Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 325: To walk in the path of a gentleman, you must have a united front

After establishing f1ag, Morinia and their discussion today finally came to an end. The next thing they have to do is dinner, and the following is dinner time. 【Full text reading...】

"Speaking of which, I don't know what's delicious in this place..." After all, they came from the sky, and Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui were also looking forward to the food in this place.

"Well, the things here are definitely worth looking forward to, please put a hundred hearts on this point~" Senxia looked confident.

"Hey, how come you are familiar with the place!" Wang Qiwen asked in surprise.

"Of course, it's all my creativity here. It's right to be welcomed, right?" Senxia is not polite about it. After all, it is her own credit. For thanks and admiration, we accept it with joy. This is what it should be~

Although the maid cafe will exist in later generations, it is something in the future after all, and it has nothing to do with the present. Let’s let the maid cafe appear early. This situation should be called immeasurable merit. what!

Senxia said he liked to hear about the popularity of the maid cafe, but then he realized that Wang Qiwen and the others were looking at themselves with strange eyes.

It's not just Wang Qiwen, Ono Daisuke and his editor-in-chief also looked at themselves with strange and weird eyes, and Moriha quit: "Hey, hey, what are your eyes!"

I am obviously benefiting the society, why do you all look at me like scumbags!

"Well, isn't Senxia-kun doing very well, so many lovely maids, this is actually a very convincing thing? For a gentleman, this must be a holy place among holy places!"

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the elder sister stood on Senxia's side and expressed her unyielding and strong love for the maid!

"Yes, and this kind of loving creativity and ideas, only Teacher Xia Sen can think of!" For Lao Xu. The maid cafe is already an indispensable part of his life. At this time, there is absolutely no compromise. Only the love of the maid can save the world!

"Boom, dong, dong." Just when everyone separated their camps and prepared to complain to each other, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

"Hi. Come in!"

"excuse me."

The one who walked in was Moriha and their squad leader Erika Aoi. She was wearing her own maid outfit, with her long head tied into a ponytail and hung behind her head, with light makeup on her face, just looking at this posture. Many people probably think of something like a capable maid at the first time.

In Morinka's eyes, Erika is indeed very beautiful, and the tailoring of the clothes is very delicate, which makes people feel comfortable to look at. However, the fly in the ointment is that this dress looks very good, but the part on the chest is Ma Pingchuan. If it weren’t for Erika’s very good figure, many people would definitely complain about it.


Morika complained about Erika’s desperate poor breasts, but Erika didn’t seem to realize this at this time. She even said hello to the people here: "Everyone. Today is the opening of the White Bear Cafe. One day, all of you are the companions of Senxia-kun and Qianjia, I

I also hope that everyone can have a good time here and enjoy this beautiful day~! "

It turned out that the lady boss came in person. Although Wang Qiwen and the others did not know each other, Wang Qiwen knew that this place was opened by Senxia's classmates, and now he must have known the identity of the other party.

"I didn't expect that the host here turned out to be Gao and Shen Jiahui, who was really surprised and curious.

"Where is it? It just happened to be the meeting. Several of you came from the heavens. I used to talk about you like Sen Xiajun."

When did I mention this?

Moriha is inexplicable. However, he turned his head and looked at Qianjia-senpai, and seemed to understand that the other party probably told Erika about this.

Although this matter seems to be no big deal, Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui are obviously flattered.

In addition to these two people. The other people Erika already knew each other, and after greeted each other, they exchanged greetings.

Everyone said a few words of politeness to each other, and the atmosphere on the scene gradually heated up. When the time was almost up, they all started ordering.

"Sinxia-kun. It seems that your discussion seems to be going well." Erika leaned over to Morinka's side.

After a few greetings, she did not leave, but stayed carelessly in Senxia's temporary office. Well, although this place is originally the other party's box.

"Ah, sir, sir, are you okay if you stay here?" Senxia remembers that there are still a lot of guests today.

"Of course, but I'm the boss. If the boss is required to do it all the time, what should I do when I go to the UK?" Erika showed a confident smile on her face.

Hearing what the other party said, Senxia also remembered, the squad leader seemed to have said that he was going to the UK.

"But what you did just now is not like a maid..." When Erika just came to say hello, it was quite formal.

Erika chuckled softly, "Well, before I came here, I actually thought about greeting you in a more energetic way, but then I thought that everyone is Mori-kun your companion, and they will definitely not be here. In order to look at the maid simply, so I’m a little more formal. Originally, I planned to attack you suddenly while you were eating, and play with everyone with full energy."

No, my dear sir, everyone sitting here has the potential to become a cute second. Which method you use here will definitely be more popular...

All of you are the pioneers of the future cute family. Mori and the others who are determined to open up the future of gentlemen said that Daisuke Ono, Nana Mizuki and Lao Xu can be said to be the leaders of the future cute army. Maybe they are not cute, but they are all creators of cute culture.

Thinking of this, Senxia looked at Lao Xu again. Well, this is definitely the leading figure among the leading figures. The characters he created are also powerful, such as U-turn senior sister, and U-turn senior sister, and U-turn. Senior sister or something, can turn a U-turn into a cute culture. Only Lao Xu can do it...

"Mori-natsu-kun, have you considered using a maid to make a story? It seems to be very interesting." Erika looked at Mori with expectant eyes.

That's it, squad leader. Is this your goal?

"Ahem, sir, our club's planning is carried out according to our plan, there is really no way for this kind of thing."

Sorry, sir. Zn-Sang is not here now, otherwise, the chic maid that he designed, Sakuya Sakuya, Dousang, will definitely make people like it.

But after all, this is my own office that the squad leader gave me a preferential treatment, and I can’t seem to say anything about all kinds of rejections.

Well, anyway, it doesn’t seem to take up much time. After thinking about it, Morinka said, “That’s right, Zn-Sang said last time that he was going to play the role of a maid in the game. Zn-Sang is that. The one who eats here will definitely order beer, and he will say at least twice about his brewing experience every time."

"Oh!" heard the first half. Erika didn't know who Morika was talking about, but after Morika added the latter part, she suddenly realized that Erika curiously asked, "Is he also playing games?"

Senxia nodded: "It's his own fan game, it's said to be a barrage shooting game."

Although zn is currently working for Morinia and the others, he still hasn't pulled down his own game. He is still working on the bullet screen game of the Oriental series.

But probably because of discussions with Morinya, zn is now making the first part of the Eastern Barrage series. He didn't come today because he was working at home. Winter is still more than half a month away, and after Christmas, there are not a few days left.

Sorry, zn-san. The dead friend does not die the poor way...

Looking at Erika's expectant gaze, Morinya murmured in her heart.

Well, let Erika bother the other party. Anyway, the maid will become popular in the future. Our goal now is to be a great gentleman, so naturally it is to be exposed. Cut the thorns and walk the great road that no one has walked. This is our future!

"By the way, Morinka-kun, your maid costume is very beautiful, do you want to try our shop again? It's Christmas soon, Morinka-kun, come and try!" Erika invited Morinka, and then Senxia's whole person is not good.

"Ahem, that kind of thing is fine." Why do you all want to see a man in women's clothing, don't you dislike it?

Senxia sighed in her heart: "I already have a reservation on Christmas Day, and I will never come again to be a maid or something, but then again, why don't you come to make a Christmas at Christmas? The special theme of the costume?"

It's good to change the subject. When it comes to the theme of Christmas, Erika's attention is completely drawn away.

"It seems to be very loving, Senxia-kun, tell me!" Her eyes brightened.

"Actually, it's very simple. You can change your clothes into Christmas costumes on that day, like Christmas girls, are they not very popular since ancient times? We will add it to our restaurant theme, it will be great, right? ?"

As for the "since ancient times" of that country, Morinya didn't know, he just changed the subject...

"By the way, this is the one you proposed earlier, Mori-kun, yes. By the way, Ayana told me before that we can also cos into various roles, isn't that good?" Erika said with a smile.

"Yeah, this is not bad." So Ayana is also our fellow?

After hearing this news, Morinya was immediately happy, even if it is not a gentleman, people who walk in cute culture are our ally. Didn’t someone say that we must unite all forces that can be united to establish a united front...

"I've been waiting, this is your omelet rice~" Said Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrived, and Ayana had already walked in with the plate at this time.

Morinatsu immediately cast her gaze at her. Since Ayana is Erika's friend, maybe she will have two brushes too, just don't know what she will do?


It fell down when I moved the table yesterday, and then it was pressed, but fortunately there was no major problem...orz

U-turn-senpai refers to Bama Mei in Puella Magi Madoka. She is known for turning her head (mistake). Well, she is actually the same God of War as Guan Yu.

Ikuya Sakiya is the role of the East, the trumpet of dio, and has the Shistop substitute the-or1d (big mistake). (To be continued.)




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