Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 296: So, what they can do, we can do it too!

Tokyo Disneyland in 1997 was not as huge as in the 21st century, but it was only relative to the future. In this era, amusement parks that can be named as Disneyland are certainly very popular.

To be honest, Senxia doesn't really care about amusement parks or anything. If you say that it is called Gancheng Guanghui Amusement Park, Senxia will be more energetic, but now they are in a place called Disney.

In fact, Morinka doesn't reject American comics, but to be honest, if the style of European and American comics is expressed in the form of Japanese comics, it will definitely be better, such as the cute Alice in Wonderland.

As for other aspects, Senxia doesn't have so many fantasies. Although Mickey Mouse is good, it is not a cute girl.

"Brother, you seem to be unhappy?" After entering the amusement park all the way, Yukino noticed that Senxia didn't have any surprised expressions.

"No, nothing. Of course, the amusement park must have the style of an amusement park, but this amusement park is a little different from what I have in my heart." Alas, why is there no amusement park dedicated to gentlemen in this world? If it's such an interesting place, it must be a gentleman's heaven, right?

Xue Nao didn't know why: "What kind of amusement park does brother like?"

"Well... it's hard to describe. In short, it's the kind of amusement park where the'cute attribute' bursts. For a gentleman, %↘%↘, x., as long as you have cuteness, you can live..." Senxia shook her head and sighed, cuteness is the truth in the world, why can't human beings understand this?

"Now, brother, let's take the roller coaster first. I heard that you must take a roller coaster to Disneyland!" Yukino invited Morika.

"Um..." Senxia looked at the time, it was still early, and the weather today was pretty good, and there was no cloud in the sky. The sun is very bright and the temperature is quite high, even a little bit unlike the winter season.


"By the way, Yukino, why have you been holding my hand since you got off the subway?"

Well, what Morinka is thinking about now is not Disney, nor a roller coaster, but Yukino who has been standing next to her.

"Why can't you put your arms around your brother?" Xue Nao smiled.

"But it would be weird in this case. Usually only lovers can be so sweet, right!" Morinka complained about Yukino, he didn't know what was going on with Yukino, and since getting up today, Yukino has been very strange. It was even stranger on the subway. After getting off the subway, Morinka had no idea what Yukino was thinking.

So, what's wrong with Xue Nao?

"What does it matter?" Xue Nai pouted. "Brother, didn't you say that our relationship is closer than that of couples and lovers? In this case, even if couples and lovers can do, we can do it? And even if we do better than them. It doesn't matter at all! They can hold hands, we can hug; they can touch at zero distance, and we can touch at negative distance!"

"Cough cough cough cough...Xuno..." I always feel that Yukino just said something terrible, but as an older brother. Senxia still wisely blocked the last half sentence.

Some things must be disciplined, otherwise something irreversible is done, that is called tragedy. Morika is a gentleman, but not a beast.

Of course, as a good brother who loves his sister, Yukino is still the first. What she said, as a model brother, she must do her best to help her sister...

"Um..." Yukino seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, so after Morinya interrupted, she froze.

"Well, let's go to the castle first." Senxia pointed to the castle in the distance, "It's fun to see Snow White or something."

It is a pity that the construction of Disney Ocean Park will not start until next year, so the current Disney parks are mainly based on character themes, and Ocean Park has exciting projects.

"Yeah." Xue Na nodded quietly, then gently took Senxia's hand and walked towards the castle.

"But having said that, there are really few people today..." Although it is morning, there are so few people in Disney theme park, it is still a bit strange. Moriha looked left and right, and found that the number of people today does not seem to be very large. Look like.

"Is it a holiday today?" Xue Na also found that today seemed a little abnormal.

"Well... it's okay." Although the number of people is small, it is still more than during workdays. If you encounter this situation by chance, it is not impossible. "And if there are few people, it is also possible. No one will bother us!"

"Hmm!" After hearing Morinka's words, Yukino nodded immediately, as if trying to obscure the question.

"This is a good opportunity..." Yukino was a little behind Morika, she looked at Morika with expectant eyes, "Since it is a more intimate relationship than a lover and a sibling, then that means I can do anything... ...What they can do, I can also..."


"So, why come to such a place!" At the gate of the amusement park, Kichijoin frowned at Chiba Chika who was standing in front of him, and the girl's eyes were full of resistance.

"Do you want me to leave a girl who quarreled with my mother and left home like this?" Qianjia tossed her hair. She looked at Jixiangyuan, clearly saying, "You are the awkward fellow. Stop it quickly."

"So, I didn't feel awkward at all." Jixiangyuan sternly made himself look less gloomy as possible.

"Humph," Qianjia sneered, "You are like this, you are basically saying,'Come and comfort me, I am very sad now.'"

"So is nothing like that at all. I just want to go to the school and organize the work of the student union a little bit!" Although Jixiangyuan was explaining, it was lacking in confidence. It looked like, "And, that woman must have called you, it must have been!"

Qianjia did not reply, but took the hand of Jixiangyuan and walked towards the amusement park: "I don't care about that much. In short, your task today is to accompany me to honestly walk around the amusement park! If not, If you finish all the items, don’t even think about going home today!"



I actually forgot to release qaq, and I said there was one more request for leave...

Let’s first write the extra script promised to the lord.

By the way, in order to celebrate the launch of Fallout 4, the 3K party will resume in the next chapter! (To be continued...)



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