Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 295: Tian Hai Senxia likes Tian Hai Xue Na

The Disney Amusement Park is on the Chiba side, almost on the diagonal with Musashino, a bit far away.

Yukino took Senxia's hand, hummed a song, and briskly followed Senxia on the subway, and then sat on the subway bench. Yukino sat down and leaned against Senxia lightly.

…So, Yukino is a little bit wrong recently.

But Morinka thought for a while, decided not to think about it, and let Yukino relax today. If that's the case, maybe she will be able to change back to the original tomorrow.

"Weird, it seems that there are not many people going out today." It was obviously a holiday, but Morixia found that there didn't seem to be many people on the street, and there were no people on the subway.

"It's not a good thing to have fewer people. It would be best if you don't have to line up to go to Disneyland~" Yukino didn't have any comments on this.

"Yes." Senxia shrugged.

The subway is a bit empty. On weekdays, it should be the rush hour for commuting. These subways were almost full of people at that time, but probably today is a holiday. The carriages are very empty. Here, there seems to be an illusion that this is no longer in Tokyo.

After sighing inwardly, Morinya suddenly realized that Yukino seemed to have not spoken for a long time. He turned his head and saw Yukino fiddle with his hair here, and didn't know what was thinking.

"Sure enough, it would look better if you dye your hair flaxen?" Xueno suddenly said, she seemed to mutter to herself, "If you can dye your hair, it will definitely look better..."

Many Japanese people like to dye their hair, especially those of linen and gold. This is not a small part. But many men and women like to do this.

"Linen comes with its own book attributes, what's so good..." Senxia murmured.

Whether it is Asuna or Isuzu Chitou, they all have flax-colored hair. This hair color is quite unlucky...

"Huh? Benzi?" Xue Nao didn't seem to understand the meaning of this peculiar term.

"Ahem," Senxia realized that she seemed to have said something terrible, but fortunately Xueno did not understand. To prevent Senxia from being too embarrassed, he began to pass the blunder, "All in all, what's wrong with black!"

"Black is great, but I want to try other colors of hair a little bit. I don't know how it will feel..." Yukino said while fiddled with her hair. I don’t know what I’m thinking, "And in many cases, black is a bad symbol. If it can be made into white or gold, it seems very interesting. No. White is a bit too ostentatious, and gold is also good... "

"Although black is usually used to symbolize negative emotions such as darkness, despair and death, there are also psychologists who believe that black also represents a strong attitude of confrontation with death. What's wrong with liking black!" Senxia couldn't laugh or cry. Could it be that Yukino has been so strange today. Is it because she has been thinking about hair matters?

Morinka patted Yukino's head, then held up a strand of Yukino's hair, then lowered her head and put it in front of her nose to sniff. It's like smelling the fragrance of flowers, it seems to be enjoying.

"Huh?" Senxia's sudden movements made Xue Na feel a little at a loss. She froze in place, as if she was thinking about how to react.

Morinka laughed. He gently put down Yukino's hair and pressed Yukino's shoulders with both hands, with a solemn expression on his face: "Black is a gritty color, whether it's black tights or black or black leather. Girdle is a great glory in the process of human civilization. Black is also an indispensable part of gentleman culture. Black represents hope, represents the future, and represents universal value. Black is long and straight is a rare attribute. , Even a black ponytail is excellent, Yukino, whether you are a black long straight, a black ponytail, or a double ponytail, it is a rare treasure in this world. So, I have said so much, I mean only one!"

After uttering such a long sentence in one breath, Morika finally was able to take a breath. He looked at Yukino seriously, and the two eyes met, and then Morika amplified her voice: "So, Yukino’s hair or something, the most Like it! As long as Yukino looks like this, this is the most perfect one!"

After hearing Morinka’s words, Yukino’s brain short-circuited for a second. She stared at Morika in a daze, but after a second, she chuckled out: "Brother, why are you so serious? I It's just a rant!"

"Uh..." Isn't the old girl so wrong today, is it not because of your hair?

What can you tell me at this time?

Senxia scratched his head, as if he wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know what to say after all.

"Brother is really weird today. It seems to be more considerate than before~" Yukino's head leaned against Senxia's chest, and the whole person leaned on Senxia's body like this.

"I have always been considerate. In this world, a man like me is very good!" Mori Xia considers herself to be a person in charge. Even if it is the case of the president of Jixiangyuan, he has been Keep it in my heart, and Xue Nao, as Morika’s younger sister, ranks No.1 in Morika’s mind. If nothing else, Morika can proudly tell everyone that we absolutely The best brother in the world!

"But it's not enough~" Xue Nao smiled lightly, "Brother, you still haven't done key things~"

"I even wear women's clothing for you, what else can I do enough?" We have done such a shameful thing. We can throw away the most precious morals. What else can't be done? !

However, Yukino didn’t agree with Morinka’s words: "But my brother didn’t just do this for me. Mom once let my brother go through, and Qianjia-senpai also tried it with you many times. Yes, it can't be counted at all!"

"Uh, forget it later."

Forget it before, but now we have got rid of the low-level interest of wearing women's clothing, why do we still wear women's clothing in the future, Yukino, you can't curse me like that!

But having said that, women's clothing seems to be very comfortable and, no. If I always feel like this, there is always something weird in my body about to awaken, and I absolutely cannot think about it!

Senxia took a deep breath. You must not think about this kind of problem, otherwise you must fall into some terrible abyss...

By the way, Yukino said that this incident could not be considered "special" either. Senxia thought for a while, and then said, "Xuno, you are my only sister. Is this the most important thing?"

However, when he heard Morinka’s words, Yukino opened her mouth. She seemed to be angry, and her voice seemed to change: "Then brother, you mean, whoever it is. As long as you have the attribute of'sister' Okay?! If I'm not my brother's sister, wouldn't it matter?!"


So, what kind of messy things are in women’s hearts...

Morinka thought she knew Yukino's heart well, but when she heard this, Morinka felt really dumbfounded.

However, he did not intend to perfuse Xue Nai. Say something irresponsible. Because the other party is Yukino, Morinka will definitely answer her with the most serious attitude.

He closed his eyes and said nothing.

Xue Na leaned against Senxia's chest, she was only angry for a while. But Senxia didn't speak for a long time, but Xue Na felt a kind of fear in her heart. Is your brother angry? Doesn't he want me anymore?

Her heart was pounding. What she said just now caused her brother to have strange thoughts in her heart?

Fear, irritability, and restlessness were intertwined in Yukino's heart.

But this time. Xue Na felt a force holding herself tightly in her arms.

"The reason I like Yukino is because Yukino is Yukino. If my sister were not Yukino, I would probably love that sister too, but Yukino is different from you." His voice rang in Yukino's ears. Gentle, gentle, and warm.

The boy said to the girl: "At that time, if God gave me a chance to get to know Yukino again, I would probably have wonderful feelings for this girl too. This is special, this is different, this It's my feelings for Yukino, feelings that even others can't take away."

"If we met in another world, I would also like you; if I became a girl, I would also like you; if I became an alien or someone from another world, I would like you; If I become a monster of Warcraft, as long as I can meet you, I will love you at that time. It’s not because you are my sister or something. If we have nothing to do with each other, if we are enemies, I think As long as I can see you, the hardest and coldest part of my heart will melt when I meet you."

"You are my sister, I like you; you are Yukino, I like you; if your appearance is no longer cute and beautiful, I like you. I can't imagine the days without you, and I can't see the future without you."

Morinka leaned his head lightly on Yukino’s head, and he whispered: "I can’t guarantee what the future will be like. Maybe one day you will fall in love with other boys, maybe one day we will establish a different Family, as long as this is your own decision, I will never regret it. Maybe on that day, I will be very disappointed, but I will bless you because I hope you can become the happiest person in the world. I cannot guarantee What, but what I want to say now is that at this moment and in the future, Tianhai Senxia loves Tianhai Yukino from the heart!"

At this moment, Yukino seemed to understand something.

She found out that she had made a mistake.

Senxia doesn't like herself with a family relationship. This kind of feeling is not even a lover. This is not a family relationship or love, but a more sublimated emotion.

Maybe Morinka will fall in love with someone one day, but for him, liking Amami Yukino's thing will not change. This kind of "liking" transcends love and is a more wonderful existence. .

This is not derived from hormones or human habits. If they are not humans but two other unrelated creatures, on the day they meet, they might also like each other.

It’s not “love”, it’s not “compassion”, it’s not any other emotions, it’s just “like”, no, it’s not so much like it, it’s better to pass, this kind of feeling is born to want to be together, just like the same His soul seeks the same destination, from the heart, from the origin, from the void that does not exist. This is inexplicable, this is simple, this is the most beautiful.

At this moment, Yukino felt extremely ashamed.

Because she found that she was still too superficial, when she wanted to transform family affection into another kind of affection, she discovered that Tianhai Senxia had surpassed these two emotions, and he looked down at himself from a height. No, she also looked at Senxia with the same emotion, but she just didn't realize it.

Yukino sat up.

"Xue Nai?"

Senxia was a little panicked, because there were two tears on Yukino's face, she seemed to be crying.

He hurriedly took out the tissue, trying to help Xue Nao wipe away the tears.

However, Yukino suddenly plunged into Senxia's arms.

"That, Xue Na?" Morinya patted Xue Na's back lightly.

"You are too cunning." Xue Nao replied Senxia dullly.

"Well, because I don't want to deceive Yukino, I just want to tell you that the most true emotion in my heart, I can't forgive myself for cheating Yuuno." He stared out the window, but his attention was completely focused. Xue Nao's body.

Yukino was sobbing, making a whining sound.

Fortunately, there are no people around, otherwise everyone is watching, it must be very embarrassing, right?

"It's all brother's fault!" Xue Nao's head rubbed against Senxia's chest.

"Hi, hi, it's all my fault..." Morinka couldn't laugh or cry, but Yukino who was awkward was also quite funny.

For the only thing Morinya wants to thank them for sending themselves to this world is that she met Yukino and the cutest sister in the world.

After a long time, Yukino seemed to finally stop sobbing. She just lay quietly in Senxia's arms. She didn't know what she was thinking, and Senxia didn't move, but just sat here in harmony with Xueno.

However, the subway has stopped and Chiba has arrived.

"Well, well, it's time to get off."

Although the atmosphere seems to be very good, it is a pity that it is time to get off the car and the display will continue.

Yukino lifted her head from Senxia's arms, she smiled and looked at Senxia: "Hi, my half body"


Morinatsu who likes Yukino is so cute...

Two-in-one chapter~ (To be continued.)



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