood?" Qianjia poked Morika again, "If that's the case, why not make your previous game?"

Moriha was in Elohill Paradise before, and it seemed that he had discussed the game?

"Oh, DW's life is really a bit too comfortable, they give activities."

The New Year has passed, and now everyone has entered the rhythm of work.

The most relaxed DW company should start activities now.

Add some burden. JPG.

Animic is currently working on the AZ project, and everyone can be said to have entered the state.

Mori summer has considered online game planning before, but the previous idea of ​​the future universe has not been lost. These are all done manually.

The DW company here is quite rich in manpower.

"However, it is not easy to say that all the works of a series are included..."

The first is copyright.

Not only the first-generation and second-generation works of Elohir, but also the stories of other characters can be added to form a whole world.

Hmm... isn't this the Sims anymore?

GTA adult version? Uh, GTA seems to be played only by adults.

"Be an open world, right?" Senxia pondered.

"You will lose a lot." Qianjia thought.

One of the shortcomings of this game is that it is not convenient for publicity. And naturally it belongs to that niche type in society.

Faced with this situation, if the game is too big, it is almost certain to lose money.

Qianjia feels that although Senxia's idea is good, the gentleman game is not just about power generation by love.

"If we play games for love, of course it is a good thing. But for others, this is not a good thing, because it means that it will have a bad influence on other people." Qianjia said, "We can't Only consider yourself."

After all, he is the "leader". If there are serious losses here, it may have some subtle effects on the market.

"Actually, this is not a big problem." Mori Xia said, "We have a lot of technology here that can be used. Well, but the manpower and reporting problems are really a headache."

This kind of game can make a lot of money, but it cannot last.

If it's a galgame, it's definitely a huge profit. But if it is a big development and a big production, it is not necessarily.

"Who plays this game more?" Senxia decided to find an old driver.

"As far as I know, Ji Ye has played a lot in order to collect materials." Qianjia paused, "In addition, Shiyin's room has a lot of games like this...No, almost all of her computers are."

"Have you seen Shiyin's computer?" Senxia noticed another thing.

"The password she set is my birthday, and I still know that." Qianjia seemed to say something unbelievable.

"Uh-okay." Mori Xia clearly decided not to continue this topic. He thought for a while and said, "It's better to be like this. Let's choose some stories we want to join, and then go to the second generation teacher to communicate , Let her work on the main line creation. I will let Lihua talk about copyright issues. This should be easy to say."

Mori Xia said: "Look at what the second generation teacher thinks ~ and our game type is designed based on the second generation teacher's opinion."

Generally speaking, this method is actually not suitable, and the game type is left to outsiders to decide.

But neither Senxia nor Qianjia had any objections.

Who made me a fan of Teacher Erdaime?

As long as the Erdaime teacher is willing, Senxia will even play games at a loss.

What is cooking power?

This is called babble!


Keke, I fell asleep yesterday and thought it was updated. It turns out that it doesn't seem to be.

In the next chapter, I will sort out all the things that Senxia is doing in various places. It has been harmonious for so long, I am afraid that everyone does not remember 233

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