Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 328: Hey hey, are you thinking about something rude? !

The time is obviously weekend time, but in Musashino Animation, everyone is working enthusiastically.

"How is the contact with Mr. Xinchuan?"

"Mr. Matsumoto is going to discuss about the voice actors, Miss Shionomiya, can you please tell me about Mr. Xinfang."

"The recording studio is out of order, our appointment will be delayed..."

"The supervisor of the new house said that the people in the previous edition have some problems that need to be corrected..."

"Everyone has worked so hard..." Xue Nao followed Senxia, ​​Qianjia and Ji Ye and came to this place.

Originally, Yukino didn't need to follow, but she was also full of curiosity about Musashino Animation.

“At this time, I’m working on a character design. Although Jiye’s predecessor has already designed it, the original painting itself cannot be used in the animation, so it needs to be reset. In addition, the voice actor arrangement is also necessary. , But it must be coordinated, but this is not a big problem." Morinya explained to Xue Na.

"Yes, I also benefited a lot when I came here to help everyone." Ji Ye was also very emotional. After saying this, she waved to the three of them, "I'll go first. I’m working, and I don’t want to delay your progress."

After Jiye-senpai left, Morika and the others also left the hot office and went to Xinfang Akiyuki's supervision room.

"Good noon, Mr. Xinfang." Morinatsu and Qianjia reclaimed toward the new house lying in front of the table.

"Oh, how are you guys." Xinfang chuckled slightly, then put down the pen in his hand and stood up.

"Hello, Mr. Xinfang, this is my sister Yukino. Yukino, this is Mr. Akiyuki Xinfang, the supervisor I said before." Morinka introduced the two to each other.

"Hello, Mr. Xinfang." Xue Na leaned down and walked towards Xinfang Zhaozhi with a gift that looked like a young lady.

"Hello, please enlighten me..." Xinfang was probably surprised by Yukino's elegance, and then he turned his eyes to Morinka, "You really are brothers and sisters, if it's not because of the different clothes and hairstyles. I almost see Come out the difference between you!"

"Well, many people say that," Senxia chuckled lightly, "Xin Fangsang. Are you doing the storytelling now?"

Xinfang nodded: "We have done the eighth episode. Now it is time for the rights to proceed, and you are in need of Senxiajun's help."

Moriha's version of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" is a half-year run of the twenty-six episodes. Eight episodes have been written, but it is not a lot.

"Because of the new technique. So I am not very confident myself." Xinfang said while handing over the shots of the first few episodes that he had done to Morika.

A thick pile of paper is painted with each movement, and each movement is marked in detail. After all, it is a new technique, and Xinfang Zhaozhi seems to be inaccurate, so I described the use of each lens in detail. Even to the point where it was a little too much, but in this case, it was just right for the half-hearted Senxia.

"Well, it's pretty good." Although compared with the feeling of later generations. The current new house does not have the kind of bold use of stream of consciousness, but the other party's style has gradually emerged. In Moria's view, this style seems to be just right, after all, this story is not suitable for a complete stream of consciousness plot.

"Really, if that's the case, I'm relieved." After hearing Morinka's words, Xinfang Zhaozhi was obviously relieved, "When I was drawing the storyboard, I suddenly found that this style is very suitable for saving money. So if you are not careful, I feel that this kind of lens is used too much."

The new house is obviously worried that the excessive use of this new technique will cause the audience to resent it.

"No, this level is just right," Senxia waved her hand. "This level can express the plot well, and it won't make the audience feel uncomfortable. Both are suitable."

If it goes further, it is not impossible for Morinia himself to accept it, but considering the influence of the times. Senxia felt that this was enough.

Of course, if there is no EVA in front of him to open the way with the stream of consciousness, Morinka would not dare to be so radical at this time.

"Is this technique very economical?" Xue Nao asked curiously.

"I don't know how Moriha did, but for the specific situation, you can refer to EVA's post-plan. Some styles are similar to that category, but it doesn't seem to be exactly the same." Qianjia didn't know what the two people wanted to express Content, but it’s okay to explain to Xue Nao by EVA.

"Well, it's not exactly the same. I asked Mr. Horikawa and Mr. Manashita. I also know about the EVA, but this is a little different. In the lens, there are actually many things expressed through symbolism and imagery. "Although it is also a stream of consciousness, Xinfang Zhaozhi's stream of consciousness and the original EVA stream of consciousness are actually completely different things.

"By the way, Senxia-kun, do you think there is any room for improvement in the script?" There are not many cases in which animation adaptations follow the will of the original author, but Senxia's situation is a bit special. Many of them are the blessings of Senxia and Qianjia.

But Senior Sister Qianjia stood up: "I said, maybe we should go to lunch first at this time?"

Hearing Qianjia’s voice, Xinfang seemed to react. He nodded: "Sorry, I forgot the time. Wait a minute, I will pack up the things here."

"Then I'm going to call Shiina-senpai, I'm also very curious about this place." Yukino also volunteered.

After both of them had left, Senxia and Qianjia also returned to the door.

"Speaking of which, Senior Sister Qianjia, what are you going to do after you want me and Xueno to go to your house?" Senxia thought of Senior Sister Qianjia's previous instructions.

"Of course it is to do what we didn't finish last time." Qianjia smiled.

"It won't be that?" Senxia reacted, "But there is no way to solve it. I am a boy after all."

However, Senior Sister Qianjia shook her head mysteriously: "When you come here this time, this problem has naturally been solved."

"..." Senxia always felt that Qianjia had no good intentions, and he looked at each other with guard eyes.

However, Senior Sister Qianjia just waved her hand and let Morinya relax: "Don't worry, it's definitely not for you to cut something."

Please, senpai, if you say that, I am even more worried!

I don't know why, at this time, Morinxia started to appear in many dark novels. This situation always feels quite dangerous.

But Morika thought for a while, since the senior sister called Yukino together this time, that means she shouldn't really want to cut herself off.

"By the way, it's our business, why did you look for Xue Nai?" Senxia thought of this question, so she asked curiously.

"Ahra, Senxia-kun, don't you always want to make the relationship between me and Yukino better? If that's the case, you don't want to?" Qianjia said and looked at Senxia with strange eyes.

This kind of statement always feels like you can cover up something, it is too suspicious.

It’s just that Morinka doesn’t know what strange relationship the two people had before, and they are both girls after all...

Wait, who says that it’s impossible between girls and girls. If Xue Nao and Qianjia-senpai really get together, then it turns out...

"Hey hey, Senxia, ​​you must be thinking about something very rude!" Qianjia felt Senxia's strange look.

"Ahem, how is this possible..." Senxia waved her hand, but thinking about it carefully, this kind of idea is really unrealistic. After all, the two people usually face **** for tat...

Oh, it's not right. Senxia turned to think, a lot of bad fate is not because everyone quarrels together every day. But on another thought, Morika couldn't help but see the scene of Yukino and Chika on a big bed in her mind. Although she knew this was wrong, Morika couldn't stop her delusion.

However, at this moment, Senxia discovered that Qianjia-senpai seemed to be looking at herself with strange eyes.

"Hey, senior sister, you won't be thinking about anything rude, right?" Senxia also replied to senior sister Qianjia.

"How could it be, I was just thinking that Mori-kun might have something more interesting in the future..." Senior Sister Qianjia replied casually. As for whether she really thinks that way, who knows.

"Well... If you are really free, Senpai, maybe you can do me a favor."

Senxia felt that she had been tossed by the other party and couldn't give it in vain. This kind of blood and tears of suffering must have a corresponding return. At this time, it is inevitable for the other party to help herself a little bit.

"What?" Senior Sister Qianjia chuckled, "If you want to be paid, there is no But it makes no difference whether our money is in anyone's hands, right?"

"It's not money, it's the server." Senxia said solemnly.

"Server?" Unexpectedly, Senxia would say this.

"Speaking of it, this is not just my business, it should be regarded as our club's business, we need a server to open an official website, if possible, I will also set up an online forum." This is before Mori Summer He has already thought about things, and now he feels that this plan is almost ready to be implemented.

"Well, you are right to say that. The Internet has become more and more popular recently. It is also very good that there is a place for instant communication on the Internet." Qianjia nodded and agreed.

"I've been waiting!" At this moment, Xinfang Akiyuki and the others had already come over, Morika and the others ended the conversation, and then left Musashino Animation for lunch...


Sorry, I wrote something else today, but I wrote it. I wrote three chapters in one go, but I forgot this article QAQ. (To be continued.)

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