Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 329: Maid coffee is an essential element!

For lunch, Qianjia chose an Italian restaurant. Lunch was Italian macaroni and pizza. ", x.

"Oh, it's a pity. If there is a maid cafe here, it must be interesting." Qianjia sighed while drinking orange juice.

"Maid cafe? What is that?" Xinfang asked curiously.

"Well, it's a cafe where all the maids are made up." Qianjia was in high spirits, "Wait, I have photos here."

After saying this, Qian Jia took out a photo from her small bag, which was a group photo of the maids at the White Bear Cafe.

"Oh... it's amazing!" This impression was completely different from what Xin Fang Zhaozhi had imagined. After he saw the maid in front of him, Xin Fang Zhaozhi had a refreshing feeling, "Youth and solemnity are equally important, and there is another kind of amazing. It turns out that the maid Sang can still be like this!"

solemn? Xinfang, you just said solemnity, what kind of solemnity is this!

Senxia was madly complaining in her heart.

At this time, the new house seemed to shine: "Mori-kun, what do you think of the maid cafe's creativity in the animation? Let Mizuho and his friends act as the maid cafe's maid."

"Oh, that's a good idea!" Senxia agreed almost immediately. The news of the new house is definitely good news. For Meng Culture, this is a big step for them.

"A maid costume? This seems pretty good. If that's the case, I can also try to set it up." Shiina Himeha was also interested at this time.

"The eighth chapter is about the swimsuit. The latter part can be placed around the eighteenth chapter. At this time, Mizuho has been completely feminine, and then he happily completed the part-time job in the maid cafe, and even almost forgot himself. It's a fact of boys. Later, I gradually realized my gender, and then I fell into confusion..." Xinfang described the script he had in mind.

"But I think if I can, I can add a little cafe script to the front." Senxia said.

Xinfang also nodded: "Well, in this case, I think it can be placed in the fifth chapter. The first three chapters have shown the scene in the Shengying Academy at the beginning of the story. The fifth chapter should reflect the daily life. ..."

Morinka thought for a while and said: "The first episode is the impression of the first entrance school. The second episode shows the main characters. The third episode should reflect the characteristics of the school. Mizuho's good friend Maria At this time, I showed Mizuho the beauty of the maid cafe, which is also a very good highlight."

As the so-called law of three episodes, at this time, the previous script is the most important.

"If the plot is not important, just postpone it later. After the eighth episode, it's time to solve the plots of the two heroines separately, or to capture the plots of the two heroines." Senxia said her own views. He is a screenwriter, and he knows the script very well. The shots that Xinfang has worked so hard to draw do not need to be deleted, just move it to the back.

As a daily animation, it is very convenient at this point. If you occasionally watch a few episodes in the wrong order, it may not have any impact on the plot, because this is a daily plot. There is no linear relationship, even if these parts are separated, it can be said that there is no problem at all.

If it is a script of the blood fighting system. A wrong episode has a great impact on perception, but now this script is very convenient.

"That's what I said." Xinfang also feels that what Senxia said is reasonable. You can write it later in the daily routine. This part does not matter.

The first eight words are daily, but also to familiarize the audience with the characters. In this part of the plot, the two heroines are portrayed. According to the plan of the new house, the content of this part will show some of the difficulties encountered by these heroines, but here is only a slight mention. When letting the script develop to the back, it will not make the plot appear abrupt.

Some script arrangements will not take this into consideration. The outbreak of contradictions will not only make the script strange, but the audience will also be very uncomfortable when watching it, and will appear all kinds of uncomfortable when switching from daily to battle plots.

In the future, a lot of lightly adapted scripts will more or less have this kind of abrupt situation. Simply put, it is not enough.

Of course, too slow heat won't work, but Mizuho, ​​who is falling in love with her sister, is a selling point in itself. Daily life is also a process of accumulation of cuteness, so there is no case that the foreshadowing is too long.

For the new house, this is not a problem. It is okay to modify the script a little bit. Now the storyboard is still in production, and the actual start of painting will not be until January of next year. The time before this is the preparation stage.

"Then I will write it down first." Xinfang took out his notebook and recorded the incident, "I didn't expect Senxiajun to have such an idea. I really benefited a lot today."

The Xinfang at this time is not the veteran master of the future, he is still a half novice, but Morinya still trusts him very much.

While talking, lunch has been put on the table, and the Italian macaroni and pizza exudes a wonderful fragrance.

"Yoshi, let's start eating now, and we will return to Musashino's office afterwards." Qianjia picked up the fork and greeted everyone to eat.

After eating, Morinatsu and the others returned to Musashino Animation together.

Jiye's next job is still to help create animation characters, while Morinka and Xinfang began to discuss the specific script together. At this time, the people who were idle became Chika and Yukino. But they are not completely idle, Qianjia is also introducing the specific process of animation to Yukino.

"Speaking of which, everyone is serious about their work." Xue Nao was very amazed.

"Yes, everyone is very enthusiastic, so you can make a very good script!" Qianjia is also smiling, the better the development here, the better for her and the animic club.

"Hmm..." A strange sight suddenly appeared on Xue Nao's What's wrong, Xue Nao? "Qian Jia was also a little curious when she saw the other's expression.

"Everyone here is very energetic, but I'm a little curious. I don't know what the expressions of the people who made the script will be on the scene?" Yukino murmured, but she seemed to have reacted to something, "Ala , That’s not the case, I just found something in my brother’s room, and he hides them very secretly..."

"Oh..." Qianjia was shocked when she heard Yukino talking about Lifan, "Well, but there should be nothing special about Lifan production, right? If you see more, it will be very common, and there is no voice configuration. It's boring. Compared to this, I actually care more about things at night..."

Hearing Qianjia's words, Yukino's eyes also lit up...


The first update today is the festival.

The second one after waking up. (To be continued...)



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