Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1816: Animic games

After entering the New Year, Senxia found that she had been suffering from various names.

The name of the handheld is up in the air, and besides that, the name of another masterpiece comes to Morinia again.

This is a new game developed by Animic with a sci-fi background.

This game is going to adopt a one-shot mode.

Its theme draws on games such as Macross F, Mass Effect, and Paradise Chase.

The heroine of the story is a mouthless loli, but the actual identity is the queen of the swarm.

Borrowing part of the works of Macross F, it is a stand-alone game and has been produced for a long time.

However, so far, this game still has no name.

This is more embarrassing.

Because the framework of the game has been built.

So now a name is needed.

"Name, it's really hard to think about." Qian Jia sighed.

Naturally, one cannot be alone to suffer.

Both Qianjia and Lihua were called by Senxia to come over and put them to work.

In addition, Morika also asked no one on the production team to think of two names. But it is a pity that, so far, Morinka has no pleasing name.

"How about taking some contrasting names?" Lihua didn't have a good idea, but thought of an idea.

"Oh?" Senxia was instantly inspired, "Yes, it's very interesting to give a fantasy story a science fiction name, and give a science fiction name a religious style name."

"It's not good at all." Qianjia said quickly, "This is not for contrast. Game players and animation audiences are different."

"Uh-makes sense."

Senxia thought it was good at first, but after hearing it, she felt that Qianjia had some problems.

"Then... just integrate it, the fantasy nouns that use handsome science fiction words to describe... well, that's right."

Senxia suddenly thought of the Oriental series.

"Project: EVE. How about the code name Eve, or Eve Plan, how?" Senxia felt like this, it seemed quite interesting, "Just so, the queen of the swarm is equivalent to the mother of the swarm..."

"In that case, is the code name Lilith better?" Qianjia said.

"It's not bad."

In biblical mythology, the first woman to appear was Eve, but before that, there were legends about Lilith.

If you use the name here, it seems pretty good.

"But the name Lilith is more evil, so it's better to use Eve." Morinya thinks this is still the best. "Leave these two names to the production team, depending on how they choose."

"Okay." Lihua recorded the matter.

"But this is the next..."

A demo of "MUV: Black Beacon". "Black Beacon" is the sequel to "MUV: Moonfall".

The demo version of this game is now ready and will be shown on E3 if there are no surprises.

Senxia's magic modification version contains a lot of content that is completely different from the original, which is a super magic modification that is completely separated from the original.

In other words, it is a hybrid super version of "Three-body" and "Black Ops."

The heroine is the younger sister of a pair of siblings, who was kidnapped and controlled by the Adventists, and transformed into an assassin and spy. The other party uses the phantom of the heroine Lizi's brother to adjust it. Although he was rescued later, the hidden content was implanted in his brain.

This is close to "Black Ops".

"Um... not bad, not bad."

In the demo version, the plot is okay for the time being, mainly the new multiplayer mode, ladder system and battle.

After making adjustments, the iterative second-generation product adds some of the characters' skills, a larger scale of large-scale combat system, and even provides a more similar Titan manufacturing system. And, thanks to the hardware upgrade, the picture effect has also been improved a lot.

"But this game is so good, will it conflict with PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?" Qian Jia was a little concerned.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has passed the closed beta, and the public beta will begin soon.

"The types are still different." Senxia felt that there were still differences. "Although there will be some repetition, the types are different."

The impact will definitely have an impact, but it will not be great.

It's as if PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Overwatch, which are another world line, have little influence.

Hmm...if the latter doesn't die. Take a look at Doomfist.

"It's the "Counter-Strike" side that may have a greater impact." Senxia felt that the impact on the next door might be even greater.

But it’s okay. It turns out that "Counter Strike" is actually a very long-lived game. Even if Morinka has so many games now, there is still no purely adversarial technical game, and that kind of technical game, There is always a market. And even if this game is on another world line, it still stands tall in the face of challenges from various games-open the lottery to find out.

"That's up to you." Qianjia said.

"After the production is finished here, the three generations will hold off for a while." Morinya said, "leave half of the staff to develop DLC, and then the remaining half will go to the online game development team over there."

Morinya is still planning to do MMORPG after all. However, Morinya does not intend to completely imitate Warcraft, but plans to add some action elements to make an action RPG.

As for the content of the game, the previous sci-fi background is more difficult to handle, but after all, there is no project, and the revision is still too late.

So Morinya changed the story very conveniently.

"So, it's called "Broken World" or something, how about it?" Senxia suddenly twitched.

"Before you wanted to call a starship voyage or something."

"Now the background has been changed, of course the name has to be changed."

The comments made by Anno Hideaki were quite interesting for Morinatsu.

As for the scene of the game, it is better designed, referring directly to "Neil Mechanical Age" or something, which is actually a very good goal.

There is not much that Moriha can do.

At most this place.

As for the more parts, it's not something Senxia can handle.

In the huge online game world, Senxia's structure of the story can only be based on the most basic parts. As for the branch line and the supporting role, that kind of thing needs to be done by others.

It is basically impossible for a person to write a complete script of a huge online game, unless we can adjust Senxia's day to 240 hours.

"Compared to this, I want to watch the movie. The final work seems to be done?" Senxia looked at Lihua.

"Yes, if you want to see Senxia, ​​you should be able to see the perfect version until next month."

The current movie itself has already been done, but there are still some final adjustments over there. This is a blockbuster with many special effects...


The author Jun has repeated episodes of kidney stones. The 7*4mm stone is located at the upper end of the ureter. It is not big but tormenting. Nanshan Hospital asked to do flexible ureteroscopy, but everyone knows the recent situation and cannot do it.

I feel dizzy after taking painkillers. The update during the recent period may be rather unstable.

Please excuse me……

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