Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 326: A place like Hokkaido doesn’t even mean a single point of wool!

In Morinatsu's memory, Ayana seemed to be a very ordinary child, except for a pair of special eyes, there seemed to be no other special place.

But that’s all a thing of the past, Ayana, Ayana, why do you call Amamiya Ayana instead of Amamiya Ten or Amamiya Kotoon? It’s not good, it’s also called Amamiya Kana Okay, at least that way, we also know what you are good at?

At this time, the characteristic omelet rice was also served by Ayana.

Omurice is a must-order food in the maid cafe. It can be said that without omelet, there is no maid coffee. So although I ordered something else, as a classic omelet, I have to order it. You can’t come to the maid cafe. Ordering omelet rice is like going to KFC and not ordering burgers.

Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui did not recognize the mystery. They only thought that there was a very ordinary omelet rice in front of them. Although the style was indeed better than the ordinary omelet rice, it was only this level at best. Why? Lao Xu and Senxia are all shining faces?

The omelet was placed on the table of Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui, but the matter was not over yet. The maids picked up the squeezed ketchup and drew a heart on their chests while shouting: "Lily Karum Jika Lu, delicious magic, please make omelet rice delicious!"

As they said, they gestured to the omelet in front of them.

The tomato sauce forms a very cute smiling face on the omelet.

Where did Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui, two celestial people, have seen such a formation?

At this time, the super cute performance instantly penetrated the hearts of the two of them. They originally planned to continue chatting with Senxia, ​​but at this time, they were all in circles. If you put it in the animation, this scene will definitely be very happy.

"Yo Xi." Erika looked at the time and found that it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. Senxia and the others were eating late, and it was winter, although it was the first day of opening. But at this time, the passenger flow has also dropped a lot. She said to Ayana who was placing the dishes: "Ayana, let's leave the work to someone else later. We have more important things today. Oh, and today you reunited with your old friend Morinatsu-kun, there must be endless words, right?"

I don't know why, Mori Xia always felt that Miss Takasu Ogawa's eyes seemed to be focused on her at this time. This makes Senxia feel very upset.

Please, I am not a humanoid self-propelled gun. Why do you think I will build a love one, and this kind of so-called "childhood sweetheart", this kind of relationship is really superficial. Even if it is compared, Erika, our monitor, must have a greater advantage, right?

Hey, no, the monitor is a good person. I'm thinking about something inexplicable...

Senxia silently sent a good person card to the squad leader.

After Ayana Amamiya was cleaned up there, Erika pulled her to her side: "Everyone. This is Ayana Amamiya, an employee of my power supply, and also a childhood sweetheart of Mori-kun, she Don’t you have beautiful eyes!"

It's a mixed race after all. It has an advantage over the Japanese.

"Hello everyone, I am Amamiya Ayana, please advise, because the store was very busy before, so I didn't have time to say hello to everyone, please forgive me." Amamiya Ayana bowed to everyone.

After everyone had greeted each other, Qianjia-senpai jumped in for the first time. This speed was even half a step faster than Dahe Elementary Sister, who had been gossiping before.

"Hello, Ayana, I heard that you and Morika have been childhood sweethearts since childhood?"

The elder sister directly started calling each other's name, but she didn't know if it was because the mixed race didn't care about this, or for other reasons, Ayana didn't care about this. She chuckled at the senior sister: "I lived in Sapporo when I was a child. I met Mori Natsu-kun in that place. It's just a pity that I left Japan for a while, so I haven't contacted for a long time."

"That's it, Senxia-kun has really taken care of you before." Qianjia smiled.

"Where, I'm actually a little cheeky who came here. I didn't expect Mori Natsu-kun to remember me. I'm so happy." Ayana smiled, but she didn't seem to understand the meaning of Chika-senpai's words, and The answer is also somewhat incorrect...

"It looks like a real wife..." Daisuke Ono whispered beside him.

"Yes, Mori-natsu-kun is so pitiful." Nana nodded in agreement. But this thing is not really bad. What Nana was thinking at this time was that if Yukino appeared on the scene at this moment, it would definitely make the atmosphere more cold. Now this can only be said to be a "small fight".

"Where is it. But Morinka, you actually lived in Hokkaido before. You didn't seem to have told me about this." After confirming that the other party was not threatening(?), what Qianjia-senpai cared about became Morinka. Hometown.

"Ahhhhhhh, haven't I talked about this before?" Senxia didn't care about it, "Well, it doesn't matter anyway, it doesn't matter anyway, I care about so much."

However, Senior Sister Qianjia shook her head: "Senxia, ​​you have to know that once a person's curiosity is stimulated, he will definitely want to get to the bottom of it!"

"Actually, it's nothing. My hometown is over there, but there are few people in those places. Sapporo and Hakodate are better, and the rural areas and rural areas are not interesting at all." Japan, with its extremely dense population, does not have a large population in some places, such as Hokkaido.

In Hokkaido, most of the people are concentrated in big cities like Sapporo and Hakodate, and almost all other places are in a state of population decline, such as Utashinai, which was originally a lively place, but now the number of people is It has fallen sharply to less than one-fifth of the peak period, and there are not even 10,000 people.

In fact, those places are still very good, the environment is good, and in winter, you can ski or something, and occasionally you can have hot springs. It can be said that if you are over there, you can have a very leisurely life. But how to put it...Well, that kind of place is good for old-age care, but it is not suitable for young people to fight.

So Morika added: "Although my hometown is in that place, I have lived in Tokyo for a much longer time than there."

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Grandpa was still there, Morinya might not even have the intention to return to Hokkaido in the past few years. As for Morinia's grandfather...not to mention it.

Morika didn’t want to talk about the situation in his home, so after finishing this topic, he began to change the subject: “Ayana, I didn’t expect you and Erika to know each other. This world is really made of all kinds of wonderful things. It's made of fate."

Morika missed Erika's name again, but he didn't seem to notice it. Erika glanced at Morika with a strange look, but didn't say anything. Instead, she picked up her omelet rice and took a big bite.

"Hey, Erika and I met in London. It was because of Erika that I thought about returning to China." Ayana sighed.

"But in terms of speaking, it should be easier to develop in Omi than in Japan." Miss Takasu Ogawa interjected.

Ayana’s gaze is firm: "My father said the same, but I like Japan better. Whether it’s anime, manga, or games, I love it very much. I rarely see it in other places. What’s wrong. So I made up my mind early on that I must develop in Japan, even if my father disagrees with it, it doesn’t matter."

Maiden, your enlightenment is very good, do you want to sign a contract with me to become a magical girl? Or do you still want to play basketball?

Senxia sighed in her heart.

Sure enough, he is a fellow man!

The attributes of the house family resonated, which is why Senxia would be interested in the other party.

"Then Ayana, what do you want to do?" Qianjia did not entangle Morika's identity, but asked along the subject.

"I like careers that are related to what I like. For now, I want to be a voice."

When Ayana mentioned this topic, several people around all turned their eyes to Mizuki Nana. When it comes to voice actors, this one is right...

"Huh?" Nana, who was eating omelet rice, suddenly noticed that the eyes of these people turned to her, and she suddenly became a little at a loss.

"Ahem, let me introduce, this Kondo Nana is the voice actor under our club. The voice actor of our Witch House is Nana." Well, the main job is actually chores...

Mori Xia was a little disappointed. Although Ayana seemed to have some skills, their club was not a firm. Although Nana was forced to come over, they couldn't really do a few voice actors at random, and the company would be messy.

"Hello..." Although Nana was a little, she still greeted the other party.

But Ayana was very interested at that time: "Is it really a voice actor? I actually saw a real person!"

Seeing Ayana's happy appearance, Erika was also a little surprised, because the other party's dream she never asked: "I didn't expect that Ayana, you actually want to become a voice actor."

Ayana replied with some embarrassment: "It's not exactly the case. As long as it is suitable for animation, manga and games, I have tried a little bit. By the way, I have also made games!"

"Have you played a game?" Senxia was really interested.


In fact, the hand did not suffer much damage, just a blue bar... This kind of statement is really strange...

All in all, sincerely, today's update, my hand is a bit painful, I will try my best to do more. (To be continued.)



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